I try to avoid buying indie games because I believe they will eventually be bundled thus I could get them cheaper + included with other games.

You can kind of tell which games will end up in a bundle, especially with Humble Bundle

For example, I didn't purchase "Game Dev Tycoon" because it will most likely end up in a Humble Bundle

Am I the only one that thinks like this?

10 years ago*

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I don't buy almost anything except bundles nowadays, not that much for money, but because of huge backlog. When I eventually get to the AAA game that is released today, years will pass and it will be bundled...

10 years ago

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"Game Dev Tycoon" not will be fast in bundle, the game will have more discounts before.

10 years ago

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umm, just stay away from groupees and GOG they screw over indie devs. . . many of them anyway.

Thought though, as some have said. . . the logic of your reasoning is shooting the self in the foot: if you don't buy the games from the dev's you like. . . then you are refusing to support the dev's you like and only supporting the people you have to. . . but what ever you want.

10 years ago

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Buying a game is supporting the dev no matter where you buy it. Pirating it would not be supporting the dev ;)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by HNIC.