Can i install Steam enhanced on the Steam Software, or is it just a for the bowser version of Steam ? and how exactly does it help me find out that the people i'm trading with are impersonators ?
Thanks for the tip btw !
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It adds the link to the sg profile to the steam user page and few other links as well. However, another easy way to check, is from the sg user page given to you. Click on the steam icon to be brought to the user's steam profile and see if it's indeed the person you are talking with.
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you read the explanation of Steam why they put all of those restrict on trading ?scamming had been become a real bussiness
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The problem is that i sadly don't have enough rep, so most of the time i've got to go first.
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going first is ok, when you're trading with 10+ traders
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Thanks guys for the tips ! i'll try to keep that in mind if i ever trade again in the future.
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Well, I've recently traded something (two things actually ;)) for the first time (not counting trades between friends) and went second, both times, even though I also don't have rep. Well, now I do, but still not much. If they are the one who answered to my topic, not the opposite, they are going first - that's my rule. If someone does not like that - that's perfectly fine, I understand why they may be against it (for the same reason that I don't want to go first :P). It's pretty good policy to not get scammed, even though it may cause other side to resign from the deal.
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As fiftykyu wrote below - remember that you don't need to do something if you don't feel like it. In my opinion is better to loose a deal than get scammed. But don't beat yourself up - it happened to a lot of people :). Treat it as a learning experience.
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Its a good rule but remember most traders (like me) will not trade with you if you have low rep and demand the other party to go 1st. .
We also have our own rules to make sure we dont get scammed either ;)
Its getting easier once you have some rep. I have been scammed twice as well before I reached 20 succesful trades. Lost about 40$ and it was a hard lesson, but I've never been scammed since.
Some basic rules when you start trading:
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Umm, remember you've never got to go first. If someone tells you to do something, and it doesn't feel right, just say no. Especially if they want you to hurry, or the deal sounds too good to be true... :) If they don't like your conditions, they can trade with someone else. :)
And remember that just like real life, the internet is full of liars... Ask yourself hmm, what if this person is lying, what could happen? Better luck next time... :)
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of course you can go first. it depends on the person you are trading with. you are 4/0. would you seriously demand a 200/0 guy to go first? ^^
the better advice is to never go first, if the other guy has low rep. or even more safe: to completely avoid low-rep traders, no matter how tempting the offer might be.
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Sure she can, if she feel like it. But she does not have to and that's the point :). Well, if the 200/0 guy answered to my topic... Yes, I would demand that. Actually I didn't even have to. A guy who is 300+/0 went first while we were trading, no issues at all.
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everyone can do what he wants, of course. i would just feel being treated unfairly, if we agreed on a deal, and then you asked me to go first. i mean, what justification would you have to demand that? even if i thought i could probably trust you, i would probably decline the trade then, just because you are not willing to give me the same right you demand for yourself. the feedback is the only way to compare trustworthyness between strangers, and therefore the unwritten rule that lower rep goes first makes a lot of sense, if you ask me. i wouldn't know how else to do it. i never had a problem going first, if the other guy had a few hundred rep (the trade is basically safe for both sides then anyway, no matter who has a little bit more). but with a 3/0 guy, the risk on my side is relatively big, while the risk on his side is nearly non-existent. so it just feels natural to me, that he should go first. :)
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What justification? I don't need justification to set up my rules. You may agree with them - and then we have a deal. You may not and that's completely fine and understandable. And I would give you the same right - if I would see your thread and I would be the one who is FIRST interested in your games, I would absolutely went first then. I fully understand why this silent rule exist, but for me, it's better to loose a trade than get scammed. There's not such things as non-existent threat in terms of trading, unless you already know someone ;). And actually non of the people who traded with me demanded that I would go first, so I guess it felt natural that the trade went how it went.
