There are 2 forms that you can fill:
1. VR
2. PC/Mac

Both of them are keys that are redeemable on Steam, the keys will be given to you within 24 - 48 hours after you fill the form

Giveaway Website

The developer already confirms it on reddit that it is a giveaway from them

"Four Kings One War is a TWO player strategy game inspired by chess where each player controls two armies as though they were one and gets two moves per turn. This opens up guerrilla style tactics and hidden attacks, where you can move a piece out of the way with one move and strike from behind with the other.

Currently available via Steam for PC or Mac or Virtual Reality. All set in a native New Zealand bush environment with native New Zealand bird song.

Happy to give thousands of these away if the interest is there and can't wait to see some of you in the arena.

For anyone who is interested ideally go to our website where I have set up a pop up for you to claim your key. This offer is going so crazy at the moment (which is totally cool and exciting) I am struggling to keep up so unfortunately I can't pm you."

>Due to an unprecedented response to the tune of approx 100,000 key request we would appreciate for the benefit of those that have not yet got a key and may have to wait a few days while we request more from Steam.

Keys already distributed to your email, check your email and you will get 2 keys in it (

They will change the key that they can't provide with free-to-keep limited giveaway on Steam.

  • Start: 16 May 2020 – 07:00:00 UTC
  • Expiry: 19 May 2020 – 07:00:00 UTC
  • !addlicense ASF 463361, 464115 (Base Game + DLC)

Base Game Source

Stoe Page

The VR DLC is free now

DLC Source

Store Page

4 years ago*

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I'm still waiting ... Snif-snif...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I think something went wrong, I even ended up filling the form twice, and nothing...

4 years ago

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Give them DAYS and not only a few hours.
The have over 100k keys to send....

And different people were so greedy to take more as with one emailadress (you see the GA's in the archive), that don't help too.

4 years ago

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OK, sorry, I misunderstood, I thought they had already finished delivering the keys.

(In my case, I did it twice but used the same email address, a single email address

4 years ago

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I received an email from them, they are working hard on it but they have received over 120000 requests, so... Patience.

4 years ago

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Didn't receive anything and they've now ended the promotion.

4 years ago

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just took personal data (email, etc) and gave nothing instead - what a nice promotion

4 years ago

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You mean that they got the information that you willingly provided them in hopes of getting a steam key?
Shocking indeed!

Just to clarify, this is a typical comment when people dont get their free game from a giveaway, using the "Took my personal data"-card.
I bet that you wouldn't say that if you got a key for the game but your personal data is only important when you missed out on the chance (well im not sure if they are still sending keys or not) .

If you truly cared about your data you wouldn't give it out so easily, heck, you wouldn't be on Steamgifts with your Steam profile linked..

Look, i get it, you are disappointed that you haven't recived your Steam key and its fine to feel both disappointed and frustrated but dont come here with some weird "personal data" argument.

4 years ago*

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who do you think you are to tell me where to come where not to come? who do you think you are to tell me what to come with?
if you think you are really this smart that you pretend to - first of all please mind your language.

i work in marketing over 20 years, and all this time i meet this stupid promotions, where people waste time, efforts and money only to damage their business. they should better giveaway there keys here on steamgifts with a guarantee everyone will get 1 (ONE),
instead of current situation where scammers are abusing hundreds of keys and 100,000 people are really frustrated because this promotion turned out to be shit.

and finally yes, key for the information that i willingly provide is a fair deal. no key - is a scam. if they told me it was a raffle i would not participate - this is so simple. strain your brain i think even you can handle it

4 years ago*

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A good bunch at sg have more as one account...
... but yes, the ammount of exploiting with multiaccounts would be lower

4 years ago

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multiaccount on sg is forbidden by the rules )
game should obligatorily be activated to the linked steam account. steam account should have at least usd100 value of the games on it.
sorry, but i really dont see how any abuse can be possible in this conditions.

4 years ago

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Yes, it is forbidden but that don't interest different people and because the support members aren't enough the traces will mostly not followed "soon". Calculate with 1 year till the ticket is solved.

So if they don't be complete dumb and get catched from the automatic, weak, system, and aren't using very similar names ... then they are "relative" secure/save.

From my reports got, for sure, 10-20 multiaccounters (with mostly 2-3 accounts) catched in 2 years.
A few of them were very obvious. And that weren't only lvl 0 or 1 users, that were partly level 8 users (the main account of them).

