That's unnecessarily kind. The only thing missing from the new Max Payne was a Mary Sue or a flashback Max/Vlad scene for it to qualify as poorly written fan-fiction.
The first two, though, yes, play them back-to-back if you can.
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No, no, I can see how it could be considered excellent. Y'know, in a Uwe Boll kind of way.
Boll also made a bid to direct the upcoming World of Warcraft movie, but was turned away by the owners of the Warcraft franchise, Blizzard Entertainment who said: "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you. Because it’s such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it."
(source: Wikipedia)
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Max payne 3 took too long and it was way too hard even on the lowest difficulty. AFter beating it, i deleted it right away because i hated it.
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Alot of people did. I never played the other two but the third one had a decent story but playing the game itself was so frustrating.
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Lol, nope. Blood Omen 1 tells a lot about why things happened or who and how did it. Its the game that "justifies" most of the later events. Without it you are just discovering scraps of story.
I agree it may looks not so "storytelling" because of graphical appearance but everywhere you go, everyone you kill, in which order (etc.) is bound to the later games. You may even find some "time and presence" paradoxes which were later explained in LoK:SR2 and LoK:Defiance.
If you have to skip, just skip the second Blood Omen. It's placed in other reality and contains only a little of story that is used in main series.
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I've not played Blood Omen 2, so I can't comment on how well Blood Omen 1 ties in with it (probably more than Soul Reaver), but I never felt that my knowledge from Blood Omen 1 was "needed" to get what was going on in Soul Reaver.
I still would recommend that anyone interested in the series start with Blood Omen 1 if they can find it (getting it to run on a modern OS is not that hard).
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Probably my favourite game series and I don't think I've yet found a series I've loved as much as this.
Played out of order though :(
I think I played SR2, SR1, either BO1 then Defiance (or other way around) and finally BO2. The only disappointment I had in playing out of order though was really with SR1 & 2, eg Kane's generals, but SR1, SR2, and Defiance have each had multiple playthroughs. Would love it if they managed to continue this same series on.
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i just cant play the first one.. i really want to get into the withcer but the first one just bores me
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That's okay, it's vastly different from 2 and 3. Not for everyone. But I still think maybe it's not better than 3, but definitely better than 2.
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I specifically meant Simon the Sorcerer 3D. I have finished it and I have no idea why I did it; I can unironically say this was the worst adventure game I have ever played, and one of the worst games in general that I played.
As for Monkey Island, I didn't mind the installments that were considered a step down by most fans. I think Curse of the Monkey Island is cool, and Escape from the Monkey Island is not as bad as people say and still pretty decent. (I'd still get rid of Monkey Kombat minigame though)
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the 4th monkey island was the 3D one. 3rd one was high-res comic graphics.
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there is so much :P just started bioshock, still need to do crysis.. but there are so much more...
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Mass Effect. I completely agree.
Halo for me, it's pretty much my favorite game, it made me buy an xbox instead of a gamecube back in the day.
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Yeah... multiplayer looks awesome! But after watching the E3 singleplayer gameplay I felt kind of relieved I wasn't going to endure such a boring campaign; I've completed on Legendary every other campaign, solo and co-op with some of my best friends and man, that gameplay WASN'T anything I love about Halo. No gorgeous levels, intelligent AI, great weapon and enemy variety, engaging story... it looked pretty bland tbh
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You do pilot a Pelican in Halo 4 man! A lot of people bashed that game but I think it was better than Halo 3.
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I had to forget :P I know you pilot something similiar to Pelican but it's smaller. I remember well glitch in Halo 3 where you could use Hornet to get into Phantom. Your friend had to pilot it, and you had to sit on it's side. When you were close enough you just jumped into this :P
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actually it is a full size pelican armed with a spartan laser and, I think a gatling gun too. I haven't heard of that H3 glitch tho! Interesting
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That definitely. But I'd play the Megaman X series before that, to get even more invested into Zero, one of my favorite characters of all time. You don't get the same feeling when you listen to Megaman Zero's first stage's music otherwise, for example.
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The Longest Journey / Dreamfall: The Longest Journey / Dreamfall: Chapters.
Chapters needs more Enu.
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Hitman, if you want any idea of what's going on besides just murdering people.
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the Blackwell series, you just lose so much references if you don't play earlier games... I have finished the first three games and I'm happy I didn't start with the fifth game, the last one in the series and the first one I got because of humble bundle.
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+1 GREAT series, i played them all in order, when epiphany came out i buy it as soon as i got the money, and i made the badges for every single game (i think) i really love this series
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yeah, loved it too! Just finished epiphany today and I already miss the characters
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Bioshock. It's such a journey in every way I think. Metro is one of my new favorites as well, and now that 2033 got a major overhaul, inclusing graphics in the redux, it's just pay and play some amazing games. If you're into point and click, try deponia. It's a trilogy, so you need to play them all.
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+a million. NEVER play Portal 2 before Portal. it'll ruin the story and my dreams ;~; It should be enjoyed as a whole.
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I'd recommend it a million times if I could. It's one of my favorite games. I've beaten them both twice. Might do it again soon (even though I just finished the 2nd on a second time not even a month ago).
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LIVING PROOF! I am very disappointed in you >.> What made you think that was a good idea?! xD
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xD Nope! Definitely should be played in order :p I'd love a third one, though. But sadly, it most likely won't happen.
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People like you just want to watch the world burn...
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XD It's ohkay, I still love you <3 It just ruins the story when you play the second one first.
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Doing a chronological review/replay right now. Finished MGS3 Existence movie version for time's sake yesterday, and started in again on Portable Ops today.
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It sure is.
My old save file from last time I played only has 4 hours on it, I couldn't force my self to finish. I'll play a bit more, and maybe just end up at Youtube like you said.
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solo boss fights on a psp makes peace walker a much worse game play experience imo.
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True but even if you watch all the cutscenes and play every game it's an confusing but awesome story
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I have actually only watched the cutscenes and not played the game, and I found them fairly straight forward, actually. Some odd parts, sure, but unless I missed something big, I don't really see what all the fuss about it being so complicated is about.
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Believe me there is so many stuff especially in MGS2 , I personally don't know it and I have watched all the cutscenes of the games I played , but I have a friend that well .... it's a total mgs fanboy and he tell's me so many stuff that I get confused xd
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I bought Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 during the Summer Sale as I had a feeling I needed to play from the beginning.
Part of the reason also was that I wanted to play Mass Effect 3 straight but didn't want to do anything with Origin. So I thought that I might as well check the prequels if it's really worth getting.
I'm glad I did as I really enjoy not only the story but also the gameplay so far.
That said, what do you think is a series that needs to be played from it's first game to its latest?
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