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as i said, everybody can do what he wants. if those are your rules, that's fine. i am just saying i wouldn't agree. i think the "lower rep goes first" rule can be a good basis for everyone. it's a rule i feel everybody can comprehend. on the other hand, i really don't understand how it has any importance who was interested in the trade first. but yeah, if it makes sense to you, then that's ok. :)
There's not such things as non-existent threat in terms of trading, unless you already know someone
well, it's not a black/white thing. it's a matter of probability. low rep means high probability of scam. high rep means low probability. so the risk is on the side of the high rep guy, which means it makes sense the low rep guy goes first to minimize the overall risk. sure, a guy with 1000/0 can theoretically scam you. but it is so extremely unlikely, that you can basically ignore that risk. ;)
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I think the case is, for me trading it's not that important. If I won't trade something then I just make a nice gift for my friends or create a giveaway (so a nice gift for this community ;)). I'm new to this, I don't have a lot experience (high chance of a scam and then topic here :P), I don't have a lot to offer, usually a few games and like I said, since I don't care that much, I can allow myself to set my rules. Why? Because if trade won't work I don't actually loose anything - opposite to being scammed ;).
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trading is not that important for me either. and believe it or not - but i often do the same thing you described. i sometimes buy games to trade them. and if i can't trade them for a while, i create giveaways with them. ^^ but that doesn't mean when i am actually trading i want to get the most out of it. for me that also means to not unnecessary exclude a big portion of the potential traders.
i mean, it's not like people are getting scammed left and right all the time. i get the impression some people here think that. no, nearly all trades are successful and scam-free. only very few scams actually happen. the amount of threads here regarding this topic maybe leads people to believe otherwise, but if you see that in relation to the many, many trades happening all the time, it's really only a extremely small percentage. and you can even lower the risk with a few basic rules. for you one rule is to not trade at all in a lot of cases (works, i admit ^^). for me lowering the already small risk is more than enough. i want low-rep guys to go first, so there's already very little that can happen. i don't do paypal trades with low-rep traders. another risk out of the window. and i always check how long the guy has been trading here. if he has 100/0, but only started trading a month ago, i am very suspicious and probably won't trade with him, if the game he wants costs more than 2-3 keys. these simple rules kept me completely scam-free for years, after a few bad experiences in the beginning (i broke all those rules back then and paid the price ^^). i did 1200 trades here, and maybe the same amount outside of SG. and i was scammed only twice, and only in the beginning of my trading career. seems to me, since then i am doing something right. ;)
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While low-rep goes first as a rule of thumb may work as a general guideline, it means the newbies are very easy to fall into traps, since even on SG it is possible to fake a semi-decent starting rep (two dozen or so is more than enough) and coerce keys out of them.
I rarely ever trade in stuff I'd miss, so generally I go first on all trades without even asking, but I never was fond of this unspoken rule. Probably because when I was still under 10 rep, some high-rep guy in chat said something along the line of "since I have more rep than you, naturally you go first now, and I'll send you the key after I checked it back home". I went along with the trade, because, well, newbie, and got the key, but frankly, I was tempted to say "should I send it with a rocket ship so the key may reach you on that high horse?".
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well, you're right if you ignore what else i wrote. if you're a newbie, trade only with high-rep people and check when they got rep. if they are here for a long time and have lots of rep, the risk of a scam is at nearly 0%.
and btw, i often go first. if the profile looks convincing, i don't even discuss this and just go first. but i don't do that with a low-rep guy. and if that guy demands me to go first, i will just not trade with him (which is his loss, really, since he could have had a safe trade with me).
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Frankly, there are subtle ways to convince the other to go first if I am unsure for some reason or another. If the other suddenly goes defensive or aggressive about it, then it is a red flag for sure.
Partly this is the reason though that I switched to keys for cards trade here (I have a trade history to post even if they decline and run away with the key), and use only for game for game ones (every offer is logged exhaustively).
