i got today from a nice and polite person (which i have nothing against him) this message - to my thanks:

Please do not take this as rudeness. It would be nice if you changed your message on occassion. I've only read it a 1000 times. It also points to a bot or a auto-paste comment.

i replied him with this words:

"well its actually not a bot, its hand writing, also please dont take it as a disrespect, but it is my choice of how to say thanks and what words to use on that thanks, and for that i dont see any reason to "invent the wheel" over and over any time i want to say a simple "thank you" for a person.

i say thanks, because thats is the way i was thought. and i say it like this as thats is the way im comfortable with and see fit.

as i dont recall limiting you or any other one on how to say thanks... or even saying or not saying thanks at all. i think it is only fair that you (or any one else for the matter) respect other people words, even if you think its wrongly applied, and even if you think it has no meaning, it has a meaning to us!

one last words, you should stop judging others "ways of saying" and focus on what they actually say.:-)"

  • i dont really dont want to start any thing, not an argument, certainly not a "war" betwin the 2 sides.
  • i dont want those who think some ways to say thanks are wrong to start blacklist others, just for saying thanks!
  • i dont want people to judge others for how they chose to say thanks!
  • i also dont want people to judge those who dont say thanks!

each for is own way.

so for all of you, who enter the same GIVEAWAYS as i am, and feel offended by my thanks and by how it is look like - im sorry, but you should respect yourself at least (if not us) and pay attention to meaning of the thanks, and not to how it was writing by your understanding.

have a nice day SG


im really trying to get to all of the comments..but if i miss few im really sorry :-)

edit 2:

the person who is about isnt the giveaway creator, but another user nor did the creator mentioned any thing about "thanks" policy.

edit 3:

after few more comments with the fellow, he actually a nice man, i still dont feel what he did was right, but his intention (as cleared by him) were good :-)


we should pay attention to what we write/say to each other...

9 years ago*

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Beyonce had one of the best music videos of all time.
Sorry, this was the first thought that came out of my head.

Anyways, on topic. While yes, you should not be held accountable for thanking in your own way, people can't tell the difference between that and a bot - and it seems like people are more inclined to think you are a bot, actually.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think you did anything wrong. It's just that people interpret every word and action in their own way too, so even a little variation in your comment can go a long way.

9 years ago*

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the point is they think whats wrong with "bot users" and actually doing wrong by judging.

i actually dont care at all if person "X" think im a bot, he can think what he wants, i care for that he wants me to behave like he wants, when you dictate how to say "thanks" its not a really thanks, its an ego bust for himself.

9 years ago

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It's not that he's trying to tell you what to do. It's a friendly piece of advice in a way-- you could easily get blacklisted for people thinking you use a bot, so he's helping you avoid that.

9 years ago

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why do you need to block some one at all? what is it matter what he uses?

9 years ago

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Because those people are abusing system and lowering chances for honest users. As such I would love to get rid of them.

9 years ago

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how exactly did you got that idea?

1 giveaway made.

1 person clicked and enter.
2nd person enters by script

there are total of 2 entries 50-50% chance.

1 giveaway made.

1 person clicked and enter.
2nd person clicked and enter.

there are total of 2 entries still 50-50% chance.

9 years ago

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the fact that people automate the entering system is unfair to honest users that open the page, check the GA description and write something manually.

9 years ago

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i understand you think that, but i fail to see how it aint fair? it is maybe less moral, but its is equally fair.

9 years ago

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There is nothing unfair about it. Even if a user trains a Chimpanzee to do the entering for him (or her), it doesn't affect the system. Each account can only enter a giveaway one time, and only if the account has enough points. Automation of the process does nothing to change that. All that happens is that the person saves a little bit of time in exchange for losing personal interaction. For some people, the benefit is worth the cost.

9 years ago

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For some reason I thought it was against the rules to use such scripts. I guess I was wrong. I'm still not going to use them and don't like that people use them to enter my giveaways, but ok.

9 years ago

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I don't use them, either. I prefer being personal.

9 years ago

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+1 but i dont blame others who do use them as well.

9 years ago

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Those who dislike it are allowed to dislike it.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the opinion of the majority usually holds sway. It is when someone attempts to dictate what other people think that problems arise.

9 years ago

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true...for both sides :-)

9 years ago

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But what can they find in the GA description that has anything meaningful? If someone wants to tell something to the community, they already use the forum and just post a GA there. Train links start at an invite-only GA all the time. And if it is something about the delivery of the prize, that only concerns the winner(s). The only other things that may appear are (self-)promotions, and let's be honest: nobody is interested in them.

9 years ago

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Personally, I prefer to think that whoever wins my game at least has some particular reason to want that game, so I'd rather people just entering crap with bots not to get it.

9 years ago

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so let me get it straits...

person "A" enters your giveaway - thats ok by you

person "B" really really want that game and he dosent have the time, or he have a crappy connection who all the time crashes so he uses a script to enter a really desired game (the same thing you said is impotent to you) - thats not ok by you as you perceive it as not important for him?

9 years ago

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Just how crappy internet person has that he doesn't get to enter giveaway in hour it's up minimum? In first place that person probably couldn't even download any games from Steam, or use it at all.

9 years ago

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not true, i know several people who have disconnection problems they download the games over days, that dosent mean they cant play games but it does mean they have difficulties accessing web sites and such.

9 years ago

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If this person "B" does not have the time, internet connection, reliable computer or desire to actually Wishlist or look for the game I am giving away and physically click the Enter button themselves, well I guess they don't have the time computer or internet to play this really desired game.

The fact is that, as the Giveaway creator, it is important to me. Just because you disagree with it does not make it any less important to me or mean that I have to think differently to include whats important to you.

This age of entitlement needs to end people seriously. This is why everyone gets a participation ribbon, why no child sports keep score anymore and why they're suspending High School coaches who take a knee and pray by themselves before a game.

9 years ago

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how do you got that idea? you can have crappy internet connection and superb pc rig, so he can download the game over time and play it offline.

the fact is that if you want others to respect what is important to you you should do the same and respect what they do and important to them, its a 2 way road :-)

"This age of entitlement needs to end people seriously. This is why everyone gets a participation ribbon, why no child sports keep score anymore and why they're suspending High School coaches who take a knee and pray by themselves before a game."

i didnt quit understand what you wrote there on the last paragraph...what do you mean? :-S

9 years ago

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I get that idea, because if you can't take the time to log into Steamgifts.com, to find the Giveaway of SUPER AMAZING GAME YOU MUST PLAY Vol 3 Part 2, then I don't think you deserve to have the chance to win my game. That is my choice as the Giveaway Creator. If you don't like it, then move on or start your own Giveaway site and make it so you can only do public GA's with no levels or groups and everyone has a fair and equal chance to win it!

Also, What if the game requires always online to play?

It's not a two way road when I am providing something out of my pocket for free for someone to have a chance at. That's why programs that give things like food and shelter and aide, make rules about using substances like drugs and alcohol. It's why you can't vote if you are a felon in the US. Things are not entitled to you just because you feel like they should be.

Also my last paragraph is pretty clear, entitlement is destroying the world. We need another Great Depression to go through and knock sense into everyone globally. The rich, the young, the poor, the elderly, the middle class. Everyone needs a wakeup call lately it seems.

9 years ago

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i read your words and i get sad :/

there is so much wrong in them...so much anger, hope you will feel better.

