oh damm I always thought G2A was legit. dont know who to trust now ;__;
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I don't know about other subreddits, but on SGS, you aren't allowed to trade bundle keys.
Also, the key difference is on G2A, you pay in cash, on most trading sites, you are trading for keys/cards, etc.
Selling bundle keys on Ebay is not that common. Digital only sales are not allowed on Ebay (unless under special circumstance, see here) - if you search for Humble Bundle, you'll notice that in most of the auctions, the seller is actually physically shipping a card with the gift link on it to the buyer. Most people don't want to bother doing this, which is why there are so few bundle keys being sold there.
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The mods can't control the PMs. I'm not sure what your point is.
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Considering that I have almost 2000 feedback on ebay, I'm pretty sure I know more than you. I know about what I said personally - I tried sending software via email in the past, but in several instances, I was either scammed (buyer claimed they never received), or the auction was deleted due to "copyright violation."
With regards to SGS, I've been trading there since late 2012, I can assure you that advertising bundle keys there will get your post deleted.
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Just because your postings didn't get flagged and shut down doesn't mean it's allowed. They just can't get every one of them.
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What part of SELLING DIGITAL BUNDLE KEYS ON EITHER EBAY OR SGS IS NOT ALLOWED do you not understand? Just because you are a dick and get away with breaking the rules (most likely by skirting around by not specifying that they are bundle keys) does not make it magically acceptable to do.
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If you're able to sell bundle keys on SGS, it sounds like you're hiding them among a bunch of non-bundle games to deceive the mods.
Anyways, I'm done arguing with you. You are trying to argue against the rules posted directly on the sites in question, written in English, plain as day. Just because you didn't get caught doesn't make it legal.
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And it is ilegal to promote your games with giveways with other games - but you and the other hypocrates around here don't mind that. So how r you different then me in this case?
And maybe u did builded the 2000 rep by selling cookies on Ebay (not steam keys - witch is forbidden too).
Why do I even lose time with fake White Knights like you leacher :) Have a nice day
Edit: http://www.reddit.com/r/indiegameswap/new/ Ain't it the same....loudmouth :)
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Yup, I'm the biggest leacher (sic) on steamgifts ;)
I don't think I've ever met anyone as terrible at deflection and straw man as you.
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Hehe, I always thought their snowball scheme was 'a little' suspicious, so stayed clear. Really glad I did!
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Difference is, Tremor is not giving games for money, you just make TC and then you exchange those for games. G2A seems to buy a game at 1 dollar and selling it at 20.
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Seems like that indie devs/companies want a tasty cut from resellers. But strangely they don't have "balls" to jump on Ebay as a target.
G2A and other unauthorized resellers are about reselling stuff from indie bundles, stolen keys, price mistakes, deal at other sites,
Or boxes bought from brazil/asia for AAA-stuff.
No wonder esp. indies want to get rid of those.
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beign legit and authorized are two things.
legit as in = you will get game
unauthorized = if you have any problems (game gets deactivated), you're on your own. (Also you have to sell at prices set by publishers (MSRP, and ocassional sales, like Steam), so these sites don't even want to be, because they want to sell for cheaper)
AAA publishers avoid this by locking games more and more, which is imo very bad.
Indies can't do that because of publicity and requirement of region free keys by bundles.
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I get the feeling that you are just saying this without actually looking for auctions on ebay, in addition to not knowing ebay policies. You know Anomaly Warzone Earth, given out for free recently? There are only 3 auctions for it up. One will send physical mail, the other 2 are email only. If I report the auctions, ebay WILL remove them because they are against ebay auction policy.
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Awfully nice of DD to give them some free publicity though!
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Finally, now people gonna stop saying this shit is legit
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G2A.com/go2arena.com/keye.pl same shit. Worked for those people back in 2011, when GO2ARENA was still a project (remember supplying their screenshots and videos). I was mostly responsible for their facebook/twitter etc. as well as few gaming related sites such as wow-space.info or some d3 news site (cba to remember all those shitty sites).
