Yeah, wait until after release. I loved Origins, but didn't really like the 2nd one. In fact, after playing through DA2 I played through the first DA two more times, just because I wanted to remind myself of how good it was in comparison. And I rarely ever do 2nd playthroughs, especially of big RPG's like that.
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Perhaps I should get around to finally playing DA:O Ultimate Edition. I've had it on my shelf for quite a while.
I loved the Mass Effect series, and since I know Bioware reuses a lot of their game-design choices, I bet I'd like their other games as well, but I run very hot & cold when it comes to Fantasy stuff. I don't ever like something more because its Fantasy, but if something is well done, I'll like it in spite of being Fantasy.
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Yeah, wait for reviews etc. EA seems to be getting their rythm in screwing everything up. For all we know it could end up as being the death of a franchise like with Medal of Honor :D
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Yes they made 2. But they were both terrible games. They seemed to have spent more money on marketing than on development and qa.
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Well, I hope it'll be good. No, I hope it'll be great. And about DA2... compared to DA:O, it's a bit of a let down. More cons than pros imo.
The game shouldn't be called Dragon Age 2, since it's not entirely a sequel. It's more like what happens to this side of Thedas at almost the same time frame of DA:O, that's going to be a major plot for the upcoming DA:I. Since there is little of what you did in DA:O will have effect in DA2.
But, I hope that the decisions from both previous games will carry out perfectly in DA:I.
Also, you can avoid playing DA2 altogether if you want. Since DA:I will be using Dragon Age Keep system, where you can choose the decisions from previous games for DA:I.
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Dragon Age 2 was great. Compared to the first one it had some actual story and interesting better written characters. + the player character wasn't a mute anonymous doof anymore.
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I liked how I couldn't hear my character's voice in DA:O. It felt more like it was my character and not a character that they had just given me.
Also, the only character I actually liked in DA2 was Merrill. DA2 characters have nothing on Oghren.
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It would have been great if they had more time to polish it. The complaints I know of (and share) mainly stem from 1) the excessive copy-paste design and 2) the janky pacing where the first act dragged way too long and the last act was more like an extended epilogue. If they had the chance to iron that out it would have been a better game than the first. Something that actually managed to pull off a complex dark fantasy story instead of the pretentious 'Tolkein as done by an angry 15 year old' that was Origins.
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I liked Dragon Age Origins when I played it. My opinion of its has drastically cooled since then, after realizing just how formula and uninspired it actually was. Dragon Age 2 could have been a much better game. But they rushed the shit out of it and what they kicked out the door was an aborted mess. And after what they did to Mass Effect and KOTOR...
I no longer have any faith in Bioware. They used to be kings of the western RPG. They no longer deserve that title, nor our preorders, no matter how much money EA pumps into the hype machine. I reckon that Inquisition will last in the public conciousness for maybe a few months at most, and then be swept away with the rest of EA's overmarketed detritus once Witcher 3 comes out.
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I can relate to you, this is no longer the BioWare we used to love, it's a "division of EA" now and their latest games are lacking. Not sure if you are thinking the same, but I feel that CD Projekt is the new top PC RPG developer.
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It's looking like it's following the Mass (D)Effect series.
Dragon Age 1- Phenominal. Dragon Age 2, awful piece of crap. Dragon Age 3- looking to be real bad too.
Mass Effect 1- Awesome. Mass Effect 2- steaming piece of crap. Mass Effect 3- Awful, unfinished and should have never been released..... EVER.
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Action fans prefer "dumb bang, bang" of ME2, where nothing (including skills) really mattered as long as you knew how to aim.
RPG fans prefer ME1, where you need to decide what teammates to take and which skills to level up and which weapons to use.
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See, and I thought ME1 was great only for the story. I thought the skill-tree was interesting, but the combat was boring as fuck. I loved ME2, best of the series for me. ME3 was a great way to end the series, although I thought the ending was off. It made me feel like all of the choices I made before that were completely and utterly pointless, which just put me off. I still liked it, though.
That being said, I also really enjoyed Dragon Age 2, though not as much as DA1.
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I'm pretty sure you have to finish Dragon Age 2 first. It's actually prequel to DA:I about mages and why did they start their riot. Gameplay of it isn't so great as DA:O but it's bearable, you just need to get into story (which is awesome) and you won't really care about too fast animation and easy tactics. The only thing I really hate about DA2 is new style of darkspawn. DA:I looks a bit like DA2 + The Witcher but according to Bioware it'll be more like DA:O with huge open world and sandbox features.
ps I did pre-order when saw my little Morri on screenshot and don't really care about anything else since then.
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It'll probably be awesome and uncomplete.Pirate it, don't let shitheads in EA grab your money.They'll release half of the game again, release the rest with DLC'S ...
Remember what EA said last month; "We want to make $1 billion from DLC's in 2015".
Fuck you too EA.I hope y'all drown in your money pool.
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I'm also a DA:O lover. I bought DA2 and was disgusted by it: an action game with quite no more RPG side, the tactical fights replaced by ennemy waves magically coming from the roof, and poor level design (often the same map with a few ways opened or closed).
Fearing DA3 will be another EA money thing called a game, I'd not encourage anyone to buy it until, eventually, trusted people say it's good. If you meet such people, ask them also what are their thought about DA:O and DA2, as there are people who enjoyed the second one and disliked the first.
Short version: I'd love a DA3 close to DA:O, but I really doubt it can come from EA.
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Sometimes you guys disgust me, jesus.
I've preordered it from Amazon because I got an extra $5 credit, and I had $60 credit anyways. I'm incredibly hyped for it.
I loved DA:O, and I also loved DA2. Granted, DA2 was not as good as DA:O, and it definitely had problems, but I still enjoyed the story, and the combat was mostly fun. DA:O was worth a good amount, and DA2 was definitely worth the 4 dollars I spent on it.
I hope Inquisition will be more like DA:O, with a great storyline, good characters, and no more waves of enemies popping up from nowhere (one of my DA2 gripes.) From what they've told us, it'll be an either or, you can go full on tactical, or more real-time rpg, which I think is a genius idea.
I have high hopes, and it just being set in the DA universe I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
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DA2 is baaaaaad...not much from real RPG,which was DA1...
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So I just saw a couple minutes gameplay of it on Youtube ... if I didn't know it was DA:I footage I would have thought it would be the next asian-style MMO. Doesn't look appealing to me at all, sadly :(
If you want to see for yourself, here you go
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I played the Dragon Age:Origins and what can i say, i was astonished by the game! I didn't play Dragon Age 2 but im considering buying Dragon Age Inquisition. My question is what do you guys think about it? Will they fail or it will be good? I watched some gameplays etc. but it is always good to ask some kind people^^ also what did they do with Dragon Age 2 it was good or not?
Excuse my grammar and sorry no hidden giveaways :(
Edit: Thanks for everyone for their response! <3
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