Hello everyone! I just wanted to participate and contribute to all the goodness being spread around the forum. I recently discovered the site by following a rabbit hole of video game deals. But wow it has been a pleasant surprise, to say the least! So far, my experience has been that of a wholesome and friendly community which reminds me a lot of where I live. With that! I wanted to do something a little fun, related to the culture sg has and how friendly ya'll seem to be, especially with this free time I have from staying home sick this morning.

Okay! I'll keep this brief I promise! This season and I have a love/hate relationship. I'll spare the sob story but this time of year proved very difficult for me with how I grew up and wasn't until recently that I am finally able to enjoy it the way most do. I know how trying this time of year can be for those in less than ideal circumstances, whether mentally or physically. What changed my outlook, was the sincere generosity of finding good people in my life to help me make it that way. So I wanted to make this giveaway with that in mind. I would love to hear your most humbling experience related to giving or receiving something that truly impacted you due to someones' (or yourself) selfless act of kindness.

The winner will be selected randomly from valid entries by midnight tonight. (I'm PST if that helps)
If you haven't figured it out, I am giving away a copy of Undertale! I chose this title out of my keys as I personally loved this game and found it absolutely hilarious. And laughter is the best medicine or so I'm told.

Good luck to everyone and Merry Christmas!

6 years ago

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Welcome to the asylum... I meant Steamgifts and for joining the dysfunctional family here.

Well, we do try and put the 'fun' into it at least.

6 years ago

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Everyone is crazy. Some are "good crazy" and some are "bad crazy" but that's subjective right? And as long as we're having fun, who cares what normal people think!

6 years ago

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Define normal when it comes to humanity.

After all, I'm sure that Jeffery Dalhmer, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy thought what THEY were doing was normal.

At least that's what I tell people when they use the word normal to descibe humanity.

6 years ago

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Oh man ya got me pardner. Reminds me of that new Bird Box movie on Netflix.

6 years ago

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Might have to give it a try, Thanks.

6 years ago

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I am not a big fan of Undertale but I just want to wish you Get Well Soon, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! \(^_^)/

6 years ago

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Merry Christmas and thanks for the well wishes!

6 years ago

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Wi. I want my under of tales.

6 years ago

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I always feel bad about sharing kindness experiences cause it makes me feel like I'm bragging and it kind of does the opposite when it comes to selfless acts.
I can't say I remember doing anything grand this year, but I did give some surprise presents to friends for no special occasion other than knowing they wanted certain things.
Same for receiving kindness, there wasn't anything grand, but a lot of people I didn't even consider "close" surprised me by helping out unprompted when I needed it at times.
Overall I do believe it's those small things that matter in the grand scheme, more than a big "one and done" thing.

6 years ago

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I completely agree. The little things are what build character. That's why I'm not the biggest fan of people making videos doing "nice things" ....I feel like recording it with THAT selfish intent defeats the purpose.

6 years ago

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I agree with natblidas. It's the small things that count but not necessarily things you did for friends, or they for you, but things you might do for a random stranger. Always be kind to others and treat them the way that you would like to be treated yourself.

I'll tell some things below, not to brag about myself, but rather to open people's eyes to how crappy our society is. Being kind to someone shouldn't cost you a second thought. It should be something that you do without thinking. You shouldn't need the Christmas spirit around you in order to act like a decent human being all year round. I know there are lots of great people in the world, but for every good person, there are two selfish assholes.

If you're on a city bus, and you're a young and able-bodied person, get the hell up off your butt and give your seat to the elderly lady or gentleman, or pregnant lady that needs it more than you. That's something I've always done. Now that I have an injury, I can't and I see the selfishness of others that I never noticed before since I was the one getting up. They pretend to look at their phones to avoid eye contact with the person that they don't want to give the seat up to.

There is one thing I do recall especially, and not because I was kind to someone. I was kind to her, but I was actually more appalled by how people looked down on me for it. There was this blind old lady walking down the street with her guide dog when I was on my way back to work from lunch. She was calling out "Excuse me, excuse me." Her clothes were dirty, so people were ignoring her. She wasn't homeless or begging, she just couldn't see is all. Wonder how good they'd look if they were blind. I stopped and asked "Are you okay?" I saw this lady many times before in fact. She explained that her dog was new and that he/she was trying to go to the bus stops while she wanted to get to a particular store. I said "I'm walking that way, would you like to walk with me?" She grabbed onto my arm and walked with me. People were giving me really horrible/disgusted looks. This was on the city main street. When I got to the shop, I asked her if she would be okay, and she said yes, she could feel the wall and knew where she was. That wasn't an amazing thing to do, it was a human thing to do. Why did no one else stop to help her? I was late back to work, but I just told the other girls what happened. They were appalled when I told them about the looks I was getting. Any one of them would have done the same thing I did, and I know they would have.

So yeah, I think that people should just do small human things every day for others. It doesn't take much to be a decent human being.

6 years ago

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Too true! I moved from Philly to Northwest Arkansas and the difference is night and day. People are communal and very friendly here as opposed to people up north in Philly. I regularly witness acts of kindness here and even if I'm not involved, it is good for the soul. It's not about the hustle mentality where you face forward and mind your business like I was raised in the city.

6 years ago

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Yeah, that's exactly it. It worked the opposite way around for me. I was raised in a small town with less than 10k population. People are nice there, most of the time lol. If you needed help, they wouldn't just ignore you. Then I went to work in the capital...

6 years ago

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Winner selected! Merry Christmas all!!

6 years ago

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Short and simple 😊
6 years ago around this time I was roaming in my neighborhood when I hear a small puppy, wet with sewer water, and clearly malnutritioned. We had no pet at home. My mom clearly got really angry when I brought him home but melted when I cleaned the lil kid and fed him and she saw her starry eyed. Since then that girl has grown into a healthy and strong dog and is integral part of our lives.
https://ibb.co/f1V9PsY (image)
(not sure how to paste the picture here so I am linking a website, will appreciate if someone can guide me)

6 years ago*

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When you see your img. Right Click, Select View img. Most of the time you'll see a .gif, jpg, png which are basically image extensions. Make sure you have a link ending with an image extension so the SG image format will recognize it. then type
"![Image Name](Image URL with image extension)" = "![](https://i.ibb.co/3r5vLny/IMG-20180831-060526-718.jpg)". More formatting info for forum on the top under Help.

A lovely story you have and Merry Christmas to you and your family, also that special pup Genie. <3 :)

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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Thank you so much for this. I'll forever remember you every time I attach an image. Xd A very merry Christmas to you and your family as well 😊😊
Ill go ahead and try it here itself once

View attached image.
6 years ago

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You are very welcomed, it took me awhile to understand how images work here too. I understand the pain so I am just returning the help to others here. :) <3

View attached image.
6 years ago

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You are a good man. 🙂

6 years ago

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Sometimes it gets tough, but you made it to the end of the year and I hope you will have many more of years to come (good years)

6 years ago

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