Your CV doesn't get dropped because the game got bundled, it's because the BASE PRICE got cut down on Steam.
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What about when the base price did NOT drop? Because that's happened to me, leading me to send a support ticket.
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That has to be a joke? Who would make an investment that is sure to decline in worth over time? So people who buy games new and give them away get punished as they drop in price? I'm sorry but that's kind of retarded. Why should their initial investment of say $50 be worth less just because the price dropped over time. It doesn't change the fact that they paid $50 for it at one point. The person who gained the game and played it at that point gained $50 in worth.
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If you aren't aware, some people have contributor giveaways where as only those with certain contributor values can enter. That means you must meet that value by giving away games, correct? Those higher contribution giveaways garnish higher chances of winning. There is no way in hell you're going to convince me that people don't "invest" in SG so they can enter these giveaways and have a chance at winning more games. It's a fact. Call it what you will.
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If you have those ideas then you are a dreadful investor. Just FYI. You should just buy whatever games you feel like.
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yeah, it's an unfortunate fact, doesn't mean it's any less wrong because you're going to be fucking disappointed like you are right now.
contributing to get into higher chance giveaways is the worst way possible right now thanks to cv boosters like the amazon bundles.
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I'm disappointed because if I give something away that isn't on the bundle list they are going to screw me over later. There's absolutely no consistency with SG... You can b*tch all you want about being unselfish and just giving games away and you're right that people should just take satisfaction about that. It doesn't change the fact that you get an almost achievement score like value for giving away games that people take pride in, in addition to the other benefits. It's annoying for them to just too change or remove values as they please with little regard.
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No they not. Bundle lists do not work retroactively except but for very exceptional cases.
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It's retroactive to the point in which it was first bundled.
Example: you can give Trine 2 now and if it gets added next week to a bundle, you will still get full value because you created it now. If we discover that we missed adding Trine 1 to the list and add it now, all giveaways between the moment Trine 1 was first bundled and now, will retroactively be affected.
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Yeah, well I was refering to that time some games didn't get added but then it was reconsidered and that. Some weekly sales. But yeah. What you said :D
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Perhaps I had bad luck with my last few giveaways and one of them was on a bundled list. My last giveaways I've tried to make sure that what I was giving away wasn't in a bundle. As such I was given credit for each one. That's why I thought it was strange that my CV value started to decline. That's why I have been confused as I thought I was taking the precautions necessary. But, could be I overlooked something or was unlucky.
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1) It's absolutely ineffectual to "invest" in that way, especially due to the high number of others doing the same. You won't get more free games by doing so, and you'll be spending a lot trying.
2) This site is indeed called Steamgifts. Yes, there's lots of contrib. boosters, but that's not what this site should be, or used to be about. You come here to both have a shot at some free games, and the thrill of a win of something you'll want to play, and be generous enough to give some away, yourself. The CV value was implemented as a rough estimation of how much you've chosen to give away, and added as a potential entry criteria for new giveaways for people wanting to reward generosity and altruism, i.e. a recorded stat - not implemented to inspire people to try and find the cheapest way to trick the system into spitting out lots of CV value so as to allow them entry to lower entry giveaways; a goal.
3) If you want to "invest" like that and forego the idea of actual generosity / warm vibes, go to That site was designed from the ground up as something that rewards investments, and the reward is far more predictable and profitable. Although I expect you'll not want to do that as you'd probably prefer still trying to be as much of a cheapskate as possible to farm CV here, where there's a chance at finding loopholes that give you lots of CV for pennies, in hopes of gaining more for your "investment" than playblink would. Right?
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You can say how ineffective it is to "invest" in SG as people do, but they do. You cannot disagree that people still do give away games with that thought in mind that they can enter into contributor giveaways. There's no other way to enter into them. As such it gives people incentive and reason to give away games and participate. No matter how much people say that the site is about "gifting", it doesn't change the fact that people see CV as a status/achievement score as well as a means to enter into giveaways they would not have been able to before. As much as you try to vilify the word invest, that essentially what it is to many people. In any case you cannot deny they give multiple incentives for wanting CV. To that end is why it's annoying for your CV score to fluctuate so much with little control of it yourself.
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I fully agree with Creep, as I expect lots of others do, too. And the dig at his/her supposed "personality issues" doesn't hide the fact that you've basically made a thread expressing just how much of an exploitative douche who only cares about free games from others you are..
Do you know what a "blacklist" is?
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Really, I think I would rather have people making threads begging for games or faking a Half-Life 3 release than people crying about their CV dropping.
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I think your problem is Jagged Alliance Back in Action. I think the game dropped 10 dollars which would drop you about 12.50 if you have given away a lot of bundle games. Just as people have already said, bundling does not happen retroactively.
Also, my comment was just as constructive as you complaining about your CV. You are not entitled to anything. I understand you are sad that your CV has dropped but the simple solution to that is to just give away more games.
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Actually if it makes you feel any better my CV just dropped like a rock too lol, I had not even looked in awhile. They lowered the price on Fable 3 so I lost $75 in CV. Again simple solution, don't care, give away more games.
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Stop crying about something that shouldn't even be a thing on this site, seriously. It's getting old and annoying already.
Try gifting for the right reason once in a while, it can make you feel a little better.
FYI, bundles don't work retroactively, it's called price drop.
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I'm closing this thread now. Be thankful I'm not suspending you for your attitude here.
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That's your problem. You will respect someone based on HOW MUCH THEY'VE GIFTED??
I respect people based on their character, not on their money worth!
But if I were an asshole, I probably would rather have people respect me based on my CV rather than my character.
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Around 3-4 times now I have had my contributor value reduced. I understand how it happens but it's annoying when I see a game on sale on Steam and proceed to look it up on the bundle list and not find it there. I buy it and then give it away and then weeks or months down the road my contributor value is reduced by a large amount. I can understand when games are bought from a bundle that hasn't been added to the list yet, but it's annoying to buy a game legitimately off Steam that is not on the bundle list and have it happen. I suppose you could say it's unlucky if that game just so happens to be on some bundle but this has happened to me more than once now. Who the hell runs SteamGifts and thinks it's funny to do this?
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