I'm sure admitting to having laughed at times during this video will get me a few blacklists, but so be it.

TV News: "Here's the newest thing to be scared of everybody! Penises are going to LITERALLY virtually rape you! GET SCARED AND WATCH MORE NEWS!"

Seriously though, if you've had sexual trauma in your life, no one is going to argue that that is not awful. If that is the case though...why would you choose to play GTA5 expecting nothing in it to "trigger" you?

9 years ago

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LOL, just LOL, guys they are saying Modders are Hackers... just LOL if you are being "harassed" just freaking leave the lobby and join another one. Modifying a game is the developer's faults for allowing a person to modify game packet data.

9 years ago

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Hey I made a animation script mod, I is leet haxer now. /s

9 years ago

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Yeah, people don't seem to understand that hackers make the mods, modders just use them

9 years ago

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Modding is not the same thing as hacking.

9 years ago

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Yeah I know, modders just implement pre-made mods, a hacker actually goes into the games files and codes the mods, like I just said.

9 years ago

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As I know someone who was actually raped I feel like I would totally support him if he wanted to sue this 'person' for bringing stupidity into a serious subject. I am certain you can spin that as violation of some law.

9 years ago*

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Wait...your male friend was raped? Pffffft please. The internet says men can't be raped. Not possible.

9 years ago

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Well I also know a woman but I don't think she would be one to do that. Also you are virtually raping all victims of such by it is not possible... Or some bullshit like that, not that good at it.

9 years ago

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So men can't be raped? What about prison? People don't always get raped by the opposite sex.

9 years ago

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Yeah, my comment was satirizing the knee-jerk response you'll get to pointing out that feminists and SJWs only ever complain about rape of women. Prison is a really obvious (and entirely legitimate) counter-point that they do not seem to be concerned about in all their talk of equality and "rape culture".

9 years ago

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Quite true, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of cases of women raping men too, I just assume it's less common because the average male can overpower a woman that's the same size, or outrun a particularly heavy woman, which just leaves fairly rare cases, like if the man is particularly frail, or the women is a body builder, or drugging I suppose. I assume a lot don't get reported either.

9 years ago

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Strength v strength considerations aside, the numbers are relatively hard to put together at times as there are pretty poor definitions for rape of males. Apparently, the CDC doesn't consider a male being forced to penetrate someone as rape. I'm not sure how that's not rape, but

9 years ago

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They don't? I'm learning a lot of new stuff here that really shows how skewed the "equality" movement is.

9 years ago

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Being made to penetrate or being enveloped is still not defined as rape by the CDC and I believe the FBI. I don't know how being forced to penetrate someone or someone enveloping your member against your will is not the same as being penetrated against your will...but the CDC does not include it in their statistics on rape and up until 2013 (as I understand it) they expressly defined rape as something that only happens to women. Yeah, that is incredibly messed up.

Fortunately, by all accounts, violent crime (including rape) has steadily been on the decline for decades now (at least in the US) so the sudden outcry about "rape culture" in the US is somewhat puzzling in that it's literally happening less than ever before according to the data we have.

9 years ago

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Wow, it's rated "M" for a reason. I would probably laugh myself into hysteria if one of those "hackers" got onto one of the servers I was on.

9 years ago

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No no no Fyan. You're missing the bigger game here.

Step 1 - Buy game with entire plot predicated upon violence
Step 2 - Claim offense to violent actions in the game
Step 3 - Profit

It's a game only the intellectually dishonest can win.

9 years ago

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SJW retard. Is that even a woman btw? Look at that chin. Reminds me of trollface.

9 years ago

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Her having a Y chromosome or not is less important that the idiocy she is propagating.

9 years ago

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I'm really of two minds on this one. On the one hand, it seem to be something that should not be big enough to be newsworthy (though judging by the description on the page, it seem to be a bit of an agenda behind blowing it up to something bigger than it really is), on the other hand, online harassment is an issue, and there really should be a zero tolerance of it.

