Oh boy, if i ever had any doubt in my mind about buying the game, IGN and Gamespot sure convinced me.
Now lets wait for some reviews from credible sources for a change
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Maybe the publisher forgot to pay their monthly subscription hence the 7.2.
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I thought gamespot was legit, unlike IGN...?
Most of the reviews i saw from gamespot, i could agree with. Some others i couldn't because those ended up being great games that alot of people never heard of (like dark messiah of might and magic, good game using source engine, low score, wtf?)
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We done a video review on Youtube for Metro Last Light at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEVjYMQTC8s. We do not give scores as I find them stupid, but if people want one it would have got an 8/10 :)
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I want to apologise for attacking you. I assumed your videos were linked to advertising or a personal agenda and I was wrong. I regret putting you through that argument and I hope you will understand me when I say I'm sorry.
(It's been a LONG time since I wrote an apologetic letter so you better accept it!)
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Not sure if you saw my reply before it was deleted. It was in all honesty me just replying to a post regarding Metro reviews on the internet. In hindsight it is self publicity, but it is just a staff members thoughts on the game that has been posted on a forum topic that links to reviews of the game he is talking about. Would it have been different if I had the review in text and posted it here? Hope you get what I mean.
Anyway, you have nothing to apologise for, we were both civil to each other and I have no issues, so all good :)
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No doubt it's good but I'll still be waiting for a discount.
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Right now, sure. Although Metro is a great deal. They had DMC preorder for $15, Xcom at $15 before it went down anywhere else, and Bioshock Infinite Preorder cheaper than anywhere else.
Let me put it this way. I have no idea why people don't take the time to find the best possible deal. Forget SteamTrades as your only source. You should be looking everywhere and finding the best deal, period.
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Oh really?! Did you just find the group and making judgments?! lol
Metro LL LIMITED EDITION for $24.99 is the cheapest I've ever seen. (Region free ofc!)
As for other games like BSI, the only reason you can find it cheaper on ST, it's because of those AMD Promo codes, otherwise their Pre-order deal was the cheapest you could find. -_-
Do your research before accusing!
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Try the group link, then join. You can find it right from there. It is pinned on popular discussions.
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Jonex, please mang.
There are other great sources than these sites.
GameTrailers far being the worst.
In this video you see the reviewer disliking a jRPG because it's a jRPG. Complains about not being like a wRPG
Or take a look at this video
Not only that but Patcher makes biased assumptions all the time.
PC Gamer.
I sometimes visit this site. Not the best, not the worst either.
The articles sometimes can be pretty terrible. I remember that was something like "DayZ and WarZ: The birth of the survival adventure genre." It was stupid. They maybe be the most popular games, but in no way did they create it.
Oh also they had that Hitman: Absolution review that everyone disagreed with.
Kane and Lynch. Enough said.
IGN. Enough said.
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I wasn't aware GameTrailers had so much hate :o But I'm still going to include them here because they're well known and another opinion never hurt anyone. As for the rest, a few reviews that you disagree with isn't a good enough reason to give up on the site. You're not going to agree with everything and in some cases you'll most likely completely disagree with some reviews. But that's easy to explain because the reviews are just someone's opinion and sometimes that opinion might go against what most people think. It happens. I know IGN have been in the shitter for a long time, but that doesn't mean every single review they write is full of lies and deception. I read their reviews and then I read other reviews and then I watch some gameplay before making my own decision. None of these sites charge you to see their content so I'm not going to stop using them as sources for opinions.
Personally, my preferences are Kotaku and PC Gamer because I generally agee with them the most.
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GameTrailers is my favorite review site, usually I agree with them and even when I dont the reviews they do give me a nice feel for the game.
Also the vid with the old guy talking just makes me laugh, still unsure if really good trolling or not :-D.
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Then what kind of "legit" reviewers do you suggest?
I've always counted on IGN to give me an accurate depiction of any game out there. Obviously the score is warped at times.
