Any news on what they'll actually add? Are they going Dropboxy?
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Your grammar skills leave much to be desired. Very much indeed.
But think carefully about this... Valve could become a monopoly for selling software. While I certainly like the idea IN PART because Valve's been good to us thus far, imagine what could happen if Valve became hideously evil... Or you don't have an internet connection and your computer becomes useless.
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He has a valid point, though. Monopoly is very rarely good for a customer. I prefer nice competition. It keeps companies at each others throats instead of customers.
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Easy answer: Because its steam
Longer answer:
Because some of us don't like the idea of having to have Steam for everything, just like some of us don't want to connect every single account into one account, to have Google connect to facebook and facebook connect to everything else.
Some of us don't like the idea of needing Steam to start up Winamp, or needing Steam to listen to the newest Album of our favorit artist. Some of us don't want to have a company dictate our lives for us. And if you don't know what i mean ask the 1,8% of Valves user Base that still had been using Windows ME, when Valve decided their Steam Program would no longer support and start up on Windows ME in 2007.
Some of us just don't like ideologies like the ones of Facebook, Google and Valve, which might seem like they are good for the customer, but in the end are basically just about selling people out and ripping them off.
But i understand the concept of Companies being interested in their own best interests first and everyone elses last and the idea that even if you get something for free its not because of altruisem of the people, but because they most likely benefit from it in one way or the other (one can even argue that people working at charities do it for themselves and not for the others), and that at the end of the day the younger generation that grows up with constant tweets about their life and pictures on facebook which show them totally sloshed (and then wondering why noone wants to hire them in 10-15 years, because neither facebook nor the internet know the meaning of the word delete), have no real concept of the idea why Privacy is something important and why you wouldn't want to have big brother watching you 24/7 and of course why you wouldn't want to have everything you are consolidated on one spot to be profiled by whoever needs a profile about you.
And you might think that sounds paranoid? Well Google is making its money by setting up Profiles, even roaming profiles which they sell to the advertising companies. Apple is making its money by locking people out.
Valve does the same. Its why Valve wants to invest into Linux, because now Windows 8 is coming to the fore and tries to lock everyone out that isn't Windows and doesn't buy over the Windows Market place, which of course makes Valve push for Linux.
Valve gave us Teamfortress to make sure we use Steam, because its easier to have everything on steam. Except that Valve gets royalities for everyone using steam to distribute their stuff.
And you might think having Steam is a good thing, because of the Sales? Well thats only as long as a good thing as long as you happen to live in those parts of the world were Steam doesn't patronize you. If you happen to life in germany, for example, well then you are screwed, because Steam even limits you from activating imported video games, which most of the german adult gamers import because they don't want the low violence version of a game. They want the same experiance as everyone else. And if you happen to life in a less fortunate country, say poland, you can end up not getting access to the game at all, because they won't sell it you. Service is not available.
Now if you happen to know about germany and youtube and about 90% of the music content of youtube being locked for germany, because of some deals with the distribution sites, could you possibly imagine why someone wouldn't want to purchase Music via Steam? Well, i give you a hint. Imagine what happens if they use the "can't activate if not sold" practice with Music as well?
And then what happens if people decide not to go Windows 8 or Linux, but remain with Windows 7 and Valve decides its time they upgrade. Basically Valve can push you into a system of their choice. They can do it today already.
They could offer their Valve OS tomorrow and say "Well guys, you have games worth 1000$ on your account, and if you want to use it, you have to install Valve OS, because next month we will stop supporting Windows, Mac and Linux"
And now imagine you don't just have your Games on Steam. Imagine you have your whole Music Collection on steam.
Maybe, just maybe, that idea would make you realize why people might not want everything they have being dictated by one company.
And all that doesn't even consider the very problem of Steams popularity making more and more games being produced as Steam only, which only forces people to use Steam, that might not even want to use Steam, because of the problem described above.
If i now imagine that there will be artists, especially those who aren't mainstream, will start to publish their songs exclusive on Steam... then i will not only be forced to use Steam for Video Games, but also for Music.
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first, yes that is paranoid, a lot. the idea of a valveOS. but, what ever...
the copanies do this all the time, is right? is wrong? fuck it, this is about money. always is about people wanting money. you should know that if you live in this planet the last 2000 years.
if tou dont like this, there are always other ways. so, it's simple, if you dont like this, dont use it.
wait for another guy that makes his program free for everybody in any plataform. or do it yourself.
the companies are here to make money, not to be kind with you. fuck, why people think that the rest of the world have to be good and kind, where the fuck they live? in this planet, everyone whats a piece of you, deal with it. if you dont like somehint, change it, make an alternative, stop using their products if you dont like their policys.
and again, you DONT have to use it, just becuase is there... someone, somewhere always makes an alternative to everything.
if you WANT something that is only in steam, or origin, or what ever, well you have to use that, deal with it. companies do that, but you are doing that because you want something, you WANT that game/program/song, etc.
and if you still with the idea of "companies are bad, because of money" well, you an pirate the whole damn thing.
yeah, their policys suck, and their are going to still sucking for thousands of years, because no-one do something about it, just complaing, and finally do nothing, so yes, this may suck, but if you want to play a game, listen a song, or read a book, you have to deal with that. yeah, it sucks.
but you actually could not playing that game, not listening that song, and not reading that book, you and the rest of us give those companies that power...
is simple, if you wnat something, buy it and acept the terms, if you dont wnat or not acept the terms, dont buy it.
fuck it, it sucks, but is the world in what we live. do something to change it, or deal with it.