9 years ago

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You're right. There is nothing here that should merit outrage, scorn, and news coverage over these online interactions (at least beyond the usual muttering "dammit I really hate these idiots" and moving changing servers), because just like everyone else that invariably runs into something they don't like on a game server in any game ever, you can just play on a different server. Same game. No one is diminishing her ability to play the game she bought. Just leave the server the idiots are on. Sticking around (if she did) or putting it on the news feeds the trolls.

Regarding online harassment, yes there are levels of online harassment that are criminally problematic. This is not of that level.
None of the players in those interactions are endangering her. None of those players are threatening her. These would be potentially criminally problematic interactions were either of those the case.
None of them are even following her around from server to server and preventing her from playing the game she bought. If that were the case then it would be in the hands of the devs or server hosts to deal with.

9 years ago

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Even if they don't follow her around, I don't think it's ok. For the record, I'm relatively trigger happy with reporting people who start to fling insults in games (and as I play DOTA 2, I tend to run out of reports quite fast...). This seem to be a step up from flinging nasty insults, but far from being newsworthy. But again, I suspect that the website you linked to might have a bit of an agenda with trying to blow up the story...

9 years ago

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I think we're in agreement on this then. Report harassment when you see it and that's as far as it need go.

Much the same as here on SG. You see harassment in the forum, report it and move on. Let the mods/admins/support sort it out.

9 years ago

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Damn maybe playing mature games should not be your thing if your so easily offended you run out of ways to report people.

Look the world is full of assholes and people that will do shit like this,i just ignore then and move on.No need to throw stones in a glass house shit just gets fucked up.

Though you do have the right to report people so i am not saying you should not or that your wrong for doing so just to be clear.

For me to report someone would have to be following me all over,leaving me nasty messages and so forth.In GTA V i just turn off the option to hear people talk as i find most do not talk,but those damn Russian god they talk and never shut up,and they seem to talk a lot silly trash.

If i am being bothered in a session though that is mostly why i do not bother with public session,to many adults who act like they are ten and talk shit like that some how makes them special,funny how the internet can bring out the true person in someone,if they are an asshole on here they are an asshole in real life.

Maybe i just learned that getting pissed and running and telling on everyone who is an idiot or an ass is just not worth my time or effort i have better things to do then report every idiot,hell a big share of people on steam are idiot gamers imo.

Anyhow all i am saying is good luck with reporting people and i hope it is not wasted time,as every person version of how bad someone is or how much of an idiot one is being depends on each person view of them.

9 years ago*

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Many games have got a reputation for having very toxic communities, and I think it's important to actually set examples, to get people to stop acing like jerks. DOTA actually informs you when Valve has taken actions against someone you've reported, and I've got quite a few notifications about it, so it seem to work to at least some degree. I've been around long enough to have a relatively thick skin, but I could imagine many new players are scared away from these games before they even have the chance to learn them due to their toxic communities.

9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. mean...DON'T feed trolls? This is a new concept and someone really needs to tell her about this new found strategy! ;)

9 years ago

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I thought it was Gremlins you do not feed?

Well after midnight your not suppose to

Is there some kinda no no for feeding trolls?if you feed them after midnight do they spawn more,or do they just grow more hair?

9 years ago

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See that's tough though. Gremlins are cute so who wouldn't want to feed them?

Trolls are not cute, so it's pretty easy to remember to not feed them.

9 years ago

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Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea to report people all willy nilly. I think DOTA2 is moderated by the community, so it's less of a problem there, but for most other games, silly reports about insults just waste the support team's time, when they have real issues they could be dealing with, such as hacking, actual harassment, account stealing, ect. There's a mute button for a reason, and unless it happens persistently, such as someone spamming PMs at you, the support won't care, because they could be dealing with problems that are ruining the game for people, rather then minor inconveniences.

9 years ago

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While a single incident might be a minor inconvenience, the fact that such bad behaviour is common is not. And the only way to really deal with such a deep rooted issue is to actually take a hard stance on it and not accept antisocial behaviour. Quite often the people who handle dealing with harassment and the people who deal with technical issues and that kind of support are not the same people, so you're not taking their time by reporting people for bad behaviour, it's the community managers and the people around them who deal with such reports.

