I guess the only real answer is if there was no cv.. then be no abuse. The downside to that unfortunately it will remove some peoples drive to giveaway in the first place.
I guess no reward without risk. Just was curious if anyone else shared similar views.
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That would be up to the bundle creators and I would imagine a sh*tstorm if it were to happen.
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i think he means only if never used, they don't vanish from your library or something.
(but yeah, if nothing else it'd be problematic trading, except we aren't supposed to do that anyway in the bundle's tos, and I at least tend not to use my bundle steam keys until I intend to play that game so it'd be a problem for me too...if I somehow went years before getting around to it)
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I'd say make it a 24 months without appearing in bundles or being above 95% off (price error or otherwise), and it should come off the bundle list. If it appears in a bundle/has a 95%+ sale, the timer gets reset to 24 months.
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I think that's a good solution, though only after a certain amount of time that the game has not been in a bundle. Like four weeks. As soon as that game appears in a bundle or goes 95+% off, all of that gained value is reset.
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I have a possible solution. Bundles are keys only. When selecting a bundled game, SG can check your steam inventory for the game, which will prove it's not from a bundle. There could then be a message displayed to the winner saying that they should be getting a steam gift copy of the game and not a key. It should say to report the user if they give a key.
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Only issue there would be some people have their gift part of their inventory private. Or whole profile private. I remember hearing Mods say before they dont want to restrict this.
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My proposed feature would be optional. Since the system is already setup where they wouldn't get credit for a steam gift bundled game, there wouldn't be any difference. Some people may choose to make their inventory public if they want to get proper credit for a steam gift bundled game.
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Private profiles are retarded. Who the fudgepacker cares what someone's doing while on Steam?
"I'm so great, better make my profile private to contain it all." -Morons
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I know someone who was getting harassed by their ex over Steam, who then had mutual friends post when it was friends only. In the end, she made it full private.
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I'll never understand how people get themselves into these situations. Oh, wait. I do understand; they're so desperate for a relationship that they hook up with crazies without getting to know them first.
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It was someone she had known for several years. It just fell apart later.
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Some people just like their privacy. What gives you the right to decide how others should think, or what information they should make available to you?
It may be nothing whatsoever to do with thinking they are "great".
Yours sincerely,
A. Moron
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These above reasons are why we don't enforce the no private profile rule in a group I admin... As troublesome as its been in the past (with people regifting etc)...
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Frankly, it's ridiculous, but you're right. They have every right to use social media in the exact opposite manner as its definition would imply. Frankly, I don't bother with people who make their profiles private, which may be the point. In that case, more power to them; they're smarter than I was willing to give them credit for.
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Steam is first and foremost a form of DRM software, essential for the purchase and operation of many games. In that respect, I'm convinced I'm using it correctly.
While Steam may have developed a degree of Facebook-esque functionality, that doesn't give people any sort of inalienable right to view the profiles and information of others. For those that choose to disclose this information, all power to them. For those who don't, it's a choice, and a perfectly valid one.
So-called "social media" has instilled in some people a hunger for personal information, and on occasions a sense of near indignation when this isn't made available. It seems to me that while service such as Facebook do indeed operate as social hubs, they also encourage a sort of voyerism, which has nothing whatsoever to do with being "social". It's a common misconception these days that being reluctant to disclose information to all and sundry is the same as having something to hide. Again, I think this comes back to the issue of entitlement.
Personally I'd like to think those who know me have an opinion of me based on genuine interaction. If you think I'm a ballbag, I'd be happier if it was because I'd made an arse of myself in the Steamgifts forums rather than because of some sort of sweeping judgement based on having an unhealthy number of hours logged on Mission Runway...
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I guess I never thought of it like that. Thank you for taking the time to make your point clearly and appropriately. Good read, friend.
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By bundle game, let sg check, give bundle key, trade away the inventory gift.
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And fuck everyone who buys game in other stores than steam?
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Not really. It's not like bundles happen all the time. I understand it would be excessive in addition to everything else they have to do, but in and of itself this is rather quick 'n simple.
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There have been plenty of examples of games which have only appeared in one bundle ever.
And then there are those THQ games. I'm almost 100% sure those will never appear in an indie bundle again.
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A cooldown period should be awesome, and the reason for that is because noone will want to give out a former bundle game because of that crap CV. Too bad it can't be implemented because if you remove the bundle status to Metro 2033 for example, those who gave away will get a full value.
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Just have it not re-calculate CV from previous games given away.. IE changes would only effect current/future giveaways.
At least that would be my thought if something like what the OP mentioned would ever be implemented.
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It sucks that many great games are bundled forever, but consider the thing - if you say "the games from that bundle will be removed from list after X months" ppl who want to farm CV will just buy shitloads of this bundleand sit on them. look how long ago Metro 2033 were given free - I still see ppl offering these keys in trades, and if they could give GAs on SG I'm pretty sure we would suddenly see at least small flood of GAs for this game.
Conclusion - get rid of CV system. Thanks. ;p
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TF2outpost.com can check your inventory and allows you to create new trades only for items that you have. That does not mean that the system could not be abused here - one could always select the same metro 2033 from the inventory, but send 200 free keys to winners...
Better system would be to remove bundled games 3 or 5 years after the last time they have been bundled. But again, some people would wait all that time just to get more CV.
Which brings us to current system - not perfect, but works - people are giving away games even if they are on the bundle list. Problem solved!
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Unfortunately, time means in two years bundlers can get lots of CV from old bundles.