What I can say is that their organisation is shitty at best. As an "employee" I never received a straight answer to a question and they eventually got rid of me 'cos they found people who would do my job for free...
I still have the mails from 2011 and let me tell you, I've never seen that amount of bullshitting before.
And yes, most of their keys are RU.
I will also mention that at some point I was leveling chars in a mmorpg for those people. If I remember correctly they were later supposed to be bot chars.
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Stores like GMG and GG are different. It's clear that they work with publishers, so it's highly unlikely that they're not legitimate. Stuff sold directly by Amazon is most certainly legitimate.
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GMG, GamersGate, Amazon, and probably a few others I can't think of off the top of my head are well known authorized key sellers. That means they have a special arrangement with Valve to sell keys that activate on Steam. G2A, among others, is not an authorized key seller. They get their keys from places unknown and do not have a special arrangement with Valve. It's not necessarily a scam, but it's moving more into the 'grey' area of legitimacy.
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Yes, Valve. The keys activate on Steam, the games run on Steam, which involves the owner of Steam, Valve. Since the keys activate on Steam, that is where the keys come from, and that is whom the contracts are made with, although I'm sure the publisher is involved as well. A brief google search yields a list of the authorized resellers. Valve used to maintain a list, but much like their downtime announcements, someone got bored of keeping track of it and so they don't update it anymore.
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As far as I'm know, Valve doesn't sell keys to authorized resellers. The game publishers can requests Steam keys from Valve and they're the ones providing them to online game shops.
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Ah, well ok then. Either way though the keys still come from Valve, since they have to generate them. I can't find anything about it now, but I'm sure there used to be a Steam support article on authorized resellers, or something. On the forums, certain URLs are blocked, according to http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2603822 (such as intkeys) while others are not (such as GMG or Amazon). So Valve is, at the very least, blocking certain URLs of certain key resellers and not others. I'm not sure of the details, maybe Valve authorizes certain stores and then the publishers sell the keys to those stores, but there are both authorized and unauthorized resellers.
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That's what they are telling... but G2A has also some "official" partnerships (according to their homepage, we can see Klei and Nordic logos), but they are also selling unauthorized game keys from Devolver... so even if GMG displays a ton of publishers logos on their main page, this doesn't mean anything actually, we will never know if all their keys are officialy bought from the publishers.
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I don't know. With the amount of business GMG does, it'a hard to believe they could stay in business if they were illegitimate. Besides, I've bought from them far too many keys than I'd like to recall, and I've personally never had a single issue.
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What do you mean they want a "tasty cut"? Right here all Devolver is doing is protecting their customers.
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Do they? I want their games removed from Ebay/SGS/SteamTrades/etc.
Bring some brain into my words. Devolver gives keys to bundles to promote their games(trust me nothing to do with charity) and they take their cut 1 time. The moment the clients buy their keys - they r free to do whatever they want with them. But Devolver - don't think this way,they think - Hell we want a cut a 2nd time,cause we didn't get as much as we wanted from the bundles.
So yeah - they are greedy and don't give a single f**k bout you and me as a customer.
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They never said they want a cut. They said people weren't getting purchased keys from G2A. You're starting to sound like someone working for G2A, putting words into Devolver's mouth like that.
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Ok simple explanation for you:
A small company makes a promotion for its product,they do it for 1 reason only: Publicity. If you think they do it for charity....You live in your own world.
Ffs this ain't EA(they can afford this),this is a small indie publisher that throw its games in quite a lot of bundles,cause:
A) They r not that good
B) PR is always good(Blah blah we want to help this charity)
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Um... Yes? Devolver does want to make money, being a for-profit company. However, that doesn't mean they don't also want to protect their customers, as they clearly do from the Tweets you linked us to. And I never said they were doing bundles for charity, so you're really straw manning it up there.
