I think I am ill...I am just buying games on a sale and I know, that I have so many unfinished games, that I also want to play.
It is because, they are so cheap and I can't ressist to it.
Now there will be Black friday and also Christmass sale on Steam, and I know for sure, that I will buy some more games :-/

Do you have the same problem as me?

8 years ago

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View Results
I'm buying games and then play them (nearly no backlog)
I have big backlog of games and rarely buy new games.
I have big backlog of games and still buying games.

Trust me, you aren't hoarding

8 years ago

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I have also PS3 and PS4 with around 200 games.
but wow, you have really big collection of games

8 years ago

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Some people have more, but as with you that's just my steam collection.

8 years ago

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How's Skyrim SE compaired to the old one?

8 years ago

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Well, some graphic improvements and 64bit support which will be interesting for modding. Speaking of mods, there are still tons missing which still need converting, but community is working pretty fast on that one and at least a thousand mods are already available, some even with improvements as people getting motivated in light of the SE.

Personally i wouldn't buy it now. The few changes aren't worth the price and unless you got it for free, because you owned the old version + all DLC i would wait at least for a 50% discount which will come soon enough.

8 years ago

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Yeah I only bought the DLC's for the 64 bit thing mostly modding you know. I was wondering if there was anything significant different?

8 years ago

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No, the central reason for its release is not the 64-bit PC support but to have it on 8th generation consoles, because manufacturers are so desperate that they are asking for old games to finally sell a few of the damned things. Plus it had the same engine as Fallout 4, so Bethesda was most likely eager to jump on the occasion to introduce their mod content system for Skyrim as well on consoles, where people are more used to pay for these things eventually.

8 years ago

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I was talking about me, I bought it for 64 BIT and I'm wondering if there was anything significant different? Or just 64 BIT and some better graphics.

8 years ago

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No, it was just a recompile on the new engine version. Most mods apparently need the same to function as well.

8 years ago

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The only things different that I'm thankful for are the new lighting (although at times it takes away from the cold feeling of the region), and rain occlusion, because I like using lots of immersive mods and outdoor house mods, so rain clipping through stuff bugs the hell out of me. Other then that, it's still just Skyrim with worse performance (for me at least).

8 years ago

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For PC users there's minimal differences. The graphical updates are a bit of a mixed bag, some areas look more defined in terms of colour but some areas are brightened so much as to be washed out. The primary"selling" point for this version is the 64-bit support which will allow for more mods and better performance from them.

I'm just playing through for achievements but I'll come back to it later when more mods have been ported over and try it again.

8 years ago

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Brightened, as in brightness? Or as in more "bloom?" I can't stand excessive bloom...but devs seem to love it. Maybe it will be a fad.

8 years ago

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As in more bloom, but like I said though it's not an issue across the whole game but only in certain areas and won't be an issue at all down the line with ENBs and such.

At the moment is pretty much a case of waiting for an updated version of SKSE. Once we get that which version to use will depend on whether the mods you want have been converted. If they have SE will be the better choice but if there's any mods you find essential missing then sticking to vanilla would be the way to go.

Either way I wouldn't recommend buying it for anyone who already owns the game but missed the upgrade. They should just grab the DLC.

8 years ago

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I haven't actually played the game yet (except the opening sequence while farming cards), but if I do ever play, it will be the SE because I can disable achievements by loading a mod. I hope some mods get rid of the extra bloom. Thanks for the reply.

8 years ago

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Yeah I only bought the DLC's for the 64 bit thing mostly modding you know. I was wondering if there was anything significant different?

8 years ago

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The graphical features (such as god rays and depth of field) and the 64-bit support are the only new features. The textures are the same as those in the HD texture pack available for vanilla. Obviously the 64-bit support will allow for more/larger mods.

However until an updated SKSE is released mod functionality is limited and any that used SkyUI/MCM will require workarounds in the form of books/NPCs for configuration.

8 years ago

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Graphics is a bit better, but not much noticeable.
The biggest problem I see here, is that you can not use your save files from the previous version of Skyrim :-(

8 years ago

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I heard there is a way to do this here is a guide but i don't know if it works

8 years ago

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Thank you, now I have tested it, and it is working ! :-)

8 years ago

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580 games

even Bot has more games

8 years ago

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In short, yes.

In more detail... yes but I'm working on it :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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That's an awesome library!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That is... wow.

8 years ago

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Lvl 10,748... o.O wow indeed

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That makes me feel so much better about my (relative) restraint in buying games. 😎

8 years ago

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soon hitting 3600, i have a problem here

8 years ago

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Look at my account and feel better man.

8 years ago

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you're doing it wrong.
you need to buy all the bundles available, give them away, then enter everything to +1 and idle cards. <3

that's how sg works! ^^

8 years ago

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I think it's a common problem for Steam users in general as games have never been cheaper (if you exclude those games for 60 with microtransactions). And at the same time with the dawn of digital copies, loads of people lost interest in physical medium, which makes collecting physical games easier for other people as they get cheaper.

You are definetely not alone and as someone afflicted like you, i can confirm it's unhealthy and i am already stopping myself at least once a week to buy new stuff, i have for the most part restricted myself to bundles, skipping most steam sales and probably most importantly, stopping myself from buying used physical games that i am not sure of that i will play them to 100%.

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8 years ago

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I think it's a common problem for Steam users in general

Not really. Only a very small percentage of Steam users has more then 100 games on the account (I think it was like 1%, not sure anymore). But it is definitly a "problem" for a lot of (active) people here...

