I don't think those games count for this month. This should be the relevant part:
I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?
No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.
The games were played before: Little Nightmares and Tomb Raider in January, Dead Rising 4 in February, etc.
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Thank you again for hosting this event, it has become my go-to example of how gaming community can be great! Wishing the best to you!
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Just finished my 6! I played:
Fran Bow: Achievements ""The end"
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Achievements "Quite the Adventure"
Minit: Achievements "MINIT"
Kona: Achievements "A Mari Usque Ad Mare"
The Magic Circle: Achievements "Placeholder Achievement 99"
Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth: Achievements "The End."
I really enjoyed them. Thanks for giving me an excuse to play them!
Also, I don't mean to pry on your personal affairs, but I still want to wish you the best in whatever you are doing/it's going on in the time you are away.
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MO:Astray: Complete Normal Mode
Yoku's Island Express: Kickback and relax
Minoria: Saint Alice, screenshot
Kona: A Mari Usque Ad Mare
Family Man: The end?
Still There: Still There
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Just finished:
Ikenfell: "Thank You For Playing"
Elderborn: "Do you believe me now, Scully?" + "No leftovers"
Vane: "Sacrifice"
Darksiders III: "Death Incarnate"
Simulacra 2: "Hard Boiled"
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse: "Defeat Mormo"
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Game | Monthly | Status | Proof |
Sonic Mania | Oct. 2019 | Finished | See You Next Game |
Vampyr | Aug. 2020 | Finished | A taste for blood |
MO:Astray | May 2020 | Finished | Complete Normal Mode |
Darksiders II Deathinitive Ed. | Sep. 2018 | Finished | A Stroll In The Demonic Park |
SWINE HD Remaster | Jul. 2021 | Finished | Fat free diet |
Horizon Chase Turbo | Dec. 2019 | Finished | King of the World |
A couple of achievements for MO: Astray are out of order because Steam broke and they didn't activate, so I decided to replay some chapters for the achievements.
I finished the Rabbit campaign for S.W.I.N.E, but not the Pig campaign. Considering the game gives you and ending cutscene followed by a credits reel, I hope that counts. If it doesn't I'll happily play something else, I didn't really like it and don't really want to play the Pig campaign.
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Game | Ending Achievement Name | Status | Monthly/Choice |
A Case of Distrust | Master Sleuth | Completed | August 2020 |
Shadows: Awakening | The End? | Beaten | October 2020 |
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard | FIBBER | Completed | December 2020 |
Control | Take Control | Beaten | March 2021 |
Pesterquest | Savior of the Waking World | Beaten | March 2021 |
Family Man | The end? | Beaten | May 2021 |
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Hype! Excited for another month Cj! I’ll definitely be joining this, thank you for the fun community event!
Game | Bundle Month | Completion Requirement | Completed | Impressions |
Opus Magnum | April 2020 | The Way of the Alchemist: Solve every puzzle in the main campaign. | Yes, 20.7h | LOVE this game. Favorite puzzle game of all time. Highly suggest to everyone. |
Supraland | June 2020 | Win!: You brought water back to your people | Yes, 12.8 | Not great because of compounding minor issues. |
Skully | April 2021 | Journey's End: Sacrifice yourself to save the world | Yes, 6h | The second option on the main menu is "new game" which deletes all save data and does not have a safety "are you sure?" which I misclicked and found out the hard way... |
Vane | May 2021 | Sacrafice: Give yourself to the Gold | Yes, 3.4h | Even through the jank this was ok, I like crows. |
Nowhere Prophet | August 2021 | Decrypted: Complete the campaign | Yes, 4.8h | I took it really slow and won my first run! This is probably the best roguelike deckbuilder I've played, probably gonna sink another hundred hours into it easily... |
Total Tank Simulator | January 2021 | Six achievements, one for each nations' campaign | Yes, 15h | Super fun, reminded me of Battalion Wars for Gamecube! |
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Props to all those 100%s so far, and nice to see your thoughts on the games too! I did Yoku's for this challenge a few months ago and did end up going for the 100% on it because I enjoyed it so much! I played Carto on gamepass last year and really really loved it, especially like you said how the puzzles have just enough hints through environment or some dialogue that it's just enough of a challenge.
