Would you join the Telegram channel?
Well, my work chat is on Telegram, but it's entirely possible they are all bots indeed (especially that serious-looking guy in a formal suit with a tie, always suspected him, who would choose such a photo as a profile pic?). On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that my 9-year-old niece is NOT a bot, neither is my mom. Or maybe I am wrong, and we are all bots living in a virtual world and just don't know it.
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I wouldn't use it myself, I use the free package steamDB grabber once a week average to get all the free stuff. I also do not use telegram but it's a cool idea.
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Isn't Fallout more 50's/60's? I thought that by that time telegrams were old news as phones were becoming a lot more popular, or at least my grandparents always talked about telegrams as something from when they were kids/teens during the 30's and 40's.
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Not Singing Telegrams though :D
They definitely were more popular in the pre-WWII era but phones were still a rare thing at home until the end of the 50s in most of the US and definitely until the 60s in most of Europe
I guess telegrams popularity decreased over time but remained in use mostly for "urgent letters" like an email would be. For congratulations on big events like babies, weddings or condolence messages
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Phones at home were still a rare thing even in the 70s in Germany/Europe. They cost a lot for the basic monthly fee alone never mind the inevitable connection charges.
A neighbour would regularly ask to use our phone in the 70's and early 80's.
I remember a classmate being really happy when got their own phone at home.
That was about 1986 🤪
By then it had however become unusual to not have a phone.
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Phones at home were still a rare thing even in the 70s in Germany/Europe.
I bet. My girlfriend has an older brother who was born in 1974 and her parents pretty much had to twist the arm of her grandmother to get a phone because they wanted her to be able to call them or help when she was baby sitting her grandson.
She was like "why do I need a phone for? My friends live in my neighborhood. It's a waste of money" and I'm sure a lot of people still felt that way back then.
A neighbour would regularly ask to use our phone in the 70's and early 80's.
Yeah it was that thing that you didn't really needed so if you knew someone who had it, you could drop by if anything important was happening. Most people had tv long before they had phones.
By then it had however become unusual to not have a phone.
Haha were his parents worried about the phone being tapped or something? A German buddy of mine who used to work at the same restaurant I did used to say that his mother just wouldn't get a phone even in the 90s after the wall came down because she was terrified by the idea someone was listening in. She had lived her whole life in East Berlin so I guess it was not exactly paranoia, more like common sense that wouldn't let go
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I guess it was about time.
They were all daughters and they probably wanted to finally be able to ring up friends etc.
As far as I know they were the last people to get an own phone in the class.
My parents already had a phone in the 70's out of necessity. My parents were from Fiji so ringing up back home, friends in Britain and for work was a necessity. Having a good job (initally training to become a civilian engineering inspector for the british army after having done his time as a soldier) obviously helped pay the phone bills 🙃
I remember them always having a clock/timer running whenever they phoned overseas 😃
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They were all daughters and they probably wanted to finally be able to ring up friends etc.
Yeah I imagine it was probably embarrassing when people asked for their phone number. Talk about being uncool in school.
I remember them always having a clock/timer running whenever they phoned overseas 😃
Heh I was just about to write you'd have needed a great job to pay for long distance calls at the time. Guess I was right. My grandma used an egg timer when she was calling her cousin in Australia from Canada lol
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Pfft, Telegrams are obsolete, even here in Brazil. Why, I just used ChatGPT to generate a message to my boss, and my Arduino-enable device automatically prints it so my modified ASIMO robot gives it to one of my carrier pigeons for delivery. It is flawless... well, except when hackers deposit good corn somewhere near the delivery path.
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i live in the UK and never used it i didn't even know it was used for everyday things thought it was more or less only for business talk
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On Steam, there is a group that if you subscribe to their post (or whatever that is called) you get a message every time they post about a free game, that's basically the same as what you want to do only through Steam and not Telegram and someone has to post it on Steam but they are usually pretty quick so I am fine this way!
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Except I don't want to install Steam on my phone just for that, while I already have Telegram there ....due to some contacts insisting on it 👀
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Yeah, I don't even have a smartphone so didn't even realize that since I just check it on my PC and since I am on my PC at least 1 time every day, I won't miss it but guess some people aren't on their PC daily and then indeed they will miss it.
Can understand if you have Telegram, rather use that then needing to install another app for it since with apps it's often that every apps does something else and needing way to many for it all...
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Yeah, I don't even have a smartphone
Lucky you, I wish I could do without it... :/
I'm on my PC every day too, but I don't always check Steam. E-mail notifications would be good too 👀
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Yeah, it's scary how dependent and needed such a small device can become.
I try to avoid it as much as possible but the world is making that very hard! Like supermarkets that only do special discounts when you use their app, though even if I had a smartphone, not sure if I would be willing to install all these crappy apps from everywhere either...
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This one, in discussions they have threads you can subscribe to and then get a message every time they add something to it :3
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new question - i can't seem to see a follow or join button on the group page
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don't you click a button called join - i used to remember this
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Not fully sure if you need to join the group to be able to follow the discussion.
I took a screenshot, you see this after you clicked the discussion you want to follow, then that is what you see but again, maybe it only works if you join the group, I am a member so can't say for sure.
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groups for me look like https://imgur.com/a/DxWEXfo - (no adult content even though it says there might be)
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Either they are reworking it and you got the new version already, or like others said maybe you are on the mobile website?
Does it also look like that in the client?
Mine doesn't look like that at all, but with how your look, go to discussions, can you see any 'subscribe to discussion' after you clicked on the right discussion?
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groups for me look like https://imgur.com/a/DxWEXfo - (no adult content even though it says there might be)
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You're using the mobile site for some reason, switch to the desktop site.
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There is a channel i found >> https://t.me/freesteamgame
They post directly from https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam
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my recommendation is the Free Games Codes channel -> https://t.me/freegameson
It notifies about the games that are temporarily free to redeem forever, not just on Steam, but also on Epic Games, GOG, UPlay, etc. It has removed the need for me to check for free stuff elsewhere. I don't like how it notifies for Alienware stuff though, but i can ignore those notifications.
As for games that have become free on Steam, https://steamdb.info/freepackages/ is a must. I use it once or twice a week to stay up to date ^w^
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Just wanted to say that telegram channel is a direct grab of https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings. It even copies the exact same titles we use.
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I use the Free Games Finders Group on Steam, as well as the SteamDB tool for adding free packages, but that does of course not invalidate the utility of such a bot. It's just not something I'd use personally because telegram is for my irl contacts predominantly and I prefer separating business and pleasure, haha.
No neutral poll option eh? Potato.
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Usually I just check GX corner on Opera GX.
...Sounds like Im making a promo, but Im too lazy too check mysellf for free games.
Its more comfy to use opera
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You think will be a good idea to develop a Telegram bot that notify you realtime (via Telegram Channel) when a Game/DLC will be free-to-keep on Steam?
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