9 years ago

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I feel fine, wonderful actually. however your words just seem to make no sense to me. You have a very common thread in a lot of your replies here, you want people to think the same way you do. Look at your OP, this is all about you being judged for saying thanks, yet you are judging everyone who does not agree with you and trying to convince them they are wrong. When that doesn't happen you turn to a personal passive aggressive statement and act like you can tell a person's feeling just from the words they have put down.

If that was true then how would we look at authors? Does that mean that Tolkein was Sauron? Lucas was Skywalker? Salinger is Caulfield?

You dislike my opinion and what I have to say, you've offered no counter points except for the "Come on man like he really wants it and can download it over weeks and play it offline and get half the experience out of the game you should just like not care and let me win all teh games" attitude followed by your cookie cutter response for people who try to push their agenda on others.

9 years ago

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ohh i did gave you counter points, as regard of you i dont judge and i dont force my opinion,i lay them and i ask not to be judge in the same way i dont judge.

as this site is public, tho it also have the option to do private giveaways if a person think that he should control all, then he should chose private.

as on public, a person should respect those who enter and comment same way as they respect him by commenting, his "theories" of how and when and how much - are just theories and for such he should look at them from the good sides of view point!

you on the other hand..you should read your post again , maybe tomorrow.

you sit on your high pedestal, judge all but what is right or not by your perspective, disregard situations other have in there life, state that they dont deserve, that you decide etc, dictates what they are intitled or not :/

some up of your words are "im ok every body else aint".

so reading your post makes me sad, the feeling of your words are anger and sadness but if you you say you feel fine, then im happy im mistaken.

9 years ago

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The sum of my words is this - If I create a Giveaway, you do not get to tell me what to do with it.

The sum of your words - I want everyone to think like me and do this so I do not get offended and can win everything I want.

It's simple - if you have a situation in your life that prevents you from taking the time to click Enter Giveaway and to read the Description Box in the Giveaway that I am giving away out of my pocket, that little tiny action of Entering and reading...then I feel like that situation is preventing you from being able to use the Giveaway I am creating.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if you can't take 5 minutes you don't deserve 5-50+ hours of Gameplay for free from something I am giving out?

9 years ago

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If I create a Giveaway, you do not get to tell me what to do with it.

agreed, on the same page you should not tell others what to write, nor to cancel there meaning in there chosen words :-)

sorry, do you read my words?

the some of my words is "live and let live", its mutual respect, dont judge.
you trying to reflect your way on me wont work :-)

then I feel like that situation is preventing you from being able to use the Giveaway I am creating.

the whole point is that the giveaway you are creating is on public site! whos whole purpose is sharing (unconditionally sharing - except for private giveaways) there for you shouldn't in the first place dictates "rols" for your comments.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if you can't take 5 minutes you don't deserve 5-50+ hours of Gameplay for free from something I am giving out?

why is it so hard for you to understand the difference between public and private giveaway? :-)

by the way what will be your next filter?

  • gender?
  • race?
  • religion?
9 years ago

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No, my next filter is the Blacklist, as I am sure you will find yourself on a lot of.

Why do you need to bring Gender, Race and Religion into this? None of that was mentioned and it again just further proves your passive aggressive comments to try to undermine someone by insulting without insulting.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that just because something is public, it does not mean you get free run and control of it. You still have to follow rules, laws, contracts, etc depending on the situation. Ever seen a public park? I bet it's got things like leash laws for pets, if they allow them, or rules against having alcohol or glass containers there. You still have to throw things in the garbage, you can't just ignore littering laws because it's a public park. Just because something is public access does not mean it belongs to the public domain and is owned by the public.

9 years ago

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No, my next filter is the Blacklist, as I am sure you will find yourself on a lot of.

nothing to say here, a person blacklist for this...say alot of you dont you think?

passive aggressive

are you sure im the one who is passive aggressive? have you read your post? your words? your actions?

Why is it so hard for you to understand that just because something is public, it does not mean you get free run and control of it.

why do you have 2 standards one for you and one for us?

you can't just ignore littering laws because it's a public

you actually compare those things to saying thanks? are you real? do you have proportions? i dont recall saying thanks in any kind of way as braking the site roles, and as i recall the site is build around a community, those who share and those who receive, its not the same as a public park etc

Just because something is public access does not mean it belongs to the public domain and is owned by the public.

you understood what i said, public in here is meant open to the community who use it.

have a nice day, you are a lost cause, and dont get it the wrong way but i wont reply to your comments here, i dont get along with your type of attitude.

9 years ago

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How do I have 2 standards? I simply think that the person giving away something has every right to say what he wants about the giveaway he created. Just because it was made public does not mean it falls under the public's control. Think of it like a scholarship, if none of the previous examples have made it stick for you yet.

I'm not comparing littering to saying thanks, you are, because you can't get past the saying thanks part. I'm saying if a GA creator says "Instead of Thank You please say I smell Cheese" then it's their option to. You won't get a reroll on it anymore, but it's totally within their right to decide to not send you the game, delete the GA or blacklist you following it. Just because the GA Was made public does not mean that you get to choose what is done with it and what happens because of what is done with it.

9 years ago

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I agree with everything you say, but unfortunately your information is a bit outdated when it comes to "totally within your right to decide to not send you the game". See this.

9 years ago

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Oh trust me my friendly fellow beer lover, I'm familiar with that thread and your ordeal. Its still totally within my right to decide to not send it, just as it's in support's right to ban me if they feel it violates the ToS of the site. I'd still rather take the hit than see someone like this win one of my games, even if it's just bundle fodder at this point.

9 years ago

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They tried to require mandatory drug tests for welfare recipients here and of course the ACLU sued to have it overturned. They also allow inmates to sue because their feelings were hurt over peanut butter etc.

I think that's where these attitudes begin. (at least around here)

9 years ago

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Yeah, it's funny when you look around the US and compare how different states run their programs. In Florida, they had no problem throwing drug tests at Welfare parents and fighting the backlash, but where I live it won't even see a vote in the State house on it. Inmate treatment is the same, just look at Sheriff Joe in Arizona. That guy would never see a prison job as a guard in most states. Arizona loves him or hate shim depending on who ya ask.

9 years ago

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Side note: Sheriff is an elected position rather than an appointed one.

9 years ago

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Yup which says even more when you look at the stuff he does with his prison lol

9 years ago

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The Person B scenario is extremely rare that their connection actually works like that. I had a horrible connection until college but even if it crashes often no paid connection is still down more often than it's up. It's more or less a negligible scenario, and not having people using bots still results in a more likely chance that someone who wants it will win.

Pretty much anyone who wants a game has the ability to check the site often for any giveaways for it and enter themselves. I'd much prefer that.

9 years ago

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but why do you think that a person who uses bot is not interested in the game?

9 years ago

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Because often they're just using one to enter all kinds of crap instead of specifically judging which games they want.

Besides, it would be my preference anyway. If you know how to script or have access to someone else's, using a bot takes absolutely no effort. I'd just rather someone actually enter my giveaway themselves.

My last 5 giveaways have been private or group, which really works for my preference even more, because then I'm giving it to people that I do feel deserve it. But either way, I don't even need a justification. If I'm doing a giveaway, I can choose anyone to enter and anyone to not. I'm not depriving anyone of anything, I'm just giving something extra to certain people.