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Thanks! I though in doing 100% Yoku's too. I didn't do it right away because it was the first game for this challenge and I was afraid it could take some time and I could ended up not beaten 6 games this month, but now.. i'm probably fine and will end the challenge in time so I'll try to complete it too xD
Last time I participated I only posted what I beaten, but now after seeing other sharing their thoughts and recommendations I though it would be nice doing the same ^^ I'm not the best in express my thoughts(even worse in English) but trying my best.
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1.) Humble Choice (Jun 2021) - Going Under - HLTB - Achievements - Finished 100% - Screenshots - Review
2.) Humble Monthly (Jan 2016) - Grim Fandango Remastered - HLTB - Achievements - Finished 100% - Screenshots - Review
3.) Humble Monthly (Jan 2016) - Hidden Folks - HLTB - Achievements - Finished 100% - Screenshots - Review
4.) Humble Monthly (June 2018) - Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth - HLTB - Achievements - Finished 100% - Screenshots - Review
5.) Humble Monthly (Oct 2017) - Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You - HLTB - Achievements Finished 100% - Screenshots - Review
6.) Humble Monthly (Jun 2018) - Styx: Shards of Darkness - HLTB - Achievements - Finished 100% - Screenshots
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ohh yeeah. i've missed this.. much respect.
(nothing done yet, just suggestions for myself)
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Gonna take this month off as I started learning to speedrun Hollow Knight so most of my gaming is gonna be with that. ^.^'
Hope all is well for you CJ <3
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That sounds like a lot of fun! Speedrunning is crazy especially for something like Hollow Knight, good luck!
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Might make an attempt this month. We'll see if I get distracted.
Game | Monthly | Status |
Life is Strange | Feb 2018 | Completed |
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth | June 2018 | Beaten |
Bee Simulator | July 2021 | Beeten |
Silence | November 2017 | Not started |
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York | January 2021 | Not started |
Ideas on what to play:
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Heart of the Forest
11-11 Memories Retold
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Edit: Tried Control and didn't enjoy it. Maybe I'll go back to it another time..
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I'm crying.
It was great.
Story spoiler:
I guessed the 'killer' was Jefferson first episode though. So that didn't surprise as much as it could have. Also really didn't enjoy the stealth sections in that time dream sequence thing at the end. But everything else was pretty great!
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Story spoilers!:
I couldn't guess who the killer was at all! He showed up and I blanked because I forgot him lmaooo. "It was I! I was the killer!" "..Who are you again?"
Which ending did you chose the first time? I ended up not saving her because I wouldn't sacrifice everyone in town to fix the timeline.
I Loved all the photography though, and I loved how small things you did could change the storyline like the plant, if you missed watering it, it dies in a later chapter and it was a good reminder that actions have consequences.
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I dunno, he kind of gave me creep vibes early on so I kept him in mind before I really knew much about the murder. Plus, generally the killer is introduced pretty early in the story! Ending wise, I ended up sacrificing Chloe - I can't justify sacrificing a whole town for one person!
Yeah the photography was fun. I really enjoyed the reversed time photo of the skeleton. Great way to change it up. I felt like the consequences thing was interesting in this game, as you could rewind and change a lot of your decisions so I didn't feel the pressure like I have in Telltale's The Walking Dead series for example.
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I liked it! However, I found some sections dragged on.
Story spoilers, so maybe wait a bit before reading this just in case:
I also don't like the whole doomed romance, they can't be together blah blah, married the stepbrother. Then of course pregnant. It annoyed me haha. And the stepbrother essentially disappears from the story? Except when playing as Jonathan you can run into him and his child and that's it..
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Finished it, I liked the ending but I'm pretty sure it was rushed a bit. Alfred really was glossed over a bunch in the later chapters but at least it was a happier ending than I was expecting with how dark the VN was. There really should have been a entire chapter dedicated to Jack Jackson's family's fathers background, with how shrouded in mystery it was during the entire story. I'm still not sure who exactly he was and why he got offed. I get it, he was on the boat and survived the sinking, but... what?
