I agree. m playing witcher 1 itself is far better than skyrim.skyrim has poor combat system.
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Witcher II has a great storyline, atmosphere and is extremely pretty. One of the best cRPGs released in the past few years. The problem however that some parts of it are just terribly designed. It has a whole bunch of "artificial difficulty" including some shoddy combat and the inability to use potions (which should be your greatest resource) inside combat. Plus the boss fights can be a pain in the arse and were more annoying than anything else, plus quick time events (eeewwww).
Skyrim is a Bethesda open-world game. If you've played any of their games you'd already have decided if you like the genre or not. I'm personally not a massive fan and found games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to have a much better atmosphere, storyline and a world that felt open and "living".
I also believe level scaling is one of the worse things to happen to RPGs.
EDIT: I'm not usually caught up in cut-scenes but that new introduction that was included in the Enhanced Edition has to be one of the best use of CG I've seen in a long time, it's just gorgeous.
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I hear that argument a lot and it's not one I agree with. The book and the games are two different beasts completely. It scarified what could of been a good gameplay mechanic for something that isn't even a core part of the books.
Basically in the book Geralt spends a lot of time researching and planning when it comes to hunting monsters. In the games you rarely have any indication of what's coming up next and you stumble into monsters that you couldn't possibly prepare for (fucking Nekkers). Forcing players to die so they know what's coming up/so they can prepare is not a good game play mechanic. Being able to adjust your tactics in the thick of things is.
Geralt could easily put up a Heliotrope or Quern sign and then take a chug of potion. It would add to the gameplay and would make the potion skill tree actually useful. I don't remember anyone complaining about using potions in combat in the Witcher 1.
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I have both games and I would go with skyrim in terms of the amount of gameplay hours. I had Skyrim for console and put over 320 hours on it before I sold it and bought a PC copy during the summer sale, and I'm still not bored with it. Its not as good as Morrowind or Oblivion but it is still fantastic. With the Witcher 2, (spoilers? Wouldnt really consider this a spoiler)I have only 40 hours on that game over 2 play throughs (one Roche, One Iorveth) and after you do those two, which are the main decisions of the game, there is really no incentive to do another play through. Also, in terms of story, i edge Skyrim. The Witcher 2 story is overrated, and not that great. Skyrims main story isn't that great either, but the faction storylines are very good, and more than make up for the Main story.
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I've played Skyrim for a couple of hours and didn't even see a hint of the story. On the other hard, Witcher games immerse you into story withing the first few minutes.
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Never played Witcher but it's probably better. If you're looking for a RPG with a good storyline try Oblivion.
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Both good games, but very different.
I'd say, pick up the first witcher. If you like the atmosphere, gritty and dark story. Go for W2.
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Id say skyrim just because after you beat witcher you probably won't want to replay it but Skyrim you can replay forever with mods etc. Witcher has a better story and looks better but in terms of replay value Skyrim wins hands down.
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I got Skyrim on Xbox, haven't touched it in 3-4 months. No replay value without mods.
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If a game has the capability for mods why would you buy it for a console? There are so many amazing mods for Skyrim its worth rebuying it for PC just to play them, and the modding community for Skyrim is probably bigger then any other game there will always be more bigger better mods coming out, even Oblivion still has mods coming out and morrowind as well.
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But what if they don't have a good gaming pc and won't be able to run skyrim very well?
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Don't know if you looked at skyrim minimum requirements, but you do NOT need a good computer to run it. I have a computer from 2006 with 2GB, intel Pentium core 2 duo, and GeForce 8600 and I get 50-60 fps outside and 30-45 in interiors on low, 40-50 fps outside, 20-45 fps interiors on medium. And the game still looks fantastic even on low settings.
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Witcher's decisions change entire acts. Act 2 can be played with 2 entirely different storyline, on entirely different locations for example. So no, you aren't right about replayability at all.
And I would rather play a game again where the combat system actually WORKS.
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Never played Witcher but I hear it has a good story.
But Skryim wins in terms of replayability.
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Like I said above, Skyrim without mods= NO replayability.
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Nonsense. If you do faction / side quests at all, you can easily sink 60 hours into Skyrim playing one character (e.g. an archer allied with the imperials), then start over, and do another 60 hours as a different character (say, a mage allied with the Stormcloaks), and it yields a totally different experience, with almost no overlap. If that's not replayability, I don't know what is.
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replayability i think skyrim and witcher are the same to me :P
skyrim: empire or rebels
witcher 2: empire or rebels
both sides are different quests and outcomes
skyrim does have a waaaay longer playability overall but both games have my full support:P
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Oh I dare you to kill a chicken and see if nobody gives a shit.
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You can still redeem a DRM-free copy of The Witcher 2 and if you want Skyrim, it's best to wait for the GOTY/complete edition to avoid paying for 2 full games (base game + all the DLC).
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The Witcher 2. It has great replayability too, because of 2 completely different paths you can choose in the middle of the game. And there's a lot of decisions to make that affects the story and world. Skyrim is quite good too, but it's different. I'd say Witcher 2 is better in overall.
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witcher 2!!!
best story, graphics, combat, immersion etc, skyrim has more variety in terms of playstyle but it can get boring as you don connect to your character or the people you meet.
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I have played some Skyrim and it was seriously lacking depth. The quests are very uninspired and quite boring so there's not much to do aside from exploring. Skyrim's combat is also awful, not sure if some mods have fixed that.
I haven't played The Witcher 2 so I can't really compare the two. But based on what I've played Skyrim, it's not as good game as people make it seem to be.
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side quests are beyond fetch rinse and repeat, killed it for me.. many rpgs have go fetch but good rpgs can make it feel less of a task and also gives good reward to fetch ratio. skyrim does little to "disguise" or reward and i wont get into the identical voices abd faces of npcs... Mods did miracles for this game.. overated but not a bad game by any means, just not a great one..
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apparently you havent seen some of the mods for skyrim :D
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I say to each his own, but get Skyrim because it's BETTER.In all seriousness though, haven't played richard, but from i hear it's worse than Skyrim in every possible way and it gives you cancer but it does have tits and some bare ass too.So, yeah, get Legend of Grimrock, that game kicks ass.
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Which is better regarding story,combat system,gameplay,ambience,AI etc.?
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