Reminds me of the Godfather. Just more complicated. It's gonna be interesting to follow, I'll give it that.
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Sooo its like the old facebook game, gang wars, built using the old sleeping dogs engine in order to compete with GTA V's online MP.
Sounds... well something.
Ill also wager that they will have TONS of paid DLC that ends up equating to pay to win crap.
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I want both, actually anything would do...I trust them to make a good game.
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Really its for consoles, we already have everything in it plus the HD Textures.
Not sure why its releasing on PC...
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Because a mini-relaunch can push a few more sales and the marketing engine is on anyway... So why not.
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Sleeping Dogs is a fantastic game. The voice acting is fantastic, the story is great and the characters are interesting.
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Why are people mad about this? Video looks has the gameplay of Sleeping Dogs but online which is what people wanted when the game came out...a multiplayer mode, this is just a big one.
Looks like APB but with better everything.
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Speaking for myself, it's because it's a F2P MMO (sorry about the acronyms), not a proper game.
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Yes, that's what I'm implying. I consider what you call a paywall a requirement for a proper game.
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What's your point? I'm obviously not saying that any and every proper game is good. And you'll see, if free-to-play becomes the standard, it will be your problem as well as mine.
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Free to play games have been getting better, am I the only person who remembers how bad they were just a couple years ago? Now we have good ones....that are fair to non paying players.
I don't usually agree with Aboow but I do here, a proper game does not mean a price tag. If that was true games like Cave Story are apparently not proper and the Sims 4 is....
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Maybe I can't really see the progression because I don't play them at all. I know something about mobile games and they went from paid/free with ads to free with monetization and not in a nice way.
Cave Story: completely free is obviously ok, I don't think I need to explain that. We are talking about free-to-play with monetization elements. Frankly I don't know anything about The Sims 4... what's up with it?
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"I don't play them at all."
To be fair how can you say any of this then?
"I know something about mobile games and they went from paid/free with ads to free with monetization and not in a nice way."
We are sorta talking about a full fledged PC game here, not a quick buck game like most phone games...
"Cave Story: completely free is obviously ok, I don't think I need to explain that. We are talking about free-to-play with monetization elements. Frankly I don't know anything about The Sims 4... what's up with it?"
True but many free to play games now don't limit you or make you weaker, a lot only do cosmetics and thats to an extent, you can still get a lot by playing.
Here is the sims 4 problems, they removed A LOT of stuff, honesty this doesn't even cover evereything....its a mess....
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I tried a few F2P games, but I don't really play them. I do read reviews and opinion pieces. This said, it is my general impression that the mobile world is a test bench for the direction of the computer world at large, in many ways, starting from the Walled Garden approach that Apple launched and Microsoft intended and partially tried to bring to Desktops with Windows 8.
So what I fear is that, while there are success stories of non-explotative F2P, publishers which don't achieve such success will resort to less acceptable practices and that this will slowly become the norm. Hopefully it will never happen: only time will tell.
Finally, I really despise grinding as a method of progression, so having it as an alternative to payments doesn't satisfy me and I consider it bad design.
Now I'll go take a look at that Sims link, you can take a look at this and you'll know exactly what I am concerned about (yes, it's a mobile version of Dungeon Keeper, but it's also EA and not a quick buck half-rogue company like King or Zynga).
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See you say the mobile world is a test bench but free to play games have been around long before smart phones and if anything have gotten better as time went on, back in the day pretty much every free to play games was a cash grab, its turning around lately.
"Finally, I really despise grinding as a method of progression"
Again, most free games are going against this now, it USE to be the norm though, yes.
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All right, I'll keep an open mind and see what the future brings us. I'm still slightly pessimistic, though.
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I am more of a realist then a cynic but I get it, as of now though its heading in an alright direction, hopefully that lasts.
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Nope. Like I said in another reply, proper is a prerequisite, not a sufficient condition. Also, I don't think it's much of a buzzword.
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So? nowadays there are plenty of fair free to play games....most nowadays seem to be pay to advance stupid fast, not pay to win....
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So, a free game that wants to making money has to incorporate elements in its design that do not aim at making the game better, but at making the player spend money. This is what I find unacceptable. This is same issue as with the old coin-ops, but subtler and more scientific (Gamasutra has plenty of resources on game monetization if you're interested).
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If they do it like its done in games like Path Of Exile then I see nothing wrong with it. If you can't spend a couple dollars supporting a dev on a cosmetic thats fine but I see no wrong in it and I really don't see that as "So, a free game that wants to making money has to incorporate elements in its design that do not aim at making the game better, but at making the player spend money".
Devs gotta eat and this is a good way of making an MMO nowadays, nobody is seeing the benefits in a monthly system anymore it seems and I agree, it just makes games die, open it for everyone and you will have the people that spend a ton on crap like cosmetics or even XP boosters which imo is fine because I rather take my time leveling and such anyways. Everyone else can still enjoy the game without spending a dime...
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It might be a viable way for MMOs, but even then, a few success stories don't mean that the general model is sustainable in the long run. Maybe it is, I can't tell for sure. As far as I am concerned, cosmetic is certainly fine, while XP boosts are borderline.
My point was a general one, though. Look at what happened on mobile platform: that's what I don't want to see in PC gaming. Games designed not to be fun and challenging but to hook you and then frustrate you into paying either to just progress or to overcome excessive, artificial difficulty spikes.
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XP boosts
Battlefield Premium still charges for that, charges for DLC which are clearly ripped out of the game and yet, your 300$ price tag on the full game makes it a proper game and thus, by default, superior?
You have your handful of bad apples and generalize while someone else can't use success stories as a positive example? Oh, why do I even bother...
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I stay well away from Battlefield, CoD and the like. I despise that model too and it's even worse than free-to-play in my opinion. Nothing is "by default superior" and what I meant is that being "a proper game" is a prerequisite to be fair and good, not that it's sufficient.
Positive examples are welcome and I didn't intend to dismiss them. My point is that the model where only cosmetic items and XP boosts are for sale will not be dominant, in my opinion. I hope I made myself clear this time.
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I was trying to have a discussion here, but it's clearly not worth it with people like you.
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Looks terrific! I loved Sleeping Dogs, and this looks decent.
I trust them to create one more masterpiece.
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Looks pretty nice, better visuals, the driving looks better.. I'd try it.
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Maybe I'm blind, but the combat does not really remind me of Sleeping Dogs. I was kind of hoping for something like Sleeping Dogs combat plus Planetside team combat, but those very brief flashes of combat for some reason remind me more of World of Warcraft.
Is anyone else getting a weird vibe from that video? Or is this just all in my head?
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