Be careful, you will most likely be suspended for calling out if you don't remove the mods name. Just a friendly warning.
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what situation? the reason for the non-activated game?
if you were not suspended for it yet, then you will get a suspension for it now.
it's not abuse of power. it's the rules.
also private profiles are suspicious and makes people think you are a scammer.
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writing was not clear to me. maybe the mod was confused too.
maybe he should make his account public so the mod could check and not have to waste time with trying to figure out a bunch of screenshots as evidence?
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Oh, what a conspiracy against you. Mod saw you didn't activate the game. Mod suspended you. Giveaways you won in the meantime were re-rolled. Such fate never happened to anyone...
The fact that mod "caught" you on their own, without another "author" reporting you, is nothing unusual. Most people check their winners and report zealously.
The fact that you actually have a game that can't be visible in your account doesn't change anything. If their tools show you didn't activate - because you didn't sync enough and have a private profile, for example, it's your fault and burden of proof.
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Idk i think he means that the mod fakebans him for not activating some random game he activated, so he can reroll the game he won from him according the rules. if it really is so idk, he can provide a screenshot from library history with the gift activated date idk.
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Yes, I'm sure person with 6,295 Gifts Sent decided to do shady things just so this particular winner loses one game won. The fact is, even if you have the game, it can be shown to system as not activated if you didn't sync for a while and other weird reasons. No mod is gonna go around and double check, it's your duty to keep your profile up to date.
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Well I mean, OP has over 1000 gifts sent, so if that's the metric you go by to deem trustworthiness... And every mod double checks - that's their job. You're supposed to submit a ticket in these cases SO a mod can double check. The problem isn't the suspension - but the fact that the mod allegedly doing it had a bias in this case, and should have submitted a ticket to have another mod look at it.
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It's fully allowed to have a private profile as long as you sync SG every week (and you can't enter giveaways if you don't, so he clearly has).
The rules state that you're supposed to submit a ticket if your winner has a private profile and you're concerned about rule breaking. When this happens the standard procedure as far as we've learned on the forum is that a mod asks the person to make their profile public for a scan. For a moderator to outright suspend someone without going through this process is questionable behavior at best.
I don't necessarily believe that OP is telling the entire truth here, but considering how unreliable steams API can be lately I can't outright claim OP is lying either. We have to take things at face value, and as such I would say this sounds troubling and I would like to hear the other side of the story.
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Been here for 6 years and this is the first time I hear of mods adding people to talk to them. They just check the profile most of the time. You guy have to understand this is a private website with volunteer mods/support who have lives outside of the community. It's not Amazon where people are paid to fix your mistakes.
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Assuming that I got what you're saying right... (And that I believe you, which I can afford to do since I'm nobody important.)
Sounds to me like a mix up. They had a lot of giveaways ending simultaneously at the time. Maybe they accidentally checked someone else rather than you. Alternatively (and that's the scenario I think is most likely here) they could have used a script to check the winners of all their giveaways and it bugged out since your profile is private (I'd imagine such scripts would take that into consideration but you never know...).
Either way, since they are a mod that would let them immediately take action, suspend you and re-roll their own giveaway, thinking that you broke the rules.
What I'm saying is don't assume something so over the top like "power abuse" before actually getting to speak to anyone about it. What you think is the cause could be the effect and vise-versa.
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I agree it's a pretty BS move to reroll a giveaway against an user you just suspended yourself, knowing that he could easily activate it upon his return within 5 days. But it sounds like you didn't activate your game properly? You didn't provide enough explanation for us to understand exactly what happened. Also, as the others say, you can't do calling out.
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Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.
Applies to moderators as well. If you have an issue with a moderator, submit a ticket and ask another staff member to review the case.
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Yesterday after entering SteamGifts I saw this message:
I sent a Steam invitation to the moderator, I wanted to clarify the situation, I wrote a comment on his Steam profile what is the purpose of my invitation. He did not accept or comment on his profile. I wrote a support application, it contained 5 screens from 5 different locations (eg: library, activated licenses, Steam shop, etc) that I still have this "OR" game. Yesterday I was unlocked but another moderator.
Today I remembered that yesterday just before receiving the suspension I got an e-mail with information about the winning game in SteamGifts:
And who is the author of this giveaway?
I won the game from the moderator, he for some unknown reason did not want to give it to me, so he specifically suspended my account then he could already in accordance with the rules to submit the re-draw. How to call it rather than abuse of power?
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