9 years ago

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Like I said, for DOTA, and most other valve games, you are right, they are moderated by the community, so you aren't wasting support's time, but that's not the case for most other games. The technical issues are solved by a maintenance team, but they are passed to them by the support team, which receives and sorts all the reports. Honestly, nothing is done for reports about general bad behavior usually, because the company can get a bad reputation for banning people without just cause, and being an asshole generally isn't considered just cause. These people payed for the game, and have every right to say and do what they want (within reason), and if too many people are unfairly banned, the game and the company start to receive negative press, which causes the company to lose money.

I personally have seen multiple games on steam, that I wouldn't buy because there were too many negative reviews about getting permanently banned for no reason. Whether or not it's true, I and many others now think these companies are trigger happy with their bans, and won't buy a game that we may have otherwise purchased.

9 years ago

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They should not have the right to actively ruin the experience for everyone they are playing with.

And who handles reports obviously depends on the size of the company. For a small indie company, it will be handled by the devs, but for larger companies, it will be handled by dedicated community managers. Also, reports go through different channels than technical issues, there should not be any overlap there.

And the first time someone gets enough reports, it should not result in a ban (and it in fact rarely does for larger games), but rather other actions are taken, like not allowing the person to communicate for a certain amount of time. It's repeat offenders that gets the ban hammer. And really, if you get reported enough to be flagged as a repeat offender, then you're really doing something wrong.

9 years ago*

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That's why games implement a mute feature and a block feature; whether or not they should have the right is not for us to decide, because the government already decided we have the right of free speech. You are correct that the devs deal with it all for indie companies, but you're a little off about larger companies. Unless community moderation is being used, all reports go to the support team, and they sort and pass the reports to the appropriate department. The maintenance team that deals with the technical issues are all professional software engineers, who spend their time looking through the code, correcting bugs and implementing new features. They don't have time to sift through 1000s of bug reports, the support team does that and compiles a list of bugs, ordered based on importance, which is then passed to the maintenance team. The support team also deals with common technical issues, complaints, suggestions, abuse reports, ect. They are the ones that read all the reports, determine what's important, distribute them, and reply when applicable. Sometimes members of the support team deal with different categories of reports, but unnecessary behavior reports still waste their time because more members need to be assigned to abuse reports, when they could be sorting bug reports or hacking reports, which is a much larger issue for most games.

Note: This all comes from what I've been taught about software company structure as a computer science student, so it should be pretty reliable.

9 years ago

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This kinda of behavior has been around since pretty much gaming,trash talking,being rude and other wise you even found at the arcades.That has been a deep root issue for a very long time,even before online play was a thing,you always had that one friend who took losing badly and did things to disrupt the game or swear or talk shit or other wise or wanted to win so bad they would cheat or hack to do it..

It should not always be up to the others to police who you play with you have to draw a line some place.This is the problem with the world it is always someone else problem to deal with it.He called me a bad word i am going to tell on him because he hurt my feelings because i can not deal with it i am to sensitive.

When it becomes stalking or other wise that is when it is a real problem,or if the hack/cheat is bad enough that it really disrupts the game play, or others.As far as being bullied goes in most cases that is we over played,people need to learn to not get offended by every little thing people say or do i laugh at all the people who talk shit on the internet,nothing they could say or do would bother me,same goes for in real life i could care less what you say or do,hell you could call my mom some nasty things,i am still not going to be offended.Now if your stalking me or trying to harm me bully style then i will take steps,but if all your doing is talking shit i could care less..

The whole virtual sex hack is annoying in should be reported,but you can also avoid things like this by finding decent people to play with like in real life,if you want nice people to hang with you do not call all the assholes you know and invite them over,but if you go to a bar and it is full of assholes that is the chance you take when you go out.

If your going to play with others you need to face the fact that you will run into assholes just like in the real world,but when you do run into an asshole in real life do you always call the cops to report them

I am just saying i will not waste my time or others to reporting someone swearing,talking shit,being stupid,or spawn camping and shit,i can avoid those easier and in less time then it would take me to report them.

