Will you consider the Epic Game Store your new default library?
I quoted that interview in my Epic Game Store thread.
Q: What are you doing to make the Epic Games Store more attractive to consumers?
Tim Sweeney: Among other things, the store will also feature one free game every two weeks throughout 2019. Epic is funding these free releases so players can experience the wide range of creative works that will be available.
If the "free" part would only be a temporary demo, there'd be no reason for Epic to fund it. No, those are permanent additions to your library.
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Tencent already owns the Chinese gaming market which is arguably larger than USA's market.
It's only a matter of a year or two before Steam is #2 and Epic Games is #1.
Sad, but true.
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It's just super obvious they'll bring free games to build a fanbase. It's their only way to get a chance against the behemoth that is Valve.
Not only free games but they'll need others bait to compete, like awesome bundle or something. People might have forgotten but when Valve got bigger with their Steam Sales there was some really awesome bundle and their prices were more agressive. Now that they built their reputation they don't have to, until a competitor knock at their door...
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I have GOG though launcher is optional, Steam,Battle.net, Uplay, Origin, Twitch, Social Club and now Epic since I want Subnautical and I can't say no to free. I would have added Bethsada to the count if Fallout 76 was not such a train wreck.
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There's also Microsoft, Twitch, Battle.net, itch.io, Rockstar, Bethesda for the poor souls that bought Fallout 76. Humble doesn't have a launcher, but I've got a ton more games there than I ever will on Epic. Discord just got into the game. I need another digital store like I need a hole in the head. I already can't keep track of what I own where.
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Mutliplayer games require it -- because there's really no such thing [at least in the 'for profit' world] as DRM-free online multiplayer games.
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Steam, Uplay, Origin, Bethesda launcher, Battle.net, Social Club, GOG, Epic, Twitch... That's just too many launchers to enjoy looking at my collection. "Nice collection I have here, but where is that one game? (6 launchers later) Ah, here you are!"
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another store means more competition which can only be good for consumers.
And they actually give good deals for devs.
While I do personally already have subnautica and have defeated it, I still think its awesome and everyone should try it.
Nicely done epic games.
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Do you really want to have 20 different "launches" installed on your PC to keep your games?
I have lots of unused storage and I don't need to keep them open (or even installed) at all times so why not? I'm not paying for storage on my own computer.
Also they have less and less motivation to have sales if they are literally the ONLY way to get the newest hot AAA title on PC if they want to be exclusive.
They can't afford to be exclusive. But I get them not wanting to empower Steam any further. They don't want to end up with the Amazon problem.
Also they are also doing some subscription based stuff on consoles already for games.
Well, we're no talking consoles here but if you get a decent array of games from it and you end up paying less than you would if you bought the games (most of which you won't even replay), what's the harm?
All in all, it's up to users to decide what they will and won't do. Nobody is forcing you into anything. It's a free market and competition is a good thing for people selling their games and for users.
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Playstation Now can actually be used on PC, do not even need a console (it is recommended to use a DS3 or DS4 controller though). It is a streaming service that PC gamers can use. And it will prolly be how the next generation (if not the 9th gen most likely the 10th gen) consoles work, just a box that streams the source to them. Interesting enough that is what they wanted at one point with the xbox 360 and even as far back as dreamcast and even sega genesis (sega channel).
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competition >>> a few megabyte on the hard disk
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I think so too. We invite trouble for ourselves by sticking to one store. Steam has been good and it's well established so I doubt they have to close shop because competition is arising. They might have to get softer on some practices and to pay more attention to users more, and to devs. It works for us.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAND THEN-they leak your personal information like Bethesda did
But,we shall see,maybe,just maybe this will force STEAM to get from their asses
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The issue is that there isn't really any competition. There's Steam and GOG, and to a much lesser degree Uplay and Origin and itch.io and Microsoft and now Discord. But I'm not buying anything on Uplay, Origin, Microsoft, itch, or Discord that isn't an exclusive. Are you? I'm not seeing adding an 8th store to the mix as changing anything, it'll only be used for Epic exclusives.
And for exclusives we also have Battle.net, Rockstar, Bethesda... And that's not to mention Humble and Twitch as other sources of games.
There are so many digital stores that I can't even keep track of what I own where anymore.
