1) Pokemon is still awesome imo. But lets face it. Generation I is primitive and outdated compared to the newer generations.
2) I think people should switch to Tide instead of Clorox.
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i played the middle generation until i finished completely (it was grena leaf ro something9, then i tried with another random pokemon game, and then i saw that once you played 1 pokemon, you played them all. except maybe for some 10-15 new pokemons.
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Don't take this as a rant, just trying to explain it to you.
Pokémon has made changes in every generation. But those changes mainly affect competitive battles. If you only play the story, you would barely see any changes except for the new Pokémons and new attacks that you won't care about, but when you get into competitive battles, you would see that with every generation the experience changes.
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See how quickly the fuzz showed up? This thread has potential to ignite in flames not seen since Marines burned the huts of Vietnamese villagers.
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Did the exact same experiment in the exact same grade, confirmed Tide wins
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Assuming you mean the Clorox bleach - the two are completely different cleaning products.
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I shan't fall for your entrapment. I'd be banned before I could refresh.
It'd blow ya mind, baby!
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I've been able to coast by with replying to the opinions of other. ..thus far..
I may bite in a moment. Was hoping Jatan, angrygamer, atomicwoodchuck, delta and a few others would appear.
Yep, I play favorites.
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my guess on the 1000$ is some people are too lazy to try and find the parts apart and just want their pc made right away,, like me, althought i wasted 500$ on mine.
or they just want their pc to run all AAA games in the next 20 years in high ultra 240 fps.
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I wasted about $10000 on mine. And I don't regret it.
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i personally would regret it, i would atleast try to build it myself with some parts that waste that huge amount of money.
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I did exactly that. I bought all parts and built it myself.
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Is 10000 a typo? As in $10,000? Zimbabwe currency maybe...
Or you're just a liar.
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No, it's not a typo. And it's most certainly not such evanescent thing like Zimbabwian currency, but rather plain US dollars.
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You've wasted your time. I'm afraid I have no interest in anything you have to say.
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Is that why you bothered me for the last fourty minutes?
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Ooops! I guess you got me! Yep, you PWNED me. That's for sure!
Hmmm, what does the Steam System Information say is in that badass rig of yours?
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Processor Information:
Vendor: GenuineIntel
CPU Family: 0x6
CPU Model: 0x2d
CPU Stepping: 0x7
CPU Type: 0x0
Speed: 3502 Mhz
12 logical processors
6 physical processors
HyperThreading: Supported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Supported
SSSE3: Supported
SSE4a: Unsupported
SSE41: Supported
SSE42: Supported
Network Information:
Network Speed:
Operating System Version:
Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
NTFS: Supported
Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 311 0x0 0x0 0x0
Video Card:
DirectX Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 23 Oct 2013
OpenGL Version: 4.4
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 119 Hz
DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN
VendorID: 0x10de
DeviceID: 0x1005
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
SLI Detected (3 GPUs)
Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Primary Display Size: 23.54" x 13.23" (26.97" diag)
59.8cm x 33.6cm (68.5cm diag)
Primary Bus: PCI Express 8x
Primary VRAM: 6143 MB
Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x
Sound card:
Audio device: ???????? (ASUS XONAR PHOEBUS Au
RAM: 32710 Mb
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There is a link (unless I messed up) to my approximations of parts I bought. Sounds card is missing, few thigs are slightly different, but even now it goes up to $8000.
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1k for a complete PC gaming build is small time friend. Even more so if you are including a mouse, keyboard, speakers, and monitor into that cost. Ya, you could get something like a 7770 gpu with an i3 and a 17in LCD, but at that point, you might as well just buy a console.
You could spend 10k and not be future proof for 20 years @ 240fps/ultra quality. 1k would last 2-5years depending on when the "next gen" comes out. Think im <1 year in for my GPU and already looking to upgrade or pick up another to sli with. 1.3 years in for my other parts.
Also, PC building is a hobby, just like MMOs, facebook, scrap-booking, coin collecting, and so on. Not to mention I could probably sell my rig and come out ahead of what I paid into it, so thats always nice.
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Well there are non-gaming reasons to buy expensive PCs. If you need PCs to run demanding software, for example. Or you need a business PC that can handle heavy multi-tasking for a long period of time. If you're spending $1000+ on only gaming, though, then that's different. You really don't need to go above $800, and then upgrade instead of spending $2000 and never upgrading for years
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I spent $1000 on my PC. It's well worth it. It's like having every console made before the Wii and it can also play all of the good PC games as well. It's not just for video games but I also use it for my side-job. It helps earn me money and it's worth the extra amount I spent.
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I hate Walking dead..or you can say I hate any zombie related things nowadays..There is so much of a zombie stuff it gives me nausea. Thing about pokemon games is like, Hardcore fans play to satisfy themselves and new ones play to see what's the fucking hype for..
