Bitch please
I had one that was 2 weeks ago and still not answered
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I'd step in to help but of-course no one is going to just take my word for it although i'd prove myself in no time.
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All of the supports have contributed a shit ton, you don't even have much, don't think of yourself too highly
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Lemme help out your point:
All read that for an update on what's going down atm.
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Apparently all the mods lost abilities to do anything sigificant / didnt have it already so they quit. Cant confirm though
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From what I see, cg is making a massive improvement for support. Although less staffed for now we can still tackle at an alright level of efficiency at the tickets. Would be nice if we can get the bulk of the tickets made in July before mid august but it seems I may need to skip on some sleeping depending on whether I work my job the next day.
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I would hope that cg could find a few more trustworthy people to share the workload, or at least that the recently-departed could be asked back (I wouldn't blame them for declining, mind you). But that was my impression, and I'm hopeful that this is just a speed bump in the long run.
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Yea got about 2 week ticket had to close another because been week and was to late gave up idk if this site with have support anymore they need to add some or site might die.
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What amusing timing.
I got a suspension two weeks ago because I was unaware of a rule. I submitted a ticket to find out what was going on and what I could do to fix it. I got a pissy response, and I apologized because it was my mistake for not having seen that part of the FAQ before.
Anyways, because I asked why I was suspended, I had another week added onto my suspension, even when I was told how to correct the issue (which I did)
So, no offense, but good riddance to rotten moderators. There's been so many illegal giveaways on the site that go unpunished while users like myself get harrassed because they're overworked.
On one hand I can sympathize, but there's really no reason for 2 week suspension when a newbie is asking how the site works, and complies with the mod suggestion on how to fix it. Maybe I just got someone on a bad day, but when they're describing themselves as d*cks (see elsewhere on the forum) who knows what to believe.
I hope that's not how the site is run, if so, I can see why there's no one in charge. What a bad experience for a new user that hopefully isn't typical.
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Admittedly, I let ignorance fly as an excuse for new users now and then. As long as you show you have read the rules, even if it's a copy and paste, then I think that's reason enough to remove the suspension. I mean even copying and pasting something relevant from the rules is still imo effort.
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On one hand I can sympathize, but there's really no reason for 2 week suspension when a newbie is asking how the site works
Registered 4 months ago
4 months is enough time to learn how the site works. Don't claim being new to cover your ignorance of the rules.
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Wow. Hope you're not a mod anywhere. Firstly, 4 months, 4 shmonths. He might have made a giveaway and have read over a bit of the rules, made an honest mistake, etc. Also, very mature of you to ignore the respectful tone of the dude and the way he's responded to feedback from the mods, i.e. correcting the problem immediately. Being a mod isn't about swinging your mighty banhammer around (with a rude, pissy tone to boot), then smacking someone down harder when they're asking why they got knocked down you know?
I can't stand rule nazi neanderthals. There's a grey area, and using it to form ones' decisions at times is not only desirable but REQUIRED, as you hold power over others. It's called ethics.
Typical mindless, mod ass kissing, "oh look at me I'M SO LOYAL TO SGIFTS! I BELONG! I BELONG! LIKE MEEEE!" at its' finest. Judging by your artificially high comment/entry ratio, I'm guessing you spam disingenuous, half-assed "thank you"'s all over the place to keep your ratio high, too, huh? Placating, manipulative drivel.
Some might not like me but at least I'm honest about who I am on here and I actually think about stuff like this instead of trying my hardest to fit in and whiteknight for SGifts for popularity.
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EDIT: I modified the post and toned down on the aggressiveness of it. Hope you're ok with it now (even though I am criticizing the user, still).
I see what you mean, really, but I don't know where to cut sharp corners on what I said without losing the direct tone. I mean, I am calling him out for something that annoys and worries me.
Mindless lemmings on here acting like their strongly biased and polarised views - which have been formed through fanboy-ism and wanting to impress / sate members / mods or win friends - are any sound basis for moderating decisions just ticks me off. They're damaging to the community's rep both within and outside the community, the atmosphere in the community, and are also just plain a pain to deal with. Any discussion becomes a predictable sea of murky ridiculousness that you can't swim through, alone or together.
Umm.. I'm stuck at what to do now. Let me throw the ball back to you and ask - what part of my post precisely (either literally what bit or what aspect of it) is making you go "yeah, uh huh, ok, that's ri- Oooooo wait now"? I'll edit accordingly.
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Oh please. Dude, you're way smarter than this - to state an overused, cliche'd pop-culture reference in response to my sound argumentation, just because I used the "nazi" term quite soundly as an analogy to illustrate my point. First of all, there's nothing that quite sounds like "rule nazi" in just two words. It's a perfect way of describing an attitude of over-enforcement of rules, down to the smallest pedantic detail, often with callous disregard for any kind of sympathy or emotion. You know that. Or should I keep using that lengthy description over and over instead, just to avoid people going "OOO NO GODWIN'S LAWz" on me?