9 years ago

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fair enough, why not give the same courtesy to those who say thanks on giveaways?

some say it the same way others are more creative, all are thankful no? :-)

9 years ago

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Well, some thanks can just be scripted, which brings us back to all that.

I really don't mind someone saying "Thanks" vs "thank ye kindly" or any of that, no. I don't do a ton of giveaways so it doesn't get annoying, I appreciate any gratitude.

9 years ago

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thanks for the time and words i appreciate it ^_^

9 years ago

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np ^_^

9 years ago

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i manually enter 'all kinds of crap', no scripts no nothing, i choose every single one (edit: i dont mean i enter everything)

i am genuinely interested in all kinds of games, i've bought them, played them, nowadays enter giveaways for the time being

my fraps folders total like 300gb, that's after converting to jpg & x264

but anyway i'm probably rare & have nothing against private/group giveaways, features are there to be utilized by the creator's choice

9 years ago

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Yeah, that's cool. I just meant that I don't want people winning who have no interest and never plan to play the game at all. In your case, it sound like you at least have an idea that you'd like to try the game, which is perfectly fine by me.

9 years ago

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that's the problem, if i dont say it or if creator doesnt check my steam profile (which could still mean card farming so my videos/youtube would be better), i would appear as if i'm mass entering everything or using scripts

9 years ago

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If you don't add a generic comment no-one will have such thoughts. The safest approach is to thank the giveaway creator when you win, and only comment on the giveaway if you have something non-generic to say.

9 years ago

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Actually my connection is rather crappy at the moment, but I would never think of using a bot to enter GAs. Even with my crappy connection, I still manage to enter the game I really want. Probably I do miss some because of connection, but really it's not like I can enter every GA anyway, with the point system you still have to pick and chose (especially when a game you want come in a bundle), so it's not the end of the world if I miss a couple GA because of internet connection, I'd still much rather enter manually...

9 years ago

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Whitelisted :3

9 years ago

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Well thank you, that's very nice of you:)

9 years ago

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I wouldn't go as far as to call it an ego bust. Maybe it's their way of knowing that people are actually taking the time to read their descriptions by requesting how they want to be thanked.

You said below that the person who gave you this comment wasn't the giveaway creator. Maybe that user saw your comment too many times and got annoyed, or maybe that user was trying to watch out for you and tell you to switch up your comments so you don't get blacklisted by other people. There's always two sides to the coin. Maybe they're trying to help you out when you're taking offense to the comment. Likewise, you are trying to genuinely thank someone, but maybe people are taking offense that you couldn't put in a little variance. That's the thing, you can never know. People can interpret anything in any way.

Take this comment for example. I'm just trying to show you both sides of the coin, but I'm almost positive that this may offend you. It's not my intention to offend you in anyway, but does me saying that make you feel any less offended?

You're typing it in anyways, why not change it up a tiny bit? Even adding an extra exclamation mark at the end is enough for the creator to know that you're not a bot, and it takes you less than a second.

9 years ago

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read what you wrote, its ok by you that the comment writer "needs" to think and configure the comment so it will fit the comment receiver abused mind, as if not he will be treated on a way that judges him for the worst?


the creator / reader is free from thinking good on the writer, and seeing the words on a bright side, he can judge, he can blacklist, he can get upset...but then...

the writer, cant use his own words, have to always change his words-pick, as if not he will be judged, blacklisted and his simple repetitive and un original words will have no meaning.

you know the knife cuts too ways, 2 sides of a coin also means no judging the writer words and seeing the meaning in them.

whats fair is fair.

9 years ago

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Honestly, I'm not sure if anything can be called fair in a situation like this - everyone has their own way of thinking, so it's up to how the situation gets interpreted.

I don't think the creator is wrong for suggesting some effort, just so they know you're not a bot or respecting their description.
I don't think you are wrong for trying to thank the creator in your own way.

The way I see it, the creator is doing me a service by creating a giveaway. The least I can do is make their life more pleasant by thanking them in a way they requested. It takes little to no effort on my end and it makes their day better, so why not?

That being said, it's also my choice if I decide I don't want to thank them in their way. However, by doing so, I'm obligated to take any consequence (blacklist, hate, etc.) that comes my way.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, so what's left is to just make a choice and go with it.

I'm probably repeating myself a bunch of times, so I'm going to stop posting since redundancy is just going to annoy people.

9 years ago

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fair enagth thank you for your opinion :-)

9 years ago

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Which music video is that? I've only seen a few with her and can't really say they're amazing. Tenacious D - Tribute, is however one of my personal favourites.

9 years ago

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I actually have no idea. This is quote from Kanye West where he insults Taylor Swift in front of her face.
So naturally, it ended up exploding into a meme.

9 years ago*

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Apparently I can't meme. I had actually heard the "Imma let you finish" part but not the part about Beyoncé.

9 years ago

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The "I'mma let you finish" is the important part. I actually thought my reference was a bit out of context. It was the wording in the title that made me think of the reference.

9 years ago

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Oh yeah, I totally get that now. Wow. I'm slow today, maybe time for some more coffee.

9 years ago

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Some people get upset because it shows up every time as a new notification while grateful as it may sound, it can be annoying because they don't want to know, especially if you do alot of giveaways. Why it is better to say thanks only if you win.

9 years ago

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the person wasnt the giveaway creator, he didnt get no "notification" for it at all.

9 years ago

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LOL, that's extra heinous. Folks gonna be douches for no reason. Unfortunately, that's life. Douches come, douches go.

9 years ago

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im sorry i didnt understand (bad English and i didnt really understand google translate said) what did you meant? :-)

9 years ago

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He said: The person who told you that is a jackass.

9 years ago

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oh...thanks for translating it ^_^

9 years ago

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Yes :)

9 years ago

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well i dont think he is a jackass but i dont think he did right by what he wrote.

9 years ago

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i've stopped writing thank comments in giveaways because most people dont like it... i only say thank you if i win a giveaway. thats okay for most people ^^

9 years ago

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Same. Just looking at the comments, you can tell it would be an annoyance for you to fill someone's inbox with the same message they've already got from others (especially the public giveaways). When you win the game though, there is definitely the feeling of giving some gratitude towards the giveawayer.

9 years ago

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but as i see it i say thanks for the thought, for the chance, as for that i usually say additional thanks if i win...

9 years ago

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Right, I don't think your intentions are bad. That doesn't change the fact that it can be an annoyance. It's sort of like SpongeBob and Squidward. SpongeBob genuinely likes Squidward and wants to be nice to him, but it doesn't change the fact that he essentially ruins Squidward's life (sometimes Patrick does this to SpongeBob too.) This is an extreme example, but this is essentially the issue at hand.

9 years ago

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you lost me at SpongeBob...sorry :-D

9 years ago

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Yeah people went so silly that I stopped commenting before I actually win the giveaway.

They can't understand that 98% of people saying thanks are not the bots, and 95% of bots are working the way that you can't recognize them.

So it's best just to avoid them.

9 years ago

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but i want to say thanks :/

9 years ago

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What is wthog?

9 years ago

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...but yeah, been wondering about this for a while myself.

9 years ago

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William Tell, Hoarder Of Games.

9 years ago

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William Tell, Hidden Object Game. Bound to come.