9 years ago

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I think people need to get their priorities straight; I'm not trying to downplay the importance of rape, but there are so many worst crimes you can commit in GTA, like, I don't know, murder? corpse desecration? terrorism? need I go on? If you have some bad history with crime, maybe GTA, a game about going on crime sprees, might not be the game for you. That's like someone who almost drowned, playing drowning simulator, then complaining about being triggered.

9 years ago

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I would very much agree

9 years ago

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Yeah i agree with you

But reporting will do nothing other then get rid of the current assholes,sad but true

Think of it as getting rid of a drug dealer even if you do more then likely another one will just pick up the slack or move in.

Same can be said for games,get one asshole banned another one just comes in his place.There is no way to balance it all you can do is take steps to avoid them.

The problem may not be so much of running into asshole as much as it is finding people worth playing with.I know there are plenty of jerks and shit in games i have not played DOTA nor will i not my type of game.

But i have run into idiots on Borderlands who will run off and do there own thing while you die,or the ones who just sit there while you do all the work and they collect the XP and ninja your gear,or worse the ones who come in and kill everything with one shot and never die.

Though in that case i have the choice to remove them from my game if i am hosting,i am not sure if you can do that with DOTA one reason i do not bother with PVP games.

I have also come across it in other games like GTA V on the ps3 where someone would join a survival then run out and get killed trying to take on 10 people and repeat the next round,just so you do the work while they earn XP.The down side to that is you get marked for quitting games before they finish so you can not just leave,so i just die until everyone fails and go back to free roam.

Anyhow all i am saying is if i was to take time to report them and other idiots who talk crap on the game or other wise do things to disrupt games i would spend about as much time doing that as i would be actually playing the game in some instances.

I am glad you can do it and take the time,but i can not be bothered it just easier and simple to ignore them and move on.As even if you get them kicked or banned another asshole will just take his place.

9 years ago

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I actually don't report people (or play DOTA); being an asshole isn't enough to get banned, so why waste the support teams time? I suspect they cycle through 1000s of reports a day, some are hacker reports, some are bug reports, some are suggestions, some are reports of stolen accounts, some are reports about spammers, some are reports about serious harassment; I highly doubt they care about some foul mouthed 10 year olds, that players can easily mute and/or ignore.

9 years ago

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I think i raped myself, should i call the news ?

9 years ago

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No, call tumblr. I'm sure this is a sign of patriarchy but I'm not nearly capable of enough mental gymnastics to figure out how.

9 years ago

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Did you sit on something by accident?that usually what i tell people instead of i raped myself,i find that does not creep others out as much as admitting you did it on purpose

9 years ago

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This obviously a setup by Microsoft to sell more xboxes and crap on sony.What lengths will Microsoft go to next, they went to the point of raping virtual pixels.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) /s

9 years ago

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They truly have no shame, lol

9 years ago

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let me guess, america ?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i lold at the Diablo 3 ad

9 years ago

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I must be to ugly to virtual rape,all i got on the ps3 was dudes doing pull ups on my garage,and a stupid space ship down town.

No one took the time to violate me virtual,i feel so empty

9 years ago

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Close, but you're supposed to be shouting, "DISCRIMINATION! SEXISM! APPEARANCISM!" and demanding equal treatment

9 years ago

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lol,never thought of it that way
Maybe someone who does this hack will take request and put it on youtube and i will be almost famous

9 years ago

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But were there tentacles involved? :D

9 years ago

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I didn't see a report on that mod, but...well...rule 34 and all

9 years ago

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I don't know how to take this one. On the one hand obliging someone to witness the rape is a despicable act. Its not funny and banns should be flying. But on the other hand I'm not going to be crying out loud that someone shot my avatar in CoD, the police should arrest him.

9 years ago

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The underlying and common thread to both of those cases you mentioned is that what's happening is not real. This is not real life. No one is actually being raped. No one is actually being shot. For someone to play a violent game and then go on a crusade that there is violence in that violent game is just ridiculous.

