Nintendo Switch

This was pretty interesting, even though Jimmy Fallon is really annoying IMO.
USB C confirmed?

8 years ago

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Nintendo Switch, to buy, or not to buy.

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Still considering to pre-order.
Fuck Nintendo
JImmy Fallon ruined the Switch for me.

Meh, I'm already not liking the fingerprints all over the screen, looks fragile. Hard for me to be impressed after playing Witcher 3, blows every Zelda game out of the water. Looks like another gimmicky system, and worse of all there's no backwards compatibility. Lame.

8 years ago

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Hard for me to be impressed

I could say the same thing about every Zelda game blowing Witcher 3 out of the water :v

8 years ago

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Good point. The Witcher has become a fantstic franchise in its own right, but I will say that it doesn't have quite the history behind it that Zelda does. Frankly, it's incomparable when you start talking about a beloved series that has consistently produced one excellent game after another, and which tons of gamers have been enjoying across numerous titles for ~30 years.

8 years ago*

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That would just make you delusional :P

8 years ago

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TIL video game preference is objective

8 years ago

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"Hard for me to be impressed after playing Witcher 3, blows every Zelda game out of the water"

A Link to the Past on its own is better than Witcher 3 >_<

8 years ago

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Zelda fanbase are the loudest and most annoying fanbase in existence! Denial must be a beautiful thing, tell me more about it!

8 years ago

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Voted potato because there wasn't an option for just being interested in the Switch (as in, not a day 1 purchase/preorder), but maybe someday.

8 years ago

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Yeah I knew I fucked up. I made the thread very quick at college

8 years ago

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Why is "already pre-ordered" a poll option? They won't be announcing pricing and other details until next month, so not possible.

8 years ago

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In some countries you can pre-order/reserve already. A local store near me lets you pre-order already.

8 years ago

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Makes no sense to me without a price or other details, but whatever.

8 years ago

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Bestbuy here allowed for Kingdom Hearts 3 to be preordered when it was first announced at E3. Mind you the game is not due for at least another +3 years /shrugs.

8 years ago

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Ridiculous, but okay.

8 years ago

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I just want Nintendo to pull a Sega and stop making consoles so we can actually get their games on PC legally.

Why Nintendo? Why don't you want me to buy your games?

8 years ago

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I don't think it is as profitable for Nintendo and neither is the PC community it's target group. But if the Switch does as well as the Wii U than I think your wish will be answered.

8 years ago

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So PC isn't their target market. But it would take almost no effort just to offer emulated games on the Steam store, it's almost free guaranteed money to them because even if they were no-effort ports, people would still at least buy their classic games.

But imagine if people could buy all of Nintendo's library on Xbox/Playstation/Mobile as well. I think Nintendo's insistence on competing in the console wars is holding them back financially.

8 years ago

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Maybe so, but that still isn't a fact. The Switch is a really cool and most importantly new concept. Maybe the sales of the Switch will go through the roof when it launches. Then the "console wars" (even though the Switch and XBOX/PS dont have the same target groups) would give Nintendo a push financially.

Even though you are right. If Nintendo would stop make their games console, it could help benefit Nintendo. (Look at stock prices of Nintendo since Pokemon Go) Nintendo has already started with supporting other platforms. Loot at Super Mario Run, its a start.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I think you are underestimating the benefits of selling on your own platform. Both Nintendo's hardware and games generally hold their value/pricing well over time, and the fact of the matter is that people will continue to buy their games for years despite this. If they were to take those games and offer them on Steam it would undermine & sabotage their own platform (exclusivity is absolutely huge) and sales that they make that would otherwise have a much higher profit margin per unit, and a potentially broader audience would not make up for this. Also, their games offered on Steam would have to compete discount-wise with everything else that is out there. Nintendo doesn't do 80% off, 75% off, or even 65% off. If you are lucky you will see 50% off on their first-party titles on occasion. And as I said, if the games are good they will still sell despite this. Oh and let's not forget Valve taking their massive 30% cut of sales -- a HUGE bite out of your profit margin. That's why Blizzard is not on Steam at all, because they know their games will sell regardless.

8 years ago*

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30% minimum, don't forget that. 30% is the best deal they offer.

8 years ago

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They would also have to confine their games to the simple control methods of the other consoles or the kb+m combo of PC. They are the only company left whose focus is to make video game consoles and to push forward how video games are played, instead of building a multimedia/social living room station that still uses the exact same dozen-button control scheme that was designed four generations and over 20 years ago. Even PC peripherals have evolved more than PlayStation/Xbox controllers.

