Is this the same Clannad on the Dreamcast? this is a really old visual novel
i might consider collecting if they find a way to release Kanon and Air
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I cant find info on clannad being on the dreamcast, and to be honest i am not a fan of VN, the only ones i enjoy were Dysfunctional Systems, and Kamidori (yeah hentai VN but is actually a pretty good game)
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Yeah and i like the Alchemist scene to be honest, it was a pretty original concept, tho the story wasnt that great it was good enought
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They said "HD", not "FullHD".
HD = 1280x720 so they are perfectly honest in their advertising.
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No, and you never will see a monitor that has that as it's maximum resolution. It's perfect 4:3, same as the original art drawing for the game, so the images do not need to be cropped.
320x240 = 4:3
512x384 = 4:3
640x480 = 4:3
800x600 = 4:3
1024x768 = 4:3
1152x864 = 4:3
1280x960 = 4:3
1600x1200 = 4:3
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Typically, visual novels (the one with actual high prices) have high costs due to requiring high quality hand-drawn art (sometimes even including animated scenes) and professional voice actors.
Presumably, in this particular instance, the high price is an indication of the quality of voice actors used in the english dub, since that'd be the only real factor involved in a rerelease with such minor changes.
But really, at that price on a re-release [of what subjectively can be viewed as an ugly, outdated game], they'd better be Morgan Freeman level voice actors.
It really does look greedy, given what we know at the moment.
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Most visual novels and most strategy games still fall in the 15 to 30$ range, so your assessment is seemingly flawed.
But even if that is the case, you're only emphasizing the last sentence of my previous post, stating that the $50 price tag is solely because they think they can get away with it, and not due to any costs involved.
Ergo, you're agreeing with my initial post :)
**To clarify, the point is that this is a rerelease of a very old, cheaply made game, being released at a very high price tag. While you could make your assertion as financially necessary on initial release [despite other VNs being either far cheaper, or somewhat cheaper and far more involved in production costs], here it's [thus far seemingly] just trying to get as much money as possible out of an old product, without adding any effort into enhancing or expanding the content
[note, the ONLY thing different about this relese from previous releases is the addition of a higher resolution, that's it].
That's never respectable conduct.
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I'm quite familiar with the strategy genre :P
Those games are in the minority, as are any games with extreme prices. That was the point being made.
Visual novels are hardly niche, namely since [japanese-made ones] are made for a Japanese audience, where they're massively popular. You cannot attribute expense to translated versions outside of the primary intended market, since that was never a consideration in the profit-expense calculations for the original release of the game.
And again, yes, we're all pretty well aware of how capitalism works. The point was respectability.
You could offer anything at an extreme price, there's never anything stopping you, the only factors preventing it are a potentially lower profit, and negative consumer reaction.
I'm stating that this is well in the realm of negative consumer reaction.
Well, the game's last retail price in Japan was apparently $40 USD, so it's only a minor price hike up compared to that, but then, when do old games increase in retail price over time? :P
It's not a matter of discussing company justification, but of clarifying why some people aren't too fond of the price- that's the topic here.
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Meanwhile Star Wars Battlefront is selling like mad. Complaining on the internet doesn't necessarily mean the publisher screwed up the pricing, we're just hearing from the people who were priced out.
It's like you're completely ignoring the actual point I'm making :P
You keep comparing things that aren't at all similar. Niche games, new AAA games,
The whole point is that it's a rereleased, very old game at its highest retail price ever.
That's a simple fact, and it's one many people view negatively.
There's nothing more to this, that you're not coming up with all on your own.
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Yeah its an eighty hours long visual novel, its mostly text and static visuals, while lets say skyrim(or any semi new sandbox game) is longer than that, has actual gameplay and it is WAY cheaper, and saying that the original pricing of skyrim was higher isnt valid since CLANNAD is an 11 years old game
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It depends. Not many people can just randomly wander around and hack randomly spawning enemies for hundreds of hours. There are gamers who find Skyrim's lack of writing boring and shallow, and rather play an adventure game that is 30-40 hours long instead. Clannad may be not as mainstream as these super expensive and overmarketed action games, but even at this price, it will find its audience.
