im not saying they are bad but i do think it's a plus
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Yeah I know that MP based games like COD OR TF2 (can't be bothered to change caps to normal) are supposed to have MP but not every game needs it
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I don't blame you for typing OR in all caps, gotta maintain that efficient typing.
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yeah but skyrim for example, once you have done the main story, why would you keep playing?
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ME3's MP is TONS of fun and doesn't take anything away from the SP game. Dunno why people like to hate it, it's better than the brainless MP from things like COD.
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I wish it had any control over the ending. The fact is that the ending is the same regardless of any choices you ever made.
Also, with extended cut patch you can get max readiness without the MP.
But even if you needed it, at worst it's a side quest (can max out readiness in about an hour of MP). At best it's a great add-on to the game.
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Are you saying games with "awesome graphics" instead of a compelling storyline are better?
Are you one of them eye-candy kids I see around these days?
Also, lol at "ratings" from "official" gaming review websites. Bunch of twats paid to give good ratings on specific games. There was a story somewhere about a reviewer from a really famous website that got fired cause he presented his honest opinion about some popular game. How's that for basing your gaming on "ratings" ? :P
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What constitutes a "good" game is relative, ratings are all just personal opinion and a lot of people don't care about them anyhow, some people don't care about multiplayer, a lot of people don't care about graphics and actually like/prefer older graphic styles (pixels, etc.), and different people like different types of games.
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The reason they appear more ofter... I dunno, because they're cheaper maybe?
Also what exactly is the point of this thread?
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ok maybe if i put it from a different angle: why would someone make a game with shit graphics?
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indeed =D!
graphics has little to no effect on the amount of fun I have in a game.
also, I make my own opinion in a game. Even though I know that a game sucks ass, I still try it out and see that it blows myself! (example - dead horde lol)
to each their own!
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or another angle: what constitutes shit graphics... call of duty has bad graphics in comparison to a tonne of games and yet a few million like that game which i still don't understand why but it doesn't mean i should hate on the fans of COD for it... build a bridge dude...
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i try to not look at meta critic, i go on websites most of them are in french though lol
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I think game ratings give you an idea of whether a game is amazing or terrible, before you've even seen or heard anything about the game even. It's the mediocre ratings that make judging games difficult. Everyone has their own tastes so it can go either way depending on the individual :S
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yeah i realized lots of the ratings are retarded and i often don't agree with them but i tend to go in the same general direction, like lets say i see a game with shit rating, i might not think its super shit but wouldn't call it amazing either.
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I dont see how removing multiplayer option makes a plus... you can play multi player games alone but you cant do the opposite... that's why i ended up giving up on skyrim even though i thought it was a great game.
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no, people are aloud to have their own opinion, i'm not emperor of galaxy or anything, but i like to understand shit, understand other's point of view.
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Okay so how is making a post rambling about games not being good and saying "who would want those?" and all that trying to understand others' point of view?
It's just writing off every game you personally don't like, making your opinion of what is a "good" game into the "right" one.
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look maybe you like to play all alone in front of a CRT screen with lousy graphics, but i bought a computer to run good graphics on it and play with friends, if you dont want to explain why you prefer your way, why are you even bothering to continue posting?
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"if you dont want to explain why you prefer your way, why are you even bothering to continue posting?"
As has been mentioned numerous times, it's personal opinion and taste, just like it's my personal opinion that you're coming off as an elitist, closed-minded, slow-learning, self-centered prick.
You never told me how writing off everyone's opinion is supposed to be trying to understand shit. You're skirting around questions and making yourself sound more and more ridiculous with each thing you say.
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Skyrim with a multiplayer? A co-op mode might have been nice, but not really necessary. And an MMO would be too crowded and wouldn't have a real good thing. And PVP matches would suck.
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coop at least and pvp would actually be funny, i don't like mmo, just to play with my friends either beating them or just doing the campaign... again i rly loved skyrim but i didn't want to stay long on it cuz i was playing on my own lol
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For me it's mostly about potatoes that grow in the winter in the tundra.