Regardless, it was a good game although it probably shouldn't be randomly gifted to someone going in blind. Definitely wasn't expecting all the gore and the uncomfortably accurate depiction of the middle age lifestyle.
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For Bee Simulator please change it to say "Beeten" lol.
Also you might want to include which achievement is the one for finishing the game, for that one it looks like Exodus? It might make it easier for CJ to confirm completion.
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Even so, having the name of the achievement that marks official completion just makes it easier to verify.
Good luck with the rest and also in the giveaway!
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With a five-week timeframe, maybe I can finally get back on the wagon.
Thank you for continuing the Monthly in a Month
edit: nope not this month 😫
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Failed last month will try again this time... ^^
kill it with fire
panzer paladin
Bee simulator
path of giants
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I actually managed to win Monster Hunter Stories 2 from elsewhere, so, obviously I won't be entering now. Leaving my list here and finishing my games regardless.
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Game | Month | Status | Proof |
God's Trigger | September 2019 | Beaten | Apocalypse Untriggered achievement |
Sigma Theory | July 2020 | Beaten | Transcendance achievement |
Niffelheim | March 2020 | Beaten | Conung achievement |
Chroma Squad | December 2015 | Beaten | Hero achievement |
Tales of Berseria | September 2018 | Beaten | Velvet Crowe achievement |
Smile For Me | November 2020 | Completed | Flower Friend achievement |
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Thank yu for another of these events!^^
I'll probably give it a shot too, list of possible games for now:
Will probably pick:
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Oh boy I'm going on vacations in 2 weeks and it's going to be nothing but couch co-op for the end of the month so I'd better get in gear!
Thanks for yet another event CJ!
Let's go!
Damn, I shouldn't have started with Deadly Days! I have a feeling I could play this game for years and not get bored! Roguelite games FTW!
And now I sunk more hours into it. Oh boy. I hope I can finish the other games before I go.
Not too sure how building a rocket and leaving a zombie-infested earth to go to the moon is going to help but hey maybe that's what the next game will be :P
Not too sure how I feel about The Suicide of Rachel Foster. I liked the story, and it was one of the better written games I have played in recent memory but I feel the gameplay distracted from the story somehow. I dunno. Could be that I hate first person games.
Speaking of hating games, I normally love Roguelike games but damn, Titan Souls is challenging that love!
Little Misfortune was a nice rest from all the Rogue stuff. Right up my alley. Lots of weird humor, definitely not a kids game and a good story. I got bored with the collectible thing by the end because I knew I was going to replay it to get the other endings and stuff I missed.
I don't feel like I have given Void Bastards a proper run because I'm out of time but I did finish the game. It's a good fun FPS and it definitely deserves a few playthroughs. I will get back to that one when I come back from my vacation.
Game | Category | Playtime | Achievements | Status |
Deadly Days | June 2021 | 29h / HLTB (8.5h) | 47 / 53 | Beaten (Achievement: To the Moon!) |
Titan Souls | November 2020 | 7h / HLTB (3h) | 7 / 27 | Beaten (Achievement: Titan Soul) |
Felix the Reaper | June 2020 | 5h / HLTB (4.5h) | 10 / 26 | Beaten (Achievement: You Got the Full Story Now) |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | October 2020 | 3h / HLTB (3.5h) | 11 / 11 | Completed (Achievement: All together, again) |
Little Misfortune | November 2020 | 5h / HLTB (3h) | 26 / 35 | Beaten (Achievement: Somewhere Else) |
Void Bastards | July 2020 | 10h / HLTB (8.5h) | 13 / 24 | Beaten (Achievement: Sorted) |
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Dang you busted that out fast! Nice spread of games too. Enjoy the vacation!
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Participate for the first time. Hope I can finish!
Thank you for the event!