P.S. Sure, Devolver's put out a couple bad games, but they've published some great games too. Hotline Miami, Luftrausers, Shadow Warrior, and Serious Sam 3 were all published by Devolver.
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You shouldn't need to ask that question if you read those Tweets from Devolver, which you linked us to. They're protecting their customers by not letting an illegitimate key seller scam people. Those people who did buy keys which got revoked learned a lesson not to buy from shady sites, and that's the sad truth of it: the world isn't fair, and some people get punished for innocent foolishness.
The why of the issue is impertinent to the specific points I addressed, another straw man, but I'll respond anyway. They explained exactly why, again, in the Tweets you must have read. Go read them again. People got scammed. It's pretty simple. You can repeat your eBay line all you want, but jatan has already proven the general lack of a digital game key market on eBay, so your constant eBay straw man isn't even made out of quality straw.
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I would tend to disagree.
A big reason they (and others) bundle their games and as a result offer them as cheap as they have with such promotions is because it's with the specific condition that they are not for resale (this is in the TOS) and should go directly to end users, not resellers. When resellers then exploit that by stockpiling keys and selling them at (probably) huge profit margins, it cuts into their business.
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Can you quote where Devolver stated that they want a cut from the resellers?
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First of all stop misdirecting all the attention to Ebay and so on. Those are sites for trades and individual resellers, while G2A is an organized and spread out unauthorized reseller. And for once, consider what Jatan said multiple times in this discussion.
Gray economy market has it's risks, what G2A is doing is shady, don't blame your lack of information or risk understanding o n developers :)
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Getting stolen merchandise out of customer's hands is the way theft is normally handled. It's up to G2A to refund the purchases so customers can get a legitimate copy from somewhere else.
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depends on the law.
if you buy a stolen "thing" from a store that specializes on selling that kind of "thing" without knowing that its a stolen item, you are bliged to give the "thing" to the rightful owner only if he/she fully compensates you.
say you buy a classy shoe from a footwear store. it turns out that the shoe is stolen from the owner. owner have to pay you if he/she wants to get it back.
if all the stolen items were to be pulled out of the hands of the buyers, people would think twice when buying from stores and there would be no trust in transactions.
so developers cant revoke the keys they previously issued.
this is rule applies in my country. and our civil law is generally adapted from the swiss civil law/code.
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I guess the law is not the same in every part of the world.
Here in Canada, if you are caught with stolen property in your possession, it is taken away and given back to it's rightful owner. The owner doesn't have to pay to get back what's already his. It's up to you to try and get paid by the seller/store who sold it to you.
Those keys were sold with a non-resale clause in their ToS. If they're re-sold, the publisher has every right to cancel them.
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Exactly. Moral of the story is be careful when buying from shady websites. If it comes back to bite you in the end (i.e. your keys get revoked), then you have only yourself to blame.
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Bundles are usually done for Charity so, what the dev receives from them is next to nothing per copy. (It's the high volume of sales that makes it worthwhile for them to participate.) Those are not for resale copies for personal use only. I don't think the reseller getting copies for pennies and selling them for profit counts as providing the devs with payment.
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From what I know HB gives % of every purchased BTA bundle to all participants in the bundle.Let's do some math:
Curent Daily Bundle:
16200 bundle x $3.38 = $54756
And if you don't move the split bar 65% of that money go to devs
35591 / 11 games = $3235.55 per game
And that is for 2 hrs....yeah I wouldn't mind such profit :)
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That's a whopping $0.19 per game copy sold. Thank you for proving my point.
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For those defending G2A/Saying Devolver are greedy:
Just sayin'.
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How does that make Devolver greedy? Please elaborate.
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I've been using G2A for a while and have never had any issues with them.
Not sure what prompted the mud-slinging.
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I've been telling people this for ages. But does anyone listen? Nnnoooooo...stupid kids still want cheap cd-keys no matter how they're acquired. -_-
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You're equating entering giveaways with supporting illegitimate retailers? What a fool.
