
If I have a item in my inventory to give away but the item is currently on sale, do I get credit for the non sale price on a Giveaway or do you only get credit for the sale price?

8 years ago

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Sales do not affect a game's value on Steamgifts, unless it is considered bundled and is on the bundle list. Anything 95% off the regular price or more is considered bundled and gets on the bundle list. This includes pricing in other regions as well, for example RU.


8 years ago*

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Awesome, thanks for the fast reply.

8 years ago

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Anything approximately 95% off the regular price or more

Fixed. ~.^

8 years ago

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Thanks, but why approximately?

8 years ago

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Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.

95% isn't a hard rule, it's just the rough guideline they use. They can bundle-list it at lower as well.

8 years ago

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Huh. I always assumed that was in the FAQ/Rules. It really should be more specific than "highly discounted".

8 years ago

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The most meaningful element of that is that you should definitely assume anything 94% or higher will likely get rounded up.
It's a bit vague past that.. :X

It's a pretty regular thing that people ask for a hard line to be drawn, but I think SG shys away from that because then that'd encourage people to spam games that are just under that threshold. Currently, I think they base the bundle-listing for discount the same way they do bundle-listing for glitches, or free-listing for promotions: If they get the impression that enough users are utilizing the offer for CV, then they bundle-list it.

So in that sense, their approach does make sense- though in implementation, it does come across rather confusing at times.

8 years ago

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Awesome, thanks for the fast reply.

8 years ago

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First, check https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games to see if a game is already recognized as bundled by SG.
Then, check salenauts and isthereanydeal (the Enhanced Steam script integrates ITAD information into browser product pages, and has a lot of other convenient features, so it's highly recommended) to see if there were any bundles that SG hadn't gotten to listing yet. (Salenauts and ITAD sometimes catch bundles the other misses [ITAD is especially awful at listing Groupees bundles] so they're both worth checking.)
Finally, check the product's steamdb listing- historical price data'll be on the bottom, and steamdb autoconverts the current sale pricing to USD for you. Check the current lowest converted USD price and see if it's about 94% or more off the base USD price. If it's close, but not quite at it, check if there has been a higher discount at any point.

If you clear all those hurdles, the game hasn't been bundled on Steamgifts!
...unless there was a price glitch.

No way of sussing those out easily, unfortunately. :X

8 years ago

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That was very thorough, thanks :)

8 years ago

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