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Wow it's only $38 USD in the UK so yeah happy days for once lol
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Well, if eighty to one hundred hours is short…
What would you say to games like CoD then? :D
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It's different. There's a lot of content in AAA games plus they almost always have multiplayer which can make you enjoy a game for thousands of hours. And we also expect AAA games to cost around 50 euros while we're used to indies being 4-5 times less expensive.
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they almost always have multiplayer which can make you enjoy a game for thousands of hours
Don't be sure about just that one bit. MP outside those few games that are popular for that is just a bonus that only a fraction of buyers are interested in.
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CoD sucks i'd never pay more the £20 for a cookie cutter game which main focus is the uninteresting MP hell you'd be lucky to gt 10 hours single playing a recent CoD game and they normally cost more then £29.99 at full price so yeah I know what i'd rather have.
Even if i had to pay 50USD which i didn't it was £25.49 or $38 USD when CoD BOIII cost £39.99 80 hours of game play vs 8 hours makes sense right?
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You wouldn't pay so much for COD, I'd never pay so much for a visual novel. See?
The thing is that AAA games have to put a lot more money into development than indie or visual novels. Do you have any idea how much it costs to create the high quality graphics, cinematics, gameplay mechanics, map designs and all that in a COD game? Taste aside, look at this from technical point of view. Not to mention AAA games advertise heavy which takes in another millions of dollars. Plus paying to all those people doing their jobs, then there's the publisher which also has to be paid, there are translators and so on. Indie games just take a lot, and I mean, a lot less money to make their games (mostly, there are exceptions but majority doesn't take a lot of money to make, especially remastering an old series of visual novels lol, price for this one is really a joke. I can understand some VN for 20$ even, like some of the new ones but 40$ for remastering of some old indie stuff already made? That's a joke imho.).
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Cookie cutter games aren't really my thing I played lots of FPS back in the 90's and 00's but recently the only one i've found any good are the Mass effect games which are more RPG, Crysis 1 and 2 and Spec ops the line before that it was things like Ghost recon or conflict desert ops ect.
I have to say the focus of AAA shooters on MP and over hyping them via advertising while charging £90 for the game + season pass is a joke not to mention all the micro transactions for MP skins and map packs. The lack of Single player content is disappointing hell if i want MP in a FPS i'll play Defiance or Planet side 2.
That aside for 80 hours single player game £25.49 is a fair price($38 USD) look some shooters your lucky if you get 8 hours content for £49.99 which is a slap in the face for those who might like to play offline for what ever reason or want to game to immerse themselves in.
Sure a VN is like a Book in some ways but it's with the content it's like a whole box set of anime which can easily come in at $80+ USD for the same amount of content. Now that said anime isn;t for every one and nor are VN's KN's LN's Manga comics/ graphic novels ect it;s all a matter of taste.
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I'm also against any kind of microtransactions and DLC's like skins, weapons and so on. The only DLC's I enjoy and like are basically new missions or whole packs of stuff like the DLC's for BioShock Infinite or The Evil Within where you get basically new missions, new locations, new weapons - all in one. Like add-ons back in the day. And obviously I'm also against microtransactions - that's a plague that should have never happened.
But it's a separate issue. AAA games have their own pros and cons but like I said - indie games are known for low prices. Raging from 2$ to 20$ but twice the maximum price? For an old remastered visual novel? Like I said, I like visual novels but that price is a joke imo. Most visual novels cost 10-15$ and that's how it should be imo. Of course I can't force anyone to lower their price and I don't even want to but I can say what I think about this and that's exactly what I'm doing.
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I only watched the anime and I'm not buying this because I'm cheap (and don't have enough tbh).
But Japanese visual novels are often priced like this by the "big" companies and Clannad is by Key. While the sales aren't CoD level, considering the game is available legally only in Japan prior to this, it has pretty good sales. Visual novels tend to be higher priced due to it being a weird...niche. Many are more or less ero games, but Clannad isn't one of them. But because of the expectations of that niche, PC games like this are seen as perverted and looked down on. So their price will still match those of other adult offerings. Clannad was still popular enough to get a full anime adaptation.
And remember that overpriced thing you heard about? It applies to anime as well. Anime episodes when they come out on dvd tend to be in 1-2 episode volumes, and they'll cost upwards of $50 USD. That's two episodes, man. The whole industry is like this. We are lucky when some shows get subbed over here they are smart enough to not charge that price for just two episodes.
