When & where should I buy a WiiU?
Thanks for a response in which you give zero reasoning but that wasn't at all what I was asking.
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Don't buy Nintendo. My last console was a Wii ... I had said I would only get one console that generation. Turns out I picked the worst one. Not a bad system and games, just always felt like a lite version when compared with the Xbox 360 and PS3.
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My bad. I changed my vote to Wait. I can't imagine it's a limited edition version that will disappear once stocks run out. Nintendo is always happy to sell more Mario games. If you can wait two months, wait. Maybe a better bundle will come out. I'm reasonably sure you have other games you can play in the meantime. :)
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They did confirm that it's not a limited supply bundle, but they also pointed out no deal lasts forever.
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WiiU has been around for a while now, no? I think Nintendo needs to keep bundling to try to attract new buyers, as the value of the system declines as it ages. Logically, I'd say it's worth the gamble to wait, but I'm also not the one bearing the risk.
Either way, sounds like you'll end up with the system in some form or another. Have fun with it.
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Point taken. There will undoubtedly be more bundles. I suppose the question will be how much I might value their content versus the content of this bundle.
Thanks for the feedback.
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And why not wait for the next console, or the next? Will the NX be available Black Friday? 6 months? A year? Should I wait until the NX has sold a volume of games that meets a certain sales standard rather than buying it or anything else because it offers something I want?
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If you end up not getting a disk version of Mario Maker you can download the idea book which is included in all the disk versions for free from Nintendo's website http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/amaj/booklet/SuperMarioMakerBooklet.pdf
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Get it. There is no telling if US sellers buy another stock or not, since that market seems to be all about buying the exact same TPS and corridor FPS over and over again on a system that didn't change anything for 18 years. So, the few they ordered may sell out before that.
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I'd either buy a used Wii U or wait for the next Nintendo console. It's been out for so long that there must be some used ones for sale for a decent price, and there's already talk of a new Nintendo console, which I am sure they will port Mario Maker to,so the longer you wait, the more I'd advice you to keep waiting.
Though then I am not sure what this "Black Friday" really is, since that holiday (?) doesn't exist here in Sweden, but if they lower the price of it to be kinda like what a used console would cost, then I'd go for it.
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It's the day after Thanksgiving.
Unfortunately I don't know how much they'll lower the cost. As I said I haven't paid attention to console pricing in some time. I have considered the Zelda edition though, and that could probably be found at a good price used.
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Bought my U for like 240€ including Zelda WW HD and there have been even better deals before and after.
I'd suggest you to wait for BF since the Mario Maker bundle isn't really a bargain, around 300€ at my place. Don't know about US prices though.
Also, I don't need all the Amiibo stuff, so I would rather buy a unbundled Wii U or a really good bundle deal with a game I would play + extra SMM. Also have seen SMM (digital code) for about 30€ compared to the cheapest retail price of ~41€.
And well, the Wii U was a really good buy in my opinion, of course it's no multiplat console with all the fancy graphics some people masturbate to. It's just a perfect addition to a PC. You really have to like all the Nintendo games though.
tl;dr: Wait for Black Friday and get either a cheaper SMM+Wii U bundle or (un)bundled Wii U + extra SMM.
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That's not a terrible deal, but if you're trying to get a great deal, you can probably get a cheaper console on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. The question is: Do you want Mario Maker and a Mario Amiibo? If you were going to buy it, even if you got a different edition of the console, then it's probably a good deal. Otherwise, I'd personally wait for a better bundle with something I want or a Black Friday/Cyber Monday special.
Unrelatedly, I think I got my Deluxe bundle (about a year ago?) for $250 just out of the blue, Target ran an ad and I failed a will save.
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Personal preference I guess... have enough to tide you over until Black Friday or would you be 'suffering' until then? Do you want to deal with Black Friday when there may or may not be a good deal with only five in stock that you have to run over thousands of other people to get, then wait in line an hour to pay for it to save $30? Or have it now, enjoy it for a couple months and not have to deal with all that.
I would add (even though you updated your post) that I disagree with the "don't buy" crowd. Plenty of fun to be had with the Wii U, the graphics are great, and in my opinion it's the only home console to own right now. Aside from recently picking up Rare Replay (which I could've lived without, had I not already owned the system) I've not used my xb1/ps4 since picking them up at launch. Most of the big games come to PC anyway, save for Nintendo and their 1st party titles.
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The Mario Maker game is really fun! It's a shame I don't have the skill to create the crazy people like other people.
For your question, you'd better off get the usual deal that's going on frequently for the Wii U, $250 - $260, gives you the same console with 2 games from ebay.
You'll save on the tax and then can buy the Mario Maker separately.
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I'd say wait a bit. The only reason to get the bundle is because of the Modern Mario amiibo (which is exclusive to that bundle in the US.) Super Mario Maker is very recent, and personally, I'd wait a bit longer for the community to develop, as it's a recent release. Save up a bit of money on Black Friday to get the game you want on the Wii U.
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Wal-Mart (bleh) has a bundle for $300 USD that includes a 32GB console, digital download of Mario Maker, plus a Mario Amiibo. They can't give me a definitive answer on whether that bundle will still be available around Black Friday but perhaps someone else will have a better deal. It's been so long since I paid attention to console pricing that I don't remember what kinds of deals they usually come up with around the holidays, but a quick price check makes this look like a very good deal already. What say ye, Steamgifters? Buy now or wait?
Edit: And naturally the first response is not to buy it at all. I knew I should've said this sooner: I'm not looking for suggestions to not buy the system, just suggestions for when and how you think I might get the best deal.
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