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Either you're making a joke or you missed what was going on here. I can't tell which. ^^
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My shady deals? Uh I don't even use G2A...but if you say so :D
People tend to forget that Publishers gave those keys for sell on HB/Other bundles,same way they did on Steam. Customers payed for it - they have every fricking right to do whatever they want with their purchase.
You as a customer,should be more concerned by the reaction of the publisher,not by some site that sells cheap keys.
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Trading =/= selling
Difference is, making profit by selling games on Kinguin means breaking most bundle sites ToS (the 'commercial use' clause). That's what makes those deals shady. I'm sure even you can understand that :)
Why do you insist on ST/SGS/Ebay in this topic anyway? They aren't organized resellers like G2A.
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You're an illegitimate reseller when you don't have a commercial license and/or authorization to do the amount of sales for the products you're distributing. The 7-Entertainment network does not have any authorization. They are not allowed to make a 'commercial ebay store'.
You don't know the differences between an individual/garage sale and a store/shop, between trading and reselling, customer rights and seller rights/regulations, and between legitimate and illegitimate profits. From your other comments, you have no idea what distribution rights means either. You don't know what you're arguing for or against at this point.
Also, you can just report cd-key sellers anyway since that violates Ebay policy. The publishers can't keep track of the tiny resellers there in the same way that Ebay can't keep track of the idiots violating their policies.
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You know, if Steam and the game companies really wanted to, they could easily out every reseller who buys keys from bundles or resells them from cheap locations by redoing the serial numbers.
Just tack on a couple of things at the front of the keys. ROW means it could be used everywhere. RUS is a Russian only key, NAO means North America only key, GER for Germany only and so on for other countries.
Then right after that they could put what "store" or "bundle" it was from it was sold from. HMB = Humble Bundle, AMZ = Amazon.com, CAS = Was in a physical case and so on for other stuff.
Its not like it would make it harder for steam or everyone to use them, its just copy and paste text that steam accepts. But it would certainly identify where the key is good for and where the key came from.
Wouldn't solve everything but I think it would help in cases like this.
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Well, first of all, that would be a lot of work to setup and maintain. And then, do you really think people would have a problem with G2A keys having a "HMB" or "CAS" prefix or so?
The only practical solution I can imagine is what Humble did, which is not showing the actual key and using a Steam API call to add it to an account, but without the gift option. And that would piss off a lot of people, of course.
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I always thought it'd be cool if when you go in a store page for a game on steam, it would show you where to buy it from, rather than buying from "Steam"
Like if I were to go to Serious Sam 3, it'd show "Available from Valve, Humble, GetGamesGo"
So many people dont even know games bought outside from Steam will activate on steam.
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This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but take a look at the Enhanced Steam browser addon thing. See a good price in the Steam store, but it's cheaper at GreenMan so buy there instead. Or the RU version is half the price, so look for a trade instead. Or it's in a current bundle, etc. :)
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The absolute simplest way would be putting an expiration date on cd keys. You would have 7 days (for example) to activate the key, after which it would become invalid.
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No this is a bad idea. What happens if you buy one legit and it just takes you more then a week to get it into steam.
Or if it takes a store more then a week to sell the games? Just look at Humble, they receive keys and put them into their new system, but it can take them 2 or 3 weeks to sell them off.
Or what about the physical copies that are in stores? Would you have expiry keys for everywhere else but there? How is that fair to legit stores on the net?
Expiry dates on keys would be bad.
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That is absolutely horrible. How would they go about CD keys gotten from physical copies? Do they also get deactivated a week after release? What about people who hoard keys from legit sites because they have poor self restraint when it comes to sales. For an example, I have multiple Borderlands (1,2, dlc), Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Skyrim and so on. Should all of my keys get deactivated because someone somewhere is abusing the sales? No, you take the problem to the reseller and deal with it that way, you don't go around screwing other customers.