But you see, in an industry like that, can you be surprised a big game costs that much? This isn't some Sakura Spirit game, this is one of the big ones. I can't say if it is actually great but it is source of the reason the anime is regarded so highly.
And fyi, it's not the only one.
Higurashi on steam?
$5.99 for 1 chapter. Most of it isn't even released. You might think that's a fairer price right? Not quite. There's like 14 chapters, so at a price like that the game will also cost as much as Clannad if they release it at that price per episode. (Higurashi is also a big name series but I'm less familiar with it). However, it is less of a VN than Clannad as it offers no choices last I checked. There's a lot of routes in Clannad, I think there is only one in Higurashi.
Grisaia is $40.
I know nothing about it but it was also big enough to get an anime.
So it is weird to us Westerners, but this is more or less the expectation of games like that. The higher quality ones at least. I'd hope if they actually wanted to appeal to us, they'd to like the dvds and cut the prices for the full thing. It's already been hard enough to make Japanese developers get more faith in steam. But can't be helped. This will probably be a bad example for them and they'll think they shouldn't sell their games here because not many will buy it at that price.
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The difference is that Higurashi is a 'new' game, being totally redone for this release.
Clannad is a very old game that offers no changes to content other than a slightly higher resolution setting.
The problem isn't the price tag, it's that someone is essentially trying to sell you Fable (also released in 2004) with a resolution tweak and a basic translation [despite unofficial translations already having existed for years], at a retail price far higher than the game would have retailed for [locally] back on its initial release, 11 years ago.
Tell me that's not iffy conduct. :P
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I specifically said that it is weird to us westerners, but it isn't out of the norm from them. Look on their homepage.
I can't read any of it but I see things ranging from 5800 yen to 7500 yen. According to google, 5800 Japanese Yen equals
47.2505 US Dollar. Meaning to this day on their site, they charge the similar to the price you see on Steam. If they sell their own people this game at that price, they're not cutting the rest of us any slack.
Should they? Heck yes, heck they should cut their own price, but they probably have some "believe in the value of the product motto" or something like that. So as I said, this is just the norm for them.
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I can't read any of it but I see things ranging from 5800 yen to 7500 yen.
The memorial edition, which is the last release and is identical to the current one other than translation and resolution, sold for 4,300Y for the download-only version (aprox. $35 USD).
That was what I was referencing, not the retail box version (nevermind the price you're referencing is from 2009).
I'm not basing my analysis off of deteriorated valuation [ie 'time has passed, so retail value should be lower'] but that the comparable retail value doesn't seem to line up.
(4,300 for download-only, 4,800 for PS VITA, 5,600 for retail box in 2009, according to the data I've found.)
As far as what you linked, those were the prices for the earlier editions of the game, which yes, were close to as much as $70 in price- thus supporting my comment that the price has dropped over time, and it's weird we got a price bump.
Well, perhaps they're viewing 'new market' as 'new release', and trying to get as high a retail as possible.
But your argument of 'weird to westerners' is flawed, since that's the target market.
That's like arguing a product targeted toward women but presented as though it were for men, isn't missing the target audience.
Is that necessarily bad? No. May work out well for the company.
Again, my only point in the above post was that your analogy was flawed, since you were comparing a new, revamped game, to a simple translation patch of a 2004 game- and thus your analogy couldn't support the point you were presenting at that time.
And as far as the rest of my post, no, it's stlll iffy conduct.
I wasn't being ethnocentric with my analysis, comparing it to western or eastern business practices.
I meant, anytime you charge the same price for a non-limited-quantity product (especially digital products, which cost nothing to manufacture and have no limits to how many can be made through eternity) you had better make sure the material matches up to the current time-frame.
Instead, we've got a game that hasn't been improved for over a decade, nor even has the full resolution support it implied as being promised, at a higher price than any copies released within the past 5 years.
Whether it's socially acceptable or not, I don't care.
I don't find doing a half-assed job and asking for additional money for it appropriate under ANY circumstance.
It's not about business practices, it's about respectable conduct- which actually IS part of Japanese culture, no matter how capitalistic their business practices are.
Again, my issue is the complete lack of effort they put in- as I stated in other comments, at least according to the information we've thus far been given.
