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He gets the games from the developers, he is not one of them AFAIK.
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Which is why a lot of people, myself included, really frown upon them being known as developer giveaways. Not implying anything about deumas here but speaking in general, another issue is that people worry about how these games were acquired: were they given for the express purpose of the gifter being a middleman, or did they beg for free games? There's been more than one incident where it has been the latter.
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It did say it in the past and that featured giveaway tag was a compromise cg and myself came to over our differing views on the subject. I still feel like more could be done to stop abuse, but I'm content for now, especially as the highest cap for contributor giveaways is $2000 right now.
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"There's been more than one incident where it has been the latter." How do you know? :o
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What Crocross said, but I actually knew of at least two before I was a mod and even before developer giveaways were even a thing.
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That sentence was scrambled to hell, but I'm going to assume you're asking my gender? Most think I'm a he.
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He's not a dev. He begs devs for free keys to giveaway here.
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My views. It's been discussed a couple of times between the mods, but the status quo was upheld for now.
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It's been a while, but I believe the decision ended up being that they are bringing something to the site and (as long as they don't beg for the games), that is worth the contributor points, especially with the $2000 cap for contributor giveaways right now.
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I agree. The thing about dev giveaways is they didn't pay a cent for the games. Yes it's nice of them but they got all of them for free....
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And they gave them away rather than sell them. Sure, its to make more people want them, but it isn't like they couldn't have just sold the games.
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Yeah agreed.
There too many game available. Some are f2p and some are p2p. Too many competition and I bet devs need community to play them instead of wasting them. So that we(gamers) recommend to our friends, making the game more popular. Im speaking of unfamous new game though.
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If it weren't for his begging devs for keys, he'd only have bundle crap and free stuff given away.
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So? For about $50 or so dollars people can have about $500 contributor value. All but a few of the giveaways were under $150 contributor value. People are way too concerned about stuff like this. No one complained when he was handing out games. Also if getting keys from devs for free was so easy then someone go out and do it. Still sounds like sore losing from my stand point.
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Just because you work hard to scam doesn't make it any less of a scam or more justified, thats just my view though.
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I don't see it as scamming. It takes skill and salesmanship to work out bug deals like this. It is no different than taking someone out to lunch in order to close a multi-million dollar deal. I think he should have more tact, but I don't think he is to solely to blame.
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Good scams do take skill also you realize right? Many salesmen are scammers in all actuality.
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Then everything can be considered a scam. I agree that all salespeople could be considered scammers. However, all of our buying habits were influenced by someone convincing us that we are making the right choice for their own personal gain.
Edit* I am a saleperson by trade and agree that most sale pitches can fall into the scam category.
Another Edit* I view myself as a public servant giving people what they want and truly need. =p
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I guess it comes down to perspective.
I still see this as a scam in a way but it can be argued, I just don't see his wins as fair.
Anything can be argued, for example, what's good for one could be seen as evil to another.
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Very true. I agree that this isn't fair in a way, but I also don't believe this post was meant for the greater good. Everyone has an angle, and for someone who has been here as long as the OP it seems more like a witch hunt. They know and knew better than to call a user out.
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Not that I care to get involved but he has a win every week or so as it seems so posting 6 days after a giveaway or any time after it would be "too close" for you..
I don't know but there's no way of telling whether it was due to a certain giveaway or not.
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Yes he "brought" 28k worth of games into the site but he didn't "buy" the games like every other user that joins giveaways/creates giveaways does, I'd bet money that he didn't spend a dime on any of the contributor value that he has. That's the point that the OP and a lot of other people in this thread are stressing.
I could have sworn that there was a rule that developers couldn't enter giveaways (JadeFalcon has pointed out that Deumas isn't in fact a dev but just someone who "gets" keys from devs to give away [how he gets them is debatable]) so this user is gaining incredible contributor value while not actually earning it like the rest of us have to.
In the few months that I've been here I don't think I've seen one single other account that's done "dev" giveaways join a giveaway, be it group, private, public or contributor. What makes Deumas so special that he/she is allowed to do it?
I think everyone would like some clarification on whether or not users who are associated with "dev" giveaways are in fact allowed to use their "dev giveaway" contributor value to join regular giveaways.
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I'm not going to name names, but there is one other account that has made (beta) dev giveaways and won several very high contributor level giveaways. For some reason, though, after the win, support said that he is not allowed to enter giveaways anymore (and to report him if we see anymore entries). Yet they say nothing about Deumas.
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I think that's the cue for the users of Steamgifts to do something about this then, rules aren't selective, if they apply to one account they apply to all others.
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Yes, begging for keys from devs to give away here is so much better than giving away tons of exploited keys.
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Sure, he can help developers but can't receive contributor points for this... he didn't paid anything and didn't create the game...
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Yeah, the devs are totally just like "oh! Let's find someone random on this steamgifts website and give him all our keys to giveaway! This Deumas guy looks legit, let's give him a bunch of keys!"