Another little side-angle: I'm jewish by descent. And I like re-claiming words or their intended uses in general, to mean what I want them to mean, or have the contextual meaning I want. Kinda like how some feminists now call each other cunts. Although, that is of course quite dumb, as they're trying to use it as a jovial term of endearment, which isn't just re-claiming a word but rather trying forcefully to reshape everyone's perception and the intended meaning of the word entirely, just to make a point, out of making a point.. You feel me?
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You are reclaiming the word Nazi because you're of Jewish descent ? I'm pretty sure that's not how reclaiming a word works...
As for your argumentation in general being sound - come on:
"Then again, judging by your artificially high comment/entry ratio, I'm guessing you spam disingenuous, half-assed "thank you"'s all over the place to keep your ratio high, too, huh?"
"Firstly, 4 months, 4 shmonths."
That doesn't look particularly reasoned to me.
Nor does calling someone 'Mr.Gestapo' just because you he points out ignorance doesn't exempt new users from the rules.
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I'm not reclaiming a word because anything - you're putting that very direct, causal link in my mouth - other than that I feel like it. It IS reclaiming, as I'm reclaiming it from common parlance and its' current very negative connotations. I'm trying to make it useful as a word to mean "someone with an attitude of over-enforcement of rules, down to the smallest pedantic detail, often with callous disregard for any kind of sympathy or emotion" instead of always having to have the connection with WW2, Hitler, nazism, and the like in everyday use. I'm trying this simply by starting to use it that way myself. That's why I compared it to "cunt" and what feminists try to do with that word. It's not a direct comparison but I thought people reading would get my point more easily this way.
To get back to the jewish thing - I simply see my attempt at the above as slight poetic justice with a hint of irony, as if successful, "nazi" can still be used to mean "Hitler loving, jew killing scumbag" in a conversation where such connotation or meaning is relevant (talking about WW2 etc) - which is important, of course, as we should never forget that chapter of human history - but would simply mean "rule over-enforcing, cold asshole" in common usage. It's already adopted said meaning for most people, really, but there's still always people going "OOoOOoO GODWIN'S LAW and all!"
Now for the rest of your response.
"That doesn't look particularly reasoned to me." Gosh, really? You don't say! Just as reasoned as calling me a leeching, ungrateful scumbag etc, or commenting on my character at all due to a low comment ratio, perhaps? (not accusing you of doing such btw, at all). See what I was doing there? I was waiting for someone to try and flag me for being ridiculous there. Thanks for that ;)
As for this gem: "Nor does calling someone 'Mr.Gestapo' just because you he points out ignorance doesn't exempt new users from the rules."
Hmm. Let's see here. "..doesn't exempt new users from the rules." I never said it did. I never said someone shouldn't be disciplined for even ignorance of rules, in fact I'll be the first to balk at people who don't take the little time needed to read rules of any group or community they're joining, especially if that community is a place where they can win free games. Ask any private group with invite only based on specific requirements like, uh, "DON'T ASK FOR AN INVITE" I'm in what my response is when people join the chatroom and spam "INVIT PLES KTHXBAI" shit.
However, there's a difference between measuring out a reasonable amount of disciplinary action against someone as an all-powerful mod for slipping up somehow and immediately slapping a new user with a 2 week ban from your site. That's not reasonable - that's being an omnipotent dick. What really makes it bad though, is that there didn't seem to be any form of responsible moderation after the users' first response.
It's one thing meting out a far too long ban to a new user - again, that's simply a dick move - but it's another thing entirely when the user contacts you himself, proactively seeking a resolution and politely (not lazily) asking to be pointed in the right direction by STAFF of the site (let's not forget that THAT's why mods even have those powers; to serve the SITE and its' USERS, not to e-fap their e-peen while they dream of more mod powers or to abuse by using users as veritable stress balls to squeeze on a little on rough days - as I've seen happen far too often now, including against myself once too), whereupon you as, again, all powerful mod choose to further punish the user. That goes beyond simply being a singular dick move, and towards being a horribly bad and anti-social mod.
If you had kids, and they fucked up somehow because of something they didn't know (even though it might be something you could reasonably expect them to know), you wouldn't harshly punish them either, would you? You'd give them a slap on the wrist and explain things to them yourself. And even if you would be an ass and punish them / not explain things to them, you most definately wouldn't then, after you've punished them and when they come to you to ask what they need to know for the next time because they want to follow rules nicely, all of a sudden throw them over your knee and start slapping away at their ass, now would you?
