Hard bass?
Well, we all knew the Russians were heavily opposed to sharing things freely with your comrades.....
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VKontakte is also constantly harassed by Russian authorities. To the point its founder eventually left to create Telegram.
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Putin worked for the KGB from 1975 to 1991 and this fact certainly explains things like this, for a part.
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A lot of people around here just think that things like this and passed cyber attacks are coming with the courtesy of the KGB\FSB guided by Putin. ^^
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including Office365, PSN, XBox network, Windows Updates and worse of all this site
Source? Couldn't find anything on Google about anything being blocked except Telegram, and your articles only list Viber as having some issues along with Guild Wars and World of Warships
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so i just found out that Putin has pulled the switch on the Internets in Russia and banned around 16 million IP
not Putin, stop lying.
Roscomnadzor blocked
Thats funny how some ppl in this thread rush to spam useless comments about things they don't know ^^
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Please look past my ignorance, but doesn't Putin basically rule everything in Russia ? I don't know if someone can actually make a decision this big without Putin's approval.
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Putin is a good guy, it's only his subordinates who are bad and incompetent and want to control all Russia! But Putin will save simple folk someday from evil vassals
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It's not actually funny, that's pretty much what the majority thinks here.
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Just going to say this... Putin is actually quite popular in Russia among the base population. This is mostly due to misinformation campaigns that Putin runs though. And people who try to expose Putin.... usually do not end up living for much longer.
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More sanctions for Putin and his friends!
Medvedev does nothing without Putin. They are like a friends, but Putin is boss. Was created by Medvedev is formally. But the most important are laws, it was got later, in 2011 and later. Do you wish more? The judges assigns and removes only by Putin. Governors too.
Unfortunatelly I can't find an articles about judge's corruption in Russian, Google very changed for me in search output... Looks like there are more bad news than none-accessible SG. Only good news now for Russians in the Internet, hooray!
And finally! Putin is not president. He is usurper. Because the Constitution, 81 allows only 2 times in a row and says nothing abour 2 times with 2 time in a row. It's a reason why he has divorced and took out from Russia his family. Because Putin plays all in. So, your rulers interact with the criminal. In Russia there is no legal goverment today.
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Medvedev does nothing without Putin
yeah, sure. Its like old song
Кто вчера в моём подъезде Лифт зассал до потолка?
Мне, товарищи, поверьте - Это Путина рука!
Я поймал по пьяни «белку» -Это Путина проделки!
Куча под столом г….на Это Путина вина!
Засорился унитаз - Это Путина приказ
not interesting to continue discussion, its boring, sorry
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Yeah, before I laughed too when read these rhymes. In 2014 it was stopped to be funny.
Perfectly, you published 7-year old jokes. Then I tell the joke too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzGo4c6U8os
Вау, там 33 тыс. дизлайков, кремлеботы подвезли.
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Oh, quite mutually, man, let me speak from my heart!!!
But nevertheless, unfortunately, I will have to counter your agenda here as long as I stay here myself. I mean your intention to mask the dangerous totalitarian essence of the russian power block, gathered by his majesty.
Btw, I am 40 this yr, so not a '~nyonok' anymore for sure. Im just a ripe 'westerner' in my worldview, rooted deep in my experience.
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Just you're the Putinist (Putinjerk) and you've the Putism of brain.
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Еще бы этим дурачкам объяснить, что Роскомнадзор никого не блокирует, а только вносит сайты/айпишники в реестр.
Пусть какахи кидают в своих инет-провайдеров рукожопых, кому бабки башляют ежемесячно.
Блокируют сайты-то в итоге как раз они.
У нас на районном форуме, к примеру, ругаются только на двух провов из пяти основных, кто у нас присутствует.
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Читайте, для вас, наверно, будет открытием: http://www.constitution.ru/10003000/10003000-6.htm
P.S. The Constitution of Russia, chapter 4, president of Russia.
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i feel you. my country has been blocking any wrong think sites for years . Even worse , they block anything pornographic. cant get my fix without using a VPN.
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fyi Internet in Russia was built around VPN. It isn't new to Russians by all means. Most eastern European countries jumped to next level of Internet evolution while western countries still had that adsl and dial up or whatever. I was shocked to see that AOL thing with 10-15 Mbs tops in 2005 when I first visited USA. I was so used to Ethernet 100 Mbs back at home.