Game | Month | Status | Proof |
Titan Souls | Feb. 2016 (Monthly) | Beaten | "Titan Soul" of "TRUTH" |
Tiny Echo | Jun. 2017 (Monthly) | Beaten (idled 2.8 hrs) | "Delivery Done" |
Bad North | Jan. 2020 (Choice) | Beaten | "A New Home" or "Folk Hero" |
Underhero | Feb. 2020 (Choice) | Beaten | "A journeys end" |
My Friend Pedro | Mar. 2020 (Choice) | Beaten | "Face the truth" |
DEATH'S GAMBIT | Mar. 2020 (Choice) | Beaten (idled 3.9 hrs) | Screenshot |
Game | Month | Status | Proof |
Chasm | Dec. 2019 (Monthly) | Dropped* (idled 6.1 hrs) | - |
*This game crashed over and over again and I can't fixed it :(
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Holy cannolis, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the prize for this month, haha. I 100% need to enter this month’s! XP
Also I applied for a job working on 100% OJ so I could help design and program the next characters and events we need to play, but haven’t heard back so probably didn’t get it. :/
Finished most pretty quickly, but the last game took me a while to decide on, haha.
Bee Simulator was interesting, not particularly exciting, but I guess it was kinda relaxing.
Superliminal was cool, with some really neat puzzles.
Grim Fandango, I didn’t really like… I had to use a walkthrough and I don’t understand how more than half the puzzles even worked? Or how you were supposed to figure them out…
Carto was fun, though I checked a walkthrough a couple times because I didn’t want to spend too long. Might go back to try to find more of the secrets, though.
Elderborn, I almost enjoyed, but I found a lot of the enemies on the later levels annoying.
Panzer Paladin was interesting for like 5 or 6 levels, then I was already over the mechanics and just trying to hurry through… After a few of the “final” levels I was so tired of it that I decided to try out the Goblin codes (which made it interesting again) and did the last few levels. Apparently the ending achievements weren’t disabled by the codes, but I guess the one for completing all the levels was, which I thought was weird.
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Here we go again
Game | Monthly | Achievements | Playtime (Hours) | Completion |
Path of Giants | Dec 2020 | "Gold!!!" or "Archeologist" | 4.7 | Beaten (I feel smort xD) |
Superliminal | Aug 2021 | "Awakening" | 4.0 | Beaten. Screenshots |
Minoria | Jan 2021 | "Saint Alice" | 8.0 (3.3 idled) (Might be more if I return for secrets or NG+) | Beaten. Screenshots |
Little Nightmares (*) | Sep 2018 | "Hostess room" or "Owner's" room or smth like that. There are several suitable translations. | 9.8 (5 idled) | Beaten. Screenshots |
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day | Oct 2020 | 32/32 | 3.9 | Completed Screenshots |
Iris and the giant (*) | Feb 2021 | The game has no storyline achievements. | 11.9 (5.8 idled) | Beaten. Screenshots |
0) Achievements are shown to me in my native language, so I hope they are named the same in English.
1) I tried to play Morkredd. Not so long ago I played Brothers, A Tale Of Two Sons, which I highly recommend to everyone. There, too, it was necessary to control two characters at the same time and I even got the hang of it. But at Morkredd it turned out to be even more difficult. It's still possible, but this is where the game goes from being fun to being a nerve-racking challenge. I think it's much more fun to play it together.
2) I tried to play Titan souls. A Souls-like game ... I understand how people like different genres, and I understand what people might like in genres that are not my cup of tea. But I don’t understand what is good about Souls-like games. Everything that I saw here, I saw in other games in a better form. People who like this genre are complete aliens for me.
At first I assumed that I didn’t like them just because I couldn’t pass them. I ended up completing a couple of games on purpose. Still don't like it =) Maybe I just haven't found the one yet.
3) Approximately in the middle of Little Nightmares, the game crashed and deleted all saves, due to which all cumulative\collectible achievements were reset and there was no desire to collect them again.
This happened again, literally 5 minutes before the end of the game. Fortunately, this did not affect all the saves and I only had to replay the last chapter.