Although I am fairly lucky. Only two already used cheap bundle keys and three games where it turned out to be region locked (RU/CIS, of course). No real loss, unless I count that some store-purchased games ended up in a bundle in 1-3 weeks so I lost some money on them. :/ (Sticking to bundle games only since then. ^^)
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Frankly, there are subtle ways to convince the other to go first if I am unsure for some reason or another
True. but if you just stick to a few simple rules not matter what, like i mentioned, there is no convincing.
the guy has very low rep? don't go first. if you're not in the position to demand him to go first - don't trade.
the guy has negative rep (something like 12/-4)? don't trade.
the guy has some rep, but started trading just a few weeks ago? don't go first, or better don't trade at all (or only if it's about a very low value item).
the guy wants to do paypal, but has low rep or a not verified pp acount? don't trade. no matter how tempting the offer might be.
since i stuck to those rules, i haven't been scammed. for a few years now. i think this can work for everybody. :)
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I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Cheap price, good value!
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what are you guys talking about ? what's a bridge ? xD
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You drive a hard bargain. Throw in an emoticon and you've got yourself a deal!
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I gave up on trading, I got scammed a couple of times when i first started off.
I too was naive as i put to much trust in people, but there are scumbags out there who are always looking to take advantage of honest people. just gotta stick to your guns, and and if your not happy with a deal or they seem shady, just say no and shut the deal down. not worth losing your item over.
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Ikr i always feel shitty about myself every time i got scammed, it really sucks ... Sorry that you've got scammed as well !
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You gotta use Steam Enhanced (as it was mentioned above), check the lvl of the trader's profile, check the number of games the trader has and cooperate only with trusted traders.
Most of the time, the trusted traders are the ones who own a Group where they advertise their "products". These traders tend to have hundreds of members on their groups and dozens of dozens of discussion pages where people ask them about the items they are interested on. Some of them are very active SG members (and very generous too).
So, my suggestion:
I got scammed in the past because i didn't follow these rules. My case gets worse because i got scammed by a "friend".
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Thank you so much for taking the time to share your tips with me, it really means a lot to me and i'll definitly try to do that in the future ! and i'm sorry that you got scammed by someone that supposed to be your friend, that sucks ... you have all my sympathy !
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Sounds awful, i don't know how someone can sleep at night with the fact that they stole 300 dollars from someone :s
Hope that you got them back !
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well, if you have still have his profile url i suggest you report him. I am sure that this way you would help to have him banned on Steamrep next time someone reports him.
There are plenty of people with this name and as long as he did stole from you a lot, i suppose he changed his name.
I am sorry for what he did to you
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Enhanced Steam will add links to the user's profile (in your browser) to their Steamgifts profile as well as Steamrep.
If someone sends you a link to their rep page on Steamgifts, the first thing to do is to open the Steam profile from that page and make sure it matches the person you're talking to. If it doesn't match (the whole page, not just the picture and nickname since those are easy to copy) then you're dealing with an impersonator.
For someone new to the trading scene, it's better to stick to established trustworthy traders with 100+ SG rep acquired over the course of multiple months/years. (I've seen people gain a whole lot of rep within a couple of weeks that got replaced just as fast by as many negative ones when their fraudulent purchases got revoked.)
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Ok i'll keep that in mind, thank you VERY much ! nice to see that there's nice people here to help the newbies :)
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We were all newbies at one time and I'm glad for the nice people I met on my first trades who helped me out.
I'm just paying it forward. :)
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Most scamming can be avoided.
There are better and more in depth guides out there but here are some tips.
Don't trade with ninja invites. If they are adding you without talking to you here, they are hiding something and likely don't want you to see their rep.
If someone doesn't have enough rep, don't go first. Even if your rep is low. If you and someone else both have low rep, make them go first or dont trade. Find deals with more trust worthy traders until your rep gets up.
Use steam rep. Its good.
If an offer is too good, you are about to get scammed. Noone is giving you Fallout 4 for Bad Rats. Walk away.
