E3 isn't over. Relax.
I'd add The Last of Us and Halo 4 to the list.
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All I've seen of GoW4 is one non-game CGI. No idea what to think about it yet. Is there gameplay or antyhing else? And Halo 4 looked great, to be honest. It looked a little too corridor-y from the gameplay, but I think that was part of the demo itself, wanting to get to specific sections at specific times.
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E3 usually sucks. There's just a few good reveals and announcements and the rest is shitty filler and awful games. I don't know why anyone would expect anything more at this point.
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You complain a lot. All those other features and stuff for games and consoles you mentioned.. If you don't want to use or play them then don't. The way I see it is, unless they threaten you so that you play it, there's really no reason to bitch about it. As for the Mario series.. Mario is the face of nintendo. They will never stop making games for him, and millions of fans wouldn't want them to.
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Actually, there's tonnes of Nintendo fans moaning at that Nintendo guy (forgot his name) atm, about this whole thing at the moment on Spike TV, they are "Demanding answers". Even looking at Nintendo's stocks, thats falling now since the conference finished.
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What a silly thing to say. We as gamers have plenty to of opinions about the future of gaming and how its being molded by these companies. The fact that these gaming companies are focused on things that many of us are entirely uninterested in is reason enough to "bitch about it". Their focus seems to be on these separate, and practically unrelated, features instead of building a console that is going to give the companies creating games the incentive, and ability, to make quality and varied video games to appeal to all us gamers.
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It did suck. I think it's time I find a better hobby, for the videogames are dead ;~;
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Why do you think that The Last of Us is a zombie shooter game, did you even look at its presentation ?
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right there are no zombies in Last of Us. theres People Vs People to survive. and People Vs "Clackers". learn to follow a presentation before you try talking about it, assumptions are just wrong. nd i didnt know it was God of War "2" you really need to get your facts straight. LMFAO God of War 3 came out before 2!!! LMAO
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The infection in the game that does all this is a zombie like virus, As what it is based on "The infection here refers to the Cordyceps fungus, which actually infects and kills bugs with zombie-like symptoms in real life." And most articles about the game after the VGA trailer said its basicly a zombie game. Naughty dog has tried to say it isnt, "If the game was about the monsters, we would have not showed them," said creative director Neil Druckmann. "The story's not about them, so [we thought] let's get it out of the way." , But what are you fighting? infected people in a zombie like way.
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You are naming it as zombie game on par with l4d, where its stealth survival game with realistic combat, the issue isnt does it have zombies in it (or whatever they are named) its the genre and quality of execution, something that you completely overlooked.
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The gameplay seems decent but not really that different from the older games.
The story and setting for Assassin's Creed 3 is what really seemed to have bothered people over how utterly awful it was put together, having the main character (clearly native american) claim he desires to expel the redcoat "invaders" while backing up the colonists, which is clear brown nose bullshit.
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K, the whole gameplay has never been that differentfrom previous games, but they managed to add something new everytime. And yes, the whole American style is bullshit, they should have sticked with the old AC1/2 templars/world. But didn't the game just look awesome? Every step you take in the snow stays there, leaving a trail. Oh, and the hidden blades are gone I guess >:(
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My friend followed the streaming of E3, Ubisoft made quite the announcement with Watch Dogs. For those who don't know about it yet, watch the trailer, it's going to be one of those great games of the coming years.
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Would we see any coverage of Valve on TV? Not expecting any games, but perhaps unveiling the new UI they've been touting.
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You're one of the few sane people left around here. We've all lost it already sadly.
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Haha. Who cares about capitals on the internet! I don't see a capital at the begging of your name... How am I reading books wrong? I open them and the words seem to be upside down?! I mean, Do you really have the time to try and convert them to the right side?
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Or, more usually that I've seen, it means they've utterly defeated their opponent in the game of wits and want to rub it in a little further because there's nothing else to actually reply to.
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I'm going to add stuff to your counter points:
"[T]hey ... ruined Dead space with [a] co-op campaign."
Most horror films feature more than 1 character on screen for a decent 60-75% of the time, and you are hearing this from a horror fan. Also, the first 2 games in the series had nothing but gore and jump scares, if you find that scary then fine, but it sure as hell didn't frighten me. Also, the game has an amazing atmosphere from what I've seen.
"Crysis 3 with its mostly linear shit and crossbow helicopter kills! Not possible due to helicopter glass being rated for bird strikes at a hundred + miles an hour!"
Because the first 2 were ultra-realistic military simulators. Also, even the first Crysis was linear, it was just a very wide hallway with water around it and even though you could do anything, in any other difficulty that isn't medium or easy it isn't a wise choice to go "Rambo" on everything or rush through the enemies since they would get an army of reinforcements in 10-20 seconds later.
