hmmm solved the first go but not sure what to do next. I own the game but just curious how this will be solved. Have a bump!
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EDIT: I really hope the username/password thing isn't something that only people who played Cyberpunk 2077 know, cause I never played it (and, you know, the whole giveaway thingy is kinda for giving people games they don't own and possibly never played before...)
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It is not necessary to have played Cyberpunk in order to log in.
Pretty much everybody should be able to, except perhaps goldfish... Would be really unfair for goldfish.
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I thought I had a couple of possible leads but those didn't work out. I don't have any idea what I'm searching for, but have a bump anyway.
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Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to take a look at your past. What do you think you deciphered the gonk gadget for?
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Thanks for pointing it out Asulf! π€
Shame - maybe a glitch in the matrix or github just did not like the gadget. Who can say?
Updated link to jigidi to compensate. SG percent-encoded the password - so beware :)
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I admit it was some unexpected luck that the gadget failed and your resulting generosity made it so I could solve the puzzle, but otherwise I might have not have. Thanks for everything! :)
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We all know you're craving the PonPon most...
No shame in admitting it.
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π Hey if it's catchy it's catchy. No shame in admitting that.
That said, i do prefer the acoustic version more.
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New SG trend. Post a invite only giveaway, create a super ambiguous way to solve the puzzle that only OP and those who threw away their lottery ticket can find, maybe share the invite link with 2 - 3 friends so there's not just 0 entries, then laugh at no one solving the puzzle.
Not gonna waste more than one attempt on this one after I tried what seemed like the normal answer and having no hints to go from. I already have the game and completed it and wanted to solve the puzzle for fun but I found none.
Good luck to those of you who want this game.
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New SG trend. Blaming puzzle creators to make unfair/unsolvable/stupid puzzles?
It hurts me a bit if I see such posts, especially under puzzle creators like "TomasMacMordain" which I know makes lots of beautiful and clever puzzles. To all puzzle creators just want to let you know: you are awesome! :)
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Sorry that my answer was a bit harsh, I just wanted to let you know that these puzzles (also this one) are indeed solvable. Yes sometimes they are hard and it requires some time to get behind it. But this makes it even more rewarding if you get it in the end. And since the creators spend their time and money creating these puzzles for us, these comments made me a bit sad.
I still wish you a nice day :)
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Sure, the point was at the time of my comment the puzzle was obscure af. So it made sense. I wasn't the only one who pointed out they didn't have a single clue where to even start on part 2, in fact the overwhelming majority of people did with the exception of those first 2 solvers, who didn't even comment on the thread, lets say(at the 2nd solver there was already a hint out I think so it's way past the puzzle I tried). Now that he's giving out hints I'm the bad guy though and the puzzle is "solvable". Reality is, this wasn't a very good puzzle, and I can tell without even solving it. Once again, I already had the game, I was doing it just for the fun of it, that's my mistake for trying to have some fun. Mostly because I was interested in his last puzzle, since it had to do with the rockstar programming language, but again many people missed it there too, because for him and some it showed up at the top of google results, while for many it was hidden behind many other results, hence why many people never got the other one too. I was hoping this one was better, it was much worse. It made me sad to try out the puzzle before reading out the comments, so to some degree I'm at fault too.
You have a nice day as well.
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Imagine being so pathetic that you get upset you can't solve a puzzle. Get a life.
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I'm good, I don't need your stupid advice. Keep it for yourself. :)
It wasn't so stupid when the first 20 comments in this thread were all pointing out the exact same thing. Now that' he's giving out hints you're kissing ass rather than realize before he gave those hints the puzzle was stupid af and made no sense, but it's my fault for pointing it out. Never go full stupid. :)
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"the puzzle was stupid af and made no sense"
Thank you for the self-own, don't even need to add anything :)
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Prove it or you're coping for me not giving a shit about you. Not sure what reaction you thought you'd get from me. Wow I'm so offended? Get over yourself, I don't even know who you are, who tf would get upset at you? Second main character right here. You just coming out of the closet or what's going on?
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I'm not surprised you got no idea what's going on with that short term memory loss. Look up and read what you wrote as you can't even remember the last few minutes of your life yet you claim I am the one that needs to take meds. Remember what I first replied to you? "look at yourself.." You try and act cool when you're proven a bad troll but that garbage doesn't work on me because we're not sitting at the same level.
