Worst Steam Sales incoming?
Who cares, daily sales were usually not worth it anyway and I'd rather have the sales laid out in front of me instead of having to check daily for new sales. Not to mention avoiding the shitty feeling of buying a game at a discount and next day seeing it at a flash sale at lower price.
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idk if that a good thing to prey on steam's mistakes =P
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My guess is that the developers lose out. I doubt that Steam covers the loss of revenue for their mistake.
That said, I can't blame anybody for taking advantage of a price error. It's kind of hard not to when it's staring you in the face.
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To my knowledge, it's generally the site that "eats the loss" when they mess up. This was at least true for GG, but I would be surprised if it's not also true for steam, as otherwise the developer can make a case against Steam, claiming that their mistake cost them potential sales revenue.
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I'm not saying not to take advantage when something like that happens but hoping they make a mistake for your benefit doesn't seem like a very virtuous thing =P
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But that's exactly why you just wait to buy non-daily, non-flash games on the last day of the sale.
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if the one discount is set at the same discount as the daily/flash then there isn't a issue really, is there?
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No...but do you really think that will be the case? Of course, if there's no daily/flash sale, then there's no way to know what it "would have" been. Maybe we'll be able to tell if we get a lot of 33/50/60% sales and fewer 66/75/80/85% sales.
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Well, it kinda takes the fun out of "strategically" throwing your money at Valve...
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Oh well, when the flash sales were every 6 hours I had to wake up early on the holidays, so that's a plus.
On the other hand the event will be a lot less exciting, I just load my wishlist, click sort by discount and buy what I want and I'm done.
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So if a game was 50% during sales and 75% during daily deals...
Will it be 50 or 75% during all the coming sales ? :D
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& great for people going on trips/holiday or seeing family where they can't access the internet each day
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Well, """hardcore""" gamers and more concretely hardcore purchasers tend to have internet.
On 2013 winter sales I had internet from nice neighbours. But few after that I had internet on the mobile and a bit after my grandma's house have DSL. And well half of the bars and coffees offer free wifi for customers (on a village of <2k citizens) I bet something similar happened on the entire world.
Also from last sales there weren't offers that lasted less than 36h.
And encore day. If I'm not wrong last time it lasted 36 or 48 h
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I bet the sky station has internet.
I think that TVs showcase winter Olympics. And journalists cover them on newspapers and blogs.
And [finally](http://www.amazon.es/gp/aw/d/B00o 85MS2RI/ref=pd_aw_sim_147_3/275-8534165-1142248?ie=UTF8&dpID=31MFL%2BYafnL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL100SR100%2C100&refRID=1NZX35YGRKG24REJHD45) yup, probably depends on turrets. Still I bet your family doesn't live there. Without electricity is hard to play videogames.
The topic wasn't about have always, but to attempt to have enough access to not miss a sale 2-3 times a day. Plus encore day. But as all offers on steam tend to be every time longer (see daily as an example) or the last sale in overall, it wasn't necessary to convert into a static two weeks lower price.
Real life sales also have different prices, wich increase discount until stock is sold. In digital there's no stock, obviously.
Nice picture!
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Satellite Broadband is pretty expensive & you wont save enough money in the sales to off put those costs =P in my country the normal thing people do is to go camping over xmas so don't have electrical gadgets. If you are going to Nepal to visit base camp or traveling through the Pacific you you wont have internet or in my case going tramping through the mountains you wont have internet =P so not needing to check everyday for sale seems like a positive thing for those people
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yeah different developers will treat it differently i guess some will set at their lowest price(normally flash or daily) while others will set it at a price they seem to think is fair(normally the 2week price) & some will come up with a price in the middle of those which at my best guess will be what a lot of them do. Flash & daily deals still happen through out the year though so still able to get these better deals
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via satellite only thou, no? & if your climbing up the top of Everest you wont have time to playing around on the internet
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Well we already kind of saw that with the last summer sale. There were plenty of daily sales that didn't change price from their normal sale. Like CS GO for instance.
Oh well, that just means I will look trough it on day one and not open it at all after that >.> .
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Well, Steam sales have been more or less insignificant for quite some time now, the only thing that was interesting is the stuff they put on as event exclusives.
Since all I care now about it is the new cards, it makes me sad that there won't be votes again, but probably some other broken boring Flash game that never registers play time correctly and forgets to add more than half of the cards.