8 years ago

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You sure about that? I've seen many alts and farming accounts with over 100 games, you would assume that an account that's actually used and over a year old tends to be over our at least near the three digit mark.

8 years ago

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Sure, but that's only for active users. There are a lot of people that only have a couple of games on their account. I read somewhere that the average amount of games owned on an account is around 10. And this article shows that 1% of the steam users own 33% of the steam games. It also contains the following:

the average amount of games that a DOTA 2 player owns is 12, while CS:GO players only doing marginally better with 40.

According to steamspy, 87.5 million accounts own Dota 2. So I think it's safe to say that only a very small amount of the steam accounts actually has over 100 games. It just looks more because those are the people you come across and interact with.

8 years ago

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Makes sense, I don't play Dota so I never interact with that crowd. Actually most of the people in my friends list come from steamgifts, steamtrades, group buys and a few from real life.

8 years ago

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Yeah, same for me. When I first heard it was only so little I was surprised as well. But considering the insane amount of steam accounts, it actually makes sense.

8 years ago

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1% seems really low and on the keyword active... i would be interested to see if they excluded inactive accounts, like say, people who haven't logged in for half a year, a year or so. I feel like numbers of steam accounts may be as generously counted as MMOs like to do.

8 years ago

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I guess it's including inactive accounts. So the number of active accounts would indeed be different, but still really low. There are a lot of people that only use steam for a couple (or even only one) of games or that simply don't have the money to buy more. People with a lot of games are still pretty rare, but to those people it seems normal, because it's those people that you interact with and come across all the time. The people that are only playing Dota or CS:GO will not really cross paths with someone that plays hundred different games.

8 years ago

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welcome in hell :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It only gets worse and worse.. :x

8 years ago

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Worse is overrated! ^^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Lmao!! No need to write it big big letters!!! xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Haha, ah ok, I see^^' Well, you place \ infront of it to cancel the format! *hugs* ;)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Haha! For sure! ^_^

8 years ago

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Well, that is some serious addiction right there.

8 years ago

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Casual addiction!! xP

8 years ago

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Well, okay, true.
But you are 35 games away from the bundle list here. Once you overtake Shobo's little list, then you will be officially seriously addicted to Steam game hoarding. :P

8 years ago

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Omg. :| Nuuuuuuuu!! All liessssssss!

8 years ago

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Maybe it started innocently, but now...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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hides every scissor-like object in Mille's vicinity

8 years ago

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You have a few more then me but not by much. We are both far below many players. I only buy or enter for those I do intend to play. But I'm not actually doing much playing. under 4 hours in the last 2 weeks. I've spent more time than that just doing jigsaw puzzles here to enter more giveaways. AND I'm not a big fan of them. lol.

I have a hard time passing up something that is both something I want and is cheap.

8 years ago

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I hear some compensate by buying 333400 10 cent bundled games to level up lightning fast 10 times in a row on SG!

Of course if their level drops several times they just gift a few extra 10 cent bundled games so they can remain über cheaply in the leeching zone! ^^

That's the cheap SG way for some! :3

8 years ago*

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No, should there be a problem?

8 years ago

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very close to 3000 games on steam. The hoarding is real. At least I got them all for free. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's impressive...couldn't help but take a peek. There are a number of games with less than an hour of gametime. How are you defining "backlog?"
Or maybe you played/finished them offline?
Not judging or attacking, just curious.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the reply. I checked out your BALEO profile (hope you don't mind the stalking!) and it makes more sense. I think I'll add some kind of "played/will play outside of Steam" category. I have a number of games on GOG or DRM-free that I would play instead of the Steam version. In fact, I wish I could add games to my BALEO list that I only have on GOG. I also wish I could add a game to more than one custom group. So many demands! :p
I definitely agree with not playing (let alone completing) a game I'm not really enjoying. Too much backlog and too little time for that. Sadly, I've come to that point with a couple of my SG wins, which I feel badly about.

8 years ago

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I have lots of games but am not spending much. I'm doing something the good way, whatever it is.
Maybe it's leeching though.

8 years ago

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This goes in periods for me and usually the story is that Steam Store sends email about something on wishlist being on sale, and those games ends up in my Steam Gift Inventory and may with time be added to Game Inventory or Traded away if no longer in the feels. When I feel like playing something new I look in my own Gift Inventory first, rather than in Stores, was my point. I also have Humble Monthly that with rare occasions includes games in my flavour but most of the time stays forgotten in my Humble Account. Combo of mentioned and non-mentioned things made me register at Steamgifts/Steamtrades. I am not hoarding or collect games.

8 years ago

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I'm a hoarder but the sad thing is that a lot of the stuff I've bought is either too hard, absolute shit(quality wise), too difficult, unable to run it, or just plain boring/interesting.

I'll admit this includes games I've won in giveaways but sadly you don't know if you'll like a game until you try it. Especially true with giveaways that consist of games that are indie or shudder BAD CASH GRABS.

I've still got a ton of games to play, too. In the last year, I've started to feel apathetic to the thought of playing video games.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Same here...

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8 years ago

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Steam library is slowly nearing 90% finished. :3
(GOG one is… around 20%. ^^")

8 years ago

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Too many bundle sites don't help me :(
SG as well.

Backlog is growing...

8 years ago

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I am not hoarding. Having more than 4000 unplayed/unfinished games is just my retirement plan. I will eventually have time to play them all!! :D

8 years ago

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