You would be better not saying anything again ever you're right so you don't get caught lacking like you just were. You could've said you disagree and then went on your merry way and I would've been cool we got different opinions, especially since you weren't here at first so you can test the puzzle before it got solved for you, so it proves how 2 faced you are even more so especially since OP has now went way out of his way to give hints to literally everyone since there were practically no entries on that GA, but you couldn't communicate without insulting me first, so for a monkey like you, I tried to step down to your level but I can't reach that low, so yes I can see why there's some comprehension difficulties on your side.
Feel free to enjoy the last word because I know your type and I wont derail this thread anymore to satisfy your craving for an argument you already lost.
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->Insult everyone >Cry when people call you out >Claim to be the victim >Start using racist & bigoted insults
Familiar strategy from people like you. Don't accuse people of conspiracies without proof next time. If you need further clarification you can add me on steam, no need to hijack another thread for no purpose but your own malignant narcissism.
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well, maybe he has a lot of friends here cuz 88 ppl already solved this. You can always check the giveaways:
So you're just a crybaby. But stick around when the giveaways finish, someone will post the solution. They always do ;)
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You're talking about now, vs when the comment was originally made. When the comment was made there was 1 single solver(wow look you're not the only one who knows how to open a users profile, must be magic or something), a user who couldn't be bothered to say solved, bump or thanks, and multiple comments pointing out they had no clue what was going on at part 2, with the exception of one person who pointed out to a third part. Every single person who commented on this in the first, I don't know 20 hours pointed out they had no clue how to solve it. So me and the entire first page were a bunch of cry babies for not being able to solve it before op gave every single person a hint, of course this according to you. Or just me singled out because you wouldn't want to hurt anyone elses feelings and I'm the only one who called out properly how ridiculous it was. That makes me the bad guy, or maybe op acknowledged this problem as he took the time he give out hints. If the puzzle was good as it was, he wouldn't have provided hints to it when there was only 1 entry on it after 20 hours, which might've been op's buddy from a inv link too, because again they couldn't even be bothered to say anything, so who knows?
Of course it has a lot of solvers now, as OP's been giving hints like crazy, and the giveaway link has been shared in groups. You should already know people work in groups on these and share the link to people who couldn't solve it by themselves. So they boost the entries. Saying 88 solvers is misleading. OP should make it on his own website and see how many people reach the end page link, and how many people enter in the end, just for the fun of it, and you'll see again, that I'm right about this too. It's not rocket science, this is obvious.
You could've looked around and saw the original comments, other than mine, then the timestamps of when op posted the hints, and then maybe ask op for the entry times, so you can see that data correlates to what I'm saying, and then you'll realize you're just a dumbo.
As for sticking around, feel free to remind me if you want, I already hid away the thread, and I wish cg would provide me with a way to hide away all future threads from a user. This isn't the first time op did this, last time his puzzle was based on the chance you got the rockstar programming language reference based on finding it at the top of google results. For many people, it wasn't close to the top, so of course, many people had no clue what he meant. So it's not like his last puzzle didn't have it's faults, but it was much better than this was by far.
If you have to make a puzzle and then every time you need to give out hints for it because basically no one can solve it, they're probably not that good regardless what you think. If you need a walkthrough for your puzzle game chances are you'll give it a mixed review. Complain to me all you want now that thee's 88 solvers or whatever the number actually is. There were 1 or 2 solvers before op gave out like what, 20 hints? I already told you, I didn't care for the game, I already had it and finished it. I was doing the puzzle for fun, and I found none.
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wow, you're really a crybaby. This essay of yours took longer to read than solve the puzzle... I assume cuz I don't care to read it. I solved it, third part was challenging but fun. I learned something new with it. Go and cry about this one too.
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Your ego is too big to admit you're wrong, but at least op can admit he was so I got to respect him for that.
Here, feel free to attack me more because you're mad I've proven you an idiot and tell me how I'm wrong, although OP's own comment proves you wrong.