Some of the lesser known reviewers sound like a 12 year old using MS Word. It's either inaccurate, too much fanboyism or too much hate.
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I've read lesser known reviewers before and some are good but usually they just talk too long about one particular aspect of the game and don't cover the things I want to know about. Everyone thinks writing a decent review about a game is easy, but it's really not.
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"Then what kind of "legit" reviewers do you suggest? "
It's really not that hard to find reviewers. All you have to do just search up "[insert a game you've played here] review" and if that person has valid points than keep watching their reviews, but the listed reviewers plus AngryJoeShow and TotalBiscuit (inb4 he does first impressions) are the people I don't suggest.
"Some of the lesser known reviewers sound like a 12 year old using MS Word. It's either inaccurate, too much fanboyism or too much hate.""
I've yet to encounter this, but I suggest stop searching only for the most popular games out there. If you're exegerating well of course some of non-mainstream reviewers aren't going to have the best equipment/editing skills. For example, I sometimes watch this one guy one youtube who has somewhat of a European accent. At times I can't understand him, but that doesn't mean he's wrong. It shouldn't matter what the person sounds like or if he has experience in editing or not.
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I finished the game. I had a blast. I felt the story wasn't that strong at first, but it surely picked up and was a very BIG shock for me at least. They sum up the Metro2033 story quite well when you play, obviously they tell you what happened in the beginning and end of it but it's still not a bad synopsis. Overall, I paid like $30 in november when pre-order was $60 because I love the Metro series. But regardless it was a great game. Great atmosphere and narration. Idk how many times I had chills or I broke down because of the events it showed me and events that happened. Maybe I am being biased, but quite frankly it was a great story teller than much of a shooter if you are expecting COD POW POW BLARGH BOOM BOOM POW stuff.
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Reviewers...mostly does not even know about gaming. They just check the hypes and that's all. Any who believe them are weak ppl.
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this is something i dont understand.... if you pay retail on launch it usually costs about $20-30 more than it will in about a fortnights time as it wont sell as well as retail planned... you still save $15 even after buying the DLC
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you will have to explain what it was a link to... has been removed due to violation of ToS apparently
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I'm not surprised. It was a screenshot of the configuration inside the Metro Last Light folder. In the list of editable options there was one that said "Ranger_mode - off" So the OP was mentioning how it cost people $5 when you could just edit the file yourself.
(I haven't confirmed if this works myself)
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true, but it still doesnt really change the fact you can get it cheaper after launch anyway
(i would like to point out i don't condone deep silver or 4A doing this but we don't really have reason to complain over something you can get for less than if you pre-order it)
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THQ are the ones who made the decision to price the DLC, so I don't condone Deep Silver or 4A either :P
I don't understand what you mean when you say "cheaper". It was free with the Steam pre-orders and now they're charging $5 on Steam to buy it separately. Also, a little fun fact, it states in the Ranger DLC description that this difficulty is "The way it's meant to be played." Annoyed yet?
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THQ doesnt exist, therefore, the new publisher (which is deep silver) has rights to say whether they charge money for it and they chose to. you must remember that THQ no longer has any rights to either of the metro games so they cant even choose a pricetag
it is cheaper as stated above... the game price drops by around $20-30 retail after the first week or two therefore even after buying the DLC, you still save roughly $15... why be angry when you get it cheaper if you wait for the sales either on steam (much later down the line) or retail (in about a week or two)
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Apparently THQ had already put into motion the DLC + pricetag and there wasn't anything that Deep Silver could do to stop that. This was posted by a forum moderator in the community hub. I honestly don't understand the way the company works or the agreements they had with THQ, so I'm not going to deny that. It's simply what was told to the public.
If you can get the game for $20-$30 cheaper in two weeks, congratulations. But my point is, you'll still have to buy the DLC for $5. I bought the pre-order for $25 but even if I had paid $2 for it, I still wouldn't pay anything for the difficulty dlc. The issue is principle, not cost (for several people at least).
