Will you (or did you) cancel your subscription?
confirmed hint for cancelling the subscription for the december bundle: $12
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Thanks for the reminder. From a marketing point of view, HB is going to want to make this month better than last month... If it's not it's going to look like they put all their effort into the first shot and have nothing to back it up. They need to make it look like it's always a decent risk. I could be wrong though, that's the annoying part about guessing. :)
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Yeah, that sounds good. But then I was gambling on them putting really good stuff in the first month since otherwise nobody would sign up. I didn't feel like that entirely worked out, and now I'm not sure what to think they'll do.
(That said, I did alright off the first month after some trading.)
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Got scammed once. Won't get scammed again.
(Non-bundled games? Well, SanctionaryRPG was bundled!!!. Biggest LIE!)
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They said games that were not in previous bundles by them (and not necessarily others). They were also asked that question via support and responded as such. By digging around a little and doing your homework you could have seen this. If you think about it it is also not really logical to expect them to track every single bundle site out there. It's not really practical. Hell, sometimes all of us collectively don't always get it right and we are many. And sometimes there is even a grey area as to what exactly constitutes a bundle. Sorry but they never lied to anyone.
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And to clarify further, they said that some of the games are unbundled, not the entire bundle. Now, the content of the last bundle was disappointing in its own right, but more because of their choices of games that most enthusiast collectors and bundle addicts already owned (probably half the purchasers complained about owning some of the games from what I saw, but perhaps they were just more vocal), though I flipped Valkyria Chronicles into a wishlisted game so worth it?
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Now, the content of the last bundle was disappointing in its own right, but more because of their choices of games that most enthusiast collectors and bundle addicts already owned (probably half the purchasers complained about owning some of the games from what I saw, but perhaps they were just more vocal)
Well to be fair those type of people probably shouldn't be gambling on this sort of thing then. As someone who owned none of the games I can honestly say that it was a damn good bundle for me, and certainly significantly surpassing any store sale for those games, even at a high discount. And why didn't I own any of the games? Because, the bundle machine being what it is these days, I resisted the temptation to buy certain ones thinking that they may get bundled later anyway. Not a hard thing for me to do personally, what with a backlog (as many people have). This brings to mind a thread that was made here previously about who the monthly thing is really marketed/targeted towards anyway, and rightfully questioned whether it was actually you, me, or all of the other bundle 'addicts' type of people who see just about every one.
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It shows they really don't know their audience though, if they don't pander to the core of their market share. I'm not upset because of the bundle; I think it was a decent value, though it had the lowest value per price of any of the humble bundles they ran in the month prior which is a bit offensive, but I'm upset that they picked options that were completely uninspired.
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Please. SantionaryRPG was bundled by them 6 months ago.
Do your homework. plz.
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OK. I am sorry if I misunderstood their "wording".
But at least they made me believe all of them will be unbundled games.
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Fair enough, I had forgotten about that one. The point I was trying to make though is some people misunderstood and interpreted what was stated in the way that was most convenient for them or in a way that was the most idealistic. Just because it says:
"Discover games that haven't been featured in other bundles."
it does not mean that all of the games will be unbundled (whether from them or 'others', which as I said the latter they will likely not take into account). For their part Humble perhaps could have worded it more clearly but still it's not like people didn't put their own personal spin on it too without paying close enough attention.
So I don't believe they were doing anything dishonest, which is more than I can say for Groupees. I can understand if people were disappointed if they already had some of the games, but obviously they can't possibly know that or account for each individual, and in all fairness those games were quality titles. Again, more than I can say for the trash that Groupees shovels out every week.
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Hmm. So, we can subscribe before the 4th. but can only unsubscribe before the 27th. Means possible hints during that last week up until the bundle to try to lure us in maybe?
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They provide incentive for you to. If you have two accounts (as I have for a while now), you can switch off. You come out one game ahead that way.
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No, I'm talking about subscribing from a second account that's never been signed up before. I'm certain I'll get the instant unlock. (If you didn't already have a second account it would be a lot of trouble though.)
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Ah, I see what you're saying. That would be sensible on their part.
Then again, I do have an unnatural number of e-mail addresses...
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Thank you for the reminder, I cancelled the day the first one was released and the disappointment set in. The first one was ok, but if I hadn't already had VC I would have been much happier with the bundle. This time I'm waiting until the last minute and only ordering IF they have hints and they hint at something I really want, otherwise I'll take my chances passing.
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Are there any image "leaks" like in previous bundle ? I didnt bought previous one because imgaes clearly shown that 2 big games will be Saints Row franchise and Valkyria - and I own both of them, so I didnt risked just to get 2 repeats and rest of crappy games
Anyway, If there are also such leaks for this one, link'em for me plz
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I'll stay subscribed. I don't like this sort of business model, but all the entitled whining and bitching about the first one makes me want to give them some support. It's a small amount of money and any I can trade or give away anything I don't want.
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If you intend to cancel your HB Monthly subscription before the December bundle comes out then you must do that before 27. November 2015.
HB FAQ says:
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