Also, I can't log into my Epic account, I can't change my Epic password, and I can't get Epic support to respond. That's not a good sign.
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But I'm not buying anything on Uplay, Origin, Microsoft, itch, or Discord that isn't an exclusive. Are you?
I can't really answer because I don't remember where I bought what but unless the prices are more interesting, no probably not.
There are so many digital stores that I can't even keep track of what I own where anymore.
I use ITAD to keep track because I'm like you.
Also, I can't log into my Epic account, I can't change my Epic password, and I can't get Epic support to respond. That's not a good sign.
Indeed not good. If they all want to beat Steam they're going to need to implement more than a larger store. They also need to implement services but I guess that's part of the gamble.
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ITAD is great for prices, but I'm talking about library management. I have games spread across so many digital stores - Steam, GOG, Humble, Origin, Uplay, Twitch, Microsoft, Rockstar, and stores I'm probably forgetting. Which illustrates the problem - if I can't remember all the stores, let alone which games I have on which store, that's a clear sign that there are too many stores (or I have too many games, but clearly that's impossible).
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I find ITAD is also a great way to manage my collection with tags and groups but you're absolutely right, it's hard to keep track all across the web.
And yeah having every publisher create a store and a client for their games is going to get out of control but I think Steam needs to be reminded that they can't corner the market and make outrageous demands. The fact they revised their splits recently shows that they're worried by the trend so it's a good thing they're worried.
I'm not saying it's going to stay like that but competition is a good thing for any market. If Steam makes efforts to keep everyone happy because they are threatened, it'll be a positive thing.
(Also... too many games? What is that? I don't get that concept :P)
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Nice. Always wanted to try out Subnautica, looks like I'll get my chance now. A strong showing for Epic, especially with the exclusive (?) rights for Journey's PC debut as well as Supergiants' next one, Hades (while in Early Access, at least). I'm keen to see how this will shake out for Epic.
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Oh. Wow. Subnautica for free? That is a powerful start indeed.
Having it on the top places of the wishlist for some time now, it's a sure sign that I'll be using an additional client/platform. On the other hand, I'd say there's also a strong possibility that these titles will soon show up as bundled for Steam as well (if I'm not mistaken Subnautica will have a new DLC in 2019, so it may be a push in that direction).
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I will try subnautica for sure but after that I will uninstall their client xD
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I think Epic's Store will be an add to the industry of games. Steam's monopoly lasted for so long that we all got used to it and that's bad. In the other hand, Steam did great all those years, seriously, they did a lot of things and improvements in gaming, but i think they should invested more on the platform with all the money they milked from devs.
Before Steam was a precise and solid but now they are dumbing the system with useless features and uncurated stuff. Removing Greenlight was a mistake and identifying as a marketplace instead of a community killed the remaining. Yup, Steam have a mostly bad community and it's marketplace is gross. They were sustainable then they are not anymore. Games with large player base and indies are searching for more revenue without unexplained share abuse.
Nothing is all bad anyway, as i said, Steam started and it's there since the beginning, now it's time to adapt.
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I never knew much about Epic Games, do I need to download another browser to claim and play the games?
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There actually is a link for Super Meat Boy (if you scroll through the store):
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its Super Meat Boy Forever (second part). Or they will make giveaway for brand new game? :o
Is This a Sequel?
Yes. This is Super Meat Boy 2, but with a less boring name than “Super Meat Boy 2”.
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Will you consider the Epic Game Store your new default library?
Why have a "default" library? Since when do we go "oh, from now on I will only consider buying products from Walmart"?
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Yeah, I've loaded the question a bit :)
Personally, even though I enjoy a variety of platforms, operating systems, publishers, launchers, and whatnot, I find I tend to have a go-to - in my case Steam on Windows, which is for me a pretty feature-complete platform for gaming. Though I prefer Linux for productivity and enjoy certain games through uplay, origin, gog, and some exclusives on PS4. Ultimately if a game is good enough I'll go through the inconvenience to add another element to my gaming environment.
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I just like having stand-alone installers, without a client at all ;)
But otherwise, clients are so small compared to games anyway, that I don't find it to be that big a deal. Except when the client is just particularly shitty ^^
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I'll skip this, thanks. Having a game doesnt worth a whole new launcher and all the trouble that gives. If the games are not set right now, the two week free games will lose value fast anyway.