9 years ago

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Win The Hidden Object Game (best posted on HOG giveaways™)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Written Thanks Hundred-percent Original Guaranteed.

9 years ago

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What the hell? OWN GOAL!?!?!??!

9 years ago

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With the help of God?

9 years ago

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yeap ^_^

9 years ago

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Is this a common saying? Google doesn't give this result...

9 years ago

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I don't know if it is common. I just briefly dated this Christian girl and she had a cross-stitch thing of it on her wall.

9 years ago

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Nice. Maybe I would've known if I had dated a Christian girl. Or dated at all, really.

9 years ago

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actually didnt know others use it ^_^

9 years ago

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Hey, are you that girl I dated?

9 years ago

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last time i checked i was a boy :-P ...so no sir...

9 years ago

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Check again,
OT I also just use Thanks at the end of the Giveaway now if I win though I've only won once.

9 years ago

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nope..still the same :-D

9 years ago

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Are you sure it was a girl HH6? :P

9 years ago

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Yes, I remember it all quite clearly no matter how hard I try to forget. Her dog bit me very hard in the bum while we were having an intimate moment and it was very very upsetting.

9 years ago

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Pillow Pants!

He's REAL!

(Clerks 2 NSFW!! (you been warned) )


9 years ago

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I just had the time to watch that. I liked Clerks, I didn't even know there was a Clerks 2 and apparently it was nearly a decade ago.

It wasn't a troll though. It was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and it really did bite the hell out of my ass. She said it must have thought I was attacking her but I think the dog was just an asshole.

9 years ago

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It is common among Muslims. I haven't really heard it much outside of that. (Occasionally, a Christian might say it.)

9 years ago

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You mean Insha'Allah? Huh, that's a rather weird... Englishization... Anglification... whatever the word for that is.

9 years ago

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Not quite.

  • In sha'allaah == If God wills (because nothing happens without his permission)
  • bi ithnillaahi wa bi `awnihi == with God's permission and His help (when seeking His assistance in accomplishing something)

In English, you might say "with the help of God" in the second instance, but it's unusual to say it when seeking something "trivial" like a videogame.

9 years ago

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well by my people every thing is by god, even what you call "trivial" :-)

9 years ago

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I apologize if I wasn't clear. Muslims believe that everything that happens is by the permission of God, and they seek His help whenever they want to accomplish something important to them. Generally speaking, however, they do not seek His help for something "trivial" that they do not care about (e.g. setting a glass down on the table) or are not sure they should do (e.g. buying an expensive dinner).

9 years ago

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well nether do we, but this is quit different, by my people perception there is what you wish for, and what you deserved or good for you.

to ask you should ask, even for trivial things as for us even the air we breath and the water we drink (which are trivial for most) is a miracle.

beside...im a gamer, and unemployed one with almost 0$ budget, in that place you need the help of god even for what you call trivial :-)

9 years ago

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Wow, not even google knew it O.o

9 years ago

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Heavenhairsixes >> google confirmed

9 years ago

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you...you googled me? O.o

you know you are the second one ever to do that?... im ...flattered sir :-)

9 years ago

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You failed even With The Help Of Google,

for shame, budgie, for shame

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wrote Thanks - Human Or Golem?

9 years ago

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What The Hell, O Games?

9 years ago

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Who They Help? Only Goalkeepers.

9 years ago

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Company in Auckland, NZ.

9 years ago

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Welp! That's Horrifying! Orange Greens!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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@ heavenhairsixes got it right

With the help of God

9 years ago

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Who's that hot, obese girl?

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Not Safe For... Leisure? :P

9 years ago

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Oh it's definitely safe for leisure. Lesbians, however, might not be safe here.

9 years ago

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I read warthog first time.

9 years ago

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Same. Glad it's finally cleared up, I've been wondering for months!

9 years ago

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Means we are intellectually closer to warthogs than to god?

9 years ago

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Want to hide own gratitude.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Watch this Hentai, Obscene Gerontophiliacs.

9 years ago

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I almost sympathised with you, but now I can see that the person who sent you that message was right after all. You can try to justify what you do, but pretending it's hand writing, really?

9 years ago

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yea...sure, i will wait 1000 comments to open a "mask" discussion?

just for you to know i dont care if person "X" think im a bot, i care he judges me for something he "thinks".

9 years ago

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I don't think you're a bot, but I see the 16k comments, the content/speed of those comments, the sg script addon group membership all together and I think, "hand writing, really?"

9 years ago

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well do you see this thread? did you see the amount of words? so its aint pusibble? really?

9 years ago

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I like how you wrote "list" instead of "least"

No doubt, "lists" incoming. (Not from me at any rate)

i got today from a nice and polite person (which i have nothing against him) this message - to my thanks

Which is why you are stirring shit up reposting it in public instead of just replying back to him privately, no doubt.

9 years ago*

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and i like how people fix my grammer :-P

~thank you fixed it

Which is why you are stirring shit up reposting it in public instead of just replying back to him privately, no doubt.

he got a private response, the public one (as there is no name for that user) is for stopping it from happening again to someone else, but surly no doubt you new that, after all there is no judgment in your words at all isnt?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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ohh men...no hope for me :/

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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same here

9 years ago

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Well I too have only ever seen you saying

Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^

9 years ago

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ok, whats wrong with that? i also say the same "hello" to my friends and neighbors is that a bot as well? i also sign my name the same way on the bank...thats a bot as well? see the point? :-)

9 years ago

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I don't know what you say but I know when I do giveaways it is annoying to see something like "TℋÅℕḲϟ ẎѺṲ‼‼" plastered over all of your giveaways in a manner of seconds. I personally don't mind if it's "Thanks" or "Thank you" "Thanks!" or whatever but when it's the top example or something like "may your swag be over 9000 and your douchebaggery be top-notch" or similar, it gets old.

By the same token, I would never ban people from saying thank you, it's just a bit annoying to see the same thing 5+ times in a row.

9 years ago

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may your swag be over 9000 and your douchebaggery be top-notch

lul. we all know that one guy :D

9 years ago

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Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking on the subject. The ones that use a spoiler tag bug me too.

Of course, if someone says not to say thanks in the comment or asks for something specific instead of thanks, like a joke or favorite song or whatever, I'm fine with doing that.

9 years ago

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so basically you say that people should not write what they feel is right, but insted what you feel is right?

does it sound fair to you? you chose to give, but they have no choice on how to say or what to say as a thanks?


9 years ago

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Pretty much yes. After all it's their giveaway and to not respect their wishes when entering it is kinda rude.

9 years ago

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so by your line of thoughts the creator actually should ask what to give, as he ask for a specific way to receive as "thanks" no?
whats fair is fair...

then i want if is ok by you xcom 2 giveaways please :-P

9 years ago

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What? I know your English isn't very good, but that made no sense.

If a giveaway creator asks you to not post any kind of 'Thank you' replay and you do it that's not okay in my book. After all he created the giveaway and not you.

9 years ago

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he isnt the giveaway creator, nether did nothing was stated on what should or shouldn't be said on comments.

9 years ago

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I agree with this. If the giveaway creator asks that you not say thanks, then the proper way to show gratitude is to honor their request.

However, it doesn't sound like the person who wrote the comment to MRLW was the giveaway creator, so they don't really have a say in the matter. Typing a very specific thank you phrase is really no different than typing a generic "thanks" everywhere - write whatever you feel like.