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Thank you very much for taking the time to share your tips with me, really appreciated, last time that i'm accepting ninja invites !
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When in doubt, don't trade anything you're not willing to lose. Getting scammed out of a bundle key is one thing-- and there aren't many scammers who will go after your bundle key. But for a nice game, well, scammers can practically smell them.
I'm sorry you lost out. =(
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Thank you so much for your empathy, even if i got scammed, seeing people have each other's back makes me feel less sad about it ! it really helps, thanks !
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Thank you so much, added you to white list as well :) !
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Was it really necessary to create yet another thread?
Are you secretly hoping people will give you free stuff if you post this here? because that seems the be the latest trend judging on this and all other "scammed" threads.
There's 3+ threads on the frontpage with exactly the same whining and exactly the same tips on how to not fall for this shit yet somehow you need a separate thread?
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Just wanted to talk about it with someone, it's really frustrating to keep things to ourselves, when i see people being compassionate, it really helps me feel better afterwards !
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LOL, jaded on humanity? =)
Most of us like to give people the benefit of the doubt. And most of us like to help people who reach out for it. And many of us have empathy.
If that's not you-- that's okay...each to his own. :)
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Not humanity, SG maybe.
This has nothing to do with giving someone the benefit of the doubt though, if they've been scammed 2 out of 3 trades they've done, it's just that they're apparently too lazy or stubborn to at least read trading guidelines, anyone with half a brain will either quit trading or at least inform themselves after the first scam.
It's also quite annoying to see that it's always the same guys that want some attention after they've been scammed yet they NEVER bother reporting the guy or creating a ticket at SR, i'm totally for helping people out when it comes to trading in fact i've done my fair share of pointing people to the right places when they get scammed, but there's a difference between really regretting a mistake and wanting to learn from it and just being lazy and wanting other people to fix it for you.
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A few more things, which might be helpful:
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your trade thread asks for tf2 keys in return for USF4 - payment first, then deliver the game. simple as that
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Yeah but the impersonater told me that he had DMC4SE (which was one of the game i asked for in the thread as well) and that he was willing to trade it with me :(
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Until you have at least 30 rep, never trade anything that costs more than 10 USD (base price). Stick to tier 1, maybe tier 2 bundle games. Use, when applicapable (game for game trades), because there it is impossible to impersonate and it also provides links as stats on the offer page.
If someone adds you out of the blue to trade, you always say that they go first as they contacted you. If they are a scammer, they will do everything to avoid that.
I emphasise it again: Enhanced Steam. Yes, use the browser chat too. In some regards it is better because it helps with recently contacted people and also holds a few more lines in history.
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Thank you for the tips ! Never used but i'll give it a try, looks a bit complicated though xD
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Lost Rainbow Six Siege yesterday. I think I might just start using G2A
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Sorry to hear that, it sucks to be scammed ... but we're in this together ! hope it doesn't affect you too much :)
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I was pretty dumb because the guy who scammed me was like Indian or something and he was sending me weird links.
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You're not dumb, maybe a little bit naive, but i am too ! we just need to learn from our mistakes :) !
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At least you get to admit that you suck at trading. Most people nowadays don't even realize that most of the times they scammed because of their lack of knowledge in whatever involves trading and due to their own mistakes.
Well not much we can do, but you can report him on Steamrep (if you have enough evidence) and hope that you never get tricked again.
Rule No1 on Steam trading... ALWAYS CHECK WHO YOU TRADE WITH!
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Yup i admit it as i am pretty new to trading, and he's already reported on Steamrep, thanks :)
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I got scammed many times on Groupees never on Barter as their system to avoid that is quite good. Of course it feels bad as I can not believe so many people will scam you for a stupid bundle game but it was a calculated risk when I started. Not really surprised by it, as there are a lot of bad people on the internet.