But as for games… practically all authorised resellers have better prices than Steam now. The only thing I buy on Steam nowadays are some of the more interesting indie games when they go on 95%+ sales, because these are the only ones where this platform still offers competitive prices.
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I don't really mind it - I love the style of the big sales with the different storefront and stuff like that, but I'm running out of games that will be cheap enough and I want them enough to pay the price for them - the really cheap and really good ones are already bought during previous sales.
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Well for example previously if a game was at 50% discount it could go up to 75% discount if it was featured in daily or flash sale. Now if it starts with 50% discount it will stay at 50% for the entire sale.
While that 25% difference is most noticeable with expensive games, for those with small budget it makes a difference even for the cheaper games.
It will also generate less money for Valve as well, as a lot of people tend to buy games they don't really need simply because they got a high discount on daily/flash sale.
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it would be fine if it's just 50% or any fixed discount during the whole sale, i just hope developers/publishers don't pull another sneaky price increase before applying discounts... -.-
anyway, i don't think valve will lose money, it's the only thing they care lately. :|
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i don't have enough money to afford whatever i want, or else i wouldn't enter any GA at all...
i just pointed out that devs are tricking people into thinking a 50-75% discount is legit and if you check the price history of some games you notice they increased the base price by x1.5 or even x2, so in the end the "sale" is a farse.
so like i said, better to have just -50% than -75% with an inflated price.
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Another source. I feel I should point out that the above source also has purported sale dates for Autumn/Winter sales anyhow. Mark your calendars people! :P
(incidentally, this agrees with paysafecard's leaked autumn sale date )
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Unless you're lucky with foil crafts, it's usually much smarter to just sell cards then craft them.
Made some calculations, got tons of games ready to craft and around 80% of them, if sold, would give me at least 30 cents. No event card since Summer 2014 went for more than 20 cents (beside first hours, maybe).
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Valve somehow manages to make me even less excited for their sales each year.
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eh doesn't matter much to me, all it means is that I'm able to space things out and what not. Sure didn't help that most of the feature things aren't what I'm looking for.
As far as other stores? Well price comparison is always fun, though there'll be purchases=cards during the winter sale. I'm curious about what sort of thing they'll do for this year's.
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Valve is constantly destroying everything we love about Steam ...
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Not really, now you'll actually have to hunt rather than just wait for the next round of deals. Yeah, the tradition of checking every 8 hours is gone but that just amounted to buying crap you didn't really want anyways.
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How is checking the front page every 8 hours hunting?
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Disagree. Loading a webpage 3 times a day, just to look at the front page != hunting. Mainly because you knew that if it was featured as a daily or flash it was at it's lowest price. No mystery, no challenge. "Wait for daily/flash or buy on the last day" is the mantra we all know.
With the new system their will be 1000's of items on their lowest sale price and only a fraction will be featured. If you want to find the hidden gems you'll have to actually hunt for them.
Besides, refunds took the teeth out of the daily/flash excitement already.
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Real hunting would be comparing Steam's with other sites to see which is best. It's something I've done on a few sales.
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On summer and last winter too store front didn't have best sales.
Currently the disordered grid with repeated games was very annoying, useless and disappointing. The only part I watched was daily which won't exist, yesterday's which won't exist and unlocked on the minigame, which guess what, won't exist.
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If that happens I'll certainly miss it as far as excitement goes but my wallet will thank Volvo for it.
It was the time pressure and excitement that pushed me to buy some things I was on the edge about.
Not sure Our Divine Master Gaben will like the end result if a lot of people are like me, and I'm guessing they are, when it comes to this.
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Rumors, gossiped by developers in Developers-Only Steam Group, says "In past sale events, we’ve asked for two discounts—a duration discount that runs for the length of the sale, and a feature discount that runs in the event that a game is featured on the front page. This year, to optimize the sale for customers and to allow us to feature and recommend your products in more ways to more customers, we’re asking for just one discount, to run the length of the sale.
We’ll still be highlighting top games on the front page for 24-48 hour spans, but those products will stay at their most competitive discount, before and after being featured. It’s not a major change, but it does make the sale a lot more valuable for customers, and it allows us to build sale tools that highlight and recommend products all sale long, instead of just during front page features."
Dark Side of the Refunds, I guess...
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