9 years ago

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If it wasn't the giveaway creator then it is indeed strange and they really don't have anything to request from another person in the giveaway.

9 years ago

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I have the impression you are talking about two different people ^^

9 years ago

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that is exactly what made me come here, as i said i dont really care if my "tanks" is perceived as a bot - thats there business not mine, mine is to say it and i dont judge them for it.

i came here as that person wasn't the giveaway creator at all.

9 years ago

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Okay, now I got it. If it wasn't the giveaway creator then it is weird and you should ignore it.

9 years ago

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Whut? He wasn't the giveaway creator? O.o Why does he care in the first place then? :S

9 years ago

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i dont know...i guess my words really anointed him or he really wanted to help me...

9 years ago

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They should write what would best convey their feelings to the creator.

9 years ago

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think of what you just said, that would actually make them a real bot.

9 years ago

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Huh? How? Why?

9 years ago

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i think i didnt understand you there :-S

what did you meant, i understood it as they should write what they think the creator wants (and by your last comment i feel i got it the wrong way? if so im truly sorry, English is my 2nd language :-S)

9 years ago

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Not exactly. (If I understood you correctly). When you post a thank you comment you want to to let the creator know you are grateful. If, reading your comment, the person thinks you are trying to insult them, obviously you are not conveying your feelings properly. It matters not only what the message you are leaving means to you. It also matters, in equal measure, what that message means to the person it's directed to. After all, understading each other is the purpose of communication. If somebody doesn't speak chinese, it's useless to tell them 谢谢, they simply wouldn't know what on earth you meant (and, if you can make yourself understood in some other way, it would be simply rude to do so). If somebody asks you to say "pineapple" instead of "thank you" and you say "thank you" anyway, the message you are conveying is that you don't care about what the creator wants, not that you are grateful.
Just to clarify: I'm not referring to this particular situation. Specially since it seems the message wasn't left by the giveaway creator. This is just a general observation on what I believe the people should write.

9 years ago*

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ohhh so i got it right the first time...so again that would actually make them a real bot.

as they dont say what the feel or they choose but what the creator wants.

9 years ago

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Uhm, no. If a person asks you to say "pineapple" instead of "thank you", by saying "pineapple" you say exactly what you feel (gratitude). If instead you would say "thank you" anyway, it's because you don't actually feel that grateful (so you would also be lying). I have the impression you are giving words themselves more importance than they deserve. What about the meaning?

9 years ago

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nope, if you say what he want its not what you meant.

on the same way he dosent ask you what to give.

he has his choice and you have your choice - both equal, both have a meaning.

the meaning is determined by both sides, if you chose to see no meaning - there will be no meaning by your side, if you force meaning, there will be no meaning by his side.

if both respect one another, and chose to see the meaning - then there is a meaning.

9 years ago

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nope, if you say what he want its not what you meant.

Why? And it's not about what they "want". It's about understanding each other. Do you think somebody has something against the wrods "thank you" for some reason?

on the same way he dosent ask you what to give.

I don't see how that is related, sorry.

he has his choice and you have your choice - both equal, both have a meaning.
the meaning is determined by both sides, if you chose to see no meaning - there will be no meaning by your side, if you force meaning, there will be no meaning by his side.
if both respect one another, and chose to see the meaning - then there is a meaning.

Exactly. A creator is simply telling you how to let them know you are grateful (if you wish to do so), because posting the same exact comment in every giveaway often simply doesn't convey it, due to the current circumstances (there is only so many times you can see your message page fill with "thank you!" from the same person within seconds after making multiple public giveaways, before you simply can't value these words anymore in those situations). You can try to find your own way too.

9 years ago*

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Do you think somebody has something against the wrods "thank you" for some reason?

apparently there is, is some here treat it as with no meaning.

I don't see how that is related, sorry.

it is related on the level of dictating what to say/do , the same way you dont dictate how to say thanks no one dictates you what to share and give - both things are motions of pure choice of a person.

A creator is simply telling you how to let them know you are grateful

thats the point its not for them to decide, its for the person who comes with it to decide, on there end they should except it as full, genuine and complete.

you can see your message page fill with "thank you!" from the same person

i dont recall i had problem with it (tho i only made one train so...)

9 years ago

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Plain and simple.If you want to express "gratitude" then go ahead and thank the person.
If the creator is not fine with your low level of gratitude, chances are he's probably a douchebag.
Imagine if i was the GA creator..... I don't wanna see any "Thanks' , if you want to express gratitude towards my greatness for creating this GA then you need to say " I suck or anything that amuses me "
Like few other users said , that's pretty much Snowflake syndrome, such users get sense of entitlement just because they gave something to others and wanna hear how awesome they are.
So MRLW was actually right. This is how Bot would probably do it "input GA description requirements" or "input very funny joke to express gratitude.....ERROR..jokes are meant for entertainment and not expressing persons gratitude towards something...critical error...shutdown in 5 4 3 2 1"
Ignore last sentences, i got too excited.
Anyways, i may or may not be totally wrong depending on persons opinions,beliefs and principles.

9 years ago

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I just want to criticize everyone disagreeing with you very openly (i'm a jerk like that) and praise you for your patience to write what must have been over 10k+ comments saying exactly:

Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^

It requires a lot of effort, and you're right to open up a thread to fight for your right to party... say the same exact comment that is longer than 1 word, but involves no copy-paste or scripts, etc. That is noble and commendable.

Keep up the good fight!

View attached image.
View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

Like I said, I think all the random "Thanks" comments are fine/great and the ones who go out of their way to say something personal/unique to that giveaway are even better but some seem to go out of their way to say something annoying and say the same thing every time. Yours is borderline.

To give an example, people do nice things for me many times throughout the day, whether it's holding a door, saying something nice, bringing me a soda/food, whatever. Sometimes I say thanks, sometimes I say thank you, sometimes a 'you rock' is in order, etc. If EVERY TIME someone did any nice little thing for me I replied with "Thank you sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman. I hope your day is peachy, your swag level is over 9000, I tip my fedora to you and I hope you have the most splendiferous of days" then, well, people would stop doing nice things for me.

Just mix it up a bit, is that so hard? If you're truly typing it out every single time (cough) then it shouldn't be that hard to say something else every once in a while.

Just my opinion, do whatever the hell you want. Just know how the things you say are perceived.

9 years ago

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i really dont see how your line of thought is true, i use the same phrases, same words to thank the people in my life, and so do they (each one with his own flavor - but solid one) i didnt see no one get offended, or stooping his relationship with me, on the contrary.

its not the word choice that keep people around you as the meaning you see in them, and its your choice if to see a meaning or not.

9 years ago

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Then we agree to disagree!

May your day be wonderful, may your richest desires be met, may you be loved, may your swag level be over 9000. I tip my fedora to you and wish you the grandest of days. Thank you for your great time, thank you for this wishlisted topic, may you love and be loved for the rest of your days, I wish the greatest happiness upon you.


9 years ago

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Then we agree to disagree!

fair enough :-)

and thank you, much appreciated, from your writing to god ears ^_^

9 years ago

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Dont know about others but I always appreciate "thank you" or any kind of graditute shown for chance to win .