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Multiplayer has almost ruined gaming with me. For the most part, I don't enjoy it. I love single-player experiences.
But every game nowadays feels like it HAS to include some sort of multiplayer component. Which means budget, talent, and time is diverted from the single player experience to appeal to the multiplayer audience. Go suck eggs.
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one of the reasons why companies include multiplayer is probably because without it, people don't feel the need to buy the game and just download it off the internet for free.
and i do sometimes enjoy playing alone but having my friends along is way more enjoyable... u don't need to have stuff like, just some coop/pvp depending on the game, even if it's LAN
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>one of the reasons why companies include multiplayer is probably because without it, people don't feel the need to buy the game and just download it off the internet for free
This sentiment, which is wrong, is the reason DRM exists.
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i could google for 5 mins and find skyrim for free, DRM are just there to f*ck ppl over when they want to lend a game to a friend
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did i say i pirate games?
do you have reading comprehension issues?
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1) I have about 40 games on steam and most from packs
2) I don't get games on Steam because of DRM, I get them for the lower price.
3) lolumad?
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1) "I have about 40 games on steam"
2) I don't believe I challenged that. I simply said for someone complaining about DRM, you sure do use it a lot. It's ironic and a bit hypocritical.
3) Are you 12? I'm not mad, I think you make yourself sound more and more ridiculous with each comment. Well done.
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ok sure count dlc's as games lol
you can use stuff that you don't like simply because you don't have a choice, i don't think that makes it ironic
of course i'm 12, since i'm obviously the one who can't formulate an argument without insults or attacking the other person.
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Most people don't consider Steam to count as DRM, because when you hear/read "DRM" you think "annoying, obtrusive, rootkit-style stuff that serves no purpose other than to make it harder to access the games for which you have paid". Steam is none of these.
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u want single player why? so that it's more focused on the story? because i don't think that both are mutually exclusive or at least shouldn't be. I mean come on, even Dark Souls has some kind of multiplayer lol
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what you mean why? Single player games are the best games.
ou can have a taste of real gameplay there, more complex mechanics, more "i do what i want" kind of feeling, not being atached to the decicions of others... multiplayer should be a nice add on to singleplayer games, not backwards... can a game like Bioshock, or Metroid, or Metal Gear (not counting online, it has nothing to do with the singleplayer games) or Okami, or long, long ETC have multiplayer? yes, as an add.on, but they are focused on singleplayer, those games are designed to be singlepayer.
SinglePlayer games are disigned to be that, a singleplayer experience, adding multiplayer to those schems is just fuck the whole thing up.
why they are best? because you are the protagonist of the story, and you can play at your own rithm, in multipalyer you are atached to others, if you want to take 5 fucking hours exploring a map (in a game like skyrim or new fallout games, for example) you can, but, if you are in multiplayer, the other people may think different and just want to make the quest and go on... why i have to do the quest? i want toexplore the fucking map!, the smae goes for people who wants to make the quest and not exploring the map, the idea is you do what you want, and not what others want
other points... some games just CAN'T had multiplayer as the BASE of the game... assasins creed, the Base of the gmae is isnglepalyer, how the fuck you want to develop the whole story in multi? you can't, you just can't focuse in that.
Multiplayer is jsut a mess, people running in the map shooting/stabing/casting/etc at mobs or themselves.
When you play singleplayer, it is you against that world that was created for you...
but, most important is a thing of what you like or not...
yes i like to play multipayer co-op or PvP, usully with friends, becuase random people on the internet usually acts like idiots... but i preffer singleplayer all the fucking life, IS better, and sometimes you just want to be alone, witha bunch of mobs to kill, or a city to free, or a base fro where you wnat to scape...
if you like multiplayer, fine, good for you. i preffer single
and latelly multiplayer games looks stupid and shitty (mass effect 3 multiplayer was a joke, and that is an example)
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You are right.
