I bought Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 during the Summer Sale as I had a feeling I needed to play from the beginning.
Part of the reason also was that I wanted to play Mass Effect 3 straight but didn't want to do anything with Origin. So I thought that I might as well check the prequels if it's really worth getting.

I'm glad I did as I really enjoy not only the story but also the gameplay so far.

That said, what do you think is a series that needs to be played from it's first game to its latest?

9 years ago*

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I have a bit of ocd when it comes to a series. I always play them in entirety from the beginning. I recently played every single Tomb Raider game before 2013, and I'm currently playing every GTA before getting to V. I love knowing the full story for one and then just seeing how far the technology has progressed. :)

9 years ago

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Since every GTA is a standalone and none of them are really connected (other than a few characters) you can skip all the games and play just one of them (but skipping SA is a capital sin, dont do that)

9 years ago

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They can really be played in any order, but 3, VC, and SA have overlapping characters/history as well as cities/locations. It's a stretch for sure, but there's some. I just love seeing how far this franchise has come.

9 years ago

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Don't forget about liberty city stories. And yeah, If you can remeber names you will see a lot of characteres from other GTA games.

9 years ago

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Yeah. I have Liberty City Stories as well. Too bad they aren't on PC. Oh, and London 1961/1969 are great as well. :)

9 years ago

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I also loved GTA 4 with both addons (or should i say DLC?). I still don't understand why people hated handling so much. Same goes for story that IMO was one of the best in whole franchise. Oh, and that moment when you start BoGT and you see how both stories connects :D

And how about Chinatown Wars? This is only one game form franchise I didnt play. I heard it can be played on android now but I don't own an andoid phone.

9 years ago

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I'm actually playing GTA IV now. I'm almost 50% in according to the stats page. It's been great fun so far and it runs beautifully. I've read many users saying it was horribly optimized and virtually unplayable but I actually stopped playing my PS3 copy to play it on PC instead. I have the Complete Edition but haven't gotten to the expansions yet. They should be fun as well I would imagine.

Chinatown Wars is the only one I've never played either. At least I believe it's the only one. Honestly, I don't know anything about it. And I also don't have an android phone so I can't say anything helpful there, either.

9 years ago

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  • Star Wars KOTOR
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Zork
  • Portal
  • Fallout (skip 3)
  • Mother
  • The Elder Scrolls (skip 5 and Online)
  • Half-Life

Those are some of the bests sagas I have ever played

9 years ago

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Fallout (skip 3)
The Elder Scrolls (skip 5 and Online)

ok... maybe skip half-life 3 too?

9 years ago

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Dont forget to skip Dota 3 too

9 years ago

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You are one of the people that hate new games only because they are different that their previous versions? "Me dunt lik falut 3, co its not ril falut". Or maybe you just hate bethesda? Tell me, I'm curious.

9 years ago

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Nah I didnt like Fallout 3 mainly because of the decisions and the game took itself too serious without even some black humor. Also, some variety in weapons would have been nice

And Bethesda is "meh" for me, I dont hate them but I dont think they are the best thing since toasted bread.

As for new games, IMO nowadays with the so dumbed down industry, yeah, I think most of them (and with most of them I mean MOST OF THEM, not all of them) are very crappy. Lets take for example the new Battlefront game, it doesnt even has half of the content that Battlefront 2 had (according to what DICE has revealed to this day). Now if you take games like The Witcher 3, okay you win, its cool. But overall I think that new games are worthless (with exceptions)

9 years ago

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So okay, I'm serious now. I can agree that many new games are bad for few reasons (I can elaborate about it if you want) but not most of them, BUT isn't that just nostalgia? In first take F3 was 'meh' for me, but at second try I really liked it. I still didnt finish it, mostly because of bugs, but overall it's great game. You can't just tell people to skip it becuae you don't like the fact that it doesnt contain humor or 2 more guns. It was a game changer point for franchise and it lead us too F4, game that MIGHT be great. Same goes for Skyrim (you didnt explain what was so bad about it).

Oh, and if you would be so nice, please explain what do you mean with 'decisions in F3.

9 years ago

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puts argue pants

Welp OP asked for sagas that in our opinion worth to play. I said my opinion...

F3 decisions were meaningless in every way, as far as I remember there are no more than 10-20 decisions that actually matter and make stuff change. And about the bugs there some bug fixing mods. Besides (and I forgot to say this one) for me Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns, seriously.