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Its depending on your provider and how fast they can (or want) to realise instructions
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It's rofl for you, because you didn't live in province. The most of people consider Moscow by other country. I can contact with my friend and check my list of blocked website. He lives in not Moscow, but Rostelecom user too. Then we will laugh together.
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Oh, you has leave from a topic conversation and try to teach me. Fireman is needed here.
Do you know where are you right? You and we live by different lives. And everybody from province is agree with me, because I have wrote facts that living in Moscow people reject. Heh, like Russian Goverment in external politics.
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Nope, you didn't know where I am =p Your answer was incorrect.
Your opinion is just your opinion. Nobody let you speak for themselves.
You know too little to speak on scale of whole country.
Make steps if you want to change your life. Go to Moscow and get tonnes of gold if you really think so (let me know here if you really get it). You have internet and you have PC (no matter how old is it if it's allow you surfing Web), so you able to be a programmer and get work for a distance but you didn't do it and blame and discriminate other people. Nobody must help you, it's able only for yourself - it's meaning be adult.
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The Americans make it a bit more "sneaky".
They not ban IPs, they copy all datatravel .... and they get backdoors and infos from a lot of big players in the industry. And by the encryption/decryption they buy the stuff, that they can't bruteforce, from the developers.
Same shi* from all big coutrys that think they are "the leader(s) of the world".
They are ALL greedy and want only MORE MORE MORE ...
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That's news for me, and I'm Russian. I think that it's unlikely that this site would be banned, at least on purpose. It could happen by accident, someone could confuse this site with some other site and ban it, this happens all the time, but every time the ban is eventually lifted. Also, the blocks are easy to bypass, so I wouldn't expect any shortage of Russians here anytime soon.
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Anyone have a link to the Star Wars Telegram parody video? Seen it on TV but can't find it on youtube etc.
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Unfortunately, messaging apps success is directly related with early adoption. That's why almost everybody use WhatsApp and the reason why Facebook paid $19 billion for their user base.
I'd love to use Telegram or one of your suggested apps but my contacts are almost 100% WhatsApp exclusive users.
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out of all the fucked up shit that still happens in the 21st century THATS your go-to example?
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Obviously because you just posted "if you wanna talk human rights read about XYZ first" implicating that the first issue isn't even worth discussing before covering the severity of XYZ.
Well, XYZ should be something pretty damn compelling, right?
So it's the human rights violations and psychological torture of American Blacksite prisons against any foreigners they just label an enemy combatant? Well yeah, that's definitely worth discussing, maybe even more so than... oh.... oh, the original issue? The increasing spike of political arrests sending off ordinary Russian citizens to ordinary Russian prisons with physical torture and human rights violations meant to suppress their very own populace.
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In first place it's not about human rights in local places like this jails. I say about whole country where right now living two grade of people: goverment and other people, and if gov official think what you brak the law you have very low chance to solve this. Anyway, if you like everything what is goin on here I happy for you, but all this mess, unfortunately, occurs not only in Russia, but also in many other countries.
And I agree with you, let's stop this discussions.
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Jail? Please. You are lucky then, otherwise you may find yourself mysteriously thrown out of your own window by "suicide". :)
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I literally just finished watching a playthrough of Orwell Ignorance is strength, and Orwell a few days ago. And I'm concerned how relevant it is in today's world.
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thx god, hope sykablyadistan will be totally banned from other world
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Mood Music before you read ahead
so i just found out that Putin has pulled the switch on the Internets in Russia and banned around 16 million IP addresses including Office365, PSN, XBox network, Windows Updates and worse of all this site. so now we gotta either say goodbye to our Ruskie comrades or find a way to help them win this war , warning it might get a bit cold. the reason for this ban is to get rid of a communication app called Telegram. cause its encrypted and the maker wouldn't hand the encryption keys. which makes him a terrorist. cause only terrorists use this app , which is why the KGB needs those decryption codes. when he wouldn't hand the codes over , they sued him and the court decided that the app must be blocked since they weren't cooperating or even trying to be nice.even though they asked nicely , he wouldn't hand the keys over. so now all our Ruskie friends are being brave and fighting for the motherland , by forsaking sites such as this one.
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Article 3
Edit1: since some people are actually daft enough to think i am seriously blaming putin and not understand that i am trying to lighten up the thing by joking around then i will further explain it here. it was the russian FBI that sued Telegram and moved on to do this. it even says that in the sources i listed. also PLEASE read the sources. REALLY hate to explain the jokes , but i feel the need since this is a bit serious.
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