Same deal here. This was rude, obnoxious moderating - the kind that makes a user want to lash out at you and call you a giant rotten dick, and they'd be partially right (of course emotions would make them flip a bit more than might be warranted) in feeling that way, because it IS an anti-social way of doing things. But the user would also immediately feel cornered, because if people that are so harsh and crazily unreasonable as to punish you for asking where to look for rules, hey, it's not safe mentioning to anyone how he treated you, right? I mean, you could then reasonably expect the mod team to be similar in attitude and behavior.. So you might be scared that complaining might net you a permaban etc.
And that all neatly leads me, in summary, to my closing point. This is a new user we're talking about. An actually polite and well-spoken one! WOW! And what a wonderful welcome he's now had to SGifts! What a way to attract and keep good new users! Right? But eh, what do I know right?
Hey you know the proper meaning for the word moderation?
"Moderation is also a principle of life. In ancient Greece, the temple of Apollo at Delphi bore the inscription Meden Agan (μηδὲν ἄγαν) - 'Nothing in excess'. Doing something "in moderation" means not doing it excessively."
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Wow, what an erudite response. Really drips of good thinking, manners and common sense! Bet you didn't even read my post at all, kid. Not that it matters much - you might not get it.
Why don't you keep looking for other threads and posts to spam 1 word replies to for your oh so dear ratio child?
Oh, and, don't try ordering me. Funny, funny kid.
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"However, there's a difference between measuring out a reasonable amount of disciplinary action against someone as an all-powerful mod for slipping up somehow and immediately slapping a new user with a 2 week ban from your site. That's not reasonable - that's being an omnipotent dick."
Look, Ansatsunin, if even I don't know what this user was suspended for, let alone what went on in the actual ticket, you should not be talking about it as if you know it was mod abuse. You are being needlessly aggressive and rude and have as little understanding of the actual situation as I currently do. Go outside, fill a bucket of water and pour it over your head.
I smacked a few extra suspensions on for people who contacted support, but only when their attitude was unacceptable or they showed complete disregard for the rules. And, has been said to you, four months is plenty of time to learn the site rules. This is not a new user. Actual new users, we are lighter on.
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Thanks for the levelheaded feedback in the face of my indeed harsh tone. I must admit bias from a few outside sources. Friend just came over to hang out so don't wanna be a dick to him and type like mad while he sits by me waiting. Have taken your post into consideration and thought about it a little and will post a decent response though when I have time.
Thanks again and hope the weather there's as good to you as it's being to me now :)
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What in jumping jesus fuck? No, I was a) short on time since a friend had just popped over to hang out, b) Jade was being very reasonable to me and polite in his post. No reason whatsoever for me to rage at him. c) I've still not actually typed up a post; I have a few minutes now while my friend's out picking up some shit from his place to quickly fuck around on my PC, and I saw your post.
There's no need to mindlessly rage at Jade at all, once again. He also made some valid points, and pointed out that I was being harsh without doing so himself. When people, any people do that, I instantly tone down.
What did you have in mind, then?
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Don't see your edit; not interested either. Basically, your whole argument is to ignore whatever I say and go "LALALALALA I CANNOT HEAR YOU, HYPOCRITE HYPOCRITE". Wow. Amazing.
Ok, ok, ignore my whole post, go ahead. Just answer me the one thing I asked you; what kind of response would you have expected from me to Jade (taking his reasonable tone into consideration also? Really?
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My initial report was along the lines of "I think there may be a problem.. here's the giveaway, the people in question, I've talked with them, I can offer screenshots or forwarded emails as proof, etc"
Then the mod in question said why I was suspended, and I acknowledged my lack of awareness of the rule, owned up to the mistake and was set to accept my suspension since it was my fault.
At which point the mod said, "Well, are you going to install it or not?"
To which I apologized again, not realizing I had the opportunity to rectify the error, and installed the game, and offered to help in any way I could.
At which point, I was ignored and saw I had 2 five day suspensions at this point.
I attempted to follow up with the same thread asking if there was a mistake, which went ignored.
So to recap, I learned of a mistake I had made, rectified it, and for the trouble of following the rules, I received double suspension and a snarky response from a mod who admitted to being hostile to people.
And yes, I'd say you can be a newbie at 4 months. I came for the Fairie Solitaire giveaway, largely avoided the message boards and threw out an occassional entry for stuff I was interested in as the site requested.
As I started winning on other sites, I stopped visiting here as much because of the horrible odds. I started to enter in private giveaways from people I know, since I didn't want to get scammed with all the illegal giveaways flooding the site and yes, to increase my odds of winning.
As of now, I have 262 entries. Comparatively, that's still a newbie, IMO, and I'm sorry that you feel otherwise. Over 4 months, that works out to 65 a month, or 2 a day.