And the very only games I played younger were the Mario games from N64 and GTA VC. Most old school games I know and I like I played no more than 2 years ago (and I still do) so nostalgia is out of the question (but for most people, yeah the nostalgia glasses are everything)

You didnt ask why for Skyrim so I didnt bother to mention it, but anyways here we go puts angry argue shirt: lame characters, broken quests (this one is a bit tricky to explain), bad politics, bad lore (note that Im not talking about the TES lore but the part talked in Skyrim, for example how basic is lore explained to the player about the nords), fighters guild (companions my ass), weak magic till high stages of the game, not many things to do (other than farming, questing and exploring, there isnt much to do...), the biggest one: DEM CASUALS! The game's mechanics are purely made for casual players giving them not only inmortal NPCs to kill stuff but also holding the hand of the player all the time (instead of asking questions to where to go and how to do this or that, NO, you follow a marker that is implented on a microchip in Dragonborn's head with a very good GPS feature), and there are other reasons that I am too lazy to name.

But dude if you think different, for me its like "biggest maximum meh" ._.

9 years ago

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Yo, I didn't want to argue, if you tought so - sorry.

About skyrim. Well, I can't agree on at least half of things you metnioned, but after all, I guess it's 'whatever floats your boat'. It's nice that you care to elaborate, becuase in many cases people can't do even that.

Have a nice day :)

9 years ago

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The Elder Scrolls games are not really connected though (apart from sharing setting). You can easily play Morrowind without having played Arena or Battlespire. I would actually recommend recommend that people skip Arena alltogether, and probably also Daggerfall (which was where I started the series. it has some wonderful qualities, but dear lord is it buggy). And Oblivion was also not very good (it's the only TES game apart from Arena that I can honestly say that I dislike. Yes I even kinda somewhat like Battlespire (Redguard was nice)).

9 years ago

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Well, since they are set in different regions and periods of time, you are right - you can play one of them without playing any other without any problem. Playing the other ones however reveal the game's history: it is interesting to play Skyrim after playing Morrowind and Oblivion to find out that The Blades was reduced to just a group of people for example.

9 years ago

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The Walking Dead.

9 years ago

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Kingdom Hearts

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i'm shocked, nay APPALLED that no one has said Dead Space.

9 years ago

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Meh, there are better survival horror games (Dead Space is still epic tho)

9 years ago

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Where you get idea that my glorious Dead Space is SURVIVAL horror?

9 years ago

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1 is a survival horror.
2 is an action game with survival horror elements.
3 is just action (tho I actually liked this one, not as much as liked 1 but I liked it)

9 years ago

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I only see three statements of yours.

9 years ago

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Dead Space is SURVIVAL horror.

Dead Space (series), a series of third-person survival horror video games

Genres Survival horror, third-person shooter
Dead Space is a survival horror video game series created by Glen Schofield

9 years ago

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Well, as far is one my favourite franchise I can't say it feels like survival horror. At least for me.

9 years ago

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Dead Space

9 years ago

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ALL the Dynasty Warriors games in sequence, so you can learn to appreciate why people come back for more every time. And why they are all different

9 years ago

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Same thing you could say about Tekken games...

9 years ago*

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Other than playing 6:Empires, I think people could skip from about 3 to 7. 4, 5, & 6 were all very, very similar. 7 was the first time it really felt like they improved the game.

9 years ago

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Wolfenstein :')

9 years ago

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Assassin's Creed. I've only played the first two, but I really recommend playing them in the correct order if you want to understand anything. :P

9 years ago

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It really shows in the Ezio trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations). Each a great game. :)

9 years ago

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Just a shame that Assassin's Creed 1 is so bad :( I liked Assassin's creed 2 (far from a flawless game, but it had some qualities that I really appreciated, I really liked the design of the cities for an example).

9 years ago

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I personally had quite a bit of fun with Assassin's Creed 1 and never really understood the hate it receives.

9 years ago

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I found it very very repetitive and I never felt engaged in the story. 2 was a lot better at mixing things up, even if the combat still was a bit "meh".

9 years ago

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AC2 was better, but I still liked AC1 very much.
Its strongest point was the setting, for me. Just roaming among the crowded streets of ancient cities really felt immersive and amazing. AC2 topped that easily, but without comparing both games, AC1 was great.