You know I just thinking. Steam could just kick this thing out of business if they givethe exact same games every time Epic do, nulling out the effect
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I'm pretty sure steam could "convince" a few of them to do it. Who doesnt like lots of money? And they sure isnt loyal if they just jump another ship because a bit better profit.
If steam thought them as serious threat or gave two shit about anything, they could stomp this out before it even hatch.
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This make no sense at all, because it is exactly about money. And if Steam wanted to convince them, all they'd have to do is to drop their cut too (and not only for successful AAA games).
And that Steam considers them at least as some serious contender, is pretty much already proven just by the fact that they dropped their 30% cut two days before Epic announced their 88/12 store. Why else would they have done so, after sticking with those 30% for all those years?
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Look man, I have surface level information about anything, and assume things based on my paranoid delusions. I didnt knew steam already responding to this new thing. I just thought that those who abandon steam this fast could be lulled back just as fast with a counter offer. My musings should not be taken this seriously that you and I have to write a whole paragraph for counter arguing each other.
Also I get blacklisted by 2 person because this whole chat. I dont want to pour oil to the fire with whatever im saying ok?
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Subnautica is a very good start. I'd happily use epic's launcher for that
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This is going to blow up extremely fast. Like record breaking numbers kinda fast.
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OK, they're doing enough to entice new customers, but that's still not enough to bring over people who already have hundreds of games on Steam. No one wants to spend money on just another launcher. It looks like a good deal for devs, but what's in it for customers to but from there? Steam is already beyond any platform. Weekly sales, seasonal mega sales, trading, occasional freebies, community market, streaming, groups, a community platform. Epic has a long way to catch up.
The only reason for me to consider buying a game on Epic Store is to support the devs, and I do want to many devs, like Gunfire Games' Darksiders 3, but that's still not going to make me switch platforms.
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Yeah seems like now a lot of main developers/publishers are now just sticking with their own launcher but in a way you can’t blame them from a business perspective since they will be saving more money, since valve takes what a 30% cut?
EA, Activision. I guess the only one that still sells on steam is Ubisoft but you still then need steam + uplay to run it.
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but in a way you can’t blame them from a business perspective
Actually, as a consumer, I can blame them for anything that inconveniences my already hectic days.
And that is why I simply don't use most other clients - it's convenient for me to have all (well, nearly all) my games on one bookshelf.
They're going to need to do a lot more for consumers if they want to win any decent share of the market, because at the end of the day, despite people saying "we want to support developers!", all we really want is more money in our wallets (and more free time to play games).
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Yeah I am like you I prefer to have all my games under one platform instead of having them all spaced out between the various platforms that we have, but for those that are "for the developer" then having separate launchers would be good for that crowd so then they won't have to pay a fee to be put out there when if they can just do it in-house then less money will be going to third parties.
But regardless it seems like this is how it is going to start happening soon, where I think a lot of the major publishers who own major developers will probably start excluding their games to their own respective platforms (launchers) like what we see now with Activision/Blizzard, and even Bethesda now with the new fallout 76 game.
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I can understand exclusivity for consoles, but pc is a own (open ) system/ "Console", which shouldnt be parted further.
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but freebies don't keep the lights on.
Selling the data they gather from people who use the launcher does. Steam doesn't share account details and statistics with publishers, so they make their own launchers to get that information.. Data mining, even anonymous, is worth millions.
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That brings up something I noticed that when I installed the Epic launcher to check things out.
When you purchase a game (I added one to cart to check out their process), you actually have to opt out of the publisher/developer mailing list rather than opt in.
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Epic Games will keep promoting their store https://store.epicgames.com in 2020 by offering weekly freebies (sometimes multiple).
FREE DLC / extras for (past) freebies
NOTE: Problems claiming on the Epic Games site? Select another tab on Store page in your browser, then hit back; page will usually load correctly. (This issue can be caused by web-protection such as Avira, Kaspersky or VPN plugins blocking elements on the site.)
The Archive of Offerings (2020)
The Archive of Offerings Past (2019)
The Archive of Offerings Past: 12 Days of (13) Free Games (dec 2019)
Current Freebies: this list has been moved to the top ^^, we got so many games scrolling became tedious
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