Ooo good comment. Now let's make it interesting. What if the only way to survive <x> situation or encounter was to kill a certain person and adopt their specific talent? I'd still rather try fighting it out myself :D
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what if you go puppet master and set it up so you have an opportunity to selfdefense them to death? if you deliberately plan ahead to put yourself in a position where the only option is to to kill a guy and steal his powers when he tries to kill you?
mwahaha evil planz
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I'd kill an emotionless killer first, then the last two kills wouldn't matter.
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Alex Mercer, then I can keep absorbing people. It won't bother me at all.
Edit: way to change the rules.
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I suppose I can't choose people that are already dead?
You know, because if they're already dead I wouldn't have to kill them...
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I'd rather be the guy that absorbs others' talents simply by standing next to them.
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You. Because then I can change the rules and kill more than 3. :3
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But where would you find a time traveler to kill so you could travel back in time?
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I'd kill you and gain the power to lose a nomination and suck at diplomacy.
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Hawking. It'd be good for science, as I could continue his researches.
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But will you have the irresistible urge to gather powers? Will you be Sylar?
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Surely such a world would create chaos. I mean, through assassinations (since the method of how you killed them wasn't specified, they theoretically could die by anything..someone tripping them and their skull breaking, someone feeding them something they're allergic to, poison, etc) or really any general number of things, at some point it'd get right back to how it is now.
For example, (for discussion's sake, lets just say 'talent' is all their positive traits, which even then is kinda up to opinion so lets just go with things that make them universally [or mostly agreed upon] better) say Albert Einstein was killed by someone. That someone would gain all of his knowledge and thinking prowess, but if they killed him while the person was a child, they'd live their whole life with that knowledge, accumulating more as time progressed until someone killed them.
Now, eventually you'd need to figure out a way to combine people's knowledge, right? I mean, say someone wanted to combine Albert with the fighting knowledge of Napolean..How would you go about this? You couldn't, right? So really, what would change from then to now? You could try to distill people's lives into one person, but the moment that person dies of natural causes, alllll the knowledge is lost. The only difference is you would have spent years upon years slaughtering your fellow man for such a goal..but isn't that how we are now? Slaughtering people for our goals?
I noticed some people are mentioning 3 people to kill, and i still feel like rambling so lets bump it up to two..
You could, theoretically, create a god. Or as close to perfection as humanly possible. But the world would quite surely reach extinction as we assailed others purely to gain their abilities, having kids solely to raise them to be killers of their father/mother, etc. Through science, and especially with the ability to assimilate previous knowledge or speed of learning from the previous generation of man, we'd probably reach genetic engineering far faster than we have or will we'd be able to create beings with tons of defects, but the one trait we want to pass on to the next of kin..This would lead, again, to people just being born to be killed for ascension fodder..
And even then, would war change? Would it not be the same as it is now, just with super soldiers instead of rookies? And what happens if you send a brilliant strategist onto a battlefield and he gets slain by someone? It'd make for a very interesting game, although toying with lives is never right..I mean, too, things would be even worse than they are now, with the ruling elite literally being elites, while the regular people, never getting to kill anyone (or if they do they'd become imprisoned since they wouldn't want any old joe becoming perfection) would be oppressed and downtrodden..They'd be able to manipulate the markets far more easily, since their combined knowledge would work to their favor, provide the perfect propaganda, etc..
But, then again, this is just the negative side of things. There's always a positive side. Someone, somewhere might raise their generations to help the world. With such an ability, we very well could achieve world peace or total destruction by a flip of a coin. We could explore space or find new ways to oppress our fellow man. Honestly though, while my big paragraphs were all pessimistic, if we're inheriting only the good qualities of man from killing one another, human greed and ignorance would probably be wiped off the table of our existence pretty quickly.
TL;DR, i spent wayyy too much time on this and i apologize if you made it here legit.
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Will this post be available on the Amazon Kindle?
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Some serial killer, so I'd get every talent he absorbed and rid the world of a menace.
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(fictional characters NOT included )who would you kill? Could you live with the guilt of killing someone for selfish reasons? This will only work for one person.
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