Some games just can't have single player and you chose a perfect example, Assassin's Creed.
And making a multiplayer game and then adding a single player feature is retarded, it gives you awesome stories like UT stories lol (but UT is solely multiplayer, no one plays UT for the story i hope xD)
And the internet usually transforms people
And usually you can reason with your friends or have similar ways to play a game (well for me at least) so there shouldn't really be a problem in who wants to explore and who wants to continue the game
But if Skyrim had some kind of basic multiplayer like Dark Souls or even just a PVP mode, I think it would give a reason to play it longer.
But your opinion is as valid as mine.
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i want to understand the opinion that is not mine
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Graphic wise I wouldn't compare NES with Xbox, so, for me, games that had good graphics at the time they came out are still considered good graphics.
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but if you have the same game, one with ugly graphics and one with nice graphics, would you still pic the ugly graphics?
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That example applies when a game is relaunched with hd textures (Tony Hawk, Oddworld SW, etc) and if you liked the first one, you'll want to try the new to remember and see what was improved and whatnot, but most old games aren't re-released with hd textures and you still like them. I have no doubt the best games ever have are mostly old.
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for example, let's say you never played the original version of prince of persia and you were introduced to new PoP on android and PoP on DOS (i didn't finish the new one so i don't know if they really are exactly the same)
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from what i understood, it's the same exact gameplay and story
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Hey now, some of us reaaaaaaally want to be Bat Rats Kings!
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I tend not to have people to play with (either they're not around, I'm not around, or they don't want to play what I do when they ARE around). Thus, I don't usually play multiplayer. And I don't play with strangers, because people in general are jerks. So I don't know why a game "needs" MP.
As for the rest... uh... EVERYONE is supposed to like exactly what you do? Seriously? Old games are awesome, btw.
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old games are awesome (some) and you cant blame the graphics because of the technology back then.
now with the technology of now, why would you make a game about cubes fighting circles?
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Derp... yeah, I can't read or write or understand what I read, I don't know what to do... potato
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Since you're obviously being sarcastic, if you can understand then why can't you get it through your head that people make games with simpler graphics because some people like them? You don't, that's your opinion and taste. Some people do, that's their opinion and taste.
You've been told this multiple times and you still seem completely baffled by it. It's a pretty simple concept.
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I kinda posted something as public in a community where many people can have similar opinion, therefore it is expected to get similar answers because people decide it's fun to repeat same thing as someone else so I answer same thing, it doesn't mean I didn't get it first time...
And if people stopped at saying this is that because it's my opinion and you can have yours, the world wouldn't go very far.
Maybe you got butthurt by the way I expressed my original post, well I can't really help it.
I say stuff aggressively sometimes, so if you want to be butthurt well that's your thing, if you want to explain why you prefer one thing instead of another, you're welcome, if you wanna say that your opinion is yours and I am entitled to my opinion, it has been said quite a few times and it was kind of obvious from start with and if you want to start crying well I will just lol.
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Yes, many people have a similar opinion and that's why everyone in this thread has pointed out how ridiculous and ignorant you are.
Saying it's their opinion is the explanation. Personal taste and why people like what they like often can't be explained.
You are too fucking stupid and full of yourself to talk to. Have fun with that.
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I am able to justify many of my opinions,if you can't maybe you have start knowing yourself, don't judge people, you know nothing and neither do I, once you accept that, then you will be able to start understanding other people.
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Sorry man but i would have to agree with @pukaangelene because opinionns dont entirely have to be justified, they are feelings and views influenced about how we were brought up and what we played changing our perception of gaming and games in ways that other people may never be able to understand
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yeah sure and if i show you a juicy steak and a pile of poop, which would you eat?
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If I was a dung beetle, option (B) would be a clear winner.
Different strokes for different folks...
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+8999 judge me more and tell me how much more open minded you are
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kinda, i do wonder why some games seem to be so wanted when they don't seem that special at first glance.
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I don't know if you are talking about Indie games?
I don't really like indie myself, but many gamer find those really unique and entertaining.