9 years ago

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well said

9 years ago

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"Putting all gamers at risk, including kids"
Well, maybe you should not let your kid play online a M rated game, you retard!
Seriosly, that's just news being imbecils again, looking for a new "grand scandal"
There is a difference between rape and being a jackass. Teabagging is being a jackass. Putting a penis in someone's vagina (ass, mouth) while using force or a threat of using force is rape. Someone doing "sexually similar motions" towards you is not rape.
The word RAPE flyes around too much. Like some people figured out, that this word gets everyone's attention and now call anything RAPE. It's disgusting towards victims of an actual rape.
And what, everyone much be carefull in everything they're doing, because you might be sencitive in that way? Yeah, let's make a completely safe world, with no edges, so as soon as 20% of people living in that comfort zone leave it, they get completely smashed by life.
I'm not saying these people should be allowed to do that. They're hacking the game and hindering other's playing experience. Sooner or later, Rockstar will find them and probably ban. But if you want an absolutely comfortable and safe enviroment - GET THE FUCK OFF THE INTERNET NOW! FLEE, YOU FOOL!

9 years ago

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No you clearly misunderstand the new rules and definition of rape. Rape is now you feeling uncomfortable around anything that could be construed as a sexual reference or connotation whether it involves you or not.

This clearly makes sense and is entirely enforceable without making it impossible for anyone to maintain their sanity.

9 years ago

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I guess, my problem is legal education. Terms like Rape, Murder, Theft, Assault all have legal definitions, and you can't call anything you want Rape as you please.
Well, you can, but that would be bullshit. Or even better - a false accusation of a crime. An act as well punishable by the law.
It's just disgusting, there are people that actually are victims of crimes, and others are just a show-off. Like taking a parking space for handicapped drivers, because you stubbed your toe.

9 years ago

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"Well, you can, but that would be bullshit."
This. What's sad is that it's necessary to explain in detail why it's bullshit.

9 years ago

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I love how they call it hacking, even tough the servers they go on are known to be modified by the server owner him/herself and that it is not an official server.
These people act like these are normally official servers this happens on.

9 years ago

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Stop using logic. Logic is a tool of the patriarchy!

9 years ago

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Can't wait for her virtual abortion.

9 years ago

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Or the virtual protesters or the virtual shame she'll literally feel

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Fucking assholes. Calling it virtual rape is disrespectful to REAL rape victims. Go fuck yourselves! Media continue being shit.

9 years ago

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Game rape is fun.

9 years ago

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inb4 outrage

Though I'd like to point out that the same people enflamed by the sentence "Game rape is fun" wouldn't have batted an eye (likely) at the phrase "Game [murder] is fun" though the reasons they'll give for being outraged at the former are just as relevant to the latter.

9 years ago

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People should worry about things that really effect people, and not some stupid gameing shit.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Aaaaaaaaaaand blacklist

9 years ago

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ask me how much i care : )

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Reflinks are against Steamgifts site rules.

9 years ago

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damn..I thought it was joke..people are taking it seriously... Is this the reason Rockstar started banning all Mods & Players who use them??? Sheeeeeeeeeet

9 years ago

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Don't know if that's why. I'd assume that the mods in general were against EULA, regardless of the nature of the mod.

9 years ago

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I would like to ask though. IS there even a rape function in GTA V? i mean, you can figuratively rape someone if you mean repeatedly
kill them online. (Happened to me a bunch of times since buying the game.)

9 years ago

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I don't think so no. The mods made the models appear naked and gyrate suggestively. Incidentally model collision in the game means a character can have it's movement restricted by enough surrounding models as well.

9 years ago

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Am I the only one who noticed the "Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB" tag.... of course sexual assault isn't funny, but the clips they were showing were just glitches.....