Again, I owned up to my mistake, accepted my punishment, learned from the experience, and felt I should chime in with an appeal for more level headed mods based on my admittedly biased experience.
I realize this isn't a democracy, but this response wasn't encouraging. Not your job I realize, but hopefully you can see my point of view. I joined Steam 7 years ago and never used it for the next 6 and a half years. I'd still consider myself a Steam newbie as a result. But someone looking at when I joined Steam might suggest I'm an expert and they'd be incorrect. All I'm saying is yes, while 4 months is plenty of time to learn the site rules, it's entirely possible for them to be a newbie and to have made an honest mistake, especially when all communications have indicated such.
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Ok. So, now, I have a chance to reply to you.
First of all, yesterday I was way too mad in general about a number of things, mostly personal things. I let that cloud my judgement and expression. That bucket of water over my head boiled down hanging with my friend, calming down some, and talking about some things bothering me in my personal life. I'll try to have a less harsh or aggressive tone in future. I won't edit my posts now though; that harsh or nasty tone was my mistake and I won't try and conveniently edit it out. I fucked up there.
Anyway, lemme explain the bias I mentioned. Due to having been on the net for quite some time, including as a mod at times for some communities and/or gaming servers myself. In these communities, there were often mods that for lack of a better word were assholes or let their personal shit affect not just how they expressed themselves but also their actual mod decisions, with real consequences like bans, demotions and the like for users and all. I'd always get really pissed off at this, especially if I was at the receiving end of such, which happened a few times also. I left 1 gaming clan and 1 online forum I was mod/admin in due to this kind of nonsense - I was actually very calm and quiet as a mod back then, in both instances. There were admins / mods that regularly abused their powers in ways like banning users far too long (think a year), or continuously kicking users from game servers to troll them just for fun, which I reported to head mods - who then did nothing to slap their mods on the wrist because they were all chummy and defended their buddies instead of being fair to users. That's the bias I was referring to - I'm a little hair-trigger on such things.
Anyway, I can't judge you for anything, as indeed - as you point out - there's nothing to judge, so I'll assume your decisions have been fair and unbiased, based on how calmly you're dealing with my honestly harsh tone now.
However, I just also read the post from the user I originally was sort of defending, a few under this post (also a reply to you here) and after reading the details of his story, I get where he's coming from. You must agree the response he got, in his situation, was a little strange and not exactly encouraging to him, especially as he did what was asked of him and was merely asking for more information. As the user said himself - "to recap, I learned of a mistake I had made, rectified it, and for the trouble of following the rules, I received double suspension and a snarky response from a mod who admitted to being hostile to people." Not exactly top behavior for a mod to have, I hope you agree..
Another good point he makes is that - just as I always plead for with the whole "comment count does not equal indication of character" - an arbitrary number like months of activity on the site does not equal proof someone's not still quite a noob on the site.. Actual activity numbers like giveaway entries, comments and the like would go farther towards actually relevant numbers, and even then, those are no sure-shot indicators of anything other than the actual count they represent. End of the day, more technical stats (which I don't know if mods had access to / will have access to in future) like page loads, login and logout times, and (with the right code on the site it's possible) time spent actually on the site and not viewing another tab in a users' browser are the only fairly reliable indicators of actual activity on the site.
This has also made me think of something - I've heard before from mods that a whole buttload of the tickets you get / got were due to people not having read the FAQ. I find it a bit odd that it's linked to all the way at the bottom of the page, in the blue, darker corner of the site. I think a lot of users simply overlook it - honest mistake. Wouldn't it be better to have it at the top of the page, to the right of "Support", as "FAQ / Rules"? And upon first login for a user, if it were red instead of blue and required to open before you can enter giveaways / make them? That way, you can really pin responsibility for reading the rules on a user, since if they just opened the rules and didn't read them but clicked away and just started activity on the site, at least you know for sure they had the document before their eyes at least once and have em by the proverbial balls if they show they haven't read it, instead of them possibly being upstanding sorts who simply overlooked them. Also, if there's updates / changes to the rules, you can reset the counter for users and again make them open the rules page before further activity on the site. Possible good idea? I'd think so - at least the "put at top of page" idea.
Anyway, hope, still, support is still actually DOABLE now man. Good luck with it all, hope you get mod powers back soon all and some good fellow mods, too. Greets.
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The difference between lesbians reclaiming the word 'cunt' or homosexual males reclaiming the word 'gay' and you trying to 'reclaim' the word Nazi is that 'they' are reclaiming words other people dub them with that have a negative connotation (so that the word eventually gets a neutral or even positive connotation), while what you are doing is trying to re-define a term that isn't used as an insult against you. That's not reclaiming.
"I was waiting for someone to try and flag me for being ridiculous there."
Mission accomplished - it was ridiculous.