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I don't think he should have this contributor points. Featured and developer giveaways shouldn't count contributor points.
mabako got suspended because he asked for a reroll when deumas won his giveaway with this "fake" contributor points, it isn't fair... he should get unsuspended.
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worth the suspension. If he won a high contributor giveaway of mine, you can bet I would not give the game to him
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I wouldn't deliver the game too, why should I give game to someone that don't have actual contributor points.
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Agree fully. I made a thread about this as well 2 weeks ago
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Its people like the ones above me that have dragged this site down into the cesspool that it has become.
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Who the hell do you think you're? STFU bro, I owe nothing to you, you're nothing to me...
Every thread I see you posting you try to humiliate people. Oh boy he have 2k contributor points but wait...
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mh...for someone that was asking with at least 2 different accounts if he could join my group you are quite pissed now. Besides I didnt bring up my contributor value,you did that. Projecting something...?
oh and by your own logic: Deumas owes nothing to you and you are nothing to him,so STFU bro,who the hell do you think you are?
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Umm... That's kind of rich, actually, coming from you. DonVino's right. Also, see my post below.
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With fake contributor I meant games he just got for free from developers...
If get keys from developers is allowed so Metro 2033, Hitman Sniper Challenge and some other games shouldn't be exploited...
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A different video, equally unrelated. Much funnier though ;)
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That's ridiculous, sorry. Do you know how much time, and effort, it costs contacting devs, convincing them to give out some free promotional copies, maintain good contacts with them, and manage all these giveaways / key distributions for 1,000 copies of a game, 100, whatever? Like, seriously, think about it a second. I kind of see what you mean, but when someone does that much - read: "invests so much personal time" - for the gaming community (promoting games for devs, good for them, makes for more and better, more innovative, creative games from the smaller devs), steamgifts community (giveaways for you and me), don't you think it's kind of fair he can enter high contrib giveaways? Seeing as how, they're for rewarding people that in some way contribute?
.. looks at your profile
Thought so.
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Agree with my formatting choices or not, I used them for visual effect and to add an extra layer of communication to the message, so pretty resourceful and well reasoned use of that formatting, actually. Not a case of e-peening, like you suggest. Like, - funnily enough - well, you just did with your post.
Anyway, like I was saying - agree or not with the formatting, it's a superficial thing anyway. Try commenting on the message, the actual content, instead. Makes you sound smart.
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Your argument was a personal attack on someone for their supposed attitude problem, like, funnily enough - well, you just did with me. My tongue-in-cheek point is that a well-reasoned argument need not rely on cheap tricks to gain legitimacy.
As to a factual comment, posted one an hour ago.
Tucks e-peen away ;)
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So he shouldn't get anything for convincing devs to give him games for the site to giveaway to you people jesus you guys are all selfish I remember why I hate this place as of recently.
You know he could just be selling those games or keeping them for himself but no he gives them away to others why are there so many un-greatful jackasses on this site now.
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In general, I think SG is a good avenue for developers to give their games some publicity. A developer giveaway generates a lot of goodwill toward that particular developer. It should be common sense to not squander that goodwill by generating controversy among the community you have just used resources to win over. In the case of deumas, the developer would have no control over his actions, so it seems a somewhat naive move in hindsight. Developers should have developer accounts, and fully reap the benefits of their promotions. Warranted or not, the controversy is there. That makes it bad publicity.
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I'm pretty sure that he can't go around selling the games. I don't think there would be a dev who would just give away the xxxx amount of copies to someone for their personal want of making money.
I mean, I get what you're saying but I highly doubt the option where he just sells the games is on the table. However he got the keys it was clearly for giving away purposes not selling them himself.
That's my thought on it at the least.
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that again? Don't overestimate the value of contributor...2k is the max needed to enter everything,with 500 you can enter 99,9%. Also,instead of complaining,try something similiar. Those are legit copies he got from the devs. besides...most guys complaining here are either bundlers or gave away something they got for free lol.
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Always the bundlers, people PURELY trying to "win sgifts", basically, who just see contrib. value as a stat you battle to get higher with the best available strategy, as cheaply as possible, for more free shit, who complain the loudest about stuff like this, and have the greatest lack of empathy / (used google trans) Einfühlungsvermögen. See my other, slightly bigger (literally :P) post on here. Only got 3 other posts here.
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I'm surprised that you have opened a thread like this, you should know very well that posting the name of another user always ends with the thread gets locked.
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I think a mod should shut this thread down . . . If you look at the giveaways won then there's no reason to comp. . I think if he's giving dev' giveaways under his own account he should be honest and make a dev accn't but that not here or there. This thread is calling out someone who's won 1 1$ giveaway that was 2k cont value. . . Meh. Calling out a gifter is crazy, exp when they've given more then they've taken. . .
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If you read the thread you'll notice that a moderator has actually posted in this thread at least twice.
So at least one moderator knows of this thread and they've decided to leave it open.
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