4) Trying to complete the sixth game is some kind of disaster. I started playing Kill it with fire. Everything was going well, I completed exactly 50% of the game and then the developers decided to add a new mission. Either because of this, or because of some other bug, but the remaining 50% of the game / missions remained unavailable. All previous missions were completed perfectly, all tasks were completed, all secrets and upgrades were found, but no, the rest of the game never opened. Well, okay. The game turned out to be worse than I expected, even though my expectations were already low.
5) Iris and the Giant has no storyline achievements and there is almost nothing to screenshot. Here is how the ending looks like. It's the same in my screenshots. I hope this proof is sufficient.
1) Path of Giants. Perfect for its genre. Short, pretty enough, not too difficult, but you will have to use your brains.
2) Superliminal. Almost the same review as above, although the genre is different. Very creative, makes you look at things from a different angle (literally and figuratively).
3) Minoria. A standard metroidvania. If you have played any large, complex, feature-rich metroidvania, consider that you have played 98% of them all. The remaining 2% is for styling, plot and minor mechanics.
4) Little Nightmares. It's hard to be objective because the situation with two crashes spoiled the impression, but I'll try. It's unusual. I don’t remember playing anything like that. The world is rather mysterious. Not scary, but it keeps you on your toes. In general, I recommend it. I'm going to buy DLC on sale. Cons: the game never explained anything. What is this world, who is the main character, who are the villains, where did they all come from?
5) The Uncertain. It's not rich in gameplay mechanics, but this is more than compensated for by the unusual world, plot and absolutely charming Artie with his comments. The game is short, but every part of it is polished to a shine. Cons - unfinished story.
6) Iris and the giant. Standard card battler roguelike. Where several dozen times you need to replay on the same locations against the same enemies until the stars converge in the sky and you get the necessary combinations of cards and skills. In general - ok, I just don't like to replay many times.
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Game | Monthly | Status | Achievement |
SteamWorld Heist | Feb 2017 | Finished | Ordinary World |
Fury Unleashed | May 2021 | Finished | Moderate Fury Unleashed |
Catherine Classic | Sep 2020 | Finished | True Freedom! |
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter | Jul 2017 | Finished | The Drawn Curtain |
The Hex | Feb 2020 | Finished | The Hex |
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse | Jun 2021 | Finished | Hands-on parenting |
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I'm a little late but I'm going to give this a try. Tentative plan:
Game | Month | Status |
Carto | Aug 2021 | Playing |
SIMULACRA | April 2021 | Not Started |
Path of Giants | Dec 2020 | Not Started |
Superliminal | Aug 2021 | Not Started |
Smile For Me | Nov 2020 | Not Started (84 min idle time) |
TSIOQUE | Nov 2020 | Not Started (57 min idle time) |
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A bit late to join in but here's my entry for this month! For reasons, I've swapped out Sniper Elite for A Case of Distrust.
Game | HB Month | Achievements | Status |
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition (idled 2.2 hours) | April 2017 | 9/27 | Beaten (planning to do Inheritance some time this month as well) |
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun | November 2017 | 19/44 | Beaten |
Life is Strange: Complete Season (idled 2.6 hours) | February 2018 | 19/60 | Beaten |
A Case of Distrust (idled 89 minutes) | August 2020 | 10/10 | Complete |
Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star | June 2021 | 5/13 | Beaten |
Carto | August 2021 | 20/20 | Completed |
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You've still got plenty of time since the dates line up to make this a longer timeframe. I love how many people are playing Carto for this event!! Congrats on 100%, hope that means you liked it!
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Game | Monthly | Status | Proof |
Kill It With Fire | July 2021 | Completed | The Only Way To Be Sure |
Iris and the Giant | February 2021 | Playing | - |
Dungeons 3 | October 2018 | Playing | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
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Copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta since I'm just that lazy :D.
Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.
The prize: Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.
Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.
Why you doing this?
I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over five years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.
I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?
No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.
Can I play a MP only game?
No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.
Why six games?
The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.
How long are you going to do this?
Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.
This event "ends" on September 7th when the next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.
Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to yolo on dogecoin.
List of eligible games: https://barter.vg/bundles/3/3/
Credit goes to PapaSmok
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