9 years ago

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as do i :-)

9 years ago

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Do you also appreciate something like this: and I'm not talking about the avatar

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Hahha well certanly it would be annoying , but than again I dont make GA trains or do several GAs at once.
So things like that dont happen to me :D

9 years ago

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She's a beauty, you should appreciate it.

9 years ago

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Exactly this. If it's just the same message entered on every single giveaway it makes it seem far less genuine. It's like people who put "Thanks," or "Thank you," in their e-mail signatures. They could be cursing me out for my terrible incompetence but they would still end the message with "Thank you" because it's in their signature.


Still, nice avatar.

9 years ago

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There are two reasons why people don't like getting generic "thank you" - the first is that it's a sign of bots/scripts and most people prefer honest thank you or nothing rather than an automated comment from a machine. The other reason is notification spam. It can get real bad if you have many giveaways running at the same time. Does anyone enjoy getting something like the attached picture?

I'm fine with people posting anything on my giveaways, including generic thanks, as long as they do it in a way that shows me they're not bots. I actually provide an easy method to prove that they aren't - just type the 1-liner comment in quotes (e.g. "Thank you!"). Any comment longer than 1 line doesn't even need this. See my regular template for public giveaways here. I have some ideas how to improve this in future public giveaways (yes, I haven't given up on those), but for now the quotes work well and don't seem to annoy people most of the time.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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let me ask you a question, why exactly do you think that if a person uses a bot or script or what ever they use there words are meaningless?

for example when you draw money from an ATM machine does that money less or more real then if you took it from a bank personal?

and one more...how exactly do you know if its a bot or script or hand writing?

you know my people have a saying "try to judge a person to the good not the bad". (not that it is easy thing to do)

9 years ago

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Before we go into detail, did you see the picture I added?

9 years ago

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yes i did, and one bad apple isnt representative for the whole tree.

and on trains i do try to comment just once + a bump (sometimes more if the train is great...and well i cant help it :-S)

9 years ago

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It doesn't need to be representative of everyone to be common and annoying, and it's both. As you can see from the screenshot, this was for a bunch of whitelist giveaways I made. In public giveaways the situation is worse, and becomes downright terrible if you do multiple concurrent low level GAs.

If you're an advocate of letting people use auto-entry script, how exactly would it prevent them from adding the same comment on each giveaway the script enters?

To answer your previous post:

let me ask you a question, why exactly do you think that if a person uses a bot or script or what ever they use there words are meaningless?

It's not meaningless. It's rude and inconsiderate. They ignore my polite request not to add such comment, yet they do it anyway.

for example when you draw money from an ATM machine does that money less or more real then if you took it from a bank personal?

That's a pretty poor analogy. A better one would be an electronic referendum where people are required to vote, but some decide to use a script to randomly do it for them because they can't be bothered to vote themselves.

and one more...how exactly do you know if its a bot or script or hand writing?

If you read my public giveaway template you'd know. My method allows me to identify the group of people who either (1) use a script or a bot, or (2) don't read the giveaway description. In both cases they risk being blacklisted.

9 years ago

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how exactly would it prevent them from adding the same comment on each giveaway the script enters?

i dont see the point in preventing them at all, i dont think there is a deference in meaning of the comment if its hand writing or script one, both of them were initiated and come up with the person, the only thing that changes is your perspective on it.

They ignore my polite request not to add such comment, yet they do it anyway.

for a moment have you tried to look at it from the eyes of the person who writes the thanks? do you understand that he can see you as rode for dismissing his words? his gestures from ground 0?

A better one would be an electronic referendum where people are required to vote, but some decide to use a script to randomly do it for them because they can't be bothered to vote themselves

i dont think there is a difference, but i will go with you, why? why do you think they are doing it randomly? i have over 100 games on my wish list, i also filtered 100 on 100 of games im not in to here on the site, so why exactly if a person enters each and one of his 100+ wanted games it means by you as randomize?

If you read my public giveaway template you'd know. My method allows me to identify the group of people who either (1) use a script or a bot, or (2) don't read the giveaway description. In both cases they risk being blacklisted.

so every one in your life that dosent do what you want and in the way that you dictates is blacklisted...thats a poor way to go, but if its good to you, enjoy it. :-)

9 years ago

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It's rather widespread. As I said, I don't mind people using scripts, especially the Easy Steamgifts plugin, but there were times when my notification area was horrible. Dozens upon dozens of the same generic messages.

9 years ago

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im sorry it bother you really am :/

9 years ago

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Eh, it's rather tolerable now. Even though my weekly GA count increased a little, the thanking messages dropped sharply. So it's okay now from my side. ^_^

9 years ago

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so i guess im happy for you? ^_^

9 years ago

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Your guess is right. ^_^

9 years ago

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I personally feel less attachment getting my money from a ATM then stealing it from someone else's wallet
also...the M already stands for Machine

9 years ago

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a... thank you for clerefy the M part...next time i get $$$ i would make sure you are not there :-P

9 years ago

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Redundancy related to abbreviations are common. "PIN number" is a phrase even in official documentation. (Not to mention such lesser-known, but famous examples as DC Comics, where the DC part stands for Detective Comics.)

9 years ago

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in case you somehow missed that attached image

Attached image

9 years ago

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I think a "Thank You" button to say simply thanks (without notification) could be a solution.

9 years ago

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Imo every entry is some kind of "Thank You" button. But if someone want to write it's okay too.

9 years ago

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... and so much easier to script :P

9 years ago

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that actualy could solve all the "thanks" argument for both sides

9 years ago

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Honestly, it just gets annoying to have to sort through the notifications for actual conversation posts. I appreciate the gratitude, but if a simple "thank you" is all you're going to post then I'd rather you not. I know you're grateful, you don't need to post it.

9 years ago

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the point is others do need to know, if you dont thats fine but what about others? those who expect it?

9 years ago

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I'm just stating my own personal preference for my own giveaways. I'm in no way suggesting people shouldn't do it period.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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There have been many requests for a feature that lets you turn off notifications for replies in giveaways. I don't know why those requests have been ignored. There hasn't even been any feedback from cg on this proposed feature unless I missed his reply somewhere. It would solve a lot of these issues.

9 years ago

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Oh no, I wouldn't want that. I've had many good conversations in Giveaway comments.

Now, if you could filter 1-2 word posts then yeah, that'd be nice.

9 years ago

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That request has been made and ignored a few times too whenever one of these types of topics comes up - which has been quite a bit lately.

9 years ago

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I try to spice it up with random gifs. But if you are saying the same thing over and over, it starts to lose meaning imo. Just my two cents.

9 years ago

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so your cop of coffee every morning losses meaning? or happy birth day each year and so on? :-)

its your choice to decide if a word has a meaning or not.

9 years ago

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I'll keep it brief since I'm on mobile.

What I meant by the loss of meaning refers to sincerity. If you say the same thank you over and over again, without alteration, not only does it appear to be a c&p, but that you are merely stating out of politeness and because you truly mean it. You still thank you aunt for the shitty birthday gift as a child even if you hate because it would be rude not to, but you didn't really mean it. That is what a lot of folks have an issue with. It is even more egregious if you do it for multiple giveaways all in a row.

With language, what you say only plays a part. One must take into consideration both the context and overall tone as well. It ignore these factors leads to miscommunication, as demonstrated by this thread.