But like I said; It seems I'm the only one who thinks that AC1 wasn't that bad at all. :P

9 years ago

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Did you play it on PC or console? I'm guessing PC, because it has a few extra mission types. On console, you do the exact same missions to set up each of the assassinations. On PC, actually get to choose from a couple types, which helps a lot.

I really enjoyed the story in AC1, and the gameplay was creative, but had a lot of rough edges. Still, it was really cool to be able to run around during the Crusades, which is a piece of history you don't see in games. Fortunately, they took what worked from AC1 and really improved it with AC2.

There may be entirely too many AC games now, but if AC1 didn't do as well as it did, we would've missed out on a creative new variety of open-world sandbox game.

9 years ago

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This. Everything you've just said, I agree absolutely.
AC1 wasn't the best game I've play; far from it. But was it good? In my opinion, the game design and setting/story was great, and it most definitely wasn't a bad game.

9 years ago

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The series has evolved so much that AC1 is completely obsolete now, but it was still a good game. There really wasn't anything like it, and being able to freerun around a city was amazing. The unique setting was just gravy.

9 years ago

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its basically the base assets of every single Ubisoft sandbox type game made in the last 8 years, without any interesting story arc or side quests. If it was the first game you played of that gen by Ubisoft and you enjoyed it fair enough, but if you jumped on the games later on were the base gameplay is almost exactly the same but with more activities to do within the world there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to return to the original.

btw I played the original and never finished it because it just felt like repeating the same long drawn out mission 9 times but in different locations that all looked the same. Tried the second one it was a reasonable improvement but I grew weary of the Desmond story arc and realised it was just a plot device to churn out a new one of these games every year so never touched the series again or any other Ubisoft game, Farcry 2 shares some of the blame for that though

9 years ago

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Anyone who didn't play AC1 back when it was recent is almost certainly better off watching the videos on Youtube. I thought the story was interesting enough to endure it, but you really were replaying almost the exact same missions 9 times. The Ezio trilogy was terrific, though.

9 years ago

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Assassins Creed 1 was painfully repetitive that I never finished it, and this was back when it was released.

Assassins Creed 2 however was fantastic.

9 years ago

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I think Assassins Creed is a good choice, though the fact that the games are now yearly releases I would just recommend someone get whatever, ideally the best ones, but for the story of course, start from AC1!

9 years ago

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Phoenix Wright... Get an emulator if you dont have a ds but it is amazing

9 years ago

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I played one in between and I agree, there seems to be returning characters from the previous games which I have no idea who they are, I see it as a prequel games as a prequel though if I ever return!

9 years ago

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Hotline Miami, not because of the story, but the difficulty in HM2 continues from the difficulty in HM1.

9 years ago

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Well... As you can see I consider myself a little fanboy of Hotline Miami and I have to say that STORY is main reason to play both games. Difficulty is a second thing.

9 years ago

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i came here to talk about mass effect, but looks like you already figured it out ;) enjoy my fav games

9 years ago

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dragon age o:

9 years ago

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i missed a lot of references in inquisition because i played da2 for 10hours, couldn't finish it...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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deus ex <3

also fallout (you can skip tactics, it adds almost nothing to the fallout world).

9 years ago*

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But which order do you suggest for Deus Ex. Human Revolution is a prequel so chronologically you'd have The Fall, Human Revolution (with Missing Link slotted appropriately if playing vanilla), Mankind Diveded (when released), Deus Ex and Invisible War. In my experience though the consensus seems to be to stick with the release order.

9 years ago

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releaser order for me too.

9 years ago

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Batman Arkham, trilogy by Rocksteady

9 years ago

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Call of Duty

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Runaway series, you pretty much have to play the whole thing, and Saint's Row series, it's a continuous plot over all the games.

EDIT: Also the House of the Dead series won't make sense if you skip a game.

9 years ago

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HotD does not make much sense anyway ;)

9 years ago

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Bioshock series
Fallout series
Mass effect series
Sonic adventure 1 and 2
Star wars: Knights of the old republic I and II

9 years ago

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Shouldn't every game series be played from first to last if you wanted to really enjoy it..?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Plenty of game series out there where you can jump in at a later point without it hurting your enjoyment. Games that are very low on story (like say the Mario games) or games where the parts are more or less standalone (Zelda) are good examples of series where not having played the earlier parts won't hurt you. Then you have game series where the early parts are not very good (like say the early Ultima games). And finally, you have the games where the main draw is not the story, but something else (like say the X series)

9 years ago

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Yeah, but it's easy to know which is which.