I don't even know why you bothered commenting back. You just want to give yourself the impression that you're acting in the right, but you can't even do your own research or bother reading when someone is kind enough to educate you, something someone else failed you at apparently. I've already proven myself right multiple times. No matter how much you twist yourself you cannot change that. You are wrong and can't do anything to change that and you're still full sending it. Hope its worth it as this is a reflection of your character and who you are.
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Lmao you do you, I don't care. If anyone comes across this, they can do their due diligence and check for themselves if they really care to see who was right and for me that's the most important thing. I could care less about the opinion of someone who is unwilling to look for the truth but just wants to talk shit. It means nada. I might be an ass but I'm right. Pointing out a puzzle is borderline unsolvable in it's first day isn't wrong, even if the puzzle gets fixed later it was still unsolvable at the time of that comment, that will never make me wrong for pointing it out. You can be as sweet as you wanna be, but you're still wrong and pointing out it's solvable to that original comment after so many hints were given to you and the puzzle was fixed to make it work shows how much understanding you lack. You don't even understand we attempted different puzzles, your understanding level isn't even there. If you don't find that problematic, I do and I am somewhat concerned for you, but you show no attempts or remorse for the way you are, so I have no interest in helping you out more than I already have.
If you didn't give a shit though, you wouldn't have replied back every time I called you out for being wrong, because even if you gave one, you couldn't have proven me wrong, so your objective was impossible from the get go.
However I thank you being able to look at it and realize it's too complex for you but appreciate it. That's alright one day you'll get there, you just gotta keep on believing.
Let's end this, you're never going to say anything relevant to support your pov, because it's impossible, so we're wasting time. As with shanti above you, enjoy a last word so we don't derail this any longer. Say whatever's left in that trashcan, make it decent tho cause you're still going to be wrong,, so at least throw your best insult at it or something.
Take care :)
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1st part, done
2nd part, done
3rd part...π€π€ for solved
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So... that jigidi... have you looked at that pic at all?
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I had, but didn't really find anything. Guess time for another look then.
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It definitely should. Logging in is not supposed to be hard at all.
Edit: Oh, you meant that literally. OP has been updated to compensate.
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The username and password are not hidden in this puzzle. That's true.
Edit: That's no longer true.
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The puzzle as originally stated depended on a bit of history. That history got deleted from the web in the meantime - and I wasn't aware. To compensate for that deletion, all information needed to solve the puzzle is now co-located in this thread.
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Nothing explicit. Same person doing a second puzzle for the same game, continuing the plot. Previous puzzle dealt with a challenge/password pair.
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At least OP should warn us, that there are following puzzles, how many there are and what kind. Jigidi was simple and fortunately someone already warned us about part 3, but if I worked on solving the 2nd part only to find, that there is a third, that I don't dig, I sure would be quite angry. Very nice GA, but I will sure pass on it. Cheers.
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You know imminiman, people always think that until they solve the first one. And then the next one. And the next one ;)
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side. This time around or next.
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I guess it's not just the fact I'm not smart enough, but the fact that I'm lazy. Not gonna spend a bunch of hours on a maybe of a maybe of a win. Ofc the puzzles themselves can be fun on their own, but these are not my kind of puzzles. I much rather a game like Cut the Rope (popular) or DROD (unpopular), than "guess what's on the mind of a particular person."
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Fair enough. See you around on the occasional one that's more yourπ΅!
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I'd say you're on the right track. Solvers share a variety of online tools they used once they got the right idea. On occasion people solved it 'by hand' as well.
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I'm stuck on the same part. I've been searching for a while for something that will work the way it is and I'm about ready to give up searching and work through it manually.
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Just had someone post a solution they cooked up in plain old Excel. :)
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I don't have Excel and haven't used it in about 20 years, but I'm guessing the same could be done in Google Sheets. The only problem is that I haven't used any kind of spreadsheet software it in so long that it would probably be quicker to enter it manually than figuring out how to make it work in a spreadsheet. Thanks for the suggestion though :)
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I wonder how hard the original puzzle was before it was edited lol. I managed to solve this one but I can see how it could be tricky for a lot of people, especially that third step. Good luck to everyone trying to solve it!
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Alright Samurai,
grab your gear, you're in!
Edit: Link to jigidi updated to compensate for timeline poisoned by entropy!
Lvl 2+
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