8 years ago

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Great point. And it is for those reasons that I tend to lean towards Nintendo. Sometimes their ideas are a hit, sometimes they flop, but they seem willing to take the risk to try and offer something different. We will have to wait and see how it turns out but I think the concept of the Switch is fantastic as it can appeal to a broad range of people (including the more casual crowd) and as long as it has decent enough horsepower, battery life, 3rd-party publisher support and overall game library, then I could see it doing very well.

8 years ago*

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It will also most likely position themselves permanently as a handheld company, with the Switch being more like a fancy new DS that has built-in television output support without the need of any new stuff. leaving Sony and MS to release Call of Battlefield 47 and God of Uncharted 38 as much as they want.

8 years ago

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I'm not so sure about that, although it has been their strength over the past generation because of the Wii U's failure coupled with the 3DS's success. Then again, Nintendo has always seem to done well with handheld systems. Anyway, being able to output to a TV at home while having the ability to seamlessly take your games mobile (and not just a watered-down version) with the hybrid nature of the system seems like it could be a big draw for many people. I think both parts could be equally significant, although it would come down to personal usage preferences and would vary from one person to another. What's clear is that it would offer something that no one else does though.

8 years ago

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I just want Sega to pull a Nintendo and make the Dreamcast II.

8 years ago

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The Switch is going to be sold out on the first day.

But only because Nintendo's going to ship out 12 units worldwide like they did with the NES Classic.

8 years ago

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I remember Nintendo having these "inventory shortages" every time, with every new system or big game, even back in the 1980's with NES stuff. I think they do it on purpose.

8 years ago

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They absolutely do it on purpose. They're an electronics/video game company with the mindset of a toy company.

8 years ago

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...and it makes sense for them to do it. They don't have the resources of Microsoft or Sony, so they don't make units unless they know they will be bought.

8 years ago

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It's a marketing strategy to build hype. Sony did the exact same thing with the PS4. They initially shipped only a few units, People heard there was shortages, got excited as fuck, then when Sony shipped the rest, they all ran to the shop and instabought one.

8 years ago

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Glad to hear someone else thinks Jimmy Fallon is annoying. I never seem to find people with a similar opinion in real life.
It seems like the frame rate drop issues have lessened on Zelda since the last video I watched of it so that is good.
I'm still not going to pre-order because I have a huge backlog on Steam, PS4, and my WiiU, not to mention all the things that usually come with initial adoption of a new console but I will be getting the Switch eventually.

8 years ago

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Yeah, same problem with the backlog. Im also curious for the launch titles. That will be the deciding factor for me on the pre order.

8 years ago

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The latest news on the rumor mill claims that Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks to be delayed a few months, so it may not be available at launch.

8 years ago

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Yeah I hadn't even thought of that, you can add that to my reasons of why I won't pre-order it, but will still get it. I guess that could fit under "Initial Adoption Things"

8 years ago

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Heck, lessened, the framerate in this one is rock solid. There's a vid on Youtube doing a comparison between this and some older footage and there wasn't a single instance of framerate drop.

The real question is how will the Framerate end up for the Wii U version of the game, cause the Award Show footage was pretty bad.

8 years ago

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True, in the video the frame rate has no issues whatsoever. I was leaving the door open for the rest of the game, but I'm not expecting there to be any issues.

I won't be getting the Wii U version, but I hope they manage to iron out the performance somewhat just so the sales aren't a total flop, then again it is a Zelda title.

8 years ago

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Honestly, given some of the stuff I've seen people say about it in another forum I use, I doubt the Wii U version will have any issue selling. It's amazing how many people claim to not see framerate issues.

8 years ago

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I hadn't noticed that myself. People see what they want to I suppose, justified purchase and all that.

8 years ago

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Dude is sooooo annoying. Scripted TV at it's "best" :/
Miyamoto sits there doing all the things they told him to do and they practised 3 times before going Live, and Jimmy is all surprised that Miyamoto is there....uhuh....
And he screams and yells, yes, cos that's what your hero that you know everything about appreciates, who ever heard of a polite Japanese man...the idea. :P

8 years ago

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Couldn't have said it better myself!

8 years ago

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Nintendo is literally run by Shark tale, just a DVD copy sitting in a chair. Fuck Nintendo.

8 years ago

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