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Skyrim is awful.
Cipher Prime games are great.
World of Warcraft is not bad, and not addicting.
Fallout 3+NV are overrated.
Borderlands 2 is a plague upon this world.
Monsters! is a Desura gem and should really be greenlit, unlike all the other shit that's getting through.
FTL is overrated as hell.
And, the one I don't even have to say, MLP:FiM is one of the best TV shows I've ever watched. (The movie doesn't count. The movie isn't canon.)
(And, an extra for bronies- Pinkie Pie is best pony.)
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mlp isnt really an umpopular opinion, because of how popular the show its, neither its love, its neutrality, or its hate, its unpopular.
as for the rest
.its not that awful.
.iunno about it.
.it wasnt bad when it first came, but it didint aged well, since games like guilds war can topple it better.
.how dare you
.a bit of agreed.
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Flash Sentry. Flash. Fucking. Sentry.
Single worst fictional character in anything ever.
I've seen every episode around 5 times (sans Party of One, among others) and I can confidently say FUCK FLASH SENTRY.
I don't care how bad S4 is. It'll be amazing, because Flash Sentry isn't in it.
(Edit: not to mention the movie made the M6 and CMC teenagers, one of the main reasons why I consider it noncanon)
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ARG! How could you even think that?!? Everyone knows that Fluttershy is best pony. P
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I'll never understand why everyone likes Fluttershy so much. She's okay, I guess. Maybe a #2 or #3 of the M6 for me.
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I am the only guy that is more attracted to small boobs than large ones.
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its not really unpopular, lots of porn sites have sections filled specially of small boob videos. they topple the income of big ones.
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On the one hand, it boggles my mind that males are so fascinated with what amounts to two, floppy, over-sized sweat glands. There's no logic to it.
On the other hand, who cares about logic when you have boobies to play with? (I prefer smaller than average over larger than average.)
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Statically rich men are more attracted to smaller tits than bigger ones.
The more you know.
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Not really. I seem to be more attracted to smaller-chested girls too...
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Let me correct that.
Statistically rich men are more likely to be attracted to smaller tits than larger ones.
The more you now.
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Somebody ought to put some life back into the genre.
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I'd complain about the violent mistreatment of zombie animals in such games, but that would be beating a dead horse.
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i agreed comepletely on nintendo thing, it seems nowadays they just milk on their old success, repating mario games, which are mostly just remakes.
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play "beyond the beyond" for playstaion it will make you love 2 worlds. insane encounter rate, 1 of your characters is cursed for 1/2 the game then all your best end game gear curses you. it has to be thee worst rpg.
also ogre battle is a fantastic rpg. every one should play it!
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+1, although I'm still shocked about the third one after the series was silent for a decade.
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I watched Cowboy Bebop a while ago, and throughout the entire thing I was flabbergasted with what all the fuss was about. I think possibly, it is just the only Anime that some people watch that is not about giant battle mechs, piloted by high schoolers.
Also, SSS was just sooo boring.
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I have shared too much and will live in shame until I play Skyrim.
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I got some vibram-soled shoes "by accident" -- they were accidentally the most comfortable shoes I tried on; I hadn't realized they'd have a learning curve though now I'm past that and they are great unless I'm going to be on concrete a long time -- and they are now my utterly favorite shoes. It's making me eye the toed ones because I bet they are even better, even though I hate the way they look. But whether or not I bite the bullet and go for toes, for walking shoes it is no raised heels and wibbly wobbly ow yeah that's gravel all right vibram rubber 4 life. They are so nice and grippy and agile.
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I'd say there's a 1-5 % that are actually very enjoyable. ..and fun to revisit from time to time. I just can't think of one at the moment.
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I used to like internet memes, but then I took an arrow to the knee .............
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"obesity" being portrayed as a problem is overrated, and so are the morons who give a shit about other peoples weight.
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it woulnt be overrated if people actually cared for doing something about it. obesity IS a problem, or you are going to tell me diabetes, heart attacks,, cancer, high blood pressure and Osteoarthritis are normal in all human beings.
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Evangelizing about other folks "poor" choices is also annoying. Who gives a shit?
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as annoying as it is, because people dont want to interfere and just wait for things to solve themselves is the reason countries are in crisis nowadays, because lazy fucks dont want to get out of their asses and do something to fix all of this shit before it hits the fan.
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AHH! I wasn't aware that fat folks were the cause for all of society's woes.
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you dont necesarily have to be fat to be the cause of something bad, but the average extremely lazy people tend to be fat, and said extremely lazy people are the ones that make a country not move.
however, we also have corrupted goverments, shady dealers, criminals etc but that its another whole story im not really in the mood of going into.
