I was about to make a joke about how you could buy me something, but I knew that I'd be suspended for it.
So, instead, maybe make a few giveaways for Steamgifts? There are a few good games that haven't been in bundles that people would be extremely happy to have a chance at winning. For example: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. (It's cheap, meaning it won't dent your budget too much and it's also relatively highly wanted)
As for a game to suggest, I can't think of anything sadly. I was going to suggest The Sims 3, but that's considered casual :)
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No I wouldn't consider the Sims 3 casual at all. With casual I meant all those small games that could just as well be a free flash game on some website. Anything where a playing the whole game or a instance of the game doesn't take more than hour. You can easily spend a week on one scenario of the Sims 3. It's just, I already got the Sims.
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Well, there's one tiny problem ... local Steam prices for Sims 3 expansions are crazy. I initially bought the base game by asking someone to gift it to me from the U.S. Steam store, then also got a few expansions that way. That's because EA charges more than twice for The Sims 3 + DLCs over here in Europe compared to American prices (e.g. Supernatural is on sale for €9,99 currently, v.s. $4.99). At some point, I just registered the Origin codes I got along with my Steam copy and bought more DLCs for Origin via Amazon, which are always around $4, when there's a sale.
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Oh wait I guess that counts as pixel graphics, but if your looking for an interesting twist on an rpg I would still recommend it.
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Do you like Hidden Object Games at all (HOG for short)? I can suggest some nice ones if you do.
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That's a good question, I don't even know, if I like HOGs or not. I got few Artifex Mundi ones from bundles, haven't had the time yet to decide whether it's my thing or not. I probably wouldn't buy them via Steam though, as they kinda fit into the casual category and are bundled quite often. But sure, recommend away. Doesn't hurt to know the nice ones.
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Balrum ,
Hexen & Heretic games collection
Sacrifice by shiny entertaiment
Blood one unit whole blood
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines ,
Mafia 1 since it re-added etc :D ( but i think it misses some soundtracks from original game -.-caz of copyrights,idk if some1 fixed it )
Spiderweb games ,etc ;D
Icewind DAle + Baldur's Gate franchises + Divinity franchise ;D (except maybe imperail commander, dragons with jets/thrusters=omfg wtf.. but the rest rock :) Divine Divinity, Beyond DIvinity, Divinity 2 developer's cut etc )
some also said tales of maj eyal so roguelikes-wise i recommend Neo SCavenger too
and UnReal World on steam / or free from their site ( diff version i think) , + Prospector, Cataclysm:Dark Days AHead
Dwarf Fortress
ADOM ancient domains of mystery,
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You can't go wrong with this one here: (http://store.steampowered.com/app/204030/Fable__The_Lost_Chapters/). It's quite old, but i think the game holds up insanely well. And it's dirty cheap at the moment.
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I would also highly recommend Fable: The Lost Chapters, it's one of the best RPG's on PC ever. I would also recommend TLC over Anniversary edition as the latter didn't really improve graphics that much they added bloom which in my opinion makes it look worse. Some models look worse as well. Not to mention the menu and inventory system in Anniversary edition is console-like while the TLC has proper menu/inventory system.
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Hmm, what's this thing with all those polygon graphics games lately? I'm pretty much don't like block graphics and retro pixel games, still uncertain about polygons. Is there anything to do in "The First Tree" ... or is more like a walking sim?
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A couple of suggestions. One at the edge of your limit, the other not far (neither went into sale this time around). Both in the building sim category, Rimworld reportedly being amazing in terms of storytelling (not fixed, all based on events).
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Okay, concerning suggestion #5, please do tell me: is the second LiS game as linear and don't choices matter at all, like in the first one? I bought the first one, pretty much when it came out, I totally loved it. I was looking forward to play it through several times, try different choices, get different endings, only to find out that the last episode destroyed all my hopes. It's linear as hell and there's basically only one choice in the game that really mattered (rigth at the end). I don't have high hopes for the second part (prequel whatever), because we already know what happens to Rachel, consequently there cannot be any meaningful choices either, as the plot is doomed to proceed what we know from Lis? Or am I missing a point here?
