Is steamgifts wasting your valueable time?
I have a FB and Linkedin account, but I never post on them. I'm too self-conscious about my what I show the world. Gaming and watching anime are both very stigmatized hobbies that I do not want to share with the world. They are seen as childish and as a working adult, I'm expected to be into watching sports in order to fit in. This is the very first social site that I don't feel embarrassed to be myself. I can talk about games, post funny gifs, and even make a few friends.
Now, I can kind of relate to my bro who loves to read reddit. This is kind of like that for me. I love when I can giveaway games that I love to people who will play them on Playing Appreciated. I enjoy writing to the gift creator when I've beaten their giveaway and share what I loved about their game. I'm a lot more careful now on entering for games that I know I'm going to have a tough time to beat or complete.
I also do a lot outside of SG, besides work. I'm nutritionist hobbyist, calisthenics newbie, Toastmaster officer, and workout buddy :D.
I ride the bus for 5 hours a day to and from work, so I have a lot of time to read SG forums/news or nap. Either way it feels productive ;)
I say take a break and find other hobbies.
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Not enough time to spend with family.
Not enough time to make some repairs.
Not enough time to play games.
Not enough time to sleep.
Cutting time on SG is not sufficient. I feel like my job is a waste of time xD
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I haven't been here long but I signed up because I'm a huge fan of lotteries, and this site is free and harmless in that regard. Just scrolling through the site to see what I can enter every morning and maybe win something once in a while is fun. The site would also be useful if I purchase a bundle that includes games I don't want, then I can give them away to someone who would be happier to have them.
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My sent and won game count is relatively low.. so for me it still is entertainment. Something to do at the side..
Mostly I see users getting bored of the site who have given away thousands of games (same as you).. I think at such a point it takes up your time so much its more or less a chore not a fun spare time killer
I will continue giving away stuff at slow rate and hopefully winning stuff, and community is great as well. this is ATM only forum I use
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If your free time is clearly segregated from the time you are busy (work, college, etc) and the only time you spend on SG is during your free time that you could be doing literally anything, then I understand where you are coming from with asking yourself what you really want to spend most of your free time.
For other people like me who use websites (like SG) when taking a break from work or sometimes when in Netflix & chill mode, the opportunity cost of being active on SG is lower than yours. I'm comparing my "break time" spent on SG to what I could spend other websites (like Reddit). This past year for me I've tended to value my SG time more than sites like Reddit. When I'm done with work and am at home, I usually tend to do less web browsing and focus more on either gaming or Netflix & chill - When I do the latter I'll get some SG time in too. There was a time when I was first getting into SG where I was doing far more on SG than I was gaming, but that's not as common for me today unless maybe I'm creating group announcements or something.
So I hope you enjoy a break, whatever that looks like for you.
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honestly for me on SG, it's just something for me to quickly do every day. Filter out games I don't want, quickly spend all my points, maybe put up a giveaway or two. It feels like a quick check of facebook for me in the morning. I find it relaxing and fun, sometimes I get a game out of it, many times I don't, and that's ok. I'm pretty disconnected with my points and entries at this point. I enter what interests me and maybe i'll get to play it, neato speedo.
Though to anyone concerned that I won't play the games I win
I will, I don't go through so much effort to filter out games just to win stuff i'm not even interested in. I just take time to get around to it. So many games to play these days.
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Bump for the last remaining hours for the GAs.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and/or taking part on the poll. I appreciate also the given advices from you!
I already stopped my puzzle thread, but because of upcoming Halloween, I didn't wanted to stop share GAs for some groups, so I was kinda still active the last weeks (I noticed that creating that "puzzle" content consumed a big chunk of the time). I am so far undecided, I consider a break for a couple of weeks (like some adviced here), just to see how a life without sg might feel :D
PS: I did and do not to intend to reply to every answer (although I read every one of them and appreciate them). The reason is, that I didn't want to start a discussion, just wanted to see what your thoughts and personal views are. Also, it would have unnecessary bumped the topic up and might created a distraction of it's own to you and others.
Plus an additional GA: 🎃 (no lvl restriction, ends on 31st October)
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519 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FatG
After I did finish my thesis earlier this week, I am considering to leave SG or at least cut the time drastically on SG.
I already rarely touch my steam account to actually play games (well I still play my adventure games from time to time :) ). Also I rather create things then play most of the games I own and creating GAs seems like such a waste of time sometimes, as well. if I would combine the time, I already could have written a small book. Sure not a good book, probably a really bad book, a book nobody would even use to even their coffee table, but still a book with a full story. If I take 3mins. to make one GA, it would be like over 116 hours by now. (Okay I don't need 3 mins. but consider also the time to enter GAs on the site)
In the past I also saw some people leave, unhappy with SG rules or moderation (which I don't see here as a problem, in my opinion the mods doing a great job, I never had any troubles with them, quite the opposite. If there was an incident, it usually was my fault in the first place). But some also left, because of lack of time, and some vanished into thin air, never heard again from them.
On the other side this site has great people in it. Just take Grez's Dungeon it is absolute amazing and behind any normal user commitment you would expect for a site and community like sg, if you are an outsider or not used to read the discussions here, this would be behind your imagination.
So am still undecided, I think I will not make a hard break with SG. I think I will in any case still share my leftover games for example in You're not alone-Thread (selflessly moderated by Mully) or posting GAs in my own groups (as a monthly thing).
Some GAs (lvl+1, ending on 30th October) for reading, maybe sharing your thoughts and of course entering before blacklisting me:
15 copies FoxyLand
15 copies Mountain
10 copies Love is Dead
Edit: 30th October:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and/or taking part on the poll. I appreciate also the given advices from you!
I already stopped my puzzle thread, but because of upcoming Halloween, I didn't wanted to stop share GAs for some groups, so I was kinda still active the last weeks (I noticed that creating that "puzzle" content consumed a big chunk of the time). I am so far undecided, I consider a break for a couple of weeks (like some adviced here), just to see how a life without sg might feel :D
PS: I did and do not to intend to reply to every answer (although I read every one of them and appreciate them). The reason is, that I didn't want to start a discussion, just wanted to see what your thoughts and personal views are. Also, it would have unnecessary bumped the topic up and might created a distraction of it's own to you and others.
Plus an additional GA: 🎃 (no lvl restriction, ends on 31st October)
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