By weaving together all the clues in the thread, my analysis leads me to believe your masterplan is to nuke the SG with blue hearts.
Or maybe my brain is just messed up from the Steam Sale ARG.. Perhaps if you give me some shrooms I'd be able to chill out.
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Same here. Shame I made a few other purchases and am now going to be a literal dollar short. And card farming would take too long. That card farming tool won;t seem to work for me either. Ah well, that's my crap luck.
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Masterplan is on my wishlist. There's just something about heists that I absolutely love. I spent way too much time on Payday 2 with a group of friends (although I stopped when the DLC got out of control). I hope I'm not too impressionable and try to rob a bank :s
But if you just meant the two you mentioned then I've heard a lot of good things about Talos and have been meaning to look into it.
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I mean, I was actually bothered to click on your discussion to hear what you had to say. And bothered to comment. I think that's pretty deserving eh? Not really, but your whitelist does seem to be a heavenly place of joyful laughs and pillows. Pls add me or I shank u.
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Glad to hear that there are still a lot of people that are giving away games, as they give an opportunity for many people like me, who are not able to buy games due to small salary (undeveloped countries) or dramatic economic condition in the country. Thank You guys, keep it up!!!
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Just wanted to share this gift I got my partner too. Mini Harley.
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Nice, maybe a chance for me to win Talos Principle :)
And ok, no gifs, but nobody expects the spanish inquisition
Edit: it does not matter, since I can't enter a lvl 3+ giveaway anyway
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It's been on my wishlist since the realease)
My current ratio isn't that good becase I didn't have time not money to make GAs, but, I am doing a small event in near future) Buying games for this event, wanted to buy talos, one copy for myself and one copy for a lucky winner but then saw that it's bundled(
Do you know any good games on this sale that are not bundled?
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Happy new year !
I\d be interested in The Talos Principle.
PS: Braid is amazing so those here who haven't played it, I urge you to try it.
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Good you do that. Braid is not something to be skipped. (imo)
I just saw that I'm also interested in Mushroom in fact. I just saw it in your giveaways. Seems like a cool unique platformer/puzzle.
PS: This january bundle was literally filled with my wishlist. Even Fandango...
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How? I didn't ask anyone to write anything special. I don't think any comment is a waste of time ;). Maybe someone below this level will get on my WL for some reason and even if they can't enter those, maybe they'll be able to enter GAs in the future.
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Why are we even arguing this? You've already told a few people (who wrote their comment solely to try win one of those two games) that they're too low of a level. This can't get any closer to time wasting. All I'm asking is for you to make a small three word so people who don't want anything else, don't waste their time man. :P Thought everybody did it anyway.
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No one and maybe that's the point ;). I'm not arguing, I'm rather discussing. I would see your point if I was like: "Write me everything about yourself, give me reasons and more reasons and EVEN MORE REASONS", but look at this thread. Most of the comment didn't take more than 30 seconds. If you look at it this way you should consider even entering this thread a time waste. Not everything need to come with some sort of payoff.
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30 x 5 = 150. Again it all adds up, and wasting two secs of your time so some people don't waste 30+ secs of their time, is kind of worth it, no? :) I wasted a minute of my time. You're right, that's really nothing major, but I still would of preferred not doing so.
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But you are doing so, because you could stop commenting few posts before, but you, the person who talk about wasting time, is still posting here;). And yeah, it does add up. For you. It does not add up for them, since it's still time of one person - so for that single person it's still a 30 (at best!) seconds. But hey, if this makes you feel good, it's fine by me ;).
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Yes, but I don't feel like I'm wasting my time here. In fact I'm definitely not, because there is a point. Commenting on this site isn't time wasting for me, applying for giveaways I can't actually enter is though. And no, not to me. It adds up for everyone, if two people waste their time, there's a cumulative time that got wasted.
And I took one minute to write my comment, so 30 secs definitely isn't a max. And why isn't ensuring people don't waste time, not good for you? Most people on here state the lvl requirement for a reason you know.
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I'm not saying it's bad. I'm simply saying (and still holding to that) the amount of "wasted time" by a short comment is almost non existent when you look how many time you "waste" on other activities. Like this discussion. You get what you wanted, yet you still continue. For me it's fine :). I like discussing things. And maybe that's why I don't consider even short comments as a time waste. Maybe one of those people will think to themselves: "Och, I could enter that if I've been level 3. Time to start doing GAs". Was it a time waste then or not?
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Well the same thought could just as well occur to the person that WITH the notice too. And you really like jabs/backhanded remarks don't you? ;P
"You get what you wanted, yet you still continue. For me it's fine. :)" Who are you to say that's all I want? I've already said I don't consider this conversation a time waste. Do I really have to keep repeating that?
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Not really. Sorry if it seems that way, that was not my intention. It could. Maybe they needed to feel a little closer to something to get that. Maybe not. Everyone is different and to judge experience as useless you need to see its results, which none of us will be able to see (for all people). That's what I get from your comment - that you wanted me to add that simple three words. I did that. So what else do you exactly want from me at this point?
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I'm interested in The Talos Principle (have it on my wishlist). But I won't be mad if you don't add me :)
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I wish to be part of your withelist and try to win Talos. If I will win the base game I can only buy dlcs :)))
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I've entered every single ga for the Talos Principle sofar without any luck. Even contacted a Greece friend if he could buy it for me with discount. Unfortunately he is on holiday now and did not reply to my mail yet. So yeah I want it. How can I get on your whitelist? As one day I just have to have this game. Thank for giving it away anyhow whether I will make it to your wl or not.
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Really interested in Talos!
Don't really care if I get picked or not but both results still lead to a thanks by me!
Thank you!
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28 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by s4k1s
So I've just made first whitelist-only giveaways inspired by Fnord. I plan to do more, since this is a great way to reward active and friendly users of SG. Within those gaveaways there are: The Talos Principle and Braid, but they don't have many entires (I guess a lot of people own those already ^^"). So I want to give someone a chance to win them :).
Nothing complicated: just post in the comments what game are you interested in. You don't need to write anything special/funny, there's no need for GIFs though... you know... GIFs ;>. It's not about who is faster, I will simply look at your profile, check your ratio and see if I remember you from forum ^^. It's not something temporary, I look for a great addition to my WL and there are many awesome people here <3. Hard to catch them all at once I guess XD.
I'll probably add around 5 people, so please don't be mad if you won't be among them :).
Both GAs are LVL3+ only
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