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I agree, I sooo dislike having my games at steam. Should I then have music and such too!?!
I barely buy new games because most people publish them as steam only, which I don't want. I want to have a good old disc for my games, and not be forced to use this so called steam to play the game I bought.
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4 weeks ago i've asked this question , seems i was right!
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So some more stuff they can hold hostage, if they next time want to force new SSA onto us and screw us over? So now we could rent software that they could take away in an instant? Sounds fantastic, who wouldn't want to have his important software taken away in an instant if you don't agree to anything Valve wants?
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Actually, Microsoft already has achievments in one of their programs - MS Visual Studio achievments.
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I think this really sucks honestly. I go to Steam for GAMES AND GAMES ONLY! I don't wanna wade through ads for movies, electronics, or adult diapers to find my games!
Valve, if you are going to do this, SEPARATE that new crap from the games!
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Meh. I don't think it will affect me as a gamer, I'll just learn to ignore it if it had any negative effect on me.
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People, picture this, Steam will now be littered with ads for products that are NOT GAMES. Basically Valve knows we are a captive audience and are now going to force us to see other crap other than games, just to shop for games! KEEP STEAM PURE, lol!
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I support a Steam OS honestly if it runs games, so sick on Windows...
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Don't really see the point in selling software on Steam because quite a lot of paid software isn't as good as the free alternatives. I really doubt we would see "Adobe Photoshop 80% off" or stuff like that.
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Why would the developers want Valve to take a cut, if they can sell it on their site and get all the profit? I really don't think people would buy software they don't have any need for just because it's cheap. It's not like games because you might actually play the game someday, but you wouldn't use software that is completely useless to you.
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By that logic, steam shouldnt even be around after 7 years because every dev would just sell copies from their own site.
Its simple. Steams provides the back-end support + 10million customer base strapped with cash + other features. Also, 30% reduction in price = 300% more sales. So a net gain of 2.2x profit.
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I was talking about software developers not game developers (although games are also software). Would you personally buy a software, which you'd have no use for, just because it was cheap? I certainly wouldn't and I would also look for a free alternative first.
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Do you buy games for which you have no use? I don't. I buy games I think I'll enjoy. Most of the time I don't play them much or at all, but it's still a criterion for buying them. Same goes for software. I did buy software because it was cheap and I thought I might like it rather than that I had a pressing need for it.
For example I bought Poser 2 because I could get it for a student price (that was many years ago) and I thought it would be cool to play with it. Which it was, but I didn't do that much with it. Same with trueSpace 4 when it became cheap.
I bought TextMaker Office (2006, I think) for Windows Mobile because I thought it would be cool to have a real office suite on my phone and it was offered for a cheap price. And I bought QuickOffice for my Android phone just to compare it to the beta of TextMaker Office for Android (and because it was on sale).
Throw me a Paragon Partition Manager or PowerDVD Pro at 75% off and there's a good chance I'd buy them, something I won't do at full price (or half price).
Sure I'm looking for free alternatives, and I have them, but I can certainly see myself paying $10 or $20 for the extra convenience of commercial versions.
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Each to their own I suppose. I've never bought any software in my life and probably never will as I find the freeware/open source alternatives to be just as good or even better than the commercial software available. Only software I could probably buy would be Sandboxie, but I don't have that much use for it so I won't. If it was 75% off, then maybe, but I wouldn't want to have it on Steam.
AlternativeTo is a good site for finding alternatives for software, freeware or commercial.
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I also sometimes donate something to free software that I use a lot, like Irfanview or IZArc.
But yes, the more time passes, the more alternatives there are, and if you don't need the specific things that commercial software offers then you can save the money. Partition Wizard has certainly grown to be a pretty robust product. I still think commercial alternatives have benefits, but not enough to warrant paying $40 for them.
I think it's interesting though that people are willing to go through a lot of hoops to achieve something that a commercial piece of software can achieve with less hassle. I see this on myself. I can spend hundreds of dollars over time on hardware or games, but I will still avoid buying software that I know is better than the alternatives I have.
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Lol. Gaben hates Win8 because it will require every software to be boughtable thought their AppStore, so they make every software to be SteamWorks :)
Who could have thought Valve in few weeks will make enough moves that would make any other publisher become worse then EA and Activision and Ubisoft merged together (in case you didn't heard - if you didn't agreed to steam agreement they apparently have every right to close your account without giving you your money back for your games)?
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Absolutely fine by me. To be quite honest it will help lesser known software some publicity (possibly with a lesser price tag than those we speak or hear about every day such as Photoshop, After Effects, and other products - not all under the Adobe brand). Also with the amount of money I've spent on my Steam account I would likely be more liable to make a software purchase with them for the convenience of everything being available with a simple login at another computer. I hate remembering all my different login details for every site and some software registering on one computer, as opposed to Steam which is one username, one password and has all my games (and future software I take it) linked to that account - without the limitation of having to use one specific machine.
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