As for your the rest of your reply, maybe you forgot who you called Mr. Gestapo (before you edited your post, that is) in reply to what namely :
(12 hours ago)
On one hand I can sympathize, but there's really no reason for 2 week suspension when a newbie is asking how the site works
Registered 4 months ago
4 months is enough time to learn how the site works. Don't claim being new to cover your ignorance of the rules."
Even considering you're trying to reclaim nazi-related phraseology, calling someone 'Mr. Gestapo' over that is, in my humble opinion, unwarranted as well as offensive. Whether or not mods in this community are abusing their powers has nothing to do with that.
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I edited my post as per Raiden's request to make it less flame-y, that's all, so yeah I removed the Gestapo reference. After reading your post though; I would have done the same as after cooling down some I see your point and actually wholeheartedly agree with it. It was too much.
I've been thinking about my use of the word "reclaim" and see the error in that too. The reason - as in my own used example - feminists call using the word "cunt" reclaiming it for their own use, is because it's a word that has gained, over time, a negative and hurtful connotation. It's been "claimed" by people using it negatively to hurt others with. So, they try to "reclaim" it. Makes sense. And indeed, my use of the word is unwarranted here.
I hope you get why I made the mistake though: I'm using the word "nazi" here not by its' original meaning but to mean a certain type of character. I guess I'm trying to redefine its' usage and intended meaning some and the jump in my mind to how others do the same was made too quickly, as the reason and context was entirely different in their cases - damn my brain.
As I was typing up something somewhere else by the way, another reason my use of words like "nazi" and "Gestapo" might have been a bit quicker to jump to than for most others jumped up in my mind like "HEY HEY HEY LOOK AT THIS". :P
I already typed it up in the "EDIT" part of my reply to the post directly under this one, from "elix". You're German, right? Surely you know the genious that is 'Allo 'Allo? I HOPE YOU DO! Anyway I grew up with it and had friends around me that did, too. Also, in primary school here in NL, you're taught so much about WW2 since you're a kid in school that you hear the word much more frequently than most and thus it becomes a more normal sound to your ears. I realise a bunch of people I know - and I myself - might throw around the terms more casually than most due to these reasons.
As for the bit I was trying to be ridiculous in - like I said, I was deliberately going for that - if I'm ridiculous in saying that, the opposite is true also. Few comments doesn't mean bad person in some form. You get that though, right?
Let me close with this little gem I found just now on Wikipedia when I was reading about the word "cunt" after I got curious about its' origins etc. As a bonus and something to laugh at :P
"It was, however, also used before 1230, having been brought over by the Anglo-Saxons, originally not an obscenity but rather a factual name for the vulva or vagina. Gropecunt Lane was originally a street of prostitution, a red light district. It was normal in the Middle Ages for streets to be named after the goods available for sale therein, hence the prevalence in cities having a medieval history of names such as "Silver Street" and "Fish Street". In some locations, the former name has been bowdlerised, as in the City of York, to the more acceptable "Grape Lane".
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It's not a "pop culture" reference to point out that by the time you reach the point of making Nazi analogies, the conversation thread has devolved to the point where nothing will be productive.
And you've proceeded to prove my point by trying to "reclaim" Nazi vocabulary and then run through a gauntlet of butthurt.
See, I agree with the core point of your post: Severe suspensions on first infractions may be too harsh, and twiz may not be acting reasonable.
But you completely torpedo any credibility your argument may have had by invoking the one thing nobody will ever defend (unless they're a vile, hateful person or just completely clueless about 20th-century history): Nazis. It's lazy and an appeal to emotion. It's about as imaginative and intelligent as retorting with "Yeah, well, I fucked your mom." It's a sign that you're really not capable of arguing your side with rational logic, so you're going for comparisons to one of the greatest evils of the 20th century to appeal to emotions.
That is why Godwin's Law exists and why the person who brings up Nazis or Hitler loses the conversation.
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I don't want to fight or nastily argue with you, let me say that first; merely argue. You seem to actually have some brains, refreshing on here at times if you catch my drift. Ok?
I've not run through a gauntlet of butthurt actually; I've explained quite well how my use of the word "nazi" has nothing to do with any actual nazis or attempt - as you suggest here - to tug on anyone's heartstrings. So that point of yours is moot.. I made a whole post which I now doubt you read, unfortunately, about how I'm merely using the word to replace continued use of a whole sentence. Like I said, there's nothing that conveys "an overzealous rule following, coldhearted, strict ass" in 1 word like using the word nazi. And again, I don't mean it to immediately have the listener / reader think of actual nazis, Hitler etc etc all in 1 go. A lot of people use the word that way in everyday speech; that's what I'm trying to do here. That's all.
I really get your point though; some people really DO say idiotic shit in an argument like "you're as bad as Hitler man" or some such tripe. I totally did not mean it that way..