You don't seen the ~50 accounts multiaccounter a few months ago ?
A asian guy that activated all wins only on the main account. I deleted 3 days ago the links to his profil.
Give me a moment, i try to find a thread about the case.

Here we go:

4 years ago*

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i agree and support you, but still - we have 10,000 possible abuse cases on one hand... and several seldom punished banned cases on the other... sg seems to be more fair anyway.

4 years ago

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"first of all please mind your language."

"strain your brain i think even you can handle it"
Funny guy right here :D

Okay, i will "strain my brain"

They said:
"Happy to give thousands of these away" now this means thousands, not unlimited.
Even if the exact number was not given you must learn to read between the lines, it was limited supply.
Funny how you call it a scam.
Just because YOU didn't get a key and just because YOU didn't bother to read you make the assumption that its a scam.

With all due respect, read before you make false accusations... you know.. strain your brain a little..

4 years ago*

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Wait, you just sent them your email????!!!!

I sent them my birth certificate, my debit card and nip, my fingerprints, and my militar service card. Hope is not a scam.

4 years ago

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Your Nipples? Now that is commitment. Hope you get some dlc for that.

4 years ago

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Read again, you are just thinking other stuff that are not listed there

4 years ago

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shrugs I didn't know what a nip was.

4 years ago

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Have not received a key . Been 4 day's

Seeing as they have received so many requests , i'll continue to wait patiently to see how long it will take.
I suppose if it never comes , it's not the end of the world :)

4 years ago*

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I haven't received a key until today!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Wait, what? Really?

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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Thanks man. Never even got an e-mail. Oh well, there will be other games.

4 years ago

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You can no longer grab keys from their site since like two days already.

4 years ago

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Anyone know if the devs plan to honor their promise or just forget about the giveaway?

4 years ago

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I received a direct email from them, they are working hard. The requests were much more (120000) that what they expected (10000). We must be patient, they are asking Steam for more keys.

4 years ago

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They simply should have closed the giveaway after like 6 hours or one day. Oh well, patience it is. I was just wondering because some people even got multiple copies and are gving them away here.

4 years ago

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Yes, it's a easy way to jump at my Blacklist... :-D

4 years ago

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Just had an email - they've baulked at honouring the keys and are instead making the game free for 72 hours.

Funnily enough, they even borked the mail-merge and addressed the email to the wrong person, so that's a data protection problem to boot!

4 years ago

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Expected, no way Valve was going to grant that many keys for giveaway.

4 years ago

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Should have just gone for the free to keep approach instead of a free weekend.

4 years ago

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Ditto and same here...

4 years ago

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"Hi sgsrgsrgsrg97 sgsrgsrgsrg97"

Ah, I was wondering... seems like someone was very creative with his name. How the heck does that happen? lol

4 years ago

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Hi Igor Lobo
Who is Igor Lobo?

4 years ago

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Mine is addressed to a Billel Touri, that ain't me sunshine!!

4 years ago

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Yep, mine is addressed to some rando, too. And to think that I was so excited to finally receive this email.

4 years ago

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Just got an E-Mail.

Sorry for the delay in getting this email to you. We received a huge amount of demand for access to our free Four Kings giveaway, which has left us short on giveaway keys, and frankly a little overwhelmed!
But we didn't want to let you down. So, we've worked closely with Steam, to be able to provide the game via their platform for free for three days only. No special codes required!

To get your hands on Four Kings One War™, simply click on the link to Steam below - where you'll get free access to the full versions of both our PC/Mac or VR game, available for 72 hours from 1am this Saturday, 16 May (Pacific Standard Time).

4 years ago*

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thanks for the info, gonna update the thread

4 years ago

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I hate their wording

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thread updated with new info from the developer

4 years ago

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So, it will be free on Steam in 2 days? Someone bump it then pls! :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I'm pretty sure it won't be free to keep, unless I misunderstood. I think it's just a weekend promotion.

4 years ago

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'' Due to us receiving 120,000 key requests within a 48 hour period we were caught a little off guard and this is why there has been a slight delay in getting your free game access to you. We only had 10,000 keys on hand so had to work with Steam to get a solution for the other 110,000 people that applied for our game.

Steam was not comfortable approving so many game keys however what they have agreed to as an alternative is for us to discount our game 100% to make it FREE for a set period.