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Not sure why people are so down on professional reviews. I've seen far more biased, far less detailed, far more mentally challenged "reviews" from the users. The same people probably posting about how much they hate professional reviews.
The only opinion you should really trust is your own... but you could do a lot worse than the collective of critical reviews.
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I loved 2033, going to buy it after though, pre-order doesn't make sense to me
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Very much like the first game. More focus on having scripted sequences that help drive the plot forward. Generally considered a poor thing in my eyes, but it's still not the focus.
Gameplay is the same, except stealth is piss easy now that you can put silencers on everything and stealth kill shit with ease. The AI is even poorer because of this. Shooting feels far better and is probably the more enjoyable alternative in this case since they pile you on with a metric fuckton of bullets (I played 2033 for 5-6 hours with around 20 bullets in my assault rifle. I've been playing with around 300 in this). Hardcore mode is the way to go because of this.
Atmospherically it hits the same beats as the first, if not more due to a higher focus on outdoor environments which are jaw droppingly good.
press g to wipe mask? dont be a pussy keep that blood on your face you fucking bitch.
plot is the same artyom go here hey artyon are you trippin balls again hey lets have a drink artyom wow demons wow dark ones
there's more focus on some of the characters but you still spend most of the game alone
spiders are pretty cool
some of the enemies are really interesting and you get a lot of creepy crawly things going around the environment proving that these devs really do have a commitment to detail, even if it's got it's issues, they really have a passion for creating this world.
theres a shotgun pistol ok that shit is badass
cranking your flashlight happens really fast and is shit compared to the first why did they ruin this. ALternatively, there is no "look at watch button"
If you liked 2033 for it's atmosphere then you'll dig this. If you didnt like 2033 and expect this to be some big step up, it's not. Enemies arent bullet sponges anymore, that's basically it, the weapons still have a significant sense of weight to them. The PC version runs well (unless you a ATI scrub ehehehe) despite it having a very poor options menu.
I'm diggin it
I give it a vodka/10
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Its bad I didn't notice it I suppose O_O.
I am so desensitized....
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gamestar gave 86/100 with drawbacks in AI (7/10) and content (6/10 because 7-8 hours campaign) and big + in Atmosphäre and Weapons (10/10). Sound and leveldesign both manage a 9/10,too. The non rated reviews of the testers were very positive with flaw the short campaign and the face expressions.
With those ratings it has almost 100% the same ratings as Metro 2033 got,except 1 point difference in controls/handling. Metro 2033 had 85/100.
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Metro Last Light was developed under awful conditions (Armed thugs, smuggling, more) - NeoGAF
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Talk about dedication...
Originally Posted by GamesIndustry.biz:
... Power outages are the norm for 4A. All developers have deadlines, but I know of few that had to bring in construction generators to be able to work the weekend before final submission because an extra day meant missing shelf dates by weeks. Montreal is cold, but when it gets cold in Kiev it's different. That's because the government provides all of the heating through a central coal burning facility that pipes hot water to homes and offices. Unfortunately, it breaks down reliably a few times a year for a week at a time. Then 4A works in their parkas and struggles to keep their fingers warm in temperatures well below freezing. That is unless it snows and they get stuck home for a few days at a time because snow clearing isn't up to Western standards.
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2,670 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Furty
Gamespot - 9/10
IGN - 7.2/10
Eurogamer - 7/10
Gametrailers - 9.1/10
PC Gamer - 8/10
Revision3 - 4/5
Kotaku - N/A
Polygon - 8.5/10 (Thanks to TartFlavor)
Giant Bomb - 4/5 (Thanks to Suits)
Destructoid - 7/10 (Thanks to dividedby0)
Game Informer - 8.75/10 (Thanks to Moondra)
So far these are decent reviews! Hopefully they give you a better idea of what the game is like.
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