Why not update all 0 CV GA's to 0 points? (free and overpriced non valuable games)
It is a simple solution to fix all group ratio problems with overpriced games...

1 year ago

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If you mean 0 point to enter, it takes points from steam price and it can't be changed. If you mean value, there is no way where to get detebase of what is free or overpriced, so it is set as priceless manually by site admins.
Edit: By setting 0 value to all 0 CV you may hurt some actually cool games these were given away for free in tiny amount, but they are actually cool. Example: Maneater.

1 year ago

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Then maybe "Maneater" shouldn't be in free category...
Many free and DIG bundle games are not updated and currently on full price. It is even not too good.

Idle: Multipliers - DIG Bundle 1409

Gravewood High - Chapter 1
Free on alienwarearena

Lilly's Flower Shop
givee.club free game

Zodiac - Hellish Memory
DIG Bundle 1394, DIG Bundle 1325

And there are many overpriced games what gives you too much points and full CV currently:

1 year ago

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0CV cathegory is for games these were given for free and people wanted abuse it. So it doesn't matter if they gave away 50 copies or 50k copies.

These bundles will go to lower prices with retrospective dates, it just takes time to happen, cause that can done just some higher admins and sg kinda lacks on their amount.

1 year ago

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Although, some giveaways have keys that expire. I do wish that in that case, the 0 CV restriction would no longer apply to giveaways that end after the keys expired. Same for bundle keys that expire.

...I suppose it would require a lot of manual work for little benefit, though.

1 year ago

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Nothing can be done when the mods don't handle tickets and when cg don't care for the site (besides his earnings)

View attached image.
1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Yeah, like State of Decay YOSE. Anyone who had bought SoD and the DLC got a copy of YOSE as a thank you from the devs, so it wasn't even given away for free.....yet SG still has it as a 0 CV game.

1 year ago

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Well, I can understand why it's free - I haven't seen a single giveaway of the game outside of the bonus freebie people got.
A game provided for free to a good sized pool of people is going to be used for profit, whether by trade or to boost level.
Regardless of how one procured it, it shouldn't give any CV.

1 year ago

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How would you know if it was the bonus or not? There isn't a separate YOSE edition that was just given away, afterall. And the point is it wasn't "free", you had to have already owned the original SoD before the announcement, so anyone who rushed to buy it afterward didn't get a copy of YOSE.

1 year ago

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Why are you complaining/arguing anyway?

1 year ago

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Why are you?

There are games that were given away for free to anyone who wanted to claim them that still provide CV, and games that were bundled but not given away that provide no CV. Lots of stuff doesn't make any sense, do you comment on all of that?

1 year ago

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Not all 0 CV games in sg are asset flips

Off the top of my head, The Walking Dead S1 (telltale), Batman - Arkham Asylum, Time Loader, etc are all great games that have been reduced to 0 value because they were once free or close to it.

1 year ago

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Yeah, I'd like to see user Wishlists 'rescue' a title from being 0CV. You gave some good examples there. When a game is wished for, it's better to motivate GA's for it.

1 year ago

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Why is there a problem? Either a group allows overpriced trash or it does not and kicks people who creates giveaways for such "games".

1 year ago

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Yes, but the ratio not fix with kick. GA can be delete only by user if all winner agree with it... It is too complicated process also.

1 year ago

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If user isn't in group, his ratio doesn't matter anymore, only when he is allowed to join back.

1 year ago

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Okay. What if active user creates GA. There are 10 winners, 8 active member and 2 kicked member. How can he delete GA if inactive members will never "agree" with it?

1 year ago

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If they are kicked, creator should ask for reroll before sending them keys. If you aren't member anymore, you can't win

1 year ago

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Are you talking about someone who won some trash and now has a bad ratio in the group?
If so, I still do not see the problem. The winner entered the giveaway, so at some point they wanted the game, to play it, to farm cards or for the +1. They got what they wanted, so they have to live with price changes.

1 year ago

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Yes, but if you entered and won 1$ value game what is currently 200$ on steam and you can create 5 AAA title GA for fix your ratio back it matter I think. If you won dozens of these lowcost games...

1 year ago

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He could choose to enter, none forced him to take it.

1 year ago

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True, if it costs same price when enter. But in this case when enter it costs 1$, few years later it costs *200.

1 year ago

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I assume that is normal problem of fake games, maybe people will stop enter for them, so they will be sold in less amount and their amount on steam would drop. Sadly, that will never happend.
But as Open4 said, you decided at first enter for such trash, now you should deal with consequences of your decision.

Edit: Be glad, not everyone can say that they won game for 200€ 😂

1 year ago

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One solution is for group owners to ban all such games and create separate groups exclusively for asset flips, Hentai, cheap DIG games, etc. where rules are based on the number of games sent/won, not value difference.

Changing all 0 CV games to 0P would hurt a lot of legitimate games that were made 0 for whatever reason and I'm sure many users who gave them away to groups would be upset to see their stats decline.

1 year ago

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Yes, but those are FREE or NON VALUABLE games. If someone send these games I think it is fair to give for them 0 point. Other users must buy games for more money... Maybe on some marked "free" games should be not free.

1 year ago

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If a group have more as a few of such cases, it is a bad group and if it destroy/influence the stats so much that it is problematic, then something is wrong with the allowed games in that group.

Of course are price jumps possible and none 100% sure know when or if that happens but as far as i know only games from DIG and shady russian stores (i assume DIG buy in that ones) had a massive amount of such fake price games.
In the normal stores (GMG, HB, Fan etc.) i never seen such stuff.