Apart from that, #4 is a board game, already got #3, and #2 is a platformer. I will consider Factorio. Thanks for that hint.
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#5 is pretty much linear yeah BUT plot twist are even "wtf_ish" and "woaw_ish" so I higly recomend to buy it
#4 is a bord game indeed but there are so many card games there like Mafia, monopoly, uno, secret hitler (and star wars one secret palpatin) and so many others
#3 well...congrats cos this is what RTS should be like ;)
#2 is not a just platformer....It might be not so popular like PUBG but this indie game is a worth of ur attention. The music, characters, missions, visual effect...It is so beautiful...Taking seperatelly this is nothing but together it is a wonderful indie game
`#1 Good)I hope that you will enjoy this ;)
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I'll second your recommendations, but I would warn OP that Hollow Knight is a demanding platformer, and that was on OP's no-fly list. IT's a metroidvania, but the platforming is more difficult than, say, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and it's possible I've reached a point where I simply can't advance because I can't pull off the platforming combos required to get through certain points (and it sounds like it gets harder later in the game, anyway).
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Hiding your profile makes it hard to avoid making redundant suggestions of things you've played for hours, and your wishlist would be a good place for you to start. In addition to your wishlist, I'd recommend:
Third-person stealth is a category your haven't excluded. If that wasn't just an oversight, take a look at:
Thief is first-person but not a shooter and Mark of the Ninja takes a 2D approach to stealth.
You can also try isometric view games, with either real-time action or turn-based strategy:
Epistory: Typing Chronicles doesn't fall into any of your dislikes, as far as I can see. Typing is a key mechanic (no pun intended), so that may make it more likely to be a niche choice.
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Yes, I do know that hiding my profile and wishlist may be a little inconvenient, but i do like my privacy :-). And rest assured, that playtimes and achievements wouldn't be of much help, as I tend play in offline mode whenever possible to prevent Steam from recording these things. Getting some unbiased suggestions certainly seems to help.
And yes, you noticed correctly. third person stealth is not excluded at all. I will consider Shadwen, as I've had it on my wishlist for a while, being uncertain, as I read both good and bad things in reviews. Already got and finished XCom (without expansion though), even bought XCOM2 via Humble Monthly, but didn't even try it yet. Hard West definitely seems interesting. I won Epistory here on SG, it's still on my todo list .. I do play my wins here, just not in the order of winning them. Please tell me, is Transistor anything like Bastion, concerning the controls? I definitely had a hard time getting aquainted with Bastion because I'm too clumsy to handle the controls (maybe it's better with a controller ... I don't have a controller though).
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I recall Transistor being different from Bastion in that respect, but it’s been quite some time since I played either and I don’t recall how it was different (I believe I used a keyboard and mouse in both versions). It’s also available on iOS for $2, though I have no idea what the controls are like for that version.
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xcom enemy within is well worth it :)
also have a look on those (i really liked them):
Eador. Masters of the Broken World
Elven Legacy
King's Bounty: The Legend
The Last Remnant
Legend of Grimrock
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™
Valkyria Chronicles
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut
Dragon Age: Origins
i can also recommend you some of RPG style if you like :)
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+1 the Lego Star Wars and Batman games are great. Not tried any other ones.
Make sure you have a controller tho or it's utter torture.
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As a "maybe?" - http://store.steampowered.com/app/350640/Sherlock_Holmes_The_Devils_Daughter/
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I hate tower defense, card and hidden object games, but Kingdom Rush, Card City Nights and Hidden Folks are some of the best games I've played. Genre stops being relevant when a game is good enough.
If you like strategy, I highly recommend the Kingdom Rush franchise and Card City Nights.
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Planet Coaster is on sale, with an all time low price.
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+1 Such a cool game and for that price it's a steal :D
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Reigns is currently down to 99 cents on Android via the Google Play store. It seems like it would work as well or better as a mobile game, and if you use Google Opinion Rewards Surveys, you likely have some spare change in your Play store account.
