So it seems I somehow made it to five years on SG. Now my activity level has varied wildly over that time as the comment graph shows, and I've slowed down the entries a lot as well, but I still visit the forums every day, especially the puzzle section. I've met many generous people who've invited me to some awesome groups, and anyone who's made a jigidi will have seen me try my hardest to stay on the leaderboard. I'm amazed that this community continues to go from strength to strength, rather than fizzle and die, and that's something that has to be attributed to cg and the volunteer support/mods. My hat is off to all of you (if I wore one, that is).

So anyway, five years, and as a thank you for all the generous people (especially the forum ones), a small giveaway. I can't quite match the DE:MD giveaway I did for my 40th but this is still at least on a good amount of wishlists.

(level 3)

edit: Lol, 3 whitelistings and 3 blacklistings. This place cracks me up.

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7 years ago*

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Cakeday bump!

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7 years ago

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6 hours left bump

7 years ago

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