And, if you want to give away a game, why not help an independent developer at the same time?
two birds, one stone
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I like your answer, but not all indie games have such inconvenience.
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My computer is bad. I don't have the money to shell out for a gaming computer as I am in college and all my funds go to food and my organizations. I like games with lower graphics (especially those with very low graphics options) as they run much better on my school laptop and I can play them with much less stutter and freezing. In that way, games with "poor graphics" are often the ones I play the most because I don't haev to deal with graphics issues.
I also prefer single player games (mostly, I play a TON of Dota 2 now but I am always very hesitant to play real 5v5 human games) because people online are big jerks. I don't like to lose and I especially don't like to lose when someone is calling me a niggerfaggot the whole time while I do it. Amazingly, I'll be on a taem full of people who are winning and I'll still be called a niggerfaggot. I like to play online sometimes to compete with others and to meet the nice people online, but when I'm stressed or tired (half the times I play video games) I don't want to compete. I want to relax, and multiplayer games (outside of co-op on low difficulties) are not relaxing.
I gave some reasons other than "my opinion is different bro" so I hope this helped.
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That's what I call a complete answer! Thanks!
I also share your opinion on the multiplayer, and this is why I usually only play with friends I know in real life.
And if I had a low performance computer because of college, I would like super high performance hogging games that don't run on my computer so that I don't play instead of study! :O lol
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Seems like the view of the community hasn't improved much, hahaha! But yea, there really is a lot of pressure in MOBA games to be perfect. Helps to up your game I guess, albeit in an unpleasant way. But the feeling when a tough pub or a high level game goes your way - Man, that's why I play DOTA.
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Yeah that's why i used to play it also :p (I moved on though lol)
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Judging by the speed at which giveaways of exploited keys or games with ridiculously lowered prices appear, i'd say this is the main reason some of the games I would normally give no interest are posted on this site...
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Well when I first bought my laptop I thought that I will play "uber cool" games with pretty graphics but soon I found out that alot of them seemed very shallow. And then got my hands few indie games that entertained me much longer than 50eur games and so on from this moment I looked at games from fun factor not how they look and usually the graphics seems fitting the games I play for instance I started playing Fallout 1 and god that games is amazing!!!!
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yes is amazing... but sometimes can make you ragequit... companions can kill each other for example, they "miss" their shot and then they start to shot themselves... not usre if out there is a mod to control the companions.
one mission make me rage quit the whoe game after a whole scuadron of heavy gunned people starts to attack me with no reason, and they where my companions for that mision... probably that was part of the plot, i don0t think so, so ragequit...
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a game is not all graphics, but i think that for similar game plays, i would tolerate more faults in a game that has better graphics.
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once it's done, it's done, plus i prefer playing with friends, imo there is more fun involved because you get to talk about it, laugh at mistakes, be amazed by random epicness that you may or may not understand. Being alone in your room with no one to talk too can be entertaining sometimes but has it's limits. I'd rather play coop campaign/pvp with vent or something.
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My argument isn't invalid, you still can't join a game with your friends! There are tons of single player game with no end game (if that's what you're saying, i dunno cuz i never played fallout) but you still can't play with your friend, even split screen would be great
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...I feel like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel...
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It also has massive single-player re-playability (and is single-player focused), old graphics, and is still massively popular. There's nothing wrong with old games, nor games that are single-player centric, and I don't see why you can't just accept that there IS a market for them. Just because you don't like a game or genre, doesn't mean someone else won't; otherwise there wouldn't be a market for them, and they'd stop making them. Graphics don't make or brake a game, either. Just look at Minecraft.
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nop i don't look at minecraft, i don't like the game and not only because of graphics
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Sometimes I see game titles that I don't know about so I decide to check them out and I'm like who would want those?! And I see so many entries and I lol so hard cuz the game has like 50% rating and stuff and usually not so awesome graphics and is single player O_o
Also I find that they appear way more often than good games in the giveaways... D:
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