So you got knifed by a friend? How did you type it here, since you would probably be dead? Õ_õ
To be serious, it was your own fault. You (probably) won't get your knife back. Never trust anybody (on the internet)!
Edit: P.S. Sorry to hear that :(
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Yeah i know all of this.. Valve already responded.. Nothing can do OF COURSE! He just got Trade Banned on both hes accounts.. but i dont know hes 3rd account .. and there is the knife too so hes happy with that :)
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Cuz im a dumb FFFF .. he said he can trade for me a Karambit for my Bayonet Night.. but yeah i trusted him cuz i thought we are " friends " he live in like 200km from me .. and i had hes steam account too ..cuz he wanted to share a game.. but didnt worked.. tha was long time ago
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"can trade for me a Karambit" So did he even had that karambit in his inventory?
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Dude... he said he maybe can get me a Karambit from some other dude ofc.. i trusted him i said okey .. trade offered the knife for him he said Dont worry you can trust me .. i will type you when i got your Kara ..
Then on other day i saw him offline the whole day.. checked him on facebook.. nothin.. searched hes name and i got a BIG Wounded Finger on my screen .. he blocked me... so i decided to find hes other account .. and there was a Bayonet FADE FACTORY NEW OF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COURSE.. Cuz he Had already hes own probably scammed Karambit Case Hardened.. and he scammed my bayo too so he had 2 knives.. and dat 2 knives traded for Bayo Fade.. and hes happy on hes 3rd account :)
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I know where he lives btw.. BUT He typed for my childhood friend on facebook.. DAT HE DONT WANT TO TALK WITH ME BECAUSE I threatened him WITH POLICE .. thats just riddiculous..
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SWAT his house once a week until he gives it back :)
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Yeah and he said WE WERE NOT FRIENDS AT ALL ... " Why ?? Cuz he gaved me some free games Thats not make us friends " he said
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A trader would certainly say that, so yeah... Don't trust anyone on the internet.
As I said in an earlier post, I got scammed by a "friend" as well. He said I could trust him, but he was a damn liar.
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no prob i wished him good luck and everything with hes new knife.. :)
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You said you know where he lives..
Go from there. :D
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So "hes" is still no word even if "he's" is. Since "he's" not what was written. But, isn't "he's" basically ... two words? O.O
Honestly, I am just kidding.
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So, when did I ever say that "He's" wasn't a word?
If you read carefully, I said "Hes".
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theft is a theft. and this is not only a theft but also a fraud. So what - he should be fine, because he only stole 100$? Unless he steals 1000000$ he should be fine? And for your "just a kid" argument - then he should be punished even more. Because if he goes free he will just go that way - it's much easier to re-educate a kid than a hard-criminal.
I agree that jail may sound harsh, but kid would get sent to reformatory house. And for me it would be good - because maybe, just MAYBE it would turn him good, while leaving the case unsolved would only encourage him towards even more mischiefs. Now he stole 100$ online. Next time he will try to steal 100$ from elderly woman pursue. And then next time when women fights back he will kill her and then steal 100$.
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"Next time he will try to steal 100$ from elderly woman pursue. And then next time when women fights back he will kill her and then steal 100$."
"Lol". I do not really think that this is how it works. And still, stealing is something else. In this case it is more like ... fraud!? Since he did not actually steal it. He told a story to get it and never gave it back. But may be, just may be ... he starts scamming elderly women on steam. ^^
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how what works? That assuring one that his crimes goes unpunished can pull him into another even more serious crimes? I'm pretty sure that's how it works - I guess minority of serious criminals (for example assault robbery) started with that - they got encourage by smaller crimes going unpunished.
As for "fraud" part - L2R - 2nd sentence In my post I said that. As for scamming elderly women - it's also a common crime - elderly scam - and not on steam but in real life - elderly people often are not up to date with scam schemes and trusty towards other people as well (actually in real life elderly people are most common fraud/scam target) - it's common fraud to for example make them sign a deal they will pay for rest of their lives or sometimes even give up their house to fraud accountant.
so I'm really not sure what you're getting at - unpunished small crimes not leading to more serious crimes? WRONG. No scams towards elder people? WRONG AGAIN. Other arguments on your part? I don't see any - only "lol" and sorry, It's above my level to argue with trollish "lols".
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Sorry, I didn't see your level hovering above me.
You are simply assuming, no arguments mentioned. You cannot say for sure that this person will become a criminal who robs or scams elderly women one day. Thats generalization. Since you have a weed leaf as your avatar, I could assume that you like to smoke dope. Buying this stuff is mostly illegal in many countries. So you might have criminal tendencies, after your defintion. If its not illegal in your country, I could also assume that consuming this drug will lead to consuming heavier drugs and that you will end as a junky one day, who stabs elderly women for some money for crack. See what I did there? You should probably have been punished way earlier to presume that junky fate.
Honestly, I do not even think that you are wrong. Elderly people are often victims of scams, but most of the criminals have been punished multiple times and never changed. I don't think that punishment even works anyhow. You know why? Because its brute force. You force people to behave. That sucks, Mr Highlevel. Most children learn way better when they actually understand what they are doing. That requires explanation and the chance to learn. If punishment would work that great, there would be no crimes like murder or rape. Most rapists even do it again after their punishment.
