Yup I've got 64 bit windows 8, probably an issue xD
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Specs of your laptop?
Also remember Crysis 1 does not have a really good optimization per se, the CryEngine 2 (and 3) is optimized for consoles and scales much better with different hardware. I'm not sure how well does Crysis 1 run with SLI/Crossfire setups though, i haven't checked.
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Sorry, edited in the specs. And I've read that it wasn't optimized well. The other main downside that I've read about is that instead of 3 layers of good textures for objects (or however many there are), they put a crap ton if layers to make it look better, not thinking of performance
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Yes there's something along those lines. Warhead (the standalone expansion) runs much better and looks better as well, i consider that to be a much more polished version of that engine.
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crysis is not optimized well for windows 64, it runs smoother with 32, believe me, i cant run payday the heist but i can run crysis :D
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Lol lucky for u. Guess ill just have to skip this game
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Did you know that Crysis was one of those rare games that came with both x86 and native x64 executable (which Steam doesn't provide as Steam itself is a 32-bit application)? If there is any game that is actually optimized for Windows 64, it's Crysis. Regardless, I could see no difference in performance nor did I encounter any problems while running x64 and x86 executables of the game on 64-bit Windows, so there are no benefits nor downsides from running Crysis in native 64-bit mode, and there will be no difference from running it on 32-bit machines either.
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i dont know, i have seen trought some forums and a lot of people have loads of problems with crysis on 64
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"I just started Crysis 1 on my new laptop, Lenovo Y500, and started up Crysis 1." Maybe the problem is that you started the game twice :D aslo try patching the game, it always helps :)
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The explanation is rather simple. Crysis 1 was a PC only game, a performance benchmark for top PCs of the time. Crysis 2 was developed for consoles, and thus system requirements (along with some graphical effects) were lowered. Crysis 3 was supposed to take the best from each of the previous games, however they still have to make it run on consoles, and so it also runs better than the first game. Which, in my opinion, is a very good thing.
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I'd agree because Crysis 3 runs much better than Crysis 1 for me
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I dont know why but, I have problems with all Crysis games, my PC is good enough to run MW3 / BF3 at the max settings but Crysis games always have FPS problems (I tried Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 beta)
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Running Modern Warfare 3 at highest graphics isn't much different than the lowest. It's still ugly and dreadful. Bad example.
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I had problems getting Crysis 1 to run also, but installed the 1.1 and 1.2 patches I think. I installed the 1.21 and it completely killed it. Had to uninstall and reinstall, leaving 1.21 out. After that it ran fine on Windows 7 64-bit w/ built-in Radeon 6530 graphics except the screen resolution. I had problems getting Crysis 1 and 2 to run in full screen on a 1080p monitor. It would leave a black border all around it. I upgraded my graphics since then to GeForce GTX 660. I can't remember if it fixed the resolution issue with Crysis 2, but I'm pretty sure it did. I didn't play that game long because it made me crazy motion sick after 15 minutes. Was a cool game though. Haven't loaded up Crysis 1 since the upgrade.
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Interesting. So Crysis 2 ran well after you upgraded?
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Cryengine 2 was never made to run on consoles. It is almost completely unoptimized. The few optimizations it did receive are only integrated into Crysis: Warhead, not the original Crysis.
Cryengine 3 is just Cryengine 2 with optimizations so that it would actually run on consoles.
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Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.3 GHz and nVIDIA G92 9800 GT 512 MB, got this setup for 5 years now and it runs crysis 64-bit pretty well on low/medium by forcing DirectX9
the laptop's single graphics card nVIDIA 750M is equivalent to the nVIDIA G92 9800 GT 512 MB in terms of gaming performance therefore the intel core i7 maybe bottlenecking the laptop because crysis is not multithreaded and it will only take advantage of 1 or 2 cpu cores
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Are you trying to run Crysis 1 Vanilla? If yes, it is EXTREMELLY unoptimized, but in 5 min you should be able to find some good Custom Config that DRAMATICALLY increases both graphic quality and performance.
I got most of my mods from Here.
Got a nice performance and loved the graphics.
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So I should use that custom config, and it will run better?
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I just got Crysis 1 on my new laptop, Lenovo Y500, and started it up. For some reason, the game just wouldn't run well, even on low. I would get around 35-50 FPS on medium/high, but it just wasn't smooth. I then tried Crysis 3, hoping for some better results. To my surprise, it ran extremely well on high settings and only dropped in FPS when entering new areas, but only for one or two seconds. I didn't check the FPS but figured I was getting 40-50. To me it doesn't make any sense that a 2007 game would be more demanding than a 2013 game, from the same franchise! I'm wondering if some of you know what's up with crysis 1, and why it doesn't run smoothly
i7 Ivy Bridge CPU
750M SLI
1 TB 5400 RPM HD
16 GB SSD used for caching
1080P FHD 15.6"
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