I have the season pass myself and I am pretty sure I don't have it.
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GOTY ≠ Complete Edition
And Season Pass is option to get some of DLC cheaper in bundle.
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A season pass ensures that the users pay for stuff in advance.
This means you get the money early and then need to put in less effort into the actual content (because hey, paid in advance!)
...oh, you meant for players?
There is no point at all.
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Usually a season pass will make it cheaper for the players to buy stuff, if they are not the wait till its cheaper and even then if the season pass is on sale for the same percentage off as everything else it would still save the user money buying the season pass.
I read somewhere that the makers of Borderlands 2 are listening to the players and that the season pass for borderlands the pre-sequel will actually include any and ALL DLC that they release for it. There is going to be at least 4 addon packs like the ones for Borderlands 1 and 2 along with at least 1 or 2 character packs. I believe this also means that any level increases will also be included with a season pass.
That is if what I have heard is true about the season pass for the pre-sequel. This is also how I believe all season passes should work, you should get all DLC released no matter what it is.
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The idea of cost a season pass isn't bad at all. You're getting a lot of DLC (depending on the game) for a cheaper price. You tend to save $5 or even the cost of 1 DLC piece. The only issue with it is the fact that they tend to sell them before the game is even out. DLC is normally made after a game is released, so getting money in advance means that the dev team will most likely be putting in a lot less effort. There's a difference when pre-ordering a game. By time you're allowed to pre-order a game it's too late for the dev team to make any major changes to the game. Sure they can add a few small features or tweak a few things, but you can't add in a whole new mechanic in 2 months or less. I don't mind season passes, but only if they're sold either after all the DLC is released or after the first DLC is released. A good example of this is the Borderlands 2 season pass. Not all the DLC included in it was really that good.
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Yeah you're right. Just a few months ago Season Pass = every DLC released for the game. Money bullshit, that's what it is.
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That's cool. But SE 3 had a release-day DLC, so yeah...
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People! Stop complaining about Borderlands 2! The game released in 2012, got a pre-announced pack of DLC-s (4 Story DLC + 2 classes + UVHUP 1). The only thing, which was bad to release standalone was UVHUP 2, and then a GOTY Edition idea came up. The GOTY got released too, and after 2-3 months, the team announced the Headhunter Packs. The only bad thing about them is price/value ratio. Complain about Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. They couldn't release it as a DLC, but as a new game. Okay this gets pretty OFF topic, so turn back ON:
Season Passes are good things, if you want to buy the game's DLC-s for a reduced price. Most Season Passes contain all DLC-s for a game, but some of them not. And there is a new trend, so Season Pass owners can play the DLC-s 1 week before regular people. Anyway if you want to buy ALL DLC-s for a game, it's a good choice, but if not, then pass. (idk have you noticed, that Borderlands 1's all 4 DLC costs 37 EUR/USD/GBP, but the GOTY Edition [which contains Borderlands base game too] costs 30 EUR :D)
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ive got base borderlands 2 and yknow what season pass/goty not being complete has done for me ?, made me put of buying any dlc till pre sequel or possibly 3 are out, i play base game randomly so i dont complete it and actually want the dlc to play, ive got civ 5 and most dlc but wont buy new civ till 6 is out, 2k are managing to make me not remotely want a game till its fairly old by gaming standards so if thats their goal they made it with me
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Just buy the DLC when it's on a 80-90% sale price, simple.
I must say, though, that I have a few Season Passes and I find them to be good value, cheaper (99% of the time) than the DLCs you get in them and all in one pack so you don't have to go through the rigmarole of buying and downloading them one at a time. I do understand your point, though, which (if I'm not wrong) is that you don't get ALL the DLC, with some games, when you buy the Season Pass. To be fair, some DLCs are released months after a Season Pass is released, so they can't possibly include something in a Season Pass that they haven't yet released
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so they can't possibly include something in a Season Pass that they haven't yet released
Actually most Season Passes are out before the DLCs are.. that's exactly the point.. get the pass (normally for a discounted price over individual DLCs) and don't worry about getting the DLCs later on.. they're part of your package. There are some exceptions but most are a pre-purchase of DLCs.