EDIT: I was just typing up another reply to someone and realised what happens in at least my mind when I use a word like nazi or Gestapo; you know that old TV show 'Allo 'Allo? I hope you do (it's classic). It's a comedy show about a french cafe owner during WW2 who often helps out a bunch of recurring French resistance fighters, often with hair brained schemes. Anyway, in it there's this 1 character, a Gestapo officer named Herr Flic. His ridiculously callous and twitchy, neurotic and rule humping character is what I think of when I use that word. Here in NL, everyone knows the show too, at least most people; it's been on re-runs a whole bunch. A lot of people around me use the word to mean something similar sometimes, due to much the same connotation which has become so ingrained by having watched the show so much.. I understand though, that obviously, this is different for all. That's why I felt I had to type up this edit; I'm trying to bridge the communication gap some and show that your posts are making me think, now much along the lines of "why and how does my mind a certain way, as opposed to this other dudes'". Anyway, umm, yeah. Greets.
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lol, I'm not a leecher. But whatever, keep it up, keep mindlessly calling me names only due to some dumb artificial ratio. Why don't you go for the easy low blow and call me a selfish, leeching, ungrateful asshole while you're at it?
Amazing. Enjoy your tiny mental stomping grounds.
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Thanks, and keep it up! Almost 100% predictable now! Go for the full 100% and post another content-less, 5 word flame comment!
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I'm not a leecher.
Gifts Won 3
Value -
3 : a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain
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Actually I'm dirt poor atm, got no job and am living with family. My life's kinda collapsed after a 3 year relationship ended badly after emotional abuse from my ex, coupled with recession hitting the company I worked at and me subsequently losing my job. And yeah, I'm on here hoping to win some games to alleviate the shitty situation and tough to fight off depression I find myself in.
One of the giveaways I won was for Rock of Ages, a small game I really wanted due to its' Monty Python-esque humour, with my entry being the only one (group giveaway). The game crashes to desktop for me, so no fun there.
Another giveaway I won was Divine Divinity, again from a group. 4 entries.
The third I won was a public 230 entry giveaway for Razor 2: Hidden Skies. Game runs like shit, plays even worse. Let me heartily not recommend it while I'm at it.
Even so, I'm still planning on making some giveaways when money permits me buying some games to giveaway. And when I do, they won't be Fortix or 5 dollar games. And to put things in perspective: for me, now in my life, 40 euros a week is like a shower of money to me. For food, clothing, everything. I'd have to spend weeks (and am already saving some) scraping together euros at a time to make a giveaway for others.
So go ahead and keep calling me a leecher. Fap that little e-peen for all it's worth zealot. Your opinion or thoughts on any subject, including your judgement of me, matter fuck all to me after proving how moronic your argumentation has proven itself to be here.
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Judging by your artificially high comment/entry ratio, I'm guessing you spam disingenuous, half-assed "thank you"'s all over the place to keep your ratio high, too, huh?
Or, ya know, I'm semi-active on the forums... douchebag leecher.
And yes, you are lucky I'm not a mod. I'd take special delight in suspending you. Over and over.
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At least one will live on (though it seems like Jade'll be staying for the time being). Keep up the good work, I fully support anyone who chooses to deal with all of this crap for the rest of us (this goes to you, too, Jade). I'd help if I could, though I don't know if I'd have the time (college, including summer classes...), but if my schedule ever lightens up, I'd be happy to lend a hand.
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I asked Jade if they are going to recruit new Support members. He said that they have some people in mind.
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Support is always infinite work, for sure man. It never ends, the workload. :/
That said, I HOPE IT SURE AS FUCK TURNS DOWN A LITTLE FOR YOU! I feel for your situation now man. Must be hectic as all hell.
I'd offer to help but probably some doubt my ability to moderate in moderation. Although, honestly, I do happen to understand the difference between being a user on here and being a mod.. As in, I don't filter myself as much or stop myself from being harsh as often as I would were I a mod. Then, I'd be level headed in moderation decisions and fair, no matter my personal bias. I see moderation as a privilege, not a right. And one that comes with responsibility..
Thinking out loud and blabbing a bit here but oh well. Again all the best with the current workload man.. Pff..
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Raiden's always been an upstanding sort. Most def.
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The support team was stripped of its power yesterday, so there's nothing they can do right now. My problem (a giveaway reroll) was taken care of relatively quickly (within a day or two), so I was happy with it. You can't expect perfection from a mod team that, for some reason, doesn't have the powers necessary to do what they need to in order to help the site. Just relax and wait, whatever you need done will be taken care of eventually. I can understand that it's annoying, but, well, it's not like you have much of a choice :)
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I filed a ticket in 3 BC. Screw you and your laziness, Jesus. Answer my ticket sometime. :|
(Which, arguably, is what everyone predicting the Second Coming last October was kind of saying, but I don't want to start a discussion about religion.)