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So, if you pay a thief in a back alley for a stolen radio you should be able to keep it right? Even though it was never his to sell? I supposed in that case you would blame the store owner who got robbed in the first place if the cops took the stolen stereo away from you.
It's the same thing here. G2A sold keys it was not authorized to and those keys are getting revoked. Blame the shady store for this, not the publisher.
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Indeed, however they are similarly immoral. The games provided in the humble bundles come with the condition that you don't resell them commercially. Abusing a goodwill gesture for charities that lets gamers rake in a number of games for $1 for your own profit is skeezy, simply put. Even if the bundle only has 4 games at the $1 tier, and if they get resold for $3 a game, someone who resells in commercial quantities is purchasing 100 charity bundles at $100, but reselling the individual keys for a total of $1200.
Also consider that they're applying a pressure that may very well cause bundlers to reconsider whether or not it's worth doing.
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Hm you talk about a good will gesture... do the new HB Banner Saga looks like one of those to you? It's a promotion mainly,but it seems too many people around here are hypocrates and try to convince others that they buy bundles cause of the charity,not cause of the cheap price. Sorry mate but I don't believe u on this part.
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Nobody said anything about buying the bundles just because of charity, dude. Even if you remove charity as part of the equasion, that's still some random company taking bundles for non-resale and profiteering off them. When people get together and offer gamers cool discounts, if we shrug and say "fuck em" when they get abused, they're just going to be more likely to abstain from bundles in the future.
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I get your point,but I don't get the hypocracy when it comes to trading them on sites like Ebay,reddit,steamtrades,etc. When it is for those sites - people don't get out with the pitchforks in their hands ;)
p.s.I don't care bout G2A cause I don't use it,but free market,should be actually free lol
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That's normally because the damage is minimal, as in just random individuals selling off a spare key they bought but then realised they didn't need (such as buying a gift bundle only to find your friend already bought it for themselves, and declined). That's far more easy to overlook, whereas when a business deliberately abuses your service to rake a profit, they deserve to be smacked down.
That's the thing though, just because it's a "free market" doesn't mean there aren't rules and regulations in place that can be acted upon. G2A broke some of them.
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Mate if you check SteamTrades you will find the same ppl that sell on G2A/Kinguin/Ebay. So it is connected.
At the G2A situation - they r make money the same way Ebay does - with fees.I highly doubt that the games they sell in their store(not the user market) are stolen and haven't payed for (yeah they might be from Russia or Brazil,but that ain't illegal).
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Why repeat same stuuf over and over? Trading is different than reselling, but yes that's where things are headed.
G2A and other do this by botting thousands of cheap bundles and tranders who sell few copies are least of their problems.
Publisher don't get any money from these (particularry keys sold as part of bundle). Thus they don't want to put good stuff on high sales.
More people using these sites, more publishers have to go against and legimate customers suffer. Thought it will later affect you too.
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But none of us are making any profit out of this. That's the only reason it's tolerated.
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This was originally the case, but rapidly changing. At least Humble Bundle and Groupees now endorse gifting games that you get from bundles.
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It's their main store/7-entertainment network that's the problem, not their community market.
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3%? That's uh.. gonna save you enough to buy a candy bar, I guess.
Edit: That is, if the game were a full $60
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I've never bought from G2A nor do I have any idea or care about Developer Digital, but screwing over fans that bought the game thinking it was legitimate is a scummy act IMO. If they believe that they were screwed over they should take it up with G2A, hell sue the pants off them, but actively cancelling keys of people who thought they were legitimately supporting them is a bad move.
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Oh right thanks for clearing that up for me, from reading the Twitter post it seemed like all keys from G2A was going to be deactivated, good to hear its only the non activated ones
I also assumed that when people bought the keys it wasn't in thinking that it was illegal or stolen, I would probably go on to assume that if someone wanted to illegally obtain a game, there would be much better ways to do it then G2A. I agree that you should lose when you get caught, but I believe the people here are G2A that should lose.