So, why not go for the roots instead and learn why they act like that in the first place? Why not try to find out why he even scammed a friend for a virtual item? If you understand the motives, you might teach someone.
So, here you might have some arguments, as you desired. And now you stand there with your high level and your punishment against crime method, which is very open minded, by the way. :) So, don' feel trolled, but I can't share your opinion about punishments or the way you predict ones future.
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"As for "fraud" part - L2R - 2nd sentence In my post I said that"
Still your post started with "theft is a theft" and you went on talking about theft. I am able to read. Pretty good actually. And I am able to see differences. And I wanted to point out something. 'cause, if fraud is theft and theft may lead to scamming elderly women and that leads to murder ("And then next time when women fights back he will kill her and then steal 100$"), there might be some presumptions based on not making differences.
Btw, your tone is kind of aggressive. Thats the way I read it. And that might actually be due to your avatar, that led to drug consume, that lead to theft, that led to murder. Sorry for the "over the top" way of explaining myself, but I just did not want to "lol-troll" you again. :)
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Well i guess that is an expensive lesson to learn.
Hope it does not steer you away from the trading community.
You could always go on and tell on his parents lol. I would, i mean i wouldn't be ashamed of going down that route if it meant $100.
Hell, it was yours to begin with and i hope you saved the chat transcript somehow someway.
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Well, steam has everything.. chat longs where he said dat LIE! And you know what i already typed for his parrents on facebook .. They blocked me too. :( Im so sad.. you know .. i know it was my fault and everything but was my first knife :( and i saw him on photos .. hes smiling and everything .. he went to Italy for vacation :| And this was not the first scamm on me .. i got scammed sooo many times.. with keys,games.. and now with a knife :|
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Not sure if your country does anything about digital stuff. Can this be considered digital theft? Have your parents contact them instead? Or have them cooperate under the threat of criminal prosecution? (you could bluff about that?) something like along the lines of that but all you want is the knife back. I'm sure you'll figure something out, you could move on and play games or you could plot revenge. Or just let karma kick him in the nuts some time in the future. Damn $100 down the drain.
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Man i already did dat.. He said HE DONT WANT TO TALK WITH ME BECAUSE I threatened him WITH POLICE. and he just blocked me on facebook .. on steam hes online but deleted me.. so.. and i dont think so he will get any bad shit.. cuz he scammed a lots of people.. just check hes lounge profile i think -9 rep .. he was reported on steam all the time .. when we traded or something i saw dat Text in the trade window that other people reported him.. i asked him he said thats just for lowballing.. o-okey.. i trusted him cuz i had it dat report too .. because if you going to trade with someone and dat person dont like your offer he just simply report you as a scammer .. Dammit there he said in the chat because i asked him " YOU ARE NO LONGER A SCAMMER RIGHT ? " He said NO NO Because when i stoled an AK RED LINE I GOT REVENGE and i felt bad about that.. So.. DAMMIT IM SO PISSED...
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" i got scammed sooo many times"
So, you might not want to trust people easily. Being scammed one should make one more cautious. Being scammed multiple times is a sign of being "quite an easy target". Don't get me wrong, I do not blame you in any way. But I think you might have needed this one last lesson to see, that you might change your own behaviour. You will probably not change the scammer, since he succeeded and sees that his method works. Also, he seems to be kind of greedy and has no value for truth or for friendship. But you can change yourself and that is where you should start. Do not get scammed again. Sounds dumb, I know, but that is the lesson. Learn about how people get scammed on steam. Do not trust easily. Do not give away stuff you do not want to loose. If someone offers you a great deal but needs something from you upfront, use your mind to call all those memories of how you got scammed. Train yourself in caution. You lost something now, but you got a great lesson there!
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But dude... i cant do this shit you know.. i wanna trust! CUZ WTF WE ARE PEOPLE WHY ARE WE HURTING EACH OTHER ?? There was a dude on my steam he added me long time ago.. we typed some times.. and everything.. played cs:go.. and a 2-3 days ago he asked me to trade my Breakoutpass for skins .. i said i dont need skins sorry im keeping dat pass because i bought for 75cent and it will raise in the price.. the dude said Okey no problem :( I feeeeeeelt sooo bad you know the whole day .. because i said dat to him even when i went to sleep i thinked about that .. how bad i am ... so i woked up and gave it to him for free.. Dude i dont know why but i feel bad for people :( Ahh dammit
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My brother scammed me on Path Of Exile. He told me to give him all my items which I did because I'm new at it and thought he is trying to help or something. He said "QQ bb noob" and he gave me back better items. Oh, wait wat.
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This is just an exception, not the everyday reality and well the OP.... isn't the brightest bulb in the pack.
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You got more than you lost, trust me. Oh, wait, no! Do not trust me. Never trust anybody. Seriously, you will learn to filter real friends from ... friends. There are decent people on steam and all over the internet. But most people aren't.
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