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I also wait 1.5 weeks for my ticket, but Its a difficult situation atm, so its ok. A lot of tickets (like mine) are reroll requests I guess. Why not solve them automatically? I mean if the winner sets a trigger AND the gifter too, the reroll could be set automatically. Sounds for me like a good idea to decreases the time for replying support tickets. I Probably somebody else has this idea already ^^
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Ok, but in my ticket I won the same game a few days b4, so doin a reroll ok for me and for the gifter . There should be a lot of this kind of tickets. Automatically solve this tickets would decrease the time needed.
Hmm, but ok, I see you´re point and ppl could exploit that feature, thats true.
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I would vote for automatic re-rolling. I have had couple of those situations and they really don't need moderators help if both parties agree to re-roll.
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Would all you asshats commenting shit like "Bitch please - I had one that was 2 weeks ago and still not answered" and "Really? Why do they behave so irresponsibly?" (THAT'S YOU RAIGEKI) please shut your entitled, rude, egocentric fucking mouths please? My god the level of moronic, audacious imbecility some of you present is frankly astounding and making my gall rise. Let me spell it out for you.
This is a non-commercial, entirely free site, that earns NOTHING from you for using it, - not even ad revenue - staffed by a HANDFUL of QUITE DEDICATED AND HARDWORKING PEOPLE. They're SWAMPED with work - they have to sacrifice great amounts of free time and effort and they get 100% absolutely NOTHING back for it!
When Raiden, one of the nicer, more mature mods (WHO WORKS HIS ASS OFF FOR YOUR RETARDED ASSES) is posting shit like "Would be nice if we can get the bulk of the tickets made in July before mid august but it seems I may need to skip on some sleeping depending on whether I work my job the next day" and you have the fucking balls to call support irresponsible, slow, act passive agressive, whatever, it makes me feel like coming round and smacking you right in the FUCKING jaw, till it's mush. The man is considering SKIPPING SLEEP TO HELP OUT THE SITE.
You wanna ASK something about support or the reasons behind its' slow functioning, fine. You wanna know about what's going on with them? Sure. You wanna complain about there being too few mods or in some other form criticize (read - comment on and offer suggestions for improvement, not bitch and whine) the way support is handled on the site structurally speaking, ok.
But for the love of god remember these are VOLUNTEERS THAT ARE WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF (GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT) FOR NO RETURN IN ANY FORM and don't you god damn DARE be so ungrateful and rude to the support team's members. How fucking dare you?
Mods, past and present, thanks once again for all the hard, hard work. Including somehow not going postal over blind fucks like this who only know how to keep whining and whining at you, no matter how hard you work. I hope you get some good mods in soon to alleviate the workload and that your supports' structure gets streamlined some and some of the kinks worked out.
In the meantime, Raiden dude, take it easy man. Please make sure you're still actually living your life and not investing too much of yourself in the site. Even if that means a slight increase in backlog for a small moment. Things are tough now, and people have to accept that, no matter what. Even assclowns like the kind I'm referencing here. THIS MEANS YOU OP.
Wow, what's this OP (and ilk)? Someone doing exactly what I said before? Critisizing support respectfully and offering suggestions for improvement? THIS is how it's done. >>
"Cubi2k (1 hour ago)
I also wait 1.5 weeks for my ticket, but Its a difficult situation atm, so its ok. A lot of tickets (like mine) are reroll requests I guess. Why not solve them automatically*? I mean if the winner sets a trigger AND the gifter too, the reroll could be set automatically. Sounds for me like a good idea to decreases the time for replying support tickets. I Probably somebody else has this idea already ^^"
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The truth has been spoken. I agree with every single word you said.
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Doesn't surprise me one bit as you also called me a leecher somewhere else in this thread, completely unfounded, like just another SGifts fanboy / attack drone. Probably because I have a slightly low comment ratio (although as I've explained in another thread, I don't make 100000 posts with less than 50 characters in them but rather few, longer posts where I actually try and say something).
My point isn't - as yours probably is - a mindless defense of anything SGifts. It's an attack at unsympathetic idiots who don't respect the work some individuals put in and sacrifices they make, in defense of said people; regardless of any circumstances surrounding all of this. People working to make something you use work well, for free, deserve at the very most bare minimum some of your compassion and empathy, and rather your utmost respect for their efforts.
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When you do say something, you sound like a dick.
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Umm lol? Where did I say support sucks? Are you just baiting or being dumb now? Please read what I said better if you think I'm saying support sucks. That is irrelevant to what I've been saying all along, in this post and my other in this thread, too. And if anything, it's as far removed as possible from my sentiment.