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Let us have a look on HIB Terms of Service
Restrictions. You agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities:
(viii) using the Service for any commercial solicitation purposes
Termination by Humble Bundle. If you fail, or Humble Bundle, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines or suspects that you have failed, to comply with any of these Terms, including but not limited to failure to make payment of fees due, failure to provide Humble Bundle with a valid payment method, failure to safeguard your download page, or violation of our usage rules or any license to the software, Humble Bundle, at its sole discretion, without notice to you may: (i) terminate these Terms and/or your download page, and you will remain liable for all amounts due up to and including the date of termination; and/or (ii) terminate the license to the software; and/or (iii) preclude access to the Service (or any part thereof)."
So what was that about scumbag devs?
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Steamgifts isn't selling any key. It only facilitates the gifting from one user to another. Same with Steamtrades, it's only a discussion board where people can agree to exchange items between themselves.
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Except that the primary purpose is to facilitate game trading, not to generate money for themselves. Yes, they cover part of their cost for keeping the site up by using adverts, but this is far from some kind of mastermind scam to generate money using adverts, and it doesn't cause the site to be categorised as a 'commercial' website.
The humble bundles have the clause that the items they sell are not for commercial resale. This site does not resell them. At all. On any level. All you've done is moved the goalposts. There is a big difference between a trading outpost and an actual commercial sales website that is abusing a source of keys which underlines the no resale thing. They're not even comparable.
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And the amount that Steamgifts makes in funding used exclusively for keeping the site active is absolutely nothing compared to the amount made by an actual commercial site that actually sells things as it's primary purpose.
As I said, Steamgifts just isn't comparable to commercial websites that deliberately abuse the mechanics of goodwill bundles hoping that they never get caught doing it.
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Do they? This ain't profiting right?
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Just because people do it doesn't mean they're allowed to do so. These listings go against both the bundle's TOS and eBay's policies. Offers like these get shut down all the times, they're simply unable to catch them all.
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You don't understand English, do you? No point in arguing against someone in a language he/she doesn't understand I suppose.
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This situation is going to get a lot more nasty than people suspect. And it's the genuine customers that are going to be the most inconvenienced by the whole thing. Just like it was with the war against piracy.
If the reseller situation isn't reigned in, then Valve will take action. They won't be able to ignore the amount of developer and publisher complaints about it as they continue to escalate. They're already dealing with quite a lot. So Valve will have to adapt a more restrictive format than keys or links. Or even forcing distributors (stores or bundles) to use keys/links with fairly short activation time limits placed on them, which might suck for the average purchaser but would really hurt resellers.
At this point a change to the way things work is inevitable. And it's extremely unlikely that the average customer will appreciate whatever route they take with it.
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The problem with publisher and devs that participate in bundles is that they don't make a good estimate on what ammount of keys they will sell. And if for example HB sells 200000 bundles they get 0.05$ per bundle and they feel "cheated" by the system.
So yeah I understand how they feel...but let's be honest 80% of the bundle games will not even get close to those purchase numbers on Steam.
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"So yeah I understand how they feel...but let's be honest 80% of the bundle games will not even get close to those purchase numbers on Steam."
Because those sites selling bundle keys far cheaper than steam. This means publishers/devs won't get any profit.
Bundles are good way to get exposure, but this kills ability to sell stuff later (after bundle ends).
Because those sites pay few cents per key publisher can't make games cheaper -> resellers always win.
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Uh you didn't understand my point at all.
If a game is $10 on Steam and I've missed the bundle it was in it...I will never purchase it at $10. I will either trade for the bundle key.So they will still not get the money from me(or other customers)and will still get the game from the bundle ($0.05 for them).
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Agreed. Bundles are basically just very deep discount sales. And just like regular sales they have a time limit on them. Developers and publishers can plan their marketing strategy around these promotions. With resellers they can't, since it's completely unpredictable. Which is why the rumours of the time limit on keys keeps coming up.