Probably best idea - if normal/sale price of game becomes smaller than bundle price/number of games in bundle. There would be no point in buying lots to keep them for few years, because in the moment of de-bundling they become automatically cheaper than what you pain then.
Of course, that means most games wouldn't get debundled, but you can either let bundlers get CV or allow some great games get some shine again.
Other great idea - delete CV from bundled games or set it to $1 instead.
Ps.: Is Broken Age (that Double Fine new game that was in Humble Bundle as preorder) a bundled game?
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Taking games off the bundle list would require SteamGifts to work differently. Currently the CV of a game is determined by the current value of the game. If a game drops in price, so does the CV. Similarly if the price of a game becomes higher, the CV goes up. Taking a game out of the bundle list will up its contribution value for everyone, regardless of when they gave it away, and that would negate the purpose of the bundle list. That's why it won't happen.
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I think yes, because a lot of games even being on bundle are still considered very good games, and these game probably will never appear in bundles again specially if the game is not indie, games like killing Floor, Alan Wake, Red Orchestra, Serious Sam 3, etc, these game are great but once they go in a bundle, ppl rarely will giveaway them if they didn't bought through bundle, even if game is on good sale they won't because of no getting CV, so after some time would be great if they won't be bundled. And not all ppl will stay a long period of time here just to get CV in future, they will be bored before.
Some indies didn't appeared on bundle for a long time too, for example Super Meat Boy.
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I'll never understand why certain giveaway groups won't allow bundle games to be given away. Especially since so many of them are fucking great.
Oh well, whatever. Their loss.
As for removing them from the bundle list, I couldn't care less. Since I don't deal with groups that ban bundled games, I don't have an issue either way. And I don't care about CV.
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Tends to be ratio or mandatory giveaway groups who take this approach, to prevent people entering for (and winning) full price games and only giving back bundles.
It very much depends on the group ethos.
Oh, and you're right - there are some absolutely awesome bundle games :)
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Seems like it. I don't have any issues with groups devaluing a game once it has been bundled, to prevent folks from dumping bundle key giveaways just so they can remain a member and enter giveaways for more expensive games. I'm a member of one group that has seen people try that. And you can always spot these types from a mile away, because they start dumping keys from the newest 'pay what you want' bundle just as soon as an admin starts talking about kicking people that aren't meeting their quota. It's embarrassing. -_-
Greedyass leeches will always be why we cannot have nice things!
Indeed! Most of my favorite games have been in bundles, or will most likely be bundled sometime in the future. It's a great time to be a PC gamer. :)
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Pretty much with what AWC said.
If we (speaking from experience) allowed bundle games in a ratio group - then what happens is say.. someone wins, say Tomb Raider (newest). Then that person turns around and gives away SPAZ.
Now SPAZ IMO is an awesome game. Many many hours of gameplay.
However SPAZ can also be bought right now in Indie Gala for $3 or could of been bought a while back from HiB for $1 etc.
SO it isn't fair to the gifter or Tomb Raider, Nor is there an incentive for anyone else in the group to give Newer more expensive titles if they kno all they need to give away is a dollar.
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I remember was going to comment here but didn't.
It's a nice thought. The problem is, many people have hoarded bundles still. (I myself have a few older ones, though I only have like 2 of them.)
There are people who still have them still. Doing this 2 year cool down brings up many questions.
But I guess this solution is better than nothing. The bundle list is getting quite large.
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1 - Too bad soo sad I would say.. If the time is not up for it yet then it was just bad timing for that person.
2 - Good question.. I think its odd that people do it in the first place.. but other than that all I can really say the very few who do it MIGHT get some sort of bonus from it.
3 - Still seems goofy to me to do something like that. Regardless a lot of the bundled games will probably be selling at a lower price by that point and due to that the CV for it would be lower anyways.
In all truth you would either have to just deal with those who are doing the things you mentioned, or end up having a list of games that do not give CV that is in all truth, way way too big. We are seeing more and more bundles pop up, and not just indies. Recent bundle had Dead Island, Saints Row 3, and if you payed 25 USD you even got Dead Island Riptide. Due to the way things have been going I will not be shocked to see even more higher end games pop up on bundles like that.
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It's a dilemma.
On one hand, I don't see a real reason bundle games should EVER come off the list. If they did, people would have reason to start hoarding bundle keys until the time expired. I don't want that. People like that tend to go for exploits/mass-buys, throwing off the averages and kind of ruining things for the game devs. Nobody wants devs going broke so they can't make us MORE GAMES.
On the other hand, I might give away more copies of Blocks That Matter if it weren't on the bundle list, because I freaking love that game. But I'm poor, so I don't often give away games anyway, so that might not happen either, haha.
It's a dilemma...
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Just posing a general question
Should older games that are considered bundled (*) after a period of time, be considered to be removed from the bundle list.
The example I will use is Blocks that Matter
It was in One bundle in its lifetime - Link
Which was list Oct 31, 2011 — Nov 14, 2011, almost 2 years ago.
The reason I bring this up is NOT about CV value. Not exactly. .. I don't know how many other people are in the same boat as myself when thinking but..
When thinking of a game to giveaway, both the game, and price are considered. I always also check the bundle list as its frowned upon to give bundle games in alot of groups. Just because they were bundled before etc. As many of you know, specially ones in Humble Bundle, there are many quality games.
(Please this isn't about value paid etc - this is about how long ago a game was bundled, and what is the likely-hood of mass key availability)
"Should older games that are considered bundled (*) after a period of time, be considered to be removed from the bundle list. "
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