To the examples that you have given: buying coffee daily is done by habit and does not pertain to this issue. The "happy birthday" is gone on a yearly basis and again, it is all based on context. If peeps were to have a birthday every other day, I doubt we would be celebrating each one :P.

p.s. I don't drink coffee :P

9 years ago

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CJ, i just lost all respect for you, sorry... :/

Don't mind me, i'm a caffeine addict, good for you actually that you aren't... :P

9 years ago

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You know what makes it worse?
I don't drink alcohol either. I'm probably the worse person to ask out on a date XD

9 years ago

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Now, now CJ... you're a good looking fella and all, but i wasn't going to ask you out on a date. :/
Ah, who am i kidding, when are you available? ;)
Just don't say no to popcorns or no deal... :/

9 years ago

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Lol funny that you mentioned popcorn ....
I don't like popcorn either XD
I swear I'm not picky

9 years ago

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nether do i i prefer tea as a matter of fact :-P

and sorry but saying thank you is a habit, one that you get by moral education so you are mistaking, also if something happens the same way it dosent meant it has no meaning or sincerity, those part are determined partially by the giver and partially by the receiver.

so if you chose to see or not see meaning in a simple thanks you is 50% your doing - your choice to that. :-)

9 years ago

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How about adding some emoticon in your "Thank you" ?
To make it more alive xD

9 years ago

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well i did... i like to use ^_^

what do you suggest? :-)

9 years ago

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Umm.. any of emoticon should work
Maybe I use this one :>
or something like ( ^.^)/
or sometime not write "thank you" because I'm pretty sure I'm not the one who will win it

9 years ago

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I'm not entirely sure i can replicate it truthfully, but here, this one seems the most apt, given some recent events:


You're welcome, no need to thank me. ;)

9 years ago

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99% private giveaways.

9 years ago

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Fun probable fact (guess that makes it a theory -.-''): i think i discovered how the poor fella must have lost his arm the first time...
Post it again as if quoted. :P

9 years ago

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Like this:

9 years ago

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No, with ">" before. :)
And space between ">" and the emote. :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ok, that's weird and spooky...


9 years ago

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¯\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)/¯

9 years ago*

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how do you do that?

9 years ago

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Do what?

(ง ‾ʖ̫‾)ง

9 years ago

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those writing, i dont have those icons on my keyboard

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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nice...thanks ^_^

9 years ago

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King-Venom-senpai, please. Enough monster production. :'(

9 years ago

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ᕦ ༼̑ͥ͋ͯͦ̐̇̉ ͌ͯ͆̀ͫͪ̎ͧ̅ͪͩ̋̿͐̌̃̇̑o͋̈́̆ͯ̑́̊́̈́ͣ̔ͫ ͜ʖ ͡o̓͐͛ͦ̃ͧ̆͌༽͆͋ͯͤͭ ᕤ

9 years ago

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Stahp... wthog, stahp! :'(

9 years ago

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Easiest solution to this childish behaviour is not to reply at all and just say thanks if you win said giveaway.

9 years ago

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but i want to say thank you, its the right thing to do :/

9 years ago

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Childish? How is this childish behaviour? You do realise that this kind of response from GA creators is solely because of being bored to death and in fact, very annoyed by the 150 "Thank you", "May your day be peachy and your swag over 9000", "Merci","Arigato" and the most infuriating "sknahT"? Creators get that the entrants are thankful, if a simple "Thank you" is all you want to post, you might as well not post it at all. Its like playing the same game everyday. The novelty wears off.

Of course, saying Thank you after winning a GA is actually a good strategy, and one I use. It helps me to avoid exasperating someone, and actually is taken for its value.

9 years ago

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Does it really matter if you get a message notification with "Thanks" or "May your day be peachy and your swag over 9000". You people act like it's the end of the world if you have to click "Mark as read".

9 years ago

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Its fine just once, not a 100 times. And we all don't just click "Mark as Read", we READ the messages first. Would it help if there are multiple thank you messages in the middle? You may think its fine when doing individual GAs, but its really not when you are doing multiple GAs at once, and being active on the forums. If you can handle it, well and good, but keep in mind others don't have same the mental capacity as you.

9 years ago

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Cant post a simple thanks because im a bot
Cant post something more imaginative because im not funny
Can't abstain from posting anything at all because i'm an ungrateful leech

I'll study each member and put them on a list, just to be sure i leave the right comment for every single one

9 years ago

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Don't let not being funny ever stop you from posting! Gotta post post post, that's my motto.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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to be fair, that's thankfully most of us

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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It does feel this way sometimes! I generally go with nothing unless I genuinely have something interesting to say (or if they ask for something specific, because I'm nice like that).

Then of course a genuine thank you message later if I win, no matter what.

9 years ago

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Just my 2 cents ulver, but i'd take a closer look at this one, that's all. ;)
There are people taking it over the top on their GA descriptions sometimes, i agree with you there... but let's not pretend some are not with good cause.

Victimization threads though... those are getting kinda boring on SG, tbh... (again my 2 cents).

I especially love how they all start with not opening a war or not accusing anyone or etc., etc., etc. (i lost track of the 100+ different among themselves but totally alike overused figures of speech like that, sorry).
Gotta love the pattern though...
And yes, i believe there's an actual pattern to those - not trying to put anyone in the same bag either, for the record... but for the lack of a better description (that shortcoming is admittedly on me), i guess it's like a friend of mine used to say:

I hate stereotypes by default, but boy... some people sure go out of their way to really try to "fit" in them... what do we say then?

I always thought that was a very apt and even somewhat sage point of view, but hey... what do i know? :)

9 years ago

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Oh...i see
Maybe this is not the right thread after all

9 years ago

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Oh... happens to us all every now and then, been there... ;)

9 years ago

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"Cant post something more imaginative because im not funny"

Don't sell yourself short. I got a chuckle from your post. :-)

9 years ago

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All my recent 'thanks' are handcrafted artisanal thankies, every one is an original and basically you could frame them and nobody would know it's not art! art can be bad, too

9 years ago

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well im not that creative sorry :/

9 years ago

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You're forgiven, my friend!
there is still place for any and all thankies:-)

9 years ago

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thank you ^_^

9 years ago

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Handcrafted artisanal like "Thanks, man!"? :D

9 years ago

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Yes, but with an aura of friendliness and uniqueness.

9 years ago

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I see. A kind of aura that bots can't handle. Thinking about it I'm close to tears - it's really beautiful.

9 years ago

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I handcraft for wishlist/group GA's, but for the rest... I might go a bit generic or omit a comment, who knows?

9 years ago

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I used to manually say "Thanks!" with no variation, but eventually stopped due to laziness. Now I don't even make it to the giveaway page in order to comment, just enter them from the front page.

I wonder, is it still calling out if you go straight to the person and call them out privately? That's essentially what this person did.

9 years ago

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what do you mean by calling out?

9 years ago

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I thank when I win. I don't thank otherwise, unless that person is of some importance to me (for example, some veteran members I have good impression of). I see no reason to thank for a chance.

9 years ago

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may i ask why not tanking the notion just the win? (not judging just interested to know)

9 years ago

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Chances to win is something we here give other people. I cannot thank every one of them each time they give a chance, because after a while the sincerity will fade away, that "thank" will become automatic and lose its meaning. Whereas, if I thank when I win, I know that "thank" is sincere and I truly mean to show my appreciation.