9 years ago

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Patriarchy is spelled E-S-R-B

Fortunately there was no sexual assault here

9 years ago

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Have any of you read Killobyte by Piers Anthony. One of his more interesting books, really everything else he wrote bored me; I think he most often leans towards his books being for girls. In it there is some computer game that you are fulled strapped into with faked touch, smell, everything so that it is very real. I think near the beginning it was talking about how you would order the sex attachment separate, and if you logged out you lost progress, so you could rape real people in the game and if they cared enough about it they would just have to put up with it to not lose progress.

9 years ago

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That's pretty trippy. Without spoilers (if possible) where did he end up going with the plot? I've only read a few Anthony books but enjoyed them as I recall ("On a Pale Horse" and the first few Xanth books).

I'll have to see if I can find that one. I don't see it in my local library's physical or digital collection.

9 years ago

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I sort of think he went the standard guy gets sucked into game route, becomes RL deadly, must defeat game to survive, sort of thing. Reading a plot summery it seems it is mostly about interpersonal stuff, we learn about the players RL in detail. Which I had mostly forgotten.

9 years ago

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This shit is a joke, right? Nobody is taking that "news report" seriously are they?

9 years ago

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I believe they are people dumb enough to take this seriously.
And sadly there are millions of them!

9 years ago

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Before we know it, there will be millions of divorces across the world due to the number of mothers who fuck 12-year-old CoD players...

9 years ago

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What the world has become?

9 years ago

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That's just non-sense, being raped only in GTA V. I was bullied all over the Internet!
They say my mummy is the fattest thing in the universe! But besides this fact everybody slept with her, somehow... Which is really disturbing.

I'm a virtually disturbed child that needs help.
Where can I go to help my mum to lose weight?

9 years ago

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So many sarcastic jokes to make here that I'll refrain from

9 years ago

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Please, be my guest.

9 years ago

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No no, sometimes I'm willing to draw the line :)

9 years ago

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So this is obviously a instance of the news sensationalizing something they don't understand to grab eyes and create controversy and along with everyone else I'm absolutely fed up with it.
That being said the title of this post is using the same sort of tactics to draw people in. If you listen to what the girl says she never actually claims to have had this happen to her and her word choice is pretty clear that she's just commenting on this after being asked about it by the reporter. This is why there isn't anything wrong with the timeline when the reporter says she quit over a year ago.
Perhaps we should rise above the tactics we're so quick to deplore.

9 years ago

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That first sentence. Agreed.
That second sentence. No, I just copied and pasted the title of the linked article as the title of the post because I saw no need to express my opinion on the topic in the title.
There's nothing wrong with her timeline because GTA5 came out more than a year and a half ago.

9 years ago

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It's true, I do remember seeing the page title the video being that way but still, after watching it you must have realized that it was just as sensationalized as the news report. You had an opportunity to take the higher road and give it a title more reflective of the actual content, no opinion necessary. There are a number of reasons it's been so hard to educate the general public to the full reality of gaming, to make them understand that it's not just a bunch of degenerates that want to rape their daughters and hypocritical stuff like this is one of them, even if it wasn't fully intentional.

9 years ago

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Actually I think the title pretty clearly conveys the ludicrous nature of the claim quite well as is. No hypocrisy.

9 years ago

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"Girl Claims She Was “Virtually Raped” in GTA V" Could you provide a quote from the video where any person claims to have had this happen to them? You can't decry the sensationalization in this news piece by using sensationalization, that's hypocrisy.

9 years ago

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...because you couldn't have just googled it yourself...

I have no interest in continuing discussing this with you. I'm withdrawing my consent to engage in this conversation.

9 years ago

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Googled what? I'm not disputing that this is happening and I'm not disputing that there are people over-reacting to it happening. We completely agree on these facts.
The point is you provided a link to a video stating that some one claimed to have had this happen to them when clearly, in the video in question, no one makes such a claim. If you had a primary source for someone making this claim why did you not post it?

I know it's fun to rip into idiotic public reactions like this but you can do that without stooping to their level.

Anyway, enjoy your echo chamber.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I saw that coming from a mile away, still made me laugh, well played.

9 years ago

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It was the obvious direction to go with it

View attached image.
9 years ago

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It would have almost been a crime not to go there.

9 years ago

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