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Or maybe they just don't see it as a problem without external interferrance.
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Well, sure are a lot of industrious nations out there with very few fatties and those fuckers are starving to death, so why don't they have an utopian society? Hmm... Perplexing.
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I don't know if maybe you're in a country where science is a relatively new thing, but there are medical conditions, genetics, and many other factors that can account for a person being obese.
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Just because someone is fat doesnt make them a "lazy fuck". Just because someone doesnt pound concrete and move steel girders for 12hrs a day or play some kind of sport, professional or not, doesnt mean they are lazy. Inverse is also true, plenty of skinny, "healthy", individuals that do jack all everyday, eat buffets and make stoner food without being a stoner. My skinny friends eat more then my fat friends while being just as or less active. Im not saying all fat people are fat due to genetics or some medical condition, but you have to wonder at that point.
There are a lot more skinny criminals then fat criminals, just saying.
Also, Im sure an obese person would go to the gym or take walks outside or even buy diet food but are afraid to because someone like you will pester or harass them. Ive seen fat folks get berated when they try to lose the pounds, having a soda/smoothie/food item thrown at you isnt fun, but thats better then having fucking rocks thrown at you from passing cars just because you are outside while fat. Plenty in the world to be pissed off about, plenty of assholes too, no reason to be one to someone just because they are fat. More flys with honey and all that. (inb4 joke about fat person eating the honey blah blah".)
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I'm sorry, logic and competence aren't accepted in this corner of the thread.
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You seem to be a reasonable person so I'll respond. Actually, I was being "the fat kid" for almost 20 years and changed that by learning to hate everything that's connected to being fat. You may say that such method sucks just for changing ones appearance but that's how I did it.
On the other hand - people who are 'throwing rocks' at fat people who are trying to do something about their weight, whether those rocks are physical or just metaphorical, that's just sad and painful. I said I hate lazy fucks who won't move their asses and do something to lose weight, but I'm the first one to cheer on them when they actually try to.
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That's disturbing, I think you should get help from a specialist.
I recommend a nutritionist with approach similar to Omni-diet (since normal diet didn't help) and trainer with pro-metabolism approach like Layne Norton (since you've been training already and it didn't help). Google those a bit, I hope it helps.
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I...I don't even know how to respond...
I'm going to disagree with Origin not being bad, because without it I could buy EA games on Steam.
I'm going to agree with 2k DLC but point the finger at Capcom which is the worst of all companies.
As a side note, I think Zelda games are highly overrated, but not terrible.
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It's not just shooting blue and orange portals alternately, you know!! There actually is a backstory which ties it into Half Life, plus GlaDOS & the companion cube......but, I guess that's your choice!
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I thought gen 5 pokemon was the worst.
also wind waker is the best zelda game so :P
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PC Master Race is definitely worse than me, i agree with that much.
(yes, we are everywhere )
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All IMO of course. Don't care about popular opinion and this might show my age.
Thanks for reading!
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here goes another rather unpopular opinion (in the real world)
i dont give 2 fuck about 3 pickles about the fucking brand, or guy who makes clothes, i just want a simple t-shirt, not an overpriced, generic and might i add horrible thing other people call "fashion"
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i only use 2 pais of shoes, and mostly like to wear plain t shirts or polo with not much on them. got 3 jeans and about 3 formal shirts. mostly because i dont go out a lot.
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This isn't an unpopular opinion. About 95% of men agree with you.
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Novak Djokovic is the Greatest tennis player Of All Time, not because i'm Serbian(well maybe because of it ^^) like him but because his level of play in 2011 wasn't from this planet. The shots he pulled off that year were. Way out of mainstream, don't you think? :)
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It's hard to imagine so many people know he even exists.
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Everything popular is overrated except bacon, which is underrated.
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Yeah, I agree with you. I can't stand 90% of rap, but I don't go around saying it's not music, that's completely ignorant. Metal was born from Classical music, listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata: Movement #3 and tell me it's not connected.
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Technically it is music. Also all contemporary music has roots in classical music.
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i dunno what people see in marrying into so many women, it just means doubling your responsabilities, if you had in the first place.
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I'm pretty sure he didn't mean marrying into multiple people, but rather having sexual affairs with multiple partners.
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If being a dirty whore is what one wants to be, then I say let one be a dirty whore!
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+1 (although I might put Wind Waker before A Link to the Past, but that's my own unpopular opinion)
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GTA is terrible shit. All series from the very first beginning.
Consoles are stopping the gaming indostry's development.
Dota 2 is a cut version of WarCraft III for dumbos.
Most popular Japanese franchises (Pokemon, Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, etc.) are overrated as hell.
Nolan's Batman trilogy is overrated too. The first movie was nice and comparable to briliant Burton's films, the second was far worse, the last was shitty. Btw, i watched Burton's films later than Nolan's, so it's not about nostalgy or the first impressions.