Please though, demonstrate where I said that. Humour me.
As for the rest of your one-liner; huh? I wrote in caps FOR EMPHASIS. Sure. What does that have to do, at all, in any way whatsoever, with my usage of "nazi" in the other post to denote a rule-humping ass? Wait. Are you trying to use the word nazi here to mean something like "CAPS nazi!" That makes NO sense. Think about it dude.
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I have more important things to do then read all that crap you wrote and then quote it to you.
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You mean important things like trying to continuously bait me into responding to you by simply opposing whatever I post and putting words in my mouth that I never said, anywhere, at all, so you can keep spamming short moronic comments over and over and over like a kiddy on crack? Now I get why your comment count / ratio's so high. You must have a massive e-peen. Small brain though if copy pasta-ing something is such a huge undertaking for you.
Protip: don't claim I said shit I didn't, at all, then refuse to back your shit up when challenged. You look stupid kid.
P.S. Good trick to keep your comment ratio high in a way that mods can hardly filter for or detect as spamming, though! Nice gag! Just troll people's posts, wait for an slightly mad response over a few open tabs; wash, rinse, repeat. Something like that, yes?
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I just realized that I agreed to the same guy I called a leecher (herp derp). To be honest, I owe you an apology. BUT, 1 thing; "Typical mindless, mod ass kissing, "oh look at me I'M SO LOYAL TO SGIFTS! I BELONG! I BELONG! LIKE MEEEE!" at its' finest. Judging by your artificially high comment/entry ratio, I'm guessing you spam disingenuous, half-assed "thank you's all over the place to keep your ratio high, too, huh? Placating, manipulative drivel". You DO sounds like a jerk in that post, to be honest.
P.S. Why I have so many comments? Yes, I say "thanks you" in every single giveaway and I like to post in the forums. What's wrong about that?
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Uh hum.
Ok let me untangle this in my head - so, you're saying that my post above here that you agreed to somehow convinces you I'm not a leecher, so you apologise for that and take it back? Or am I messing up the interpretation now?
As for the rest. Hey, like I said (funnily enough in a post long before this one, BELOW this one - internets, so logical,- always), when people act like dicks, I show them how it's done. The dude was acting authoritarian and dictatorial to an otherwise polite and reasonable sounding dude who'd been punished FAR too harshly, showing no empathy or understanding whatsoever. That's when my lock-on engaged. So no, I don't mind sounding like a jerk there. Look at what an ass he was being there. Fuck that. Act the fool, get slammed.
I was also making a point about how there's a lot of people who mindlessly defend and whiteknight anything SGifts or its' moderators do or say. The type who follow the herd and try to show just how wonderful they find SGifts in the meantime. That try so hard to show how they want all people who have 1 comment less than a 1:1 ratio, or people who make an honest mistake with the rules once (like the original dude that bit was about) to "fucking burn in hell leecher / scammer / asshole" without event the slightest shade of grey in their vision. All for brownie points.
I despise and loathe these types. It's top-shelf manipulation. It's pushing the self aside for replacement by a SGifts puppet, so they can garner more respect and admiration from fellow mindless saps. It's dishonesty and TRUE leeching at its' best. So again, no qualms about sounding harsh there.
People should have their own opinion and the balls to state it, even if it's maybe not 100% in approval of something some mod did, or something someone with a lot of clout here said. Integrity (and subsequently honesty), not ganging up on and slamming people for small mistakes or maybe not commenting as much as you, and true gratitude for gifts won and work done by support are all important to me.
As far as "thank you" on all giveaways you enter goes? Well if you're not simply doing it to float your ratio, fine, but it's still a little redundant if you ask me. Read my posts here for more food for thought that I think you might find interesting. >> . Ctrl-f and my nick are your friends ;)
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"You're saying that my post above here that you agreed to somehow convinces you that I'm not a leecher, so you apologize for that and take it back"
P.S. More than half of all my comments are in the forums, not in the giveaways ("Thanks!").
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Yeah, I dig man; we're cool. We get each other :)
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Oh and, when people act like dicks, YEAH I act like a dick back. Although probably with a better formulated argument than the one they started off with. For example, the people being unsympathetic to support here and how tough their work is, are acting like enormous, monumental dicks. So I'm wrong now for shooting their little ego-filled blimp down with some harsh language?
Fuck that, and fuck them. At least until they show a sign of understanding where I'm coming from and come back down to earth. Then, I'll play nice again. Heck, when people are being harmonious and nice in their behaviour, I guarantee I'll be one of the nicest people they know or that you've ever met. Those who I let close to me know me as such, not a dick at all, really. I guess though, that we're all like that to some extent.
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I sent a message to support 6 days ago but no one didnt answer me. Is it normal?
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