Only trading with people with lot's of +rep might be wise but feels wrong as we all have to start once. And then we are level low on steam and have no reps. I'm glad a lot of people gave me a chance when I just started. Of course I am more careful when it is not a cheap bundle game and by now I have some Steam level and reps myself but still refuse to not give newbies a chance. Stupid me I know but it just feels right.
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Yeah i understand your point of view, it's hard to get rep tho if no one is willing to trade with you ^^
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Yeah you're right ! my first scam was because i trusted the steam reviews x)
Thanks for the tip !
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Next time trade with me :P
I really don't understand people scamming... I mean, there's torrent if you want something illegally, why do they have to make you waste money?
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Thanks ! i will if there's something that interest me :) !
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im a pro Trader here my free infos for you
never trade with poeple if :
so i would say you try to scamm or trick someone with a chance from 90 % and the less 10 % trustlvl you have dont care a guy like me its not worth it to think about it
now i know also that you are steamlvl 0 what you try here Boy? you loose in less then 1 minute research 100 % of your trustlvl
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So I'm only half suspicious :D. That's better. Sure, I understand. Why women on avatar though? Guys easily fall into trap then? ;) Because recently I was talking with someone on Steam and he needed to see my via Skype to believe that I'm a girl (which was hilarious btw), so I feel like people does not automatically assume that you are a woman if you have avatar like that. And... seriously? ;) I've heard about guys who play MMO games and pretends chicks just to get items, but for the love of God, how can this still work? xD
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I feel like people does not automatically assume that you are a woman if you have avatar like that. And... seriously?
Over 90% of the "girls" in chat rooms up until the mid-2000s were guys. The trope "there are no women on the internet" isn't just some random chauvinist remark, but it was true for the most part for the most of the internet before the emergence of social networks. Girl gamers in the less casual scene are also relatively new– and, to be honest, the most "hardcore" stuff the females on my friend list put on my Steam feed wall is still point 'n' clicks, but mostly just VN stuff.
So, the answer is, yes, a lot of guys have female (often anime-related) avatars. And in many cases to pose as females. And in some cases just because.
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Well, I also have a lot of VNs :D. But many other games too, I don't like shooters much though. Maybe besides "Crysis" but it's been ages since I've played it. But if it's that common then how can that affect people to this extent that is treated as another sign of scam? I'm not asking because I'm arguing your point, I'm asking because I'm simply curious ^^.
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With a new profile, a cute anime or skimpy female avatar is an old noob fishing trick, yes. And by old I mean probably older than some of the people who posted in this thread already. Never underestimate the magnitude of single-minded thought processes of adolescent boys.
Oh, by not casual, I don't really mean shooters. I mean pretty much any large-budget AAA release. JRPGs and to some extent ARPGs are somewhat of a female genre, and third-person action adventures are so bland in a manner of speaking that they more or less find their way into every type of audience, regardless of gender, preferred games, or any other criteria, so many females among the fans there too. But girl gamers are still rare as a white raven in the RTS scene, to give an example, and practically unheard of in TBS games.
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"Never underestimate the magnitude of single-minded thought processes of adolescent boys." - I guess that may be the case then :D. Strategy games are awesome, both RTS and TBS. I feel like many girls just don't give certain genres a try, so they may not rally know what they like - one of my friends recently bought Age of Mythology and she loves it. Well... for me adventure with Steam started with Skyrim (my first, lost-somewhere account), but I think I enjoy Fallout quite more.
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ist basicly a adding facts game that means only because you fullfill 1 point of my list means nothing but if you fullfill 4 of 5 points i would not trade with you, But the private profile is allways one of the biggest points he hidding his profile because its a fake account
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Second time that i've been scammed, i'm not sure if i should keep on trading, because i'm too naive and tend to believe people pretty easily. this time i've been scammed by an impersonator, i didn't knew that scammers could do that ... and i lost my Ultra Street Fighter 4 key, bummer ... how can i make sure that the people that i'm trading with are not impersonators ?
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