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If they make that I will simply say: Pass on that game. And I will wait for the next bundle that it will go in ;)
The problem with most of the indie devs/publishers is that marketing strategy is "a new type of pizza" for them and they have zero idea how to fix that.
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You couldn't care less, yet you spend a lot of energy defending them. ;)
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There's a huge difference between individuals trading their extra keys and a storefront doing massive reselling of ill-acquired games.
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i never have and likely never will use trading sites, i buy bundles i can afford and want, if i miss one ill wait till the game i want is in another bundle, my backlogs long enough and its not as if i dont replay the like of duke nukem 3D or classic doom on occasion nevermind newer stuff i havent tried yet
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I have never traded for a bundle key before, nor have I ever offered up one for trade.
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From our experience so far with bundles,I wouldn't need to wait much :) And let's be honest the indie game should be quite good to actually buy it in full price(Bastion,Limbo,Monaco....stuff like that). Shitty games that end in most of the bundles will never generate much profit on full price.
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We've featured quite a few games that haven't bundled again afterwards. And I know quite of few that have no intention of doing so any time soon, since they have a firm strategy in place. So have fun waiting.
The reseller market isn't going to be given a stamp of approval because of any of the things you claim. It's just dumb to think that it would.
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It seems a common theme that you just bring up things that don't really mean anything. It doesn't matter that people on these forums have used their services. It doesn't change the fact that it has a negative impact on the market, and that it will inevitably be addressed in likely a very drastic way.
Those companies better hope they make enough money from it now, since they will have burned too many bridges by that point to have a chance of becoming fully legit.
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They'll get over it eventually. The gaming industry will be better off after the dust settles.
But every sensible person knew something was going to happen sooner or later. But it's the sites like G2A that are at fault for escalating the issue at a much faster pace than before.
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That's just how OP argues. If you read through all the posts, all he does when you bring up a good point is to deflect and try to argue a irrelevant point.
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"but let's be honest 80% of the bundle games will not even get close to those purchase numbers on Steam."
With the new system that allows devs/pubs to set their own sales whenever they want on steam, odds are if they have a 80-90% sale that they will either sell more copies, or make more money from that sale. But I do agree with your statement, most of those games wont sell a lot on their own.
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Unfortunately the DIY system is mostly a miss right now. It could be a big hit in the future, but right now it's not promoted well by Steam. Not only does Steam not really promote the DIY sales much, but a lot of devs don't even realize the system is in place. The system also is pretty restrictive. They can't set up sales whenever they feel like it.
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Thats true, they aren't advertised as much but I do check the promotions tab for any hidden deals, unfortunately I doubt the majority do that. I would expect steam to inform the devs somehow but I guess thats the downfall.
There also is the argument a dev made a while back stating that gamers would just wait for a sale instead of buying it at full price which I agree to an extent. My favorite dev/game types I will probably buy at full price, as for sales, I pick up things I'm on the edge for.
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It all makes sense. But probably, an expiry date on keys would make the trading game much more exciting! :)
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It would make trading game keys even more difficult. Personally I won't even entertain trade offers that include game keys. I only accept Steam gift versions. That would become even more the norm if they went that route. Unless they put time limits on gifts too, which I doubt.
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That's one way to see it; another way is that people would be less picky/greedy with the offers they receive for their game keys. Personally, I mostly trade keys and - to be honest - I don't even really understand gift trading that much. I'm speaking about actual trading here, not buying from Russians with TF2 keys. How do you end up with a gift that you don't want/need?
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While it's not illegal, it's still a break of the term of services that you agree to when you buy a bundle. As per those terms, the publisher is totally entitled to deactivate the keys if you'er not using them for personal use but are trying to make a profit from them by selling them like G2A does. G2A does not buy their keys from the publisher like any reputable store does. Instead, they're selling keys they got from bundles.
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Seems like that indie devs/companies want a tasty cut from resellers. But strangely they don't have "balls" to jump on Ebay as a target.
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