"Microsoft fascinated with ways to distract you from your game or what you are trying to watch with stupid ipad/device messages popups... Still hopelessly trying to force Kinect down your throat.... Showing off Internet explorer on xbox?!? Oh shit, you don't have to worry about Red Ring of death now, Its IE thats going to kill it. Oh and how could i not say the signer guy, basically them announcing "WE HAVE NO GAMES, SO HOPEFULLY THIS WILL MAKE UP FOR IT!"
Have you ever played Child Of Eden, Kinect Rush, The Gunstringer, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, Leedmees, Haunt, Rise Of Nightmares (This one is very flawed but it's really fun), Just Dance 3 or Dance Central? Those are some games that proves that Kinect is far from a horrible device. Also, don't forget that there are some really interesting Kinect games coming soon like Crimson Dragon, Fable: The Journey, Matter and Ryse.
BTW The new Xbox 360 has no RROD and while you may hate the idea of having IE on the 360... it's a neat idea, specially for people that like adventure games.
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I actually thought the Crysis 3 stuff looked good, if not Rushed as hell. I didn't see much of it but Star Wars 1313 looked alright too. Also the guys who work for Spike are just sad, No gamer would go on T.V. with a suit and tie! They all looked bored out of their minds too.
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Also how is the Xbox a dead console? Sure they might be making it more mainstream, but isn't that the point? Getting more people into gaming so that game designers actually have jobs and so that games are actually made. It gets more opiniions out, like yours, and gets more people interested in possibly pursueing jobs in the field.
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I didn't say its dead. Its just not for gaming any-more (Specifically), Its getting less releases and its getting more focused on "Apps" like TV, Films and music. Its a multimedia centre now, not a gaming console. (I do own one, I know what's its going like)
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You did see the upcoming Tomb Raider trailer, right?
Never been into Tamb Raider, but this new thing is just looking freaking good!
Damned, missed the clicky part -.-
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Yeah... To me it didn't look to great, It looks different. But too cinematic, Like you barely have control most of the time as you go into events like sliding down hills, Parachutes ETC. Yes its only a demo, But its not particularly on my buy list at the moment.
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3,520 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by Mhol1071
Really, No conference was good...
Microsoft fascinated with ways to distract you from your game or what you are trying to watch with stupid ipad/device messages popups... Still hopelessly trying to force Kinect down your throat.... Showing off Internet explorer on xbox?!? Oh shit, you don't have to worry about Red Ring of death now, Its IE thats going to kill it. Oh and how could i not say the signer guy, basically them announcing "WE HAVE NO GAMES, SO HOPEFULLY THIS WILL MAKE UP FOR IT!".
When will thy just admit that xbox isnt a gaming console any-more.
EA... First thing they say is "DLC IS GOOD", When you used to buy games "You owned them" not any-more. They had nothing good to show either, just cod clones and more "cinematic" games that are basically quick time events the whole way. Oh and they also ruined Dead space with a co-op campaign and Crysis 3 with its mostly linear shit and crossbow helicopter kills! Not possible due to helicopter glass being rated for bird strikes at a hundred + miles an hour!
Sony, Again with Microsoft they where trying to force Move on you like cancer. Saying more "free" games... When you pay for our service, so that ISN'T free! Wonderbook, showing that books can become even more boring, and now BUGGY TOO! Along with vita stuff no one cares about with stupid DlC packs that make the game worse for other people and look shit on PS3. The only good thing out of them was God of war... (I'm not saying last of us since its just another fucking zombie game, over done crap now days)... But that new game from Heavy rain people looked ok too, But then again its just a trailer so far.
Nintendo... 4 Mario games in one conference... 8 Mario games have come out since 3DS launch, So I mean... When will they learn they over do a series? also all the other games they showed off where either remakes or just total shit based on content from other games. What they shows on WII u for its features was just total crap.
Ubisoft... Trying to be the funny guy in a room full of reporters and business people again and again did not go well atall. Tobuscus was the main point of annoyance as-well as the dancing again at the beginning, Like that hasn't been over done. But the reason i left Ubisoft till last is because, Yes they had a really bad conference but they made up for it mostly with a few good demos and games... Far cry 3, Assassins creed 3 and of course Watch Dogs, that surprise announcement really made up for the whole thing, They have shown something that looks original that can be great and of course ITS RUNNING ON PC! Ubisoft had the best games in the conferences as they mostly always do. But still bad choice of presenters.
I really hope that these games get attention from reporters and live walk arounds (even though they come from console orientated sites):
Anything else people want to add?
TL:DR: Conferences sucked, all gave out shit. ubi only came through with good games and a GREAT announcement of watch dogs... READ THIS THING YOU LAZY PEOPLE!
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