CoD is better than BF, but both series suck. Treyarch games, however, are awesome.
People who use rage faces should be beheaded.
British culture is better than American.
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Your statement on GTA is most true, however I'll admit I liked GTA 4 because Niko Bellic is probably the most likable GTA protagonist....I mean he actually helps a few drug addicts....in a GTA game! So I personally thought that bit of goodness was refreshing for GTA!
However, I hear not-so-good things about GTA 5 characters!
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Lawyers should be executed right after they get their diploma.
Futbol/football/foot-to-ball (the real one, not that battleroyale-thing from the USA) is the most overrated sport of the world. and EVERY SINGLE PLAYER IS AN OVERPAID MORON.
Royal system is RETARDED; Metric system is the one and only. the same goes for the Farenheit system too.
Point&click adventures are not videogames; CoD: black Dogs have more gameplay that those "games".
veegans are the most intolerant people in the world, almost as internet atheists.
Bud-like beer SUCKS (that pee colored water so popular in the USA), deal with it. THIS is a beer; THIS is a joke
MOBAS shouldn't exist.
Xbox 360 pads have the analog stick in the wrong position.
piracy is not the worst thing for the industry, and is not the worst crime ever.
people that reads books and tell everyone about that, and threw shit to those who doesn't read, are worse than vegans.
Private education is bullshit.
Blind nationalism is Bullsthit.
Apple is wrong in every possible way.
EVERYTHING is Overrated.
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I believe it's called imperial system. And yes, it's retarded. As for Fahrenheit, it's just confusing as hell.
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in a country who´s public education is going downhill, private education its the only way to actually learn at the rate that its meant to be.
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In some places, not the US mind you, paying for an education actually gets you an education instead of a crash course in memorization. Schools are less about teaching and more about having students memorize the answers to tests. Then when they get out of school, they dont know a damn thing.
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unfortunely is the only solution right now, cause capitalism. tis sad but its the truth
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Nice post. I don't completely agree, but I'm placing you in my "I don't hate this person" list.
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American adjunct lagers and "lite" beers are indeed piss. But Heineken is barely any better. Green bottles are bad for any beer, they let in more light, which interacts with isohumulones from the hops in beer to create a chemical similar to the ones skunks let out, hence skunked beer. Unless you're literally cracking the beer open right next to the brewhouse, beer in green bottles is already half-skunked at best. And if you think you're actually getting that shit from Holland, I got a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing.
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of course is not imported. heineken here (argentina) is brewed by an Argentinean company (that also makes this brand).
didn't know about the green bottle problem, i should look up that thing.
i also prefer Stout beer .
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I'm vegan and i love books.
Have you read Marcus Aurelius Meditations ? Awesome book by the most awesome roman emperor ever !
I am reading Fire in the Lake right now about the american experience in vietnam, in parallel with A Nervous Splendor Vienna 1888-1889. When i finish one of them my next read will probably be Will Durant History of the Renaissance, or i might re-read Muhammad Ali the Soul of the Butterfly. But the books i enjoyed reading the most recently was the biography of Burton by Mary S. Lovell and Foucault Discipline and Punish. The memoirs of Ulysses Grant are ok, offered them to a friend of mine. I offered him the Icelandic Sagas as well, he loved it. I should soon receive The Best of 2600 and Letters to the Editor of 2600 via the post office, as well as the River Of Lost Footsteps and Greg Boyington Baa Baa Black Sheep. To be honest i always buy books quicker than i read them, and i read a lot and quick. Or i might read a new book that came out about boxing ( i love boxing ).
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I agree, but for two points.
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i don't fully agree, but nice conversation topics:))
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goddammit stop reading my mind!!!
I agree w/ everything except on mobas and bud light, im neutral. never heard of mobas and never tasted bud.
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Bing > google because you get paid to use it.
For the amount of money these pros can get paid, league of legends is not that hard of a professional game, at least on an individual level.
Even with the new fixed bta, I still think some of the humble weekly bundles are worth btaing for.
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I prefer a search engine that gives me what I'm looking for. Even if they paid me to do so, I'd still wouldn't want to use Bing. Almost every time I do a search on Bing, I end up doing the search again on Google because Bing didn't provide any useful result.
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eSports is balderdash and chicanery. Everyone who's affiliated with it should ashamed of themselves.
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ever wanted to express an opinion on something but afraid of getting backlashed, well not here (maybe).
simple, post an opinion of yours that goes against the mainstream, not just about vydia games, but anything.
i personally think pokemon is incredibly overrated, and the franchise has been the same thing oever and over again but with more pokemons, except for X Y where they finally did a change. and yes i played it and liked it, but its not something i would get hyped so much about.
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