This promo is going to START this weekend the 16th May (pacific time) and run for 72 hours. (this promo is not live until this weekend)

You can claim your FREE copy from our Steam store at any time during this weekend and once you have the game you will have full access to it for life. ''

Its free to keep, i guess after requesting 10k keys, steam asked dev to distribute the game through steam store.

4 years ago

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Huh. Terrible wording, but cool! I'll take it! :) Thanks!

4 years ago

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update it with the latest info

'' Due to us receiving 120,000 key requests within a 48 hour period we were caught a little off guard and this is why there has been a slight delay in getting your free game access to you. We only had 10,000 keys on hand so had to work with Steam to get a solution for the other 110,000 people that applied for our game.

Steam was not comfortable approving so many game keys however what they have agreed to as an alternative is for us to discount our game 100% to make it FREE for a set period.

This promo is going to START this weekend the 16th May (pacific time) and run for 72 hours. (this promo is not live until this weekend)

You can claim your FREE copy from our Steam store at any time during this weekend and once you have the game you will have full access to it for life. ''

4 years ago

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wtf, 120k mail requests, many delivered keys, and the highest peak is 5?

4 years ago

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Key sellers don't play...

4 years ago

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and generous people gifting multiple copies

4 years ago

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Yep, the same "generous" people who requested multiple copies in the first place... I really wish these devs could impose some kind of IP limit on these things. I know people would figure out a way to game the system regardless, but at least it would be more difficult than having access to different email accounts.

4 years ago

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I report such generous people to the devs and companies.....
A few of them pay bountyhunter rewards for catching multiaccounts ;o)

4 years ago

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God, I have seen too many

4 years ago

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I am too, thats the reason why i try to do something against the worst ones.

4 years ago

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yeah, it gave from that "generous" users at the first day....

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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It's just free weekend after all. Guess someone failed at communication.

4 years ago

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'' Due to us receiving 120,000 key requests within a 48 hour period we were caught a little off guard and this is why there has been a slight delay in getting your free game access to you. We only had 10,000 keys on hand so had to work with Steam to get a solution for the other 110,000 people that applied for our game.

Steam was not comfortable approving so many game keys however what they have agreed to as an alternative is for us to discount our game 100% to make it FREE for a set period.

This promo is going to START this weekend the 16th May (pacific time) and run for 72 hours. (this promo is not live until this weekend)

You can claim your FREE copy from our Steam store at any time during this weekend and once you have the game you will have full access to it for life. ''

Its free to keep, i guess after requesting 10k keys, steam asked dev to distribute the game through steam store.

4 years ago

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and that's why I hate how they write about their giveaway, is confusing

4 years ago

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Hey everyone, just got a second email from the developer making it clear that the game will be free to keep forever as long as you get it during the weekend when it will go 100% off.

" Hello everyone

There seems to be a bit of confusion from my last email updating you on your FREE game access.
I would like to apologize and clear this situation up for you.

You will get this game for FREE
You can claim it this weekend
It is Full access and you will have it for life
Please note, discount will not be live until this weekend 16th May 12:00am (pacific time) and will run for 72 hours
We will send a reminder email advising when this FREE offer is live. "

4 years ago

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So free weekend and we can geit the copy for free to keep?

4 years ago

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That's the plan.

4 years ago

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Apparently the developer mistook free to keep as a free weekend, now it's back to free to keep 😀

here's the package:

Start: 16 May 2020 – 07:00:00 UTC
Expiry: 19 May 2020 – 07:00:00 UTC

4 years ago

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It's up now 😀

4 years ago

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Thanks a lot!
So the VR will not be free right? (or am I doing something wrong?)

4 years ago

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sadly yes, they didn't mention the VR will be free again

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thank you for the free-to-catch time Devs!!!

Only one question, the VR version is going to be given away as well?

(I think you have already done enough, but I want to ask, as I had understood that you were giving away the VR version as well, I just wanted to ask)

Thank you for all your efforts Devs!

4 years ago

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sadly no, they didn't mention the VR will be free again

4 years ago

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Thanks for the info, the ones who end up liking the game should end up buying the VR version as thank you method (I include myself).

Just an opinion

4 years ago

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Only one question, the VR version is going to be given away as well?

If I remember correctly, they said in one of the e-mails I received that they will run a -90% promo on the VR DLC as they said Steam wouldn't allow them to make it free (which, now that I think of it, is strange as I remember seeing a bunch of free DLC promotions notably very recently for Crusader Kings 2)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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