this one is different though check it out
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Its pretty fun. One of the best shooters I have played this year. Bought it for 36€.
It plays a lot like Doom and Doom 2
Play it on Ultra violent difficulty, everything below that is too easy for any decent player.
The only big problem is that later on you get a lot of bullet sponges in one room.
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It's halfway between a console shooter MP and classic shooter MP. You have the maps, the health/armour pickups, but you have "classes" with specific loadout and no weapon pickups. the game has a quick-use map editor though, so at least the variety is here. Still, in general, you will rarely see anyone recommending the MP. Doom 4 is considered to be an SP game.
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If you want a good arena shooter, just go and play Unreal tournament. Its free and much better. The Doom multiplayer was outsourced and developed by the same guys that made the COD ghosts multiplayer and its garbage.
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Here's my experience:
After installing then starting the game, there's a tiny "cutscene" (about 10 seconds long). Immediately after, I'm given a pistol and a few demons to kill. I walk into the next room, put my armor on, pickup a shotgun, and get greeted by tougher demons. Less than 20 minutes of playtime, and I need a yellow keycard to advanced. 10 hours in, and I've killed demons on Mars, been to Hell, killed Cacodemons, Mancubi (Mancubus/Mancubuses), and Revenants, found tons of weapons, many of which I recognized immediately. The only thing interrupting my demon slaughter was loading times, a few tiny cutscenes, and navigating the levels searching for secrets.
I played 70+ hours since DOOM came out two weeks ago (I have it on Xbox One, so if you check my Steam, you won't find new DOOM). If you enjoyed the original games, you'll fall in love with it :D
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It will not. They added mild levelling/customisation mechanics in it. Nothing CoD/BF like, but enough to make you experiment with different combinations. And the funny thing is that even though the railgun (Gauss) is stupidly broken and overpowered, apart from it, all weapons can have a reason to be used, down to the infinite-ammo pistol.
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Yeah, I don't get why the Gauss Cannon is so powerful in MP. Funny thing is, it's kinda weak in the campaign. But yeah, I love the SnapMap, it's just hard to use. I've been trying to clone E1M1 from Wolf3D, but even after the tutorials, I'm still so lost on how to use the SnapMap XD
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Personally, I don't think it gets quickly - or at all. My first playthough, I played on Ultra-Violence (hard mode), and it was a huge adrenaline rush! Took me about 18 hours to beat the game, and I almost immediately started a new save q:
I don't care much for online gaming, but I enjoy the MP portion... only problem is people think they're playing Call of Duty. Running around with assault rifles and rocket launchers, taking cover, and snipping you from 200 miles away with an insta-kill. I myself mainly use the plasma rifle and super shotgun, run in the middle of a fight, and shoot the hell out of everyone, and like the campaign, it gets me super pumped ;)
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I havent played stalker but as for doom i started the campaign yesterday and its really fun at least for me, just to clarify i play these games for the campaign the multiplayer part its not my thing so considering the multiplayer i cant tell anything
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i was invited in the beta for doom and i played a litle bit there some of the maps , it reminded me the old quake , unreal tournament arenas i guess people who loved those will love doom multiplayer as well , and i understand its not like cod , cod is different its more like simulator while doom has fantasy in it, i dont see doom multiplayer dying tho it has a strong fan base. If you only care for single player i doupt you will be disapointed its awesome
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Yeah, I think that the way ever FPS has to have a singleplayer and multiplayer component is a bit silly. The two require different designs. I recall the devs of Spec Ops: The Line complaining about how much damage it did to the game in order to implement a multiplayer that they knew nobody would ever play and which went straight against the point of the game.
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So far it's best game of this year for me, and i'm huge fan of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series and old-school FPS.
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When I saw the old screenshots of Doom I think that their graphics don't age at all :B
Must be what Atari generations feel when they see two sticks moving on the screen and they scream "look at those graphics man!!"
Other thing that doesn't age is the clouds reflections on Daytona USA, they look so real!
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If you like old-school shooters that were about action and not cut-scenes/"immersion", then you'll love it. And it is quite broad in terms of difficulty, ranging from experimentation almost-immortality to nigh-impossible (as in, the dev team couldn't finish the highest difficulty, although naturally real gamers already did this).
