I like it that the Logitech design is so similar to the PS3
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If you already have a PS3 controller and a Bluetooth USB dongle, have you tried them with the Scarlet Crush Xinput Wrapper? Games will assume you're using a 360 controller so you won't get exactly the same button prompts but apart from that it's worked well enough for me.
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Get the 360 controller. Better compatibility and build quality.
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running 2 F710s on my comp, like the layout and feel and works well for me. Bit annoying no battery indicator tho - when the batteries get low it'll keep moving in 1 direction (ie not respond) for a sec.. and you're never quite sure if its time to change the battery. Have heard from others that drop outs can be a problem.. but no issues in my set up (direct line of sight and about 5 meters from box)
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What's the point of running two at a time? Can you do local coop/split screen with the two controllers?
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some games (e.g. trine) allow local coop, so it's always nice to have a 2nd one if you actually have someone to play with ;)
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When battery gets low, the led next to "Mode" button starts blinking. It still has a bit of juice left, but it's best if you replace the batteries then.
Better yet, buy 4 rechargeable ones, have 2 in the pad and 2 fully charged. When you get a low battery warning, replace with the full batteries, and charge the empty ones. You'll probably want 8 rechargeable though, 4 per pad, unless you can be sure not both pads will have empty batteries at the same time.
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I'm going to suggest the F710 due to the ability to switch between DInput and XInput, though I doubt you'll need the DInput anymore. But if you do play some older games, being able to use the same gamepad instead of looking for a newer one is excellent.
The F710 has 2 disadvantages, first being the lack of battery indicator (though see above, the led it has starts blinking when the battery gets low) and second being that you need one receiver per gamepad, unlike the XBOX 360 which can have up to 4 gamepads per receiver. Then again, if you don't play split screen, that is irrelevant.
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I do play some old games so Dinput should be nice
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I'll suggest Xbox 360 Wireless.
I got disappointed with Logitech after my F510's (wired analog of F710) wire got broken, and then, (long after repair) one of the triggers started to live his own live (it was "pressed" while it was not).
After this I bought 360 Wireless and became the happiest person on the planet. It is much more comfortable and better assembled.
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I don't have an F710; I have an F310. The F310 works fine, but if I had to do it again, I'd go with the Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 controller just feels so much better.
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If you like the PS layout for a controller, by all means go for the F710.
I was personally looking for a controller with PS-style layout that supports xinput (as most games don't support dinput these days and I didn't want to bother with an emulator) and ended up with the F710 - got two of those since about a year now and they're working perfectly fine for me. You gotta watch out to place the receiver somewhat properly (shouldn't be an issue) in order to not get button hangs, but that's the only "nuisance" I had with them - aside from it they perfectly matched my expectations :D
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Two good controllers, but in the end, it is going to depend on your needs.
That series of logitech controllers is the most comfortable controllers I've ever tried. The D-pad is also pretty good on it, which makes it a good choice if you intend to play a lot of games where a D-pad is to prefer (like 2d patformers). I can't speak for the sticks on that particular one, as I have an older controller in that series, but it looks like they fixed one of the problems with the one I have (the shape of the area surrounding the sticks)
On the other hand, the Xbox controllers has better sticks and is a bit less fiddly to get to work properly in some modern games (more fiddly for some older ones though), and the left stick is in a better position for games that relies heavily on it. D-pad is bad though.
I for one would go for the Logitech controller, with the reasoning that for the games where the xbox controller is better, a mouse & keyboard will usually do the job just as well. But in the end, it will be up to you.
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I have F710 for 4 years and I like it more because of the location of sticks and 2 modes - x input and direct input. In first mode win7,8 auto-detects gamepad like xbox360 wireless controler and you can play supported games without any installations. In second mode you can use logitech software to manually setup gamepad buttons to play (old) games, that are not supported by 360 gamepad. So F710 is mor friendly to PC games. Also I like it soft-touch plastic and it perfectly fits in my hands.
More information: Logitech site
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My family has both. From personal experience, I say get the Logitech controller. The d-pad is much better, the two sticks are in more logical positions, it is compatible with older games, and you can program it for games that are not designed for controllers.
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The F710 satisfies my desire to keep a Playstation-style controller in my hand. I've been using it for years now. It was a pleasant surprise when Valve came out with Steam Big Screen Mode and used a picture of my controller for it. The R1 shoulder button is having springback issues, but I would expect that after so much use. Everything else is still great. I will replace my F710 with another F710 or its eventual successor someday.
If you like the XBox controllers, definitely stick with XBox. No sense rocking the boat.
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I have both. IMO the only real differences between them (aside from a slight difference in layout) is Logitech supports DXInput as well as XInput, the 360 pad only supports the latter so compatibility wise Logitech has the clear advantage. Logitech's pad also has a functional D-Pad... the 360's D-Pad is pretty much vestigal and completely worthless.
The 360's analog sticks have a slightly smaller dead zone, and is a tad smoother.
Comfort wise, I don't find either to be distinctly better. Both are vastly superior to my PS3 controller.
If you're playing exclusively games made in the last 6yrs or so, and will never need to use the D-Pad but the 360 controller IMO the very slightly better analog sticks make it the choice.
If you'll be playing any classic games get the Logitech pad for DXInput support, or if you play anything that uses the D-Pad as the 360's D-Pad is far and away the worst out there and completely unusable.
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I like the F710 a bit more.
Also if you're going to get a wireless xbox controller get one with the better d-pad. Also be sure to buy the microsoft wireless receiver which is about $12
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Both around the same price, both wireless and come with drivers, but Logitech comes with program for setting profiles. I am used to a PS3 controller layout, and the Logitech is a cross between the two. I've tried connecting my PS3 controller to the PC but it just doesn't work well enough in Bluetooth. Wondering what you guys think from experience or knowledge of these products. Thanks in advance!
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