9 years ago

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if your words lose its meaning or not is totally your choice, this has nothing to do with how many time you say it, but with the reason you say it, you use the same words every day over and over to the same people, the only difference is how you are looking at it..

but i see your point of view, thank you :-)

9 years ago

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Honestly, I would prefer if some people would try to add a little variety to their messages. I don't mind people using scripts or Easy SteamGifts to one-click enter, just shake it up a little every week or so.

On the other side, there are a few guys who add different messages every time to all GAs they enter. I am sometimes tempted to say: "Thank you, really, but damn, just use a script instead of spending this much time to say thanks for something you haven't even won yet!"

9 years ago

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some of us have time...i for example unemployed at the moment so... :-S

9 years ago

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I was blacklisted for thanking someone AFTER I won from them. I have also seen a few giveaways lately where the poster requests no thanks, even from the winner, with a blacklist warning to those that do so anyway. I have blacklisted those types of people and have moved on. Blacklisting a winner who said thanks is one of the stupidest things I have seen here.

Of course, we wouldn't have this problem if the suggestion of being able to turn off giveaway replies was implemented. Many have asked for it but our request has so far been ignored.

9 years ago

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See, simply turning off replies doesn't necessarily solve the problem. Once in a while I create a giveaway and ask for a particular kind of comment, usually in exchange for a whitelist spot. I then get spammed with thanks (sometimes many by the same person) because people don't read or are using bots or whatever. I end up with quite a bit of spam with the same message or just a generic thanks. I created a set of 80 giveaways a while back and got up to 10 generic messages from the same user in a very short time (less than one minute apart). You can see why I might be a bit suspicious if this is bot behavior, which I abhor (because, honestly, if you don't care enough to enter for a game yourself, and you use a script, I don't care enough to give you the game, now do I?).

9 years ago

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^One of many examples why GA replies should be as is.

Those who don't want to reply don't, those who don't want to see them, just mark as read and ignore them. That simple.
Also, when i don't want spam on my GA, i just kindly ask for folks to post a gif, or not post, etc., etc.
Not that i've blacklisted anyone if they ignore my request. To this day, anyway.

9 years ago

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I only blacklist for blatant spam or doing something I say not to do in the description (so if I say, "no generic thanks" and you don't read, it's your fault, with mercy for people with good ratios/other languages)

9 years ago

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Your right and your prerrogative, imo. As should be. ;)

9 years ago

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The setting could be an option that you can choose while making the specific giveaway. A simple "allow replies" or "don't allow replies". It won't eliminate the thanks spam in that particular giveaway but you'd have far less notifications if you were doing multiple giveaways and only wanted replies from one of them.

9 years ago

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If they blacklisted you for saying thanks after a win, that's pretty idiotic. Again, me and my 2 cents. :)

Some folks blacklist all their winners (i personally don't, just seen it before, that's all), because they want to spread the chances.
Their prerrogative i guess, doesn't personally bother me, but that's me.

But even if one person is a jerk, doesn't mean we should have GA replies disabled.
Your request wasn't ignored, the vast majority (like myself) simply disagrees with it. No offence, i hope. ;)

9 years ago

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Just a thought, but if someone blacklists me after I win their giveaway, ostensibly to "spread the love", how should I feel that they enter my giveaways while I can't enter theirs?

9 years ago

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Oh, i'm not saying i agree with the practice, for the record.
I'm just saying i saw one user at least saying it explicitly in his GA description, that's all.

Something around the line of "Don't be offended, but i blacklist the winner, so others have increased chances on my future GAs"...
I don't recall the exact wording (sorry), but it was something like that.

That said, that's pretty much the same for all blacklisting. People being allowed to enter for your GAs, while you can't access theirs... (which believe it or not, wouldn't phase me - them entering mine and i not being able to enter theirs - but again, that's me).

I've already stated multiple times in these threads that get a bit repetitive and one loses energy to repeat oneself, sorry - i know it's repeating myself to a different user, it's not your fault, just try to understand my tiredness, if you will :) - i believe the ideal solution (if possible to implement, as in feasible) IMO, should be:

  1. After you blacklist someone you get automatically blacklisted back;
  2. And if you remove someone from your blacklist it will be at least a full month (max GA duration) till you get unlisted from their BL

Basically 2 would just be to prevent abuse. 1 is there, because i personally don't want to win something from someone i BL'ed.
That would actually make me feel more like crap than the opposite. The opposite would lead me to just shrug, more than likely. If i felt bothered i'd BL after and move on.

But like i've also said... don't really think that's high up on the priorities of this site, especially given recent unfortunate server issues and how that might not be so easy to implement or how much impact it would have on the subject of web requests to the site. I think the biggest problem would be to get most people to agree on this and cg to have the time to implement it, but i could be wrong... :)

9 years ago

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Agree almost 100%. We spend far too much effort on discussions as this one. I'm just not as c'est la vie when it comes to the black-lister entering my giveaways, simply because it is not something I would do.

get some rest ;)

9 years ago

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Oh, it's all good, believe me. :)
I wasn't venting, expressing frustration, or anything alike. It's just like you said, too much effort for too little. Especially when threads like these get open... a lot, a whole lot.

But i'm actually in a well-rested state of mind today, and this thread was mostly to unwind as far as i'm concerned. :)

As for the whole being c'est la vie / peachy about it, it's mostly because i prefer it over the alternative, that's all. :)
I just like to think i'm being practical. ;)

9 years ago

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The win was a key that was presented on my "Giveaways Won" page. I said thanks in the giveaway topic and got a friend request later that day from the creator. I figured he was wanting to make sure that the key worked (even though I had marked received). Instead he bitched at me for saying thank you, told me that I was now blacklisted, and removed me as a friend without giving me a chance to reply. He was the first person that I have ever blacklisted.

9 years ago

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Then he's obviously a jerk...
But hey, you got a game from him, and now he's never gonna get one from you.

So... not really a big deal. ;)

Or rather, wouldn't be to me anyway. ;)

9 years ago

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if the person that said that to you was the creator, he has every right to do so.
if you don't like it, don't enter his GAs. if you keep doing it, he will probably blacklist you.

also, getting a message like
- thanks for being ****ing awesome!!!
- thanks
- ty
- thanks hope your swag level gets over 9000

is extremely annoying and boring. the creator has the same right to dislike your message as you have to enjoy posting the same thing over and over again, but since you are entering their GAs, you should respect them.

it's really not that hard to come up with something original... specially when you are getting free stuff here.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Pff @you...
Credit to DC for this gif, careful, you might have competition... :P

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That gave me a seizure, see you in court

9 years ago

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That gif... wthog... definitely made your swag level over 9000.

9 years ago

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wthog, sounds like


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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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no way, i'll stick to pumbaa

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9 years ago

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Funny, hog definitely pops out.
But the first time i read it, i thought well that hog owns games... guess i'm not very imaginative either. :(

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9 years ago

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thanks for being fucking awesome!!!

9 years ago

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Thanks for your comment wthog ^^

9 years ago

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Thank you!!
Don't forget to praise the sun!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago*

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well i guess im the first to get that?!

9 years ago

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Same here. If you don't want comments, say it in the description. If you want to see if I am a bot, ask a question in the description. If you want an interesting comment, say something interesting in the description. I akways say "ty", "thanks" etc if there is nothing in the description. If creator blacklists me for that, he's a dick.

9 years ago

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