Imo, The Witcher 3. Haven't played Fallout 4 yet, but I've watched several hours of streams to decide if I buy now or not, and I'm not impressed.
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Haven't even played FO4 or Witcher 3 and I can already tell you it's Witcher 3. It's just that good. Also, it's Witcher. Also, it's 'CDProjekt Red'
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Oh boy! Didn't know! (Seriously, no sarcasm. I didn't know.)
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Oh, no, I knew about the "Cake Day" celebrations. I've just never been here for mine.
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Not sure if you check the general GA tabs very often, but I'm doing a relatively big WL GA
Did not know where else to put that, so sorry Robot
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And I also think its kinda unfair Skyrim on that list. Skyrim is not exactly better than Witcher 3, but is huge for its time. A very important RPG game. Even tho its not much my style cause the lack of a very good story, its impossible not to recognize that.
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I'd have to pick FO4 or The Witcher 3, but I don't know which to pick. First off, asking on day one isn't a good metric- both games still have content pending and most people haven't given Fallout 4 a fair enough shake to determine. That said, Skyrim was just plain disappointing and no where nearly as interesting to me as The Witcher 3, so I know which candidate I can eliminate.
For people who think that I'm hating on Skyrim and boo hoo Zed is having controversial opinions again, I will just say that Skyrim had a huge hype machine... and playing it, I was disappointed. The Witcher 3 had a huge hype machine... and playing it, I was impressed. Fallout 4 had a huge hype machine... and I'm only 9 hours in, so I don't want to judge it prematurely.
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I agree on that. After playing Oblivion, I was really hyped to play Skyrim, but it ended in being a bit of a disappointment. I'm currently playing through the Witcher 3 for the first time (currently have about 13 hours in it) and I'm really impressed. It's pretty good optimized and the quests are awesome! There are also not a lot of repetitive side quests (at least not yet). The quests in Skyrim on the other hand were pretty boring.
I've not yet played Fallout 4, but I'll probably start playing it tonight or tomorrow.
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witcher 3 best rpg i ever played because i actually managed to finish the entire story unlike most rpgs where i get bored halfway
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Among those 3 games, I've only played Skyrim.
I don't like Skyrim's battle mechanism. How do I put it... It just boring for me. The battle is kinda plain with running and cast magic from safe distance. Melee attack is not that powerful and slow.
I prefer battle mechanism like Shadow of Mordor or Assassin Creed where you can counter attack the enemy.
And the story is kind of confusing (for me) with so many confusing name.
For RPG, I prefer JRPG with turn based battle mechanism.
Final Fantasy VII & Legend of Legaia is the best RPG I played. Those 2 games have awesome story, music, and mini games.
As I play RPG for the story, FF VII and Legend of Legaia are the best I have played.
Too bad Legend of Legaia doesn't have PC version.
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If any other game would have many bugs on release there would be shitstorm about it. Game breaking bugs in Bethessa games (like can't walk out of elevator) - lol they're so cute, we love bugs in bethesda games! They are part of game experience :D
I don't know how game with so many bugs, engine speed tied to framerate, barely holding 30 FPS on consoles (with graphic just slightly better than in Skyrim) and having ubiquitous drops to 20 FPS (even to 0 FPS on XboX One) have reviews with 9,5/10 score.
Or wait, I know - nice marketing, lots of hype - that's devs way of releasing GOTY games :D
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Personally my all time favourite game, not just as RPG but in general is the Witcher 3, so I will say the Witcher 3 :P
I was hyped about Fallout, but then I saw the videos before release and I stopped being interested, then when it got released I watched a lot of videos and streams and kinda got disappointed. So I have decided to wait till it is really cheap or I win it to play it, But surely I will not pay full price for it.
Skyrim I loved it when it came out and still like it a lot, but it never was top RPG in my opinion, Oblivion and Morrowind are much more higher ranked to my list
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I guess I'm going against the grain here, but my favorite is definitely Skyrim. I put almost 300 hours into it, so I guess I got my money's worth and enjoyed it. Oblivion was better than Skyrim, though, and Morrowind was many times better than the later two installments.
As for the Witcher series - I could just never get into 1 or 2 for some reason, but to be fair I haven't tried 3 yet (and probably won't unless it gets a good sale). I think the reason I never really liked the Witcher is because I don't like RPGs with pre-made characters -- I prefer to make my own (appearance and all).
I'm not far into Fallout 4, and while I love it so far, I can't really say whether or not it's going to grab me as good as Skyrim did. Then again, I don't really have the time to put 300 hours into a game anymore.
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as an RPG, easy Witcher 3.
There are better RPGs out there tough.
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poor skyrim :( that was harsh you know
skyrims have feelings too :/
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All they are Action RPG not pure RPG :) best is Witcher 3 :)
Best cRPG is Planscape Torment or Baldurs Gate :)
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