As far as their previous versions- initial release, full voiced release, and 10-year memorial edition (which I believe added artwork, soundtrack, and nifty retail box features- y'know, the usual).
They've been getting cheaper, but offering more features, as you'd expect.
Keep in mind that fan translations have existed since the game first game out- and that you can even now still order a retail box copy of the memorial edition from Japan, with shipping and all included, for around $50 USD.. Perhaps for less, I didn't look too hard.
I'm just not sure yet what they're bringing to the table to make the price hike rational from any perspective other than a desire for more money.
Which, right or wrong of that motivation aside, leads me to the point of 'why should I, or anyone but the most die-hard fan, care about buying it any time soon'?
In fact, the less sales it gets, the faster it'll drop in value.
By how much? Who knows.
I wasn't trying to make any giant 'fuck this company' assertions, just acknowledge that it's based in a yay-money perspective more than a respect-for-the-customers viewpoint.
Which is just, a thing to note. Doesn't have to mean anything past that.
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Still being sold for ¥ 4,918 on sale (full price listed ¥6,214.) which is roughly $40/$51 respectively.
That appears to be from their official site linked listing on Amazon. Regardless of anything else, that is the only thing I'd consider "official". Anything from a reseller or side distributor really shouldn't count. And I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but everything I seem to read about memorial edition indicates a DVD ROM one. There is a Clannad Download Edition...for PS3.
And that's 5100 yen, 2013 year release.
No matter how you look at it from things that I've see, they don't value it below $40 regardless. Digital, physical, no difference. One exception being the Android version but tbh I'm not sure what that encompasses.
All I'm saying is, they definitely think this is worth that much. Therefore they aren't thinking that this would be an odd price since that's what they expect it to be sold for. But to us Westerners, it IS. They should've put it at $40 at least to be competitive with Grisaia and their lowest historical prices, but as you said they may be foolishly treating this as a new release. Remember anime dvds/blu rays in their home country, $50+ for two episodes. That won't fly here. So it doesn't get sold here like that, anime that makes it here gets sold as complete seasons (for short shows) in order to get sold. To take a relatively recent example, listing for Sword Art Online 2. Limited edition volume 1 is $90, 7 episodes.
Volume 1 there though is about the same.
how many episodes are on it? I can't tell but considering a quick skim brought me up to volume 9 and I know there are 24 episodes, can't be more than 3 episodes. 時間: 72 分 should be runtime 72 minutes therefore 3 episodes.
Vol 1's full price is 8400+ yen. Though it is on sale for 6100($50 usd). two of those is just 6 episodes. USA gets 1 more episode + materials, for $10 less. And this is the overpriced company for what I hear. Even they know they need to sell for less to America.
If we really want to get picky, they weren't this stupid with Planetarian. Steam sells it for $10. It's debatable what they sell it for (Amazon listing does have one thing around 1048 yen but it is an odd listing, planetarian ちいさなほしのゆめ 【書籍】 "no operating system". Best case scenario, they were smarter here and sold for less, worst case scenario, they were still doing exactly what I said, giving us the price they give Japanese consumers. This discussion with this image would indicate the latter is the truth.
And looking even further back, this should've been seen coming (I'm sure some did but I didn't know). The kickstarter price was $40 for a steam copy ($30 for first 250 people is irrelevant). There was 0 chance of them giving non backers the same price as backers. Much less a lower one. Same publishers as Planetarian.
In the end it is all the same, I'm not buying it, you're not buying it, many others aren't going to because of this price. (though it is still somehow a top seller on steam, at this point I think that is more because nothing is really selling atm anyway, steamstats indicates only 210 players peak). The most in the reasonable future that can maybe be expected is a half off sale maybe around summer. I'd be happy to be wrong about this though.
At least they could've added cards :|
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I still can't get used to those eyes, borderline scary.
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39 euro, I've watched Clannad, it was okay, but it wouldn't even reach my top 100 in anime alone. Plus the art style of this game sucks
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2,825 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Fluffster
So yeah CLANNAD is now on steam, in enlglish and its supposed to be on HD("All visuals have been upgraded to 1280x960 for the Steam release of CLANNAD. " thanks CarlEric), havent played it, nor watched the anime, tho i know its a big deal BUT its way too expensive for me 50 fricking bucks... i dont know why visual novels (like actual japanese VN) tend to be so expensive anyway here you have
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