OMG now after having a look at your profile I had to do some digging and found out you're you :P
Holy *** there really cannot be a bigger coincidence considering I barely talk on SG :D
thank you and I hope you go very far and I'm glad to see that slow but surely you're growing
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Hahahaha, I got the message just before going to sleep. For a second I thought you were joking about not getting it xD. Oh well, at least you deserve it.
This month is sadly slower than the usual, because of the holiday, visits and family, but I am slowly getting more people. i just hope that the irregularities of this week don't mess it up.
Thank you once again :D.
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I had to say that because I meet 10 new people every day and hence it's hard to keep count (learn) the names/usernames of the people I've just met, and there's a 90% chance that even if I saw your youtube name, your SG name/Steam name would be different, and hence even 10 more names to remember in a single day :P THis had me confused coz I didn't even make a "negative" post/comment on SG recently so......
Initially being inactive and less active is very normal but later you'd have to figure out a way to compensate for not giving your viewers the "concert/show" that they deserve :D
Have a nice day and stay awesome :P
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1,568 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Vasharal
Hello everyone! You probably don't know me, so a little introduction comes handy. I am BlackStark from Chile and I have recently started a twitch and youtube channel, both about gaming, after taking a break from job.
To be honest, I think I do a better job as a streamer than as a youtuber, but I use the youtube channel to save my gameplays while skipping the unnecessary parts.
What do you play?
I mix between a couple of online games (Rocket League, Hunt: Showdown, Deep Rock Galactic and a few others) and some singleplayer games (recently started Ori and The Blind Forest). And sometimes I do special streaming sessions with my girlfriend at midnight (Chile time)
Why is it ENG/ESP?
Because most of my little audience speak english, but some of my friends speak spanish. So I use spanish when talking with some of then, but then I use english when streaming singleplayer or when I am talking with the chat. You can come and use some of those language and I will reply you using the same one.
With that being said, this could still be changed, depending mostly of the people who watch me.
Why did you start it?
Because I really like to play co-op games, and sometimes, while playing singleplayer campaigns, even when enjoying the game, it felt like there was something missing. I discovered, after doing some occasional streaming sessions for months to my girlfriend, that I was missing people to share some moments of the game and comment it (or laugh together), like if it was a co-op experience. It could be funny moments, unexpected twists, epic revelations, rage attacks, and so on...
What does it make you special?
Hmm... A hard question... But another reason why I tried streaming was my hability to do several things at the same time, which includes playing and talking. Which I currently do with my small and pleasant audience.
Are you good at videogames?
Depends on the game xD. But I would say I am better than the average. I still die a lot on Hunt: Showdown because I like to go for the action and don't like to camp or sit in corners, and my Rocket League level decreased after changing keyboard, but I think I do a decent job.
How long have you been streaming?
I think 3 weeks, but the first one or two weeks were mostly about checking settings.
How long are your streams?
They are around 6-9 hours long per day, but I take little breaks in the middle when changing game or when I am hungry (that is why, if you check, you can see that most of my videos are around 2-3 hours long).
What is your streaming schedule?
I am currently streaming from Monday to Sunday 16:00-00:00 Chile time (GMT -3), with some breaks in the middle, and sometimes I do a special stream from 00:00-02:00.
If you have some other questions, feel free to ask. I will be updating this if I feel there is more to say.
I know most of you are not interested, but just a visit to the stream or a follow to get to the 50 followers would help. So, thank you all for reading.
Here are some clips that could give you an idea of what are you going to see in the stream (you can check more in the channel):
Oh, yeah, the GA. It is not a big thing, but here it is
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