According to the reviews of the Season Pass on Steam page, there's only one significant content DLC (unlike previous Borderlands). So it may not worth it. I've not decided yet if I'm gonna grab it now or not, but maybe bundle policies apply also for original+season pass packages as well, so you may end up with getting the whole package for less than 10$.
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Yeah, 1 campaign add-on and 1 something like Moxxis dlc (eww).
Will this 4.80 price be availible forever?
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Well that's because the discounts for Borderlands end. But on the future sales? Anyway, I don't have anyone to play it with (and haven't touched BL2 yet) so I'll wait.
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I thought it was permanent. In any way, there will be plenty discounts for Pre Sequel in the future ;)
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Might take awhile. Or do you mean because of this discount?
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might take a while. But just saying if you're willing to wait, it's going to be bundled in the future. Although Borderlands 2 was milked so hard on that humble bundle that buying this deal right now + season pass (on other 3rd party sites) will be cheaper.
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I don't really want to buy on 3rd party sites tbh. I missed BL bundle and bought BL2 goty for 10e during Steam Summer sale. Still a good deal. Anyway, I'm in no rush (haven't evened played BL2 yet).
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The bundle i would assume would be here to stay but the price??
That i am not sure of as at 4.80 U.S. that is way cheaper then the 75% off off the 39.99 for Pre that is around 90% off so i have to assume some kind of price bug that they failed to catch.Though the only dlc i really would buy is the claptrap the rest is just bad and over priced so unless the season pass hits 75% or more i will not even think about the pass.
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I know that i know how the bundles work...
I was talking about the price as the price they give for Pre for owning the other two is damn near 90% off.
As the base game is 39.99 full price but at 4.80 that puts it almost at 90% hence why i questioned if the price of Pre will stay.
As at 89% it puts the price at 4.30 where of course 90% takes it to 3.99
My thoughts are they meant to have Pre for the 60% off or maybe a little more for owning the other 2,but not even the base of Pre is close to that it only 60% off so who would buy Pre on its own for 60% when you could of got it much cheaper for owning the other two.
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Well all the DLC you see is all you will get as support for the game has stopped at least as far as anymore dlc content.
I am sure even update support is pretty much done and i doubt there will ever be any deal other the game+season pass.Though if you wait longer i am sure the price will drop but i would not expect anymore then 75%.
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No, it's the vanilla version without the season pass.
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£3.60 for me. I think I may be tempted, thanks for the heads up :)
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Yep. I'm playing it currently and it feels like somebody thought "Let's make exactly the same game, just with different assets and release as different title so we can make every $$$ that is left before time for Borderlands runs out!"
I don't know, I really enjoyed BL1 and BL2, and while I can't say that BL:PS is total crap, the quality decreased significantly.
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It's just more of the same. Maybe Borderlands will be and feel new enough to be interesting, but yeah. I think I will skip this.
I'm playing The Division now, which has the exact level based rpg looter shooter elements. Much better game, though no vehicles.
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I played Pre-Sequel before BL2 and I have to say - they did a lo of sensible changes that wouldn't be possible to be applied to BL2 at the point they released Pre-seq. BL2 is just infuriatingly bullet-spongy and grindy of a game when you compare it to how the following one was, everything went just smoother and more sensible in there.
Plus, I fucking love Claptrap, that is the best playable class ever.
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Well i doubt they will do a GOY not like it won a lot awards and so forth,i think what you see now is as good as it will get,best you can hope for is a better deal for the game+pass.
But the pass is so over priced for what you get,one major story dlc the rest is just pathetic.That is why if i do get any dlc it would just be the claptrap story dlc i am hoping summer sale will see it at 75% but i doubt it.
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I don't think you know how easy it is to get a GOTY award. Every magazine and website these days has one.
Besides, GOTY is just a title for "Complete with all DLC," they can just call it something else. Like "Ultimate Vault Hunter Edition" or something.
My point being I just want the extra DLC if I'm going to be playing the game again. The Handsome Jack doppelganger class was always cool to play alongside, I'd like to try it for myself.
Ahh hell... maybe I'll get it, anyway and just buy the DLC some other time. Since the bundle will later include the DLC, I might even get it through the reduced bundle price in the future.
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That because at one time you actually had to win GOY before people would buy that,but now there are so many that give those awards like you said sometimes it is easier to get then a lot know.
At one time you got the awards from like PC Gamer and those that came before them.
But i could see the need for wanting to get the dlc i was just giving you fair warning of the season pass not being that good and over priced.Some people do not care and will still buy it,i am not one of those i buy stuff that is worth the price not just to have it.
Anyhow enjoy no matter what you decide.
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Right, it's just it's less over-priced with the discount, which was my original point. XD
I am glad you warned me, though. I didn't expect much from the DLC (barely heard anything about it aside from the two character packs, anyway), but it's good to know what I should expect.
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Well people seem to like the 2 character dlc and some say Handsome Jack is over powered if you use the far left skill tree.
It just the clap trap dlc is the only real story dlc.The other two from what i have been reading say there is more content on the old head hunter stuff from BL2.So that why i am just aiming for claptrap dlc as it suppose to be pretty good and about 6-8 hours of content i am just waiting for Summer sale to see if it gets 66%.
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So this new pricing policy means people who already own a few games, can't buy packs for trading or giveaways >_<
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The characters are much more unique. And the jokes are much more lame. But I think I'll have a better picture by the end of the weekend - a friend of mine who was my partner for ~200h of BL2 bought the P-S :) In solo it was.. flat, and with random people they were rushing too much. + level design is abysmal with the random instakill craters everywhere, you need to drive around careful as you'd walk on eggs :D
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So, while I have borderlands 2 complete (all DLC, including headhunter), but no Borderlands 1, my total cost drops from $19.80 to $18.30.
WTF? Hell, if I was tempted to do this, I'd rather pay the extra buck and a half just so I could give it away.
Note: I could just buy the GOTY of Borderlands 1 for $7.50 and it'll drop to $4.80 -for a grand total of $12.30.
What a stupid system
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Only worth if you own the Borderlands GOTY, not just the base game. Nice find, though, yesterday the bundle didn't have a discount.
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Yeah, I considered that, since I already own Borderlands 2. I'm not really a fan of these games though, I used to call them Boringlands because of how it made me feel.
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Wow, from RM47 to RM14! Thanks so much for the heads up! Definitely picking this one now :D
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Same here! I've not even finished the previous games but I find it difficult to resist! Damn consumerism!
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Currently Steam runs a Borderlands franchise sales week-end and due to their new pricing policies for bundles you can grab the Pre-Sequel for only 4.8€ by buying the Borderlands Triple Pack bundle. You have though to already own the first two Borderlands to get this price.
EDIT: Borderlands 1 DLCs are NOT on sale, but if you buy them through that same option, a 70% discount will be applied (thanx JonSnowDen)
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