Forbid DIG and shady russian stores games in that group and the problem will not happen again.

1 year ago

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I understand this but as a game collector I want to collect these games also and user can decide that he wants to enter for these games or not.

1 year ago

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You are free to collect each game, the ones with fake prices too, but you can't expect that a site add then a feature that influence all users stats and points only because a few want this to collect all games.

You could buy the fake price games that you want to collect.
No sg stats would be influenced.

1 year ago*

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No, I can't buy them on cheap prices. (On Steam 200$, grey store: 0,30$) Most of them decline EU cards, and accept only local payments.

1 year ago

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30 cents is cheap.

1 year ago

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It would be much simpler if the mods of the groups where CV matters like that would have a list of games that count as their original/reasonable point score. Why change a site-wise setting, messing with the API-reported prices, because it became inconvenient regarding some group's custom rules?

1 year ago

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Thanks for feedbacks:
Maybe better solution if update "steam limited" games only! Then Batman and Walking Dead and other "valuable" but free products keep the point values.

1 year ago

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I have another idea:
What if we maximized the point value of "limited games" to 20? Even if it is 50$ or 200$ or more...

Can you recommend one that is worth more than this?

1 year ago

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To shorten it....

You can have 1000 ideas, not important if good ones or bad ones, none of them will ever be transformed into something because cg don't invest the time to program it.

He shown this, very clearly, since 5 years+.
To expect something is dreaming. Only dreams don't lead to results.

1 year ago

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Just a personal opinion here, but points weren't originally implemented for managing group ratio. They were implemented so that people have to make a choice: instead of entering every possible giveaway, they enter the ones they like the most. This way, winning is a sweet combination of luck and choice. Setting all 0 CV games (which is a lot of games) to 0 points would pretty much blow this concept, at least for all these games.

1 year ago

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Anyway group ratios are weird... I don't think SG really should endorse them beyond maybe showing them. As they just feel like kinda gift trading in the end... Which is way to exploit CV and thus levels.

If groups want to do the hard work they can, but if not it should not be SGs job to do it.

1 year ago

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Here's another idea: Set a maximum limit on the value difference that can be earned from a game. For e.g. limit it to 50 or 60.

This has several advantages:

  • Has no impact outside of groups and nobody's CV will be affected.
  • Don't need to override the API-based price reporting or check if games are feature-limited.
  • Mods don't need to make case by case decisions about which games should be 0 CV.
  • I'm not a programmer but I think this can be done with a single line of code. e.g. value_difference = max (value_difference_raw, 50)
  • Very little collateral damage to users who didn't share overpriced asset flip games. There aren't too many legitimate games that cost more than $50-60.

It won't take care of the problem of asset flips entirely (that's up to group owners who make the rules), but nerfing those 100-200 games down to 50 will go a long towards limiting extreme value difference swings.

Now, good luck convincing cg to make any changes :)

1 year ago*

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This is a pretty niche problem and could have been avoided in first place. Since even major flaws aren't being addressed, this will probably not even be considered.. and imho it shouldn't, because it would lead to more problems while solving just a little one for few users.

  1. As LFPG pointed out: points are a limit to not enter too many giveaways. Lowering 0 CV games to 0 points would mean that you could enter all 0 CV games. If you aren't picky by own standards, you will enter all you don't own. Way more entries => lower chances for everyone.
  2. You don't have to be in value ratio restricted groups. You chose to join the group for more giveaways to enter. Then you should also calculate beforehand how to keep up the ratio and not join group GAs that could get you into a bad position.
  3. These is no reasonable reason for the overpriced games. The reason is abuse (CV, trading value, fake bundle value, worst case: money laundering). Changing CV because of this utter trash would be a reward for those scheming people. Completely contradictionary for SG and its community.

Most of them decline EU cards, and accept only local payments.

DIG accepts EU cards and isn't expensive. For the Russian key stores listed by OVH: did you try a Revolut card? Because that worked in the past. You could also do trading with Russians. And while the single games are listed at 200 € at times, during sales some of those devs have complete the set bundles at Steam with > 90 % off.
For these games you don't rely on giveaways and even less on giveaways in few value ratio restricted groups.

1 year ago

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Why would SG be responsible for group ratios?

1 year ago

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Because I can buy 100 "ReHarmony" like key (It is just an example) in cheap store for few dollars. It gives me 20000 points and full CV. I will be instantly level 10 with it... Level 10 GA's has much more less entries (because others need hard work and years for reach it)... big chance for win... etc...

1 year ago

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How does that relate to groups? I remember seing guy doing giveaway for 5 his alts of software for like 800$ and marking recieved. People don't need group if they want cheat.

1 year ago

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A: Groups are private entities.
B: After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) to your contributor value. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high contributor value from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.

1 year ago

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A, I know
B, I know. It was example... yes, maybe you need 5 games for level 10... I don't count it. These are not 10$ games 50$-200$ games instead...

1 year ago

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It is still a "Suggestion", not a task.
I don't want to tell again and again why it is a problem. Read back please!
If you not see a problem, there is no problem.

If you are this site developer try to figure out the best solution... Maybe add +1 column to database (count point value).
Point value (for enter GA) is the same as now used, counted point value is zero when game is " ** " category or maximized to 20 when game is "steam limited". Otherwise point value = counted point value.

1 year ago

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