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I assume. Doom 3 wasn't particularly bad, I enjoyed it back then, but it was not a Doom game, it was a horror game that somehow used Doom-like monsters. But those who met the series before that… well, most of them are happy that it was essentially erased from existence.
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Take the Chainsaw :D
Doom is Killing Demons, find key cards, and find secrets. In the new DOOM you have a story too and the story is no worse than in Doom 3. Thats it. And the Enemy behaviour of COD and DOOM isnt the same ! Ok maybe the COD-Zombies and the Possessed/Unwilling are the same but not the Rest of the Demons. And the Whole Movement is totally Different.
Sorry for my Bad English
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I love Doom, if I read something like your comment I have to say that you can not judge without playing it.
Your argument is useless because you can say that to every FPS. What are you do in FPS ? Walk around an kill enemy's
with the addition of things like secrets, pressing buttons to open anything, or what ever.
Fanboy ? Yes I am, I'm a huge DOOM fanboy, I love all of them !
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I really liked Doom3. That tense moments where I opened a door and took slow peeks all around waiting for something to jump at me, and the others times when I was more ballsy and I was like "challenge accepted" and I rushed into the darkness all covered in sweat and anger!
Great game and what a revolutionary engine. I would like to replay it now :V
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Made some Screenshots & Stuff, I love it !!
I also DOOMed my SteamSkin:
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Quad are those screens for real?? Or do they have some kind of filter on? If not those graphics are simply stunning and I didn't catch that level of glory in the gameplay videos I saw!
I really like the first attached image you posted, that hell is amazing as a texture :v
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Glory Kills ruins the Game ? Hahahaha You made my day.
Common Doom has the best Movement I ever see in a FPS, the whole Game ROCKS ! The Animations, The Enemys, The Demon behaviour, The Demons Design, the whole Game design is very well thought out ! Play the Game to the End and than judge it !
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No I have no special background, I simply played all the id Games and I love it.
Yes DOOM was fun and it is fun, still play it and collect my missing secrets and searching for Easter Eggs and make Screenshots
DOOM is an Old school orientated FPS Game, you have no such things like auto heal, and you can not escape the Daemons like move to a peacefully/quiet area to relax for a moment and heal yourself, because the Enemy's follow you, and if you jump to any places above the Enemy's like in other games to shot them relaxed from there because they can not jump, no way the follow you even there :D
That are things I never saw in other FPS.
Or like I says the Design or the Architecture of all is really cool every level is different.
And no nothing in the game so far bores me.
BTW Loading up new screenshots today
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I watched some of a Lets Play of it, and the heavy focus on "glory kills" made it seem much more like Shadow Warrior than a Doom game. Also with the semi-open/linear levels with backtracking, and big arenas where demons spawn in in waves... very Shadow Warrior-y (the first one, from 2013). Not to say it looked bad, just kinda unexpected to get that feeling.
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DOOM was phenomenal. The solo campaign was pure action and fun. I played the game on Ultra-violence (hard) and it was certainly a challenge. However, up until the end the game never felt like it was BSing me, which is rare for me with games that are meant to be hard. Pretty much every time I died, I could tell what I did wrong. So even though I died quite a lot, I never got mad or frustrated. They balanced the difficulty and skill needed really well.
The story is quite light, but look at the game description. This isn't a game where you should expect a deep moving story. That being said it was still good and avoiding spoilers, I quite liked the end.
I didn't expect to dig multiplayer at all (I disliked the beta), but I did buy the game for the SP. I like the MP. Balance leaves something to be desired but if you hop in with a couple of friends you'll have a good time. It isn't perfect but it's enjoyable.
Overall the game is very solid, I would absolutely recommend it.
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And performance wise:
Was it good? Good optimization? No frame drops?
Someone has ran it with the minimum reqs? I remember first playing Doom3 with a TNT2 32mb 8 fps looking straight, something like 12/15 fps looking at the floor :v all modded for the shittiest resolution available. I remember a guy in a forum played it with a Voodoo card with something like 12mb :|
Those were some desperate times!
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Runs at about 50-70 fps maxed out, but with shadow quality on medium (biggest performance hit) on my R9 290 at 1440p.
My CPU is a FX8350 and doesnt have any problems running the game.
But its a rather poor port, I hope Vulkan gets implemented soon, it should give some nice improvements.
Here is it running on a cheaper PC:
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