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The Witcher and me is basically a story of its own. That game franchise should be ideal for me, I have no doubt they're great games. Nice story and all. It's just, you always have to play as the Witcher. And I simply cannot stand the Witcher. It's like watching a movie where you cannot stand the main actor. It's pointless. At some point you just have to turn it off. One free Steam weekend with the Witcher 2 gave me the same experience. I just deleted the game after a day or two.
I already have Divinity: OS. I'll probably wait a bit on Divinity OS 2, as it's still kina new and expensive and because I haven't played the first part much yet. I will consider Dominions.
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Perhaps you'd like this:
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not sure how much these are worth in your currency but here goes what can I think of:
and yes I didn't double check because I'm too lazy (and sometimes idk if people actually read it so my effort might go to waste)
anyway that's that
hope you find something interesting to buy
or just don't buy anything, or pick something from your wishlist already
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Some of my favorites for good story:
$4.99 Life is Strange I recommend this to anyone who will listen. I've not played the "prequel" game Before the Storm yet but its probably great too. Good soundtrack.
$6.24 Telltale's The Walking Dead has 3 seasons and a spinoff or two
$6.24 Telltale's The Wolf Among Us
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As I said over here, I'm pretty much in a love/hate relationship with Life is Strange. I would have said it's my favorite game of all times, up to the point when the final episode came out. It felt rushed, turned the whole game into something linear, reducing the incentive to play it again to zero and I felt betrayed that none of my choices (except the last one) didn't even matter. It's not what they advertised. Choices don't matter. I'm still unsure whether I should buy the prequel or not.
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Unfortunately, this was my opinion of the game as well. It was an interesting story, even though I hated Chloe. Nevertheless making the finale a binary choice was an even bigger let down than the end of Mass Effect 3. It instantly sank the quality of the game.
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I think they had budget issues or something by the time the devs got to ep 5. That episode did feel hasty and full of filler content. However, I still found it worthwhile to go back and make different choices up through ep 4 just to see some of the main plot events play out in a slightly different way. To me, what makes LiS special is having relatable and (mostly) well written characters, memorable story, and the nostalgic feel and atmosphere of arcadia bay rather than whether or not my choices made a difference in the very end.
The conclusion may be fixed in the prequel but what draws me to it is the chance to jump back into arcadia bay and explore what happens with Chloe during Max's absence leading up to Rachel's disappearance.
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There are two games, and they're sold as a set
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Hi folks, I was wondering if you could give me some hints, on what to buy with some €28 money I have left in my Steam wallet. My big problem is, I have so many games on Steam already and I'm very picky. I'd like to get as many kinds of different suggestions, so to avoid bias, I won't let you peek at my wishlish and just tell you what I don't like ;-)
I do NOT like (or would rather not buy right now):
That list probably goes on, but that's all I can think of right now. In general, I do like RPGs, (city- or open-world) building simulations or any game with a nice story. The game does not have to be at an all time low discount price and I depending on the suggestions I don't have to spend all my wallet or might even top it up. Though €25 is definitely the maximum I'd be willing to spend on a single game, around €10 is always better. Thanks in advance.
Oh yeah, and there's your obligatory giveaway (lvl 2+).
EDIT: Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Rest assured I will consider each and every one of them and answer your comments within time. Keep going ;-)
EDIT2: Thanks so much for even more suggestions. So far I'm inclined to get "Planet Coaster", maybe the White Marsh expansion for Pillars of Eternity (hasn't been suggested, but I recently dug out the game again, though it's outrageous that it's been a few Euros cheaper already on Steam). And I have a few more to check out, while wallet keeps growing. More suggestions still welcome, nothing's decided yet.
One more giveaway: LVL2+
EDIT3: Thanks again for all your suggestions. I got "Planet Coaster" and "The Turing Test" for now. I still have exactly enough money in my wallet left, to buy the expansion pass for Pillars of Eternity - so any thoughts on that, whether it's a good idea to wait on the expansion or buy it now, considering I probably won't have time for playing it though multiple times. Or I could just buy few small things instead, "Fable: The Lost Chapters" seemed like a good suggestion. But I'm still open for more suggestions. Keep going.
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