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That could be it. It's rare that I buy a game right when it's first released. I tend to wait a while, see what the landscape is like, plus I'm basically dirt-poor so usually I download a copy of the game, if the game is good enough for me to play more than once, then it goes on THE LIST: Once it's on there, the next time I have the cash spare, I'll go out and buy a game off THE LIST.
Basically, I'm what society seems to enjoy calling a "pirate". But, if something; movies, games, albums, TV series, whatever...If there's ANY release I like enough to either watch, play or listen to more than once, then to me, in my mind, (and humble opinion), then they deserve the money for it. That's a personal thing. Obviously if, for example, I like Uplink, (which I do), but someone tries it and absolutely hates it, then I'm not going to turn around and say, "You downloaded it, you HAVE to buy it now", as they probably won't try it again. Myself, however, I really enjoy the game, so I went out and bought the Introversion bundle on Steam for all 4, (at the time of making the bundle), games are included; Uplink, Darwinia, Multiwinia and Defcon (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/14002/) because, to me, they deserve the money, (I had also played Defcon by the time of purchasing so knew what that was like, too. The only game I haven't played of theirs is Darwinia/Multiwinia. They do have a new one that I haven't tried yet but it's getting rave reviews, so must be pretty good.
To make my point clearer, (I know I'm rambling a bit), over half of my CD collection wouldn't have been bought if I hadn't had downloaded the album first. It's how I discovered bands that I like. Dope, Redlight King, Breaking Benjamin, Shinedown, etc...These bands don't get ANY airtime on the radio with their songs, so if it hadn't have been for downloading, I would never even have heard of what turned out to be my favourite band, (right now, anyway), which is Shinedown.
But, here's the rub, and it's where the media gets it's information so very, very wrong, for every "pirate" there are like me, who goes out and buys what they have downloaded and liked, there are 99% that DON'T do that, which is where the media focuses, as it's the majority consensus. But, on the other hand, I would say less than 1% of Muslims want to behead us, there are Muslims living in my street, their daughter even hangs out with my daughter, but they haven't tried to hack our heads off yet. In fact, (and we really did talk about how the media portrays what has been happening), they are, and I quote, "sickened to their very core", as are MOST Muslims. You see the average Muslim over there? The one that runs the chicken shop everyone goes to after drinking hours? Yeah, do you honestly believe that he wants to cut your noggin off? No, he doesn't, yet he still gets shit for it every day from the BNP members or racists or even just pissed up imbeciles who are trying to be funny in front of their mates.
Anyway, my point of this is: That is, by a looooong margin, the MINORITY of Muslims that scream "Death to Infidels", strap on suicide vests, hijack planes and behead people, yet this is the minority that the media settles on to get their readers up in a frenzy about what has happened. Why not focus on the minority of pirates, like that? The ones who go out and buy the shit they like, that...I might add...they wouldn't have even heard of it if it wasn't for downloading their album. Some of the bands I ended up liking as my favourites were bands that I got from a tracker that had a "Similar Artists", button on it, so I clicked that and it came up with a list of bands in the same genre, very handy to have and I found a shit-ton of new bands to listen to.
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I do apologise for this post above me ^^^ That was extremely needless in length and I rabbled on like a wet old fishwife. I am sorry
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Borderlands 2 is a crock.
But, my season pass for Talisman seemed like a good deal.
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sanctum 2 season pass at 90% off was a HUGE steal - even though it did not include the last DLC britech skin pack, it's probably the most "worth it" season pass imo
wrt borderlands 2 and bioshock infinite dlc, i feel you, man - and especially since i have a compulsion to try to accumulate all the dlc of a game that i own...this practice really does make me sick pretty much all the time (except if they bundle everything or its HUGELY discounted, then i feel a lot better)
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that dlc is essential worthless, being first person you can't see your own character skin anyway.
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In general the purpose of the Season Pass is for you to save a % amount of money and the developer to get you to pay for every DLC up front, regardless of your potential interest in them or their eventual quality.
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if games like goddamn Borderlands 2 include some shit in the Pass but not ALL the shit. Same with Bioshock Infinite. Is burial at sea included in the pass?
So annoying... Never again. Will wait for GOTY ( even though even Borderlands 2 GOTY that I saw on GamersGate doesn't include everything...wtf, gobi?)
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