9 years ago

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Is it always? Can you easily tell that you can skip Ultima 1 & 2, when the series has so much continuity in the later parts and it is so story heavy? And if you had never played a Zelda game, could you really tell that you can jump in at almost any point in the series (some are actually a bit linked, OOT & Majoras Mask for an example)? Same with the Might & Magic series, most are standalone, but not all, (4 & 5 are heavily connected, and 4 & 5 are linked to 1, 3 is also linked to 1, but not really to 4 & 5). Can you easily play Pool of Radiance 2 (if you would actually want to play that game...) without having played the first 1? For many CRPG series, it gets really messy when you try to figure out which parts you can play out of order/skip, and which parts are a must.

9 years ago*

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Most of those games are pretty old and you could easily find all the info about them everywhere on the internet.
You could also check reviews to know that, which are also everywhere.
And I'm not against this thread actually but I prefer to always play any series from the beginning whether it was connected by a story or not.

9 years ago

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Final Fantasy is an example of a series in which does not need to be played from the initial game since the stories told are separate, and thank heavens for that from all the games out there!

9 years ago

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Why, GTA of course.

9 years ago

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Syberia (Part 2 is a direct continuation of part 1, and part 1 did not have a proper ending).
Thief series (at least if you want to actually get what's going on at the end of Thief 3).
Sam & Max

9 years ago

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Wonder when Syberia 3 is coming. The only problem (that was mentioned in some review as well) with the Syberia games is that nobody really cares about mammoths. Basically you need to have understanding/sympathy about someone else caring about them in order to get emotionally invested. Otherwise very good games.

9 years ago

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I actually thought the ending to Syberia 2 was a good ending for the series. There is really only one thing left to do, getting home, but both the first games were about the wish of one person to see the mammoths, so ending with that wish being fulfilled is, I think, the best way to end the series. Personally I did care though, I wanted him to finally be able to see the mammoths. I don't think I would have got nearly the same sense of fulfillment if there was a part after that where you had to make your way home. It's similar to why i think To the Moon had a good ending.

9 years ago

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I actually don't remember much about the story anymore :S Syberia 3 should apparently be released this year.

9 years ago

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There were really only a few points in it that were important, the rest just seemed to be there to reinforce those points.
Finding out about the lost heir to the toy factory, finding out why he was so obsessed with mammoths (the part in the cave), and when you find him at the end of Syberia 1 are the only super important plot points, the rest are just there to reinforce Hans' character, his obsession, and his genius, the museum bit for an example could have been skipped and the core plot would not have changed, though it was a good way of introducing more of the world, and showing what an impact Hans had had on it
as for Syberia 2, there were even less "important" bits, you made your way across Russia, with most parts being world building, as you got further away from where he had previously been technology became less impressive, and it seemed like it was also trying to make it seem like a race against the clock, as it was unclear how much of this strain Hans could actually take. Oscar's sacrifice feels like it was meant to reinforce it, even though there were also external reasons for things happening the way they did, and then you found the mammoths, with no clear way of getting home again

Syberia was, to me, more the story of Hans than of Kate. And actually, I'm a bit worried how Syberia 3 will change my view of this. People might say that a bad sequel won't take away the memories of earlier games/movies, but for me they very much do impact how I view the earlier parts. If Syberia 3 were to focus on an entirely different story, like for an example what's actually going on at the toy factory, I would not be worried, but I think Kate and Hans' have reached the end of their stories.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1 for Ruuuufuuuuuuuus!

9 years ago

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  • Dawn of War
  • StarCraft
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Gothic
  • Risen
  • Chains of Satinav & Memoria
  • Black Mirror
  • Doom ;-)
9 years ago

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F.E.A.R series, first one is up to date one of the best horror shooters ever and probably one with the best AI to this day. Also I recommend Agarest series, those games are massive and the story goes for couple generations of heroes. Not only strategy game but dating sim as well. I just begun to scratch the surface of the first one, and there is still prequel and sequel. Ace Combat too is a series that must be played.

9 years ago

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