I could only imagine this game being playable for once.
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No I actually go and change everything manually, I don't need all those filters or ambient occlussion, i'm here for the game and content, if a game is immersive for me i won't need it super pretty, but if i could run it well then i'd totally do it, but it's not a major concern of mine.
I also don't run in HD I run it in 1024X768 at full texture resolution, with view range on seven i think, and everything else on low or lowest. unless it has a check box then I don't run it at all.
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I have had this game since before it was on Steam, basically it was a tech demo when i got it.
But now, it has come so far and is really enjoyable!
Just wish they would add a horse or offroad buggy for getting around. (They have a minibike currently but meh..)
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I'm in the same boat as you, I want something new to drive around and I want this as a comprimise of being able to taxi you and your friends place to place without too much noise XD
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I was thinking about noise as well though, since that seems to also attract the bastards on Non-Feral nights. one stick of dynamite calls a mini horde i swear. So I'd personally rather have a horse drawn vehicle hybrid. But lets say you needed a speedy pick up in the middle of an infested town hell yeah, call in a buddy to pick your butt up in that XD
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Haven't played if for a while, you know any good servers to play on?
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Same but since the last two updates were three months apart, in my honest opinion they are updating regularly and are definitely getting closer to being done.
I also hate the Mini-Bike, as i already discussed it with a user.
What I want.
Reason I want it, it is it's un-motorized so it'll be more quiet than something with a motor.
Ormagodon want's something more similar to this.
Which i can respect because it'd surely be faster. But, again, Noise is my only worry.
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They could add armor, and a horse can have the ability to defend itself hell an upgraded horse could possibly have super awesome armor that'll add damage to attacking zombies ect...
But I agree there would be some kinks to work out or instead of the horse having armor make a stables indestructible or only available at a traders for rent.
These were all off the top of my head just FYI lol
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As a survivor that at some point gets killed by a horde or he escapes trow the escape hatch in the last second when the base is overrun.. I don t see a possibility for a horse to survive.
Also.. horse armor does not cover the legs and lower body, it can not sleep in the armor and a horse will try to defend itself as a last resort.. it's first instinct is to flee
Heavy cavalry horses is what you wold like I think.. but u must keep in mind that they were specially brew and trained to not fear man and to charge in crowds not run bye.
So.. as a survivor I wold prefer a truck that i can move from town to town and scavenge, and bring back mats.. etc
From the top of my head ^+^
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I did not say it was impossible.. but I think that in a world with so much danger.. you wold need ether a safe heaven for the animals or a big enough community of people.. or an robot army of sentries :))
I'm sorry to ruin your dream :) but I think the game has mod tools... and the world is your own.. so if you really want a horse you can mod it in.. as for the armor.. you can pick it up from Oblivion for only 5$ =))
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Just poking your buttons. lol.
And you're right I could just put it in myself.
But, I am lazy.
On the other foot, I'd be okay with being nomadic with my brother and my girlfriend in a horse drawn carriage I'd drive, and they'd cover us from the carriage with there bows or our SMG and Sniper Rifle.
Which would be intense as F@%K but I just had an epiphany you'd also have to feed the horse D: HEY I COULD GET RID OF ALL THAT SMELLY ROTTEN FLESH.
For nomadic I'd personally enjoy it, but if you wanna set up a base you're screwed lol
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It feels like the sound is getting worse with each update. A15 sounds like I'm playing underwater. Most of the time zombies don't make any noise whatsoever anymore. (I have a 7.1 setup btw)
Also, food healing is bugged for me in the game I'm playing now. Healing indicator is permanently stuck but I don't get healed.
Problems aside, new terrain and craftable items are nice :)
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Strange the only issue I've had i mentioned above, They did change a lot of sounds like when upgrading a block it's a saw now instead of the hammering noise.
But other than that audio wise I've been fine try fidgeting with the audio settings maybe. the health thing I have no idea about unless you're continuing off a save.
They mentioned you MUST start a new game otherwise it's destined to be buggy XD
Edit: As for the zombies not making noises, they won't shut up on mine, they're loud ass neighbors, and i want them to move...
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After putting in a few hours food healing is also broken for me (it only flashes on then goes right off)
Sound is indeed possibly even worse, i think the zeds,animals etc are making noise it's just very muted... and I checked my sound, music at 50% everything else at 100%
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15 is out now?
Nice, I have a LOT of hours (over 900) in game but had set it aside recently. The crafting was going SO slow and I'm a little frustrated that they seem intent on you making a base and defending it from 7th day horde (I was playing mostly as nomad sleeping on rooftops etc and just "tricking" the horde at nights)
I also had some pretty quiet zeds on the last build, sometimes walking all the way up and striking me without any sound.
...Guess I'll fire it up!
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Yea few things I'm not liking, but I got a quest for go to the trader and FINALLY found some buildings (took almost all day)
I kind of hate that stone axes/clubs etc don't break when they hit 0%... no point in repairing a quality 12 axe, better to make a new one.
I also noticed With the crappy starting gear zeds are WAY harder to kill. Seems like some took 10+ head shots. Have been avoiding the fat guys so far.
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Yeah, I keep getting those damn Lumberjacks and Nurse Infected. The nurses aren't tough but always come in numbers and lumbers jacks come in pairs for me and take like 20 arrows a pieceI swear.
as for the non breaking tools I hate that too but at least you can scrap them now :D
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Yeah it's not the best but it'll make sure you really savor that high level axe when you get it :) and I have all my time maxed too but i also don't have the infected set to run since my brother is still getting the hang of things. which is actually annoying because the infected tend to group together really badly and it's hard to get stragglers.
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So me and my brother started a new game, and now are living right in the center of a gigantic mountain with a tunnel that leads to the base of the mountain which leads straight to a trader, we're pretty excited with our progress but fear day seven because they're either coming from the valley to the south or from straight above us through the mountain top. So if we get overran we're hoping the other exit is safe lol.
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46 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by xurc
So, Anyone played since the recent update to 7 Days to Die? I love it, we have mountains now, a crap load of new Points of Interest. But my most favorite Thing added to the update thus far is #TRADERS :D
The worst thing that they've done is when you go to craft a torch it says you can use tallow (same) and coal (same) but the difference is that you can't actually use coal anymore what gives!? but that's a small loss.
So if you have played it let's chat if you haven't GO AND DO IT!!!!
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