OK, yeah, my math is bad ATM and brain is off.
Seems it's not so hard afterall. You could do this all manually.
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Only 12? How is that possible? o.O
If it's XxxXX putting it on SHhPz you can use for every letter something like 7 or 8 combinations... ShhPZ SpzHH SHzPH etc
Or I'm probably missing something.
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This was way easier, I got it now, wasn't paying attention to the URL characters being uppercase or not lol... Game's yours if I win :3
Thank you
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Not entirely sure that if you can do that. I don't care, but the mods might. AFAIK, what you win is yours and you can't give it away (trade, sell, etc).
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Correct. Only worked 8 hours today, so I spent some time looking it over.
Once you lay out the pattern, you can only start with one capital and only switch the other 2 lowercase and/or the other 2 uppercase. That's 2+2=4 possible combos per starter letter, and then you can change the starter letter 3 times, so that's 4x3=12 total possibles. I'm sure there is another way to calculate it, but I always like to try the "process of elimination" to get more strict results rather than using algorithms (which you have to know before hand or Google).
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"Honestly think only a programmer will get in this one."
You mean someone with a high school senior level or college freshman understanding of mathematics.
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As I said, I just got off a long shift and it's been 10 years since high school. Believe it or not, you do "lose it" when you don't use it. I used to be incredible at maths (doing 2-3 digit multiplications with another all in my head) but haven't done anything with it in years and now I struggle with simple addition/subtraction.
Anyways, yes, a little kid can rearrange these characters up to 18 times and solve it. So, even less than a high school education.
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...Holy mother of god?!
My first goddamn try... was a win. I GOT TO THE PAGE ON MY FIRST TRY. OH MY GOD. WUTWUTWUT.
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Edit: So, it's not all that hard. See comment #1. 18 permutations only. Just try to find the right combo manually.
Not enough time to be TOO creative (just got of a 12-hour shift and working another tomorrow with no days off), so this time it's simple for me and HARD AS SH*T FOR YOU...
Here are the URL characters:
The URL is in this format:
Put them in the correct order and you can enter the giveaway.
I shouldn't have to say this, but I always do now since someone spoils it... DO NOT SHARE THE GIVEAWAY URL WITH ANYONE! You can get banned!
The exception to this, obviously, is a joint project where several people try to solve it in collaboration. NOT THROUGH THE COMMENTS! By voice/IM/phone/in-person. And, no, a simple "can you solve this for me" does NOT count; you actually have to have put forth SOME effort to be able to get the URL from a friend working with you.
I actually made it easier giving you the capitalizations, but it will still either require a manual brute force or usage of a scripting/programming language to solve it. If it's too damn hard then I will just have to make it something else.
Please do NOT hammer steamgifts with a crazy amount of URL attempts! If you do it programmatically, and if not against the rules to do it this way, then please be kind and make it a sane request amount (1 per 10-30 seconds or something "normal"). You have one whole week to solve it, so you don't have to move very fast.
This is not the hour for me to do math, but you have 5 characters (would be 10 if I did not show caps, and you would not know their positions, or 26x2 had I not given you any characters at all) and 5 positions. I think that's 5x5=25. Otherwise, it's 1x5=5 then 5x5=25 then 25x5... 3125 possible URLs. 1 try per 10 seconds would be 520.8 minutes. Which is only 8.7 hours. This is not even including optimizations (only using caps characters in caps positions and further more knowing which characters are capped).
Honestly think only a programmer will get in this one.
If you make a program to solve this, you may NOT share it until the giveaway is done.
I would hate for someone to make a program, not break the URL rule and then share the program and DDoS steamgifts or something.
Hopefully, only a few programmers are smart enough and only a few "brute force" programs will be running at the same time. Otherwise, this giveaway will fail.
Please comment below if you have started to program a way